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"{\r\n \"text\": \" Good evening and happy new year. Glad to see all of you out here tonight. Yeah. Me and Rebecca, we didn't make it. We fell asleep at about 11.30. So close, but we missed it. But nevertheless, it came without us, right? So glad you're here. Glad to have a time of worship tonight as we usher in the new year. And it's my great prayer that our focus would be on the Lord Jesus Christ as we enter into 2025. And as we begin tonight, let's start with a word of prayer. Is there anything that you would like to mention today by way of prayer? Quest, I know that we're praying for Miss Rebecca Hopkins. And that is Ralph Honeycutt's daughter. And if you have the church email, you know that Miss Rebecca had a stroke. And so we're continuing to lift her up in prayer. John, what was that update you were giving me there? Some. Okay. All right. So coming home tomorrow. Miss Marguerite, you have something? Yes. I can talk a little bit about what we need to. And the feeling. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, John. Right. Right. Yes, thank you for that. Someone else have something? Yes, Ms. Debbie. Right. And this is, did you say his name was Art Wilson? Okay. Thank you, Ms. Debbie. Okay. Yes. Yeah, thank you for that, John. Has an eating for days. Yes, please remember Joyce Wicklehouse and your prayers and her family as well. All right. Any last thing before we go? The Lord in prayer. Okay. Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you tonight and we just worship you. Lord, we recognize that you are still on the throne in January 1, 2025. Lord God, we don't know what tomorrow holds. We don't know what this year will hold, but we know who holds tomorrow and that is you, Lord. And so we come here tonight with the praise and the praise of the Lord. And with the praises of Jesus on our lips, Lord. And it's our great desire, Lord, that even as we meet here tonight, that you would refocus our minds. Lord God, help us to start this new year off on the right foot. And, dear Lord, we just ask your Holy Spirit to give us strength and endurance and help in time of need, Lord God, because we cannot run this Christian race without you. And Lord, there are no doubt many obstacles and challenges that lie on the path, Lord God, but we trust that you will be with us through them all, Lord God, as you have been up to this point. And so Father, we just thank you for our church tonight. Thank you, Lord, for being so faithful in this past year, Lord. And so merciful and gracious to us in so many different ways. And so Lord, we just praise you for that. Lord, we also lift up some folks tonight. We pray for this incident that happened in New Orleans, Lord God. A tragic incident, Lord. I just pray that you'd be with those families that lost loved ones during this act of violence, dear Lord, and give them peace and even use that dark situation to point people to yourself. Dear Heavenly Father, we do pray for Miss Becca Hopkins today, Lord. I just pray that you would give her peace and comfort during this time and healing as well. We pray for Miss Margie Delaney and Miss Linda as they have surgeries coming up. Just pray all will work out well for them. Lord, we pray for Mr. Wilson that has been mentioned here tonight, Lord God. Just pray for him and his family. And lastly, we want to lift up Miss Joyce, Wickel House, Lord God. You know our numbers, the days that we have, Lord. They're numbered. And when it's ready to go home, Lord, you call our number. And we know, Father, that there's a life beyond this one. There's a hope beyond this life, and we trust you. And we just ask you to be with our service as we worship you in song and also through the preaching and teaching of your word, dear Lord. May you be glorified in all of this. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Well, you get to hear me sing again tonight. Bless your hearts. But I'm going to ask you, if you will, to get a hymn book out and turn to page number 450. We've got a couple of hymns we'll sing tonight and praise to the Lord. And this kind of goes right along with what we're going to be talking about tonight out of the book of Philippians. We need him. We need him every hour. And that's the title of this song. And we're going to find as we march along this year, 2025, that we do need him every hour. That we can't even walk without him holding our hand. It's when we realize that that he can use us the most, right? I'm mindful of what he said to the Apostle Paul and 2 Corinthians. My power is made perfect in weakness. And so sing with me tonight. I need thee every hour, most gracious more. No tender voice like thine can ease a form. I need thee, oh I need thee every hour. I need thee, oh bless me now my Saviour. I come to thee. I need thee every hour. Stay thou nearby. Temptations lose their power when thou art not. I need thee, oh I need thee every hour. I need thee, oh bless me now my Saviour. I come to thee. Let's do this last verse here. I need thee every hour, most holy one. O make me thine indeed, thou blessed Son. I need thee, oh I need thee. Every hour I need thee, oh bless me now my Saviour. I come to thee. Amen. And we'll sing one more tonight. Page number 410. I guess this is one of my favorite songs. And yes, will you stand with me? And we'll sing this standing here tonight. No matter what comes this year, I pray that we would anchor ourselves in the message of this very song, as well with my soul. When peace like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea bills roll. Whatever thy lot, thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul. It is well, with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. No Satan should buf it, no trial should come. Let this blessed assurance control, that Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, and hath shed his own blood for my soul. It is well, with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought, my sin not in part, but the whole. Was nailed to the cross, and I buried no more. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, my soul. It is well, with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. Love this last verse right here. And Lord, haste the day, when the faith shall be sown. The clouds be rolled back as a scroll. The drums shall resound, and the Lord shall be sin. Even so, it is well with my soul. It is well, with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. And the Lord shall be sin. It may be seated tonight. Okay, we're going to be in the book of Philippians tonight. In chapter three, so if you've got a Bible, go ahead and turn with me to Philippians chapter three. I hope you've got a study. Is anybody not with a study tonight? Brother Robb's handing them out. If you don't have one, just raise your hand. He'll give you one. Got a couple of folks. Hey guys, good to have you with us here. Alright, Philippians chapter three. Pressing on. I think that's kind of fitting, don't you, as we enter into a new year, that we're reminded to keep on pressing on. And that's what I hope to do tonight, is to give you a fresh reminder that we do need to press on. That if the Lord still has you here, which obviously He does, amen, then He's got a purpose for it, right? If you've still got a heartbeat, if you've still got breath in your lungs, then the Lord has you here for a reason, and He wants you to press on toward the goal. As the Apostle Paul will say, and we'll read it here in just a minute, toward the upward call of Christ Jesus. That's what we're pressing toward. And you know, the Apostle Paul, as we look over his life, what an amazing man, right? And Paul would say, I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is in my flesh. And so even Paul couldn't boast really about all the wonderful things that took place through his life. It was the Lord working in him and through him. But he went through a lot of things, didn't he? My goodness, he was beaten. He was imprisoned. In fact, he wrote this letter to the Philippians while he was in prison. And so he went through so many different things, persecution on all sides, but even in this very letter, while he's sitting in a prison, he's charging them, keep pressing on. It's worth it. The goal is worth it. And so I want to encourage you as well to keep pressing on as we enter into this new year. We're going to find as we read this passage here tonight, that the Apostle Paul is using some racing terminology. He loves that imagery. In another place, he talks about, you know, even boxing. He used that illustration. But now he's talking about a racer who's pressing on towards that final wreath that he would win when he finally crossed the finish line. And so let me read here our passage of Scripture. Philippians 3, 10 through 14. This is what Paul says. And really, this is what the Lord says through the Apostle Paul. It says, that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering being conformed to his death in order that I might attain to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I've already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on. That's what I want you to... Notice how many times he uses this kind of language throughout these verses. Press on. He says, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet, but one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let me pray one more time. Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you would just illuminate this text to us, help us to understand what it means, but furthermore, Lord, help us to understand how this can apply to us even in our own lives. And may Jesus Christ be exalted in his name we pray. Amen. Three things I want to point out from this text, and this is the first one. What is the goal that Apostle Paul mentions here? He talks about pressing on towards a goal. But what is that goal? And so, the goal of pressing on, and I really think it's three-fold here, if you will, and the first part of this goal that really all of us, not only Paul, but everyone who names the name of Christ, every Christian, we are pressing on to these goals right here. And here's the first one. This is our main goal to know him. Did you notice that first thing that Apostle Paul said, that I may know him and the power of his resurrection? That's the first thing I'll mention. Our goal is to know Christ, not just to know about him, right? Even Satan knows about Christ. I think about that story when Jesus came to that demoniac that he said his name was Legion because he was so filled with demons and they knew who he was. They called him the Son of God. He said, Son of God, why are you here? You're here to torment us before the time. And so even the demons know about God, but that's not what the Apostle Paul is saying here. He says, I want to know him. I want this intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. He counted all things once valuable to him, in fact, as loss for the sake of knowing Jesus Christ. You know, here are a few verses earlier. Notice what the Apostle Paul says. These were the things that were important to him before he became a follower of Jesus Christ. He said, 3 v. 5 Let me back up to 4. Although I myself might have confidence even in the flesh, if anyone else has a mind to put confidence in the flesh, I far more. This is what he says about himself. He says, I was circumcised on their eighth day of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews, as to the law of Pharisee, as to zeal, a persecutor of the church, as to the righteousness which is in the law found blameless. But whatever things were gained to me, he said, those things I've counted loss for the sake of knowing Christ. He said, that life that I once lived, trying to be as religious as I could, trying to obey the law perfectly, doing all of these things, he said, all of that's meaningless in comparison to knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. And indeed it is. And he goes on to say this, more than that, I count all things to be lost in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish that I may gain Christ. Paul's basically saying this, you can stack up on one end of the scale, all the fame, all the notoriety, all the wealth, all the riches, everything that this world has to offer, you can stack it all up on one side of the scale, and he said, you put Christ on the other side of the scale, and he outweighs them all. He's greater than all of that stuff that once used to be valuable to me. Here's a second goal, not only to know Christ but to be like Christ. That's the second thing. Paul presses on towards holiness, he says, that I may be found in him not having a righteousness of my own derived from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ. He goes on to say, not that I've already obtained that, he says, I've not become perfect yet, but I press on toward it. As I live my life, I want to be more and more like Jesus every single day. And dear friends, I pray that in this year, I will be more like Jesus this year than I was in 2024. That's what Paul's saying, I press on, I'm not perfect yet, but I'm pressing on towards conformity to Christ. I want to be more like him. And how does that happen? Well, Paul mentioned suffering. That's one way that we become more like Christ, that we get to know him better and become more like him is to go through suffering. And he mentions that that's one of the greatest tools that can conform us to the image of Christ. He says, that I may know him in the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his what? Suffering. You know, when I endure some measure of suffering for the sake of Christ, in Jesus' words, when I'm persecuted for righteousness, sake in some way or another, it helps me to know what Jesus went through a little better. And I get to know him a little bit better through that. And I can just imagine as the Apostle Paul went through all that he went through, all the beatings, all the persecution, all the imprisonments, every single time that he went through suffering, he understood Christ just a little bit better. Because, dear friends, did anybody suffer any more than Jesus did? No one has ever suffered like Jesus suffered. The suffering that he endured for our sake on that cross, any suffering, we go through pales in comparison to what he went through on the cross. And so, Apostle Paul, he would agree with James, wouldn't he? James chapter one, he says, let me go ahead and flip there. It says in James chapter one verses three through five, it says, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance, and you should remember it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials and let endurance have its perfect result so that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing. And the Apostle Paul, furthermore in Romans, we talked about it this past Sunday, he said, hears with him if indeed we suffer with him, but then he goes on to say, the sufferings of this present time aren't worthy to be compared with the glory that's going to be revealed to us. In fact, we are becoming more like Jesus as we suffer in this world. I've got a question here. I'm going to open up the floor to you now. Here's my question. In what ways do you desire to be more like Christ in this new year? It may take some honesty, right? To answer that question, I've got a few things that I'll mention here in a minute. Miss Fran? Attitude? Yeah. That's something, isn't it? In fact, the Apostle Paul says something about that in the previous chapter. He said, have this attitude in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who, though being in the form of God, did not find equality with God a thing to be grasped but humbled himself, right? And so he's saying, be humble. Just as Christ was humbled. Be a servant. Just as Christ was a servant. Yeah, thank you. Someone else? Yes, Miss Kay? Paul says, judge something that you do not judge. Yeah. Using righteous judgment? Absolutely. Yeah. Someone else have thought on it? Yes. More patience. More patience. Yeah. Wow. Me too. Me too. Yeah. Yeah, Brother Allen? I like the first time I can read 10 words because I'm going to know how to read some of them. Yeah. Yeah. Amen, Brother. Yes, Miss Marguerite? More loving and kind. More loving and kind. Absolutely. Here's something I'm praying on and I'm working on. Lord, help me not to lose my temper. Amen. You know, that's something I've got to pray on, right? And I realize that Jesus lost his temper once but it was righteous indignation, right? There's a big difference. And so, there's a time to be angry but it's got to be righteous anger. Yeah. Absolutely. And here's the final goal. So first of all, to know Christ, to be like Christ, but then finally our ultimate goal is to be with Christ. Right? So in verse 11, he says that I might attain to the resurrection. Paul's looking forward to the day where, as Adrian Rogers used to say, he says, I look forward to the day where I will see face to face, the one whom I've known heart to heart for so many years. And that's the Apostle Paul's cry right here as well. I'm longing, I'm pressing on to attain to the resurrection where I'll finally be able to see him. I'll finally see him face to face just as he is. Our faith will become sight. That's our goal. The goal of pressing on. And here's number two, the key to pressing on. And the first thing to that that I'll mention here is to have a clear goal, right? If the goal's not clear it's hard to be pressing towards it, right? And so, our goal is not just to be merely religious, is it? That's not the goal. Our goal isn't to try to be successful according to the world standards. Our goal isn't fame. Our goal isn't riches and wealth. That really shouldn't be the goal of the Christian. Jesus put it this way in his sermon on the Mount. He said, don't set your minds on the things which are on earth. We're a moth and rust doth corrupt. But set your mind on the things which are in heaven and can corrupt, right? And so, the goals that we have should really be the ones that are mentioned above. To know Him, to be more liking and finally to be with Him. But I find that sometimes in churches that some bad goals kind of cloud the true and noble goals that the Apostle Paul mentioned here. And here's my second question to you. I've got another question. What goals do churches have at times that can cloud the true goal of knowing Christ and being like Christ? What sometimes gets in the way is what I'm asking. Marguerite, you have your hand up there. Numbers. Numbers. I agree completely. Sometimes we get so fixated on packing the pew, right? That we lose sight of the true goal. Someone else. Someone else? Someone else might look at it. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. That clouds our vision, doesn't it? I think about what it says in Joshua. Man looks on the outward appearance, but God sees the heart, right? Someone else. Some things that make cloud our vision in the church sometimes from the true goal. So, that's what we're doing. We're looking back to the good things that God gave us in the church. First time in the exact same time. So does God. So does fear we did. So does God. We should all try to be willing for it. Take it to the end. Yeah, I think you're right, Marguerite. Good word there. Yes, brother. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We get in the way of ourselves. Absolutely. Sometimes we very well do. Yeah. Second thing here. Not only a clear goal is the key to pressing on, but a consistent gaze. Look at verse 13. He says, Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet, but one thing I do is forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead. Now, if you're in a race, if you're one of these racers that the Apostle Paul had in mind here, what would be really detrimental to your race? Always looking back, right? If you're continually looking back when you are trying to race, you're not going to reach your goal. I broke my arm one time because of that. I'll tell you this story. I was just in sixth grade. I broke my arm at church, no less. And it was on one of those big blow-up slides. We had our back-to-school bash. And I slid down one of those slides. And the person that was behind me slid down and she landed right on top of my arm and just snapped it. So I went to the hospital. They casted me up and six weeks in a cast, finally got it off. I was at school one day. We were playing a game of dodgeball in the gym. And I picked up one of those balls and I threw it. And then I turned around and started to run away. But then I looked back to see if anybody was going to try to hit me from behind. And as I was looking back as hard as I could, I ran smack dab into somebody else. They were knocked out cold. And they broke my arm. So there I am. That was two weeks after I'd gotten my cast off. I broke the same arm again. Let me tell you, it's detrimental to the Christian walk as we try to run this race to keep looking back. Keep looking back. I've really got to watch myself because I'll start to look back on past mistakes. Failures that I've had in the past. And I'll just dwell on those things. Oh Lord, I wish I'd have done this. I wish I'd have done that. I wish I hadn't have done this or I wish I hadn't have said that to this person and so on and so forth. And you live in that guilt and regret. That hinders your run, doesn't it? That hinders your race. And apostle Paul's saying, that's not what I do. Here's what I do. I forget what lies behind. It's done. There's nothing you can do about it. You can't take a rewind button and go and change it. What's in the past is in the past. So I forget about it and I press on towards the goal, he says. And so what are some distractions that can hinder us from this race? What can take our focus off of the prize? I mentioned one already. Guilt. That can really hinder us. But maybe you have another distraction. Yeah, Marguerite. You have a hard time forgiving. Forgiving? You judge yourself. You judge yourself. You judge yourself too. Yeah. God does forgive us. He certainly does, doesn't he? And that's really the key, isn't it? To letting go of guilt and being able to move forward, it's knowing that you've been forgiven. That God has forgiven you for every sin that you've ever committed. It's wiped clean. And apostle Paul, let me back up and let me just read verse 9 here. He says, Let me tell you, apostle Paul wasn't worried about his standing with God anymore because he knew that he was right with God, not because of his good works or how he performed, but based upon the righteousness through faith. And so, he's not just saying, I'm not saying that he's not doing that because of faith, right? And so, that's freeing, isn't it? To know that I stand before God completely clean not because of the righteousness of the law, but because of Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross for me. And without that, I'd be dealing with guilt all the time. But the Bible says that he's wiped it away and he separated it from us as far as the east is from the west. And so we should too, right? What's another distraction? Somebody help me with this. They can distract us from the gold. Miss Rose. We need to trust somewhere that should not be a person. Right. Trusting in something other than the Lord. Absolutely. I agree with that. Yeah. Someone else? Yeah, Rebecca. A person? Another person? No. Yeah, sometimes others around us can distract us from the gold, right? I agree with you. I'm going to mention a few here. Here's one distraction. Religion. That can really be a distraction towards pressing on toward the goal of Christ and living for him. This is what Paul says in 3, 2. He says, beware of the dogs. Now, who is he talking to? Beware of the dogs. He goes on to say, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision. Those were those Jewish Judaizers that crept in and said, faith in Christ didn't enough. You've got to be religious. You've got to do the works of the law. You've got to try to earn God's favor by keeping the law of Moses and so on and so forth. Let me tell you, religion can really be a distraction sometimes as we press on toward the goal. And Paul is saying, beware of those kind of people. Beware of these dogs, these false teachers out there. As I said, guilt can be another one. Here's another one. Discontentment. Discontentment could be a real distraction to us as we run this race. And he says this in 4, 11 through 13. I've learned that I speak from want for I have learned to be content. Content in whatever circumstances in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means. I also know how to live in prosperity. In any and every circumstance I've learned the secret of being filled and going hungry. And here it is. I can do all things through Christ and this strengthens me. Our contentment shouldn't be in the things of this world, right? Shouldn't be in materialistic stuff. Shouldn't be in stuff that should be in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's where we find our contentment. Another distraction is fear. That can really hinder us on our race. He says this in chapter 4, verse 6. It says be anxious for what? Nothing. Absolutely not. Be anxious for nothing. But in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. False and instead of fearing things, instead of being anxious and worrying over everything take it to the Lord in prayer, right? And as you do that the peace of God will guard your heart and your mind. So, key to pressing on. A clear goal. A consistent gaze. Not being distracted by other things but keeping your eyes on the true goal. And here's the third key to pressing on. A combined action. You know, if the Apostle Paul was trying to do all this on his own strength he wouldn't be able to. This is a combined effort. This isn't just the strength of the Apostle Paul in pressing on and reaching toward the goal and running this race. But who does he have as a constant companion and help through all of this? Somebody help me. Amen, brother. The Holy Spirit is with him. And without the Holy Spirit dear friends, we couldn't do any of this. It would be an absolute failure. We would drop out of the race within the first two seconds. But because of the Holy Spirit we can press on. We can strive toward the goal. This is what he says in chapter 2 verses 12 through 13. Paul says, Now I want you to know, brethren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel. Wait a minute here. I'm in first chapter. Sorry. Chapter 2 verses 12 through 13. It says, So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling. And I hate it when people just stop right there. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. The next verse is essential to that. Apostle Paul says, For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. So as we live this Christian life, as we run this race, we are at the heart, dear friends. You're not alone. The Holy Spirit is working in you. He's helping you. He's giving you endurance. He is helping you to run this race. And because of that, you know something? Here's a promise I want you to hold on to. It's a guarantee that through the Holy Spirit you will reach the finish line. So how do I know that? Let's back up to chapter 1. Verse 6. For I am confident of this very thing that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. Apostle Paul saying, I know you're going to finish this race. Keep on striving. Keep on running. And because you have the Holy Spirit, I'm convinced that he will perfect this good work that he started in you until the day of Lord Jesus Christ. All right. Here's my last point. We've gone through the goal of pressing on, the key to pressing on, but here's the prize. What are we looking forward to? What's the end result of all of this? First of all, it's resurrection. Paul says, until I attain to the resurrection I strive, I press on. Every believer will enjoy the bodily resurrection when Christ comes back. John chapter 11. Do you remember what Jesus said to Martha as he was talking to her over Lazarus' death? He said, I'm the resurrection and the life whoever lives and believes in me, though he die, what yet shall he live? And whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. And so we look forward to this bodily resurrection one day. First Corinthians tells us that in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we will be changed. This old corrupt and dying body will immediately be changed into a new glorified body that will never die again. And so we look forward to that. The prize of the resurrection, but then the prize of glorification. Every believer will be sinless and in complete perfection at the resurrection. That's glorification. And then our rewards. Did you know that once we get to be with the Lord at the resurrection, that there's going to be a judgment where we are given rewards based on how we ran this race here on earth? I'm going to ask you to turn with me to 1 Corinthians real quick because that talks about this very thing. It's really a sobering passage and that's why I want to read it really quickly. 1 Corinthians 3 It says, Each man's work will become evident. For the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire and the fire itself will test the quality of each man's work. If any man's work, which he has built on it, remains, he will receive a reward. Reward. He will receive a reward. But if any man's work is burned up, he will suffer loss. But he himself will be saved yet as through fire. Now, I've got to make this very clear. This judgment that's going to take place for believers, we're not going to be judged on our sin. Christ took care of that on the cross 2,000 years ago. This isn't a case where our salvation is in question. That's not the point here. But rewards will be given for a loss of rewards. And so Apostle Paul is encouraging you and encouraging me. Don't think that, hey, I've got my ticket to heaven and I don't have to do anything. I'm just going to mosey around and I'm not going to take this race seriously. He said, you're going to lose out on some rewards in heaven if you don't take this race seriously. Does that mean you won't be saved? That mean you won't get to heaven? Absolutely not. And so Apostle Paul says, he will be saved yet so as through fire. Let me tell you, dear friend, I want you to run this race as hard as you can and at the end of it, be able to hear God's well done, my faithful servant, and be able to give him what he deserves, right? Not just wood, hay, and stubble, but gold and silver and precious stone. That's what he deserves. Christ gave his all for you. Why shouldn't we give our all for him, right? That's basically what Paul is saying here. Run your race with endurance. And here's the last thing we get to look forward to. This last prize, and it's the greatest of all. Christ's eternal presence. Every believer will enjoy God's presence for all eternity. As the Psalmist put it, he is my portion. That's what I'm looking forward to more than any other. I'm going to go ahead and say that's what I'm looking forward to more than anything. I'll be with him. And as Paul said in 1 Thessalonians, and thus we shall ever be with the Lord. There'll never be a time where we're separated from him ever again. And so, as we look forward to this next year here, first day of this year, let me ask you, are you able to say like the Apostle Paul says here, I press on. I press on toward the goal, toward the upward call of Christ Jesus. Do you have distractions in your life that you keep looking back instead of keeping looking forward toward the goal? Maybe you do. I know sometimes those distractions accumulate, right? And we've got to recognize them, confess them, and get our focus back on the Lord Jesus, back on the goal. All right, well let me pray with you, and we'll consider ourselves dismissed after that. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this time of worship. Thank you for your word. And thank you for your Holy Spirit, Lord, who helps us as we run our race. In this new year, help us to be just as the Apostle Paul said that he presses on towards the goal. And we pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. God bless you..\",\r\n \"segments\": [\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 0,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 0.0,\r\n \"end\": 4.34,\r\n \"text\": \" Good evening and happy new year. 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558,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.31558942123198175,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3397435897435896,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00498477416113019\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 42,\r\n \"seek\": 16854,\r\n \"start\": 194.54,\r\n \"end\": 196.54,\r\n \"text\": \" Any last thing before we go?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51664,\r\n 2639,\r\n 1036,\r\n 551,\r\n 949,\r\n 321,\r\n 352,\r\n 30,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.31558942123198175,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3397435897435896,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00498477416113019\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 43,\r\n \"seek\": 19654,\r\n \"start\": 196.54,\r\n \"end\": 200.54,\r\n \"text\": \" The Lord in prayer.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 440,\r\n 3257,\r\n 294,\r\n 8767,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1999890645345052,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6725663716814159,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0071237338706851006\r\n },\r\n 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1.6725663716814159,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0071237338706851006\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 50,\r\n \"seek\": 22554,\r\n \"start\": 225.54,\r\n \"end\": 229.54,\r\n \"text\": \" And with the praises of Jesus on our lips, Lord.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 365,\r\n 264,\r\n 3206,\r\n 3598,\r\n 295,\r\n 2705,\r\n 322,\r\n 527,\r\n 10118,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1103322018859207,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5518867924528301,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.022819843143224716\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 51,\r\n \"seek\": 22554,\r\n \"start\": 229.54,\r\n \"end\": 234.54,\r\n \"text\": \" And it's our great desire, Lord, that even as we meet here tonight,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 400,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 527,\r\n 869,\r\n 7516,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 754,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 1677,\r\n 510,\r\n 4440,\r\n 11,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1103322018859207,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5518867924528301,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.022819843143224716\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 52,\r\n \"seek\": 22554,\r\n \"start\": 234.54,\r\n \"end\": 237.54,\r\n \"text\": \" that you would refocus our minds.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 576,\r\n 1895,\r\n 15206,\r\n 527,\r\n 9634,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1103322018859207,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5518867924528301,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.022819843143224716\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 53,\r\n \"seek\": 22554,\r\n \"start\": 237.54,\r\n \"end\": 242.54,\r\n \"text\": \" Lord God, help us to start this new year off on the right foot.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 854,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 722,\r\n 341,\r\n 777,\r\n 1064,\r\n 766,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 558,\r\n 2671,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1103322018859207,\r\n 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2644,\r\n 1190,\r\n 341,\r\n 5778,\r\n 4569,\r\n 1553,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05150865018367767,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6311111111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.14865818619728088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 56,\r\n \"seek\": 25154,\r\n \"start\": 255.54,\r\n \"end\": 262.53999999999996,\r\n \"text\": \" And Lord, there are no doubt many obstacles and challenges that lie on the path, Lord God,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 400,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 456,\r\n 366,\r\n 572,\r\n 6385,\r\n 867,\r\n 17735,\r\n 293,\r\n 4759,\r\n 300,\r\n 4544,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 3100,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05150865018367767,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6311111111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.14865818619728088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 57,\r\n \"seek\": 25154,\r\n \"start\": 262.53999999999996,\r\n \"end\": 269.53999999999996,\r\n \"text\": \" but we trust that you will be with us through them all, Lord God, as you have been up to this point.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 457,\r\n 321,\r\n 3361,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 486,\r\n 312,\r\n 365,\r\n 505,\r\n 807,\r\n 552,\r\n 439,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 382,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 668,\r\n 493,\r\n 281,\r\n 341,\r\n 935,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05150865018367767,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6311111111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.14865818619728088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 58,\r\n \"seek\": 25154,\r\n \"start\": 269.53999999999996,\r\n \"end\": 273.53999999999996,\r\n \"text\": \" And so Father, we just thank you for our church tonight.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 7085,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 445,\r\n 1309,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 527,\r\n 4128,\r\n 4440,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05150865018367767,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6311111111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.14865818619728088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 59,\r\n \"seek\": 25154,\r\n \"start\": 273.53999999999996,\r\n \"end\": 278.53999999999996,\r\n \"text\": \" Thank you, Lord, for being so faithful in this past year, Lord.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 337,\r\n 885,\r\n 370,\r\n 17808,\r\n 294,\r\n 341,\r\n 1791,\r\n 1064,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05150865018367767,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6311111111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.14865818619728088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 60,\r\n \"seek\": 27854,\r\n \"start\": 278.54,\r\n \"end\": 283.54,\r\n \"text\": \" And so merciful and gracious to us in so many different ways.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 48756,\r\n 293,\r\n 36113,\r\n 281,\r\n 505,\r\n 294,\r\n 370,\r\n 867,\r\n 819,\r\n 2098,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08579223758571751,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5953488372093023,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02252408117055893\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 61,\r\n \"seek\": 27854,\r\n \"start\": 283.54,\r\n \"end\": 286.54,\r\n \"text\": \" And so Lord, we just praise you for that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 445,\r\n 13286,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08579223758571751,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5953488372093023,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02252408117055893\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 62,\r\n \"seek\": 27854,\r\n \"start\": 286.54,\r\n \"end\": 289.54,\r\n \"text\": \" Lord, we also lift up some folks tonight.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 611,\r\n 5533,\r\n 493,\r\n 512,\r\n 4024,\r\n 4440,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08579223758571751,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5953488372093023,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02252408117055893\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 63,\r\n \"seek\": 27854,\r\n \"start\": 289.54,\r\n \"end\": 294.54,\r\n \"text\": \" We pray for this incident that happened in New Orleans, Lord God.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 492,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 341,\r\n 9348,\r\n 300,\r\n 2011,\r\n 294,\r\n 1873,\r\n 24715,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08579223758571751,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5953488372093023,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02252408117055893\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 64,\r\n \"seek\": 27854,\r\n \"start\": 294.54,\r\n \"end\": 296.54,\r\n \"text\": \" A tragic incident, Lord.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 316,\r\n 20385,\r\n 9348,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08579223758571751,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5953488372093023,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02252408117055893\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 65,\r\n \"seek\": 27854,\r\n \"start\": 296.54,\r\n \"end\": 302.54,\r\n \"text\": \" I just pray that you'd be with those families that lost loved ones during this act of violence, dear Lord,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 286,\r\n 445,\r\n 3690,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 1116,\r\n 312,\r\n 365,\r\n 729,\r\n 4466,\r\n 300,\r\n 2731,\r\n 4333,\r\n 2306,\r\n 1830,\r\n 341,\r\n 605,\r\n 295,\r\n 6270,\r\n 11,\r\n 6875,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08579223758571751,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5953488372093023,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02252408117055893\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 66,\r\n \"seek\": 30254,\r\n \"start\": 302.54,\r\n \"end\": 308.54,\r\n \"text\": \" and give them peace and even use that dark situation to point people to yourself.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 293,\r\n 976,\r\n 552,\r\n 4336,\r\n 293,\r\n 754,\r\n 764,\r\n 300,\r\n 2877,\r\n 2590,\r\n 281,\r\n 935,\r\n 561,\r\n 281,\r\n 1803,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05567971576343883,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6716981132075472,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1906546652317047\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 67,\r\n \"seek\": 30254,\r\n \"start\": 308.54,\r\n \"end\": 312.54,\r\n \"text\": \" Dear Heavenly Father, we do pray for Miss Becca Hopkins today, Lord.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 14383,\r\n 38352,\r\n 7085,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 360,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 5275,\r\n 33148,\r\n 29999,\r\n 965,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05567971576343883,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6716981132075472,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1906546652317047\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 68,\r\n \"seek\": 30254,\r\n \"start\": 312.54,\r\n \"end\": 317.54,\r\n \"text\": \" I just pray that you would give her peace and comfort during this time and healing as well.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 286,\r\n 445,\r\n 3690,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 576,\r\n 976,\r\n 720,\r\n 4336,\r\n 293,\r\n 3400,\r\n 1830,\r\n 341,\r\n 565,\r\n 293,\r\n 9745,\r\n 382,\r\n 731,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05567971576343883,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6716981132075472,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1906546652317047\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 69,\r\n \"seek\": 30254,\r\n \"start\": 317.54,\r\n \"end\": 322.54,\r\n \"text\": \" We pray for Miss Margie Delaney and Miss Linda as they have surgeries coming up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 492,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 5275,\r\n 2039,\r\n 9997,\r\n 5831,\r\n 40584,\r\n 293,\r\n 5275,\r\n 20324,\r\n 382,\r\n 436,\r\n 362,\r\n 33455,\r\n 1348,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05567971576343883,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6716981132075472,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1906546652317047\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 70,\r\n \"seek\": 30254,\r\n \"start\": 322.54,\r\n \"end\": 325.54,\r\n \"text\": \" Just pray all will work out well for them.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 1449,\r\n 3690,\r\n 439,\r\n 486,\r\n 589,\r\n 484,\r\n 731,\r\n 337,\r\n 552,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05567971576343883,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6716981132075472,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1906546652317047\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 71,\r\n \"seek\": 30254,\r\n \"start\": 325.54,\r\n \"end\": 330.54,\r\n \"text\": \" Lord, we pray for Mr. Wilson that has been mentioned here tonight, Lord God.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 2221,\r\n 13,\r\n 15388,\r\n 300,\r\n 575,\r\n 668,\r\n 2835,\r\n 510,\r\n 4440,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05567971576343883,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6716981132075472,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1906546652317047\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 72,\r\n \"seek\": 33054,\r\n \"start\": 330.54,\r\n \"end\": 332.54,\r\n \"text\": \" Just pray for him and his family.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1449,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 796,\r\n 293,\r\n 702,\r\n 1605,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08382877649045457,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5896226415094339,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00336804473772645\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 73,\r\n \"seek\": 33054,\r\n \"start\": 332.54,\r\n \"end\": 338.54,\r\n \"text\": \" And lastly, we want to lift up Miss Joyce, Wickel House, Lord God.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 400,\r\n 16386,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 5533,\r\n 493,\r\n 5275,\r\n 40044,\r\n 11,\r\n 343,\r\n 299,\r\n 7124,\r\n 4928,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08382877649045457,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5896226415094339,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00336804473772645\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 74,\r\n \"seek\": 33054,\r\n \"start\": 338.54,\r\n \"end\": 343.54,\r\n \"text\": \" You know our numbers, the days that we have, Lord. They're numbered.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 527,\r\n 3547,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 1708,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 814,\r\n 434,\r\n 40936,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08382877649045457,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5896226415094339,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00336804473772645\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 75,\r\n \"seek\": 33054,\r\n \"start\": 343.54,\r\n \"end\": 349.54,\r\n \"text\": \" And when it's ready to go home, Lord, you call our number.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 400,\r\n 562,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 1919,\r\n 281,\r\n 352,\r\n 1280,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 818,\r\n 527,\r\n 1230,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08382877649045457,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5896226415094339,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00336804473772645\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 76,\r\n \"seek\": 33054,\r\n \"start\": 349.54,\r\n \"end\": 353.54,\r\n \"text\": \" And we know, Father, that there's a life beyond this one.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 7085,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 456,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 993,\r\n 4399,\r\n 341,\r\n 472,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08382877649045457,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5896226415094339,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00336804473772645\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 77,\r\n \"seek\": 33054,\r\n \"start\": 353.54,\r\n \"end\": 356.54,\r\n \"text\": \" There's a hope beyond this life, and we trust you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 821,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 1454,\r\n 4399,\r\n 341,\r\n 993,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 321,\r\n 3361,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08382877649045457,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5896226415094339,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00336804473772645\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 78,\r\n \"seek\": 35654,\r\n \"start\": 356.54,\r\n \"end\": 360.54,\r\n \"text\": \" And we just ask you to be with our service as we worship you in song\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 445,\r\n 1029,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 365,\r\n 527,\r\n 2643,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 9965,\r\n 291,\r\n 294,\r\n 2153,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09881083170572917,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5341880341880343,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013844222761690617\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 79,\r\n \"seek\": 35654,\r\n \"start\": 360.54,\r\n \"end\": 364.54,\r\n \"text\": \" and also through the preaching and teaching of your word, dear Lord.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 293,\r\n 611,\r\n 807,\r\n 264,\r\n 25381,\r\n 293,\r\n 4571,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 1349,\r\n 11,\r\n 6875,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09881083170572917,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5341880341880343,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013844222761690617\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 80,\r\n \"seek\": 35654,\r\n \"start\": 364.54,\r\n \"end\": 369.54,\r\n \"text\": \" May you be glorified in all of this. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 1891,\r\n 291,\r\n 312,\r\n 26623,\r\n 2587,\r\n 294,\r\n 439,\r\n 295,\r\n 341,\r\n 13,\r\n 682,\r\n 2705,\r\n 6,\r\n 1315,\r\n 321,\r\n 3690,\r\n 13,\r\n 14092,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09881083170572917,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5341880341880343,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013844222761690617\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 81,\r\n \"seek\": 35654,\r\n \"start\": 369.54,\r\n \"end\": 373.54,\r\n \"text\": \" Well, you get to hear me sing again tonight. Bless your hearts.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 483,\r\n 281,\r\n 1568,\r\n 385,\r\n 1522,\r\n 797,\r\n 4440,\r\n 13,\r\n 21562,\r\n 428,\r\n 8852,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09881083170572917,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5341880341880343,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013844222761690617\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 82,\r\n \"seek\": 35654,\r\n \"start\": 373.54,\r\n \"end\": 380.54,\r\n \"text\": \" But I'm going to ask you, if you will, to get a hymn book out and turn to page number 450.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 583,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 1029,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 486,\r\n 11,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 257,\r\n 2477,\r\n 40459,\r\n 1446,\r\n 484,\r\n 293,\r\n 1261,\r\n 281,\r\n 3028,\r\n 1230,\r\n 26034,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09881083170572917,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5341880341880343,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013844222761690617\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 83,\r\n \"seek\": 38054,\r\n \"start\": 380.54,\r\n \"end\": 385.54,\r\n \"text\": \" We've got a couple of hymns we'll sing tonight and praise to the Lord.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 257,\r\n 1916,\r\n 295,\r\n 2477,\r\n 76,\r\n 3695,\r\n 321,\r\n 603,\r\n 1522,\r\n 4440,\r\n 293,\r\n 13286,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.090707608631679,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7445887445887447,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.11234536021947861\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 84,\r\n \"seek\": 38054,\r\n \"start\": 385.54,\r\n \"end\": 390.54,\r\n \"text\": \" And this kind of goes right along with what we're going to be talking about tonight\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 400,\r\n 341,\r\n 733,\r\n 295,\r\n 1709,\r\n 558,\r\n 2051,\r\n 365,\r\n 437,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 1417,\r\n 466,\r\n 4440,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.090707608631679,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7445887445887447,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.11234536021947861\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 85,\r\n \"seek\": 38054,\r\n \"start\": 390.54,\r\n \"end\": 393.54,\r\n \"text\": \" out of the book of Philippians.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 484,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 13694,\r\n 2567,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.090707608631679,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7445887445887447,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.11234536021947861\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 86,\r\n \"seek\": 38054,\r\n \"start\": 393.54,\r\n \"end\": 398.54,\r\n \"text\": \" We need him. We need him every hour. And that's the title of this song.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 492,\r\n 643,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 492,\r\n 643,\r\n 796,\r\n 633,\r\n 1773,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 264,\r\n 4876,\r\n 295,\r\n 341,\r\n 2153,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.090707608631679,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7445887445887447,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.11234536021947861\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 87,\r\n \"seek\": 38054,\r\n \"start\": 398.54,\r\n \"end\": 405.54,\r\n \"text\": \" And we're going to find as we march along this year, 2025, that we do need him every hour.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 915,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 8368,\r\n 2051,\r\n 341,\r\n 1064,\r\n 11,\r\n 39209,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 360,\r\n 643,\r\n 796,\r\n 633,\r\n 1773,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.090707608631679,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7445887445887447,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.11234536021947861\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 88,\r\n \"seek\": 38054,\r\n \"start\": 405.54,\r\n \"end\": 408.54,\r\n \"text\": \" That we can't even walk without him holding our hand.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 663,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 754,\r\n 1792,\r\n 1553,\r\n 796,\r\n 5061,\r\n 527,\r\n 1011,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.090707608631679,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7445887445887447,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.11234536021947861\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 89,\r\n \"seek\": 40854,\r\n \"start\": 408.54,\r\n \"end\": 412.54,\r\n \"text\": \" It's when we realize that that he can use us the most, right?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 562,\r\n 321,\r\n 4325,\r\n 300,\r\n 300,\r\n 415,\r\n 393,\r\n 764,\r\n 505,\r\n 264,\r\n 881,\r\n 11,\r\n 558,\r\n 30,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13637447357177734,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3657142857142857,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0022804024629294872\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 90,\r\n \"seek\": 40854,\r\n \"start\": 412.54,\r\n \"end\": 416.54,\r\n \"text\": \" I'm mindful of what he said to the Apostle Paul and 2 Corinthians.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 14618,\r\n 295,\r\n 437,\r\n 415,\r\n 848,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 31467,\r\n 306,\r\n 4552,\r\n 293,\r\n 568,\r\n 34778,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13637447357177734,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3657142857142857,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0022804024629294872\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 91,\r\n \"seek\": 40854,\r\n \"start\": 416.54,\r\n \"end\": 419.54,\r\n \"text\": \" My power is made perfect in weakness.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 1222,\r\n 1347,\r\n 307,\r\n 1027,\r\n 2176,\r\n 294,\r\n 12772,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13637447357177734,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3657142857142857,\r\n 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There's nothing you can do about it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 1096,\r\n 13,\r\n 821,\r\n 311,\r\n 1825,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 360,\r\n 466,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07936929717777282,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.711111111111111,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009213176555931568\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 704,\r\n \"seek\": 192554,\r\n \"start\": 1937.54,\r\n \"end\": 1939.54,\r\n \"text\": \" You can't take a rewind button\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 509,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 747,\r\n 257,\r\n 41458,\r\n 2960,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07936929717777282,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.711111111111111,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009213176555931568\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 705,\r\n \"seek\": 192554,\r\n \"start\": 1939.54,\r\n \"end\": 1941.54,\r\n \"text\": \" and go and change it. What's in the past\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 293,\r\n 352,\r\n 293,\r\n 1319,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 708,\r\n 311,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1791,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07936929717777282,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.711111111111111,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009213176555931568\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 706,\r\n \"seek\": 192554,\r\n \"start\": 1941.54,\r\n \"end\": 1943.54,\r\n \"text\": \" is in the past. 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