
About The First Baptist Church Cold Spring Archives

The FBCCS Archives were an inspiration of God almighty. They began back in 2021 when I started to download services I particularly enjoyed being in church for. They had a good message, or there were some great songs, or an epic performance, and so I wanted to keep those recordings around to watch again later. However, I'm a datahoarder by nature, and I have a habbit of archiving everything, whether I need it or not. And so became my interest in the digital copies of services at FBCCS. Each Sunday, I would go and get the service to collect locally, and pretty soon this turned into a giant folder of sermons.

So I started to kind of organize everything into folders, by year, by month, by day, by morning or evening service, and in the process I alighted on the idea that what I was doing would be a great way to store things if I would ever want to present someone with a nice, clean history of FBCCS services. Then I thought, "Well, what if I use my IT and development skills to build and host an online archive where people could go to revisit services, which was totally separate from YouTube, Facebook, and BoxCast?"

Well I thought that would be a pretty cool thing to do, but it doesn't really matter what I think. So I started to pray about this idea, and asked God if it was really what He wanted to happen. Would that be something God was interested in? Well, it turned out the answer was Yes, and so the archive began to take shape. It started to become reality when I downloaded and organized all the videosFBCCS had ever posted. They're all out there, on YouTube and Facebook, but it can be hard to find them all, so I wanted to get them all into one place so it would be easier to index and search through them. Then, later, I started to plan out how to store, host, and deliver these videos to anyone via a website. And, after a lot of thought and consideration, the result is before you, just what you have here today.

What We Do

Although the archive was born out of an initial interest in archiving things, it also stands for a lot of other values, chief among them being a free and open way of sharing the gospel through our church services with the world at large. There are no accounts you need to create here to participate. We don't track anything anybody does on this site. We do not store anything about you or your activity. All that matters to us here is that you can come, hear the good news, and be blessed.

Each Sunday and Wednesday, services regularly occur at FBCCCS. After each one, that service is automatically ripped from YouTube and stored in the archive. Audio versions of services are manually edited and added later. Each Sunday bulletin, or evening bible study, is also made available. We want you to have just as close to the same experience as you could get sitting in a pew, right here. However, we don't believe we can ever replicate that, and we wholeheartedly encourage you to attend in person if you are able. We don't aim to replace church services, only to preserve them for revisiting later. For this reason, we do not offer a live broadcast of church events.

Each service, event, or its associated companion file is 100% available for you to download and keep. In fact, we'll offer you the entire archive if you want it. Sometimes, you just can't, or don't want to, go online and we understand that. So you're welcome to take anything you like.