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"{\r\n \"text\": \" Good evening, good evening. Welcome to, let me read this, July 28th Sunday Bible Study. Good to see everybody. We had a great service today. We welcomed those on the web. We thank Mike James for doing all three services. He had a great message today. What do you think about that, that picking at the end there, huh? I understand, he might say this, but I understand, well he can tell you whose house he went to and all they did was pick and grin. I'm picking y'all grin, picking and grinning. Let me mention just a couple of things. So, Jerry is going to finish out this Wednesday night for July. And then next Sunday we have Rusty Ellison in the morning and Ralph Honeycutt in the evening. So, Rusty will do the 8.15, 10.30 and then Ralph will do the 6 o'clock. And then the next Sunday, the kids, is that the kids? Yes, it is. At 6 o'clock, the kids are going to be performing for us from the music and drama camp. But anyway, Jackie and the kids, we want to come and support them, okay? It says here, mark your calendar for the back to school prayer walk at Campbell County Middle School and Campbell County High School. Monday, August the 5th at 6 p.m. And then Colin mentioned this morning that the first day up this cold spring raised $2,524 for the baby bottle boomerang. So, those are a few of our announcements for today. Anybody got anything that maybe I should mention? If not, we'll turn it over to Jackie. Thank you, John. If you guys will stand, we just have a couple songs. And I've said this before, but I think this first song ought to be our theme song, a theme song of every church, even if it's difficult to sing. It's not difficult, but not easy to hum. And then just practice in serving one another. Let it be said, oh, that the lame was our passion, that with gladness we bore, every cross we were given, that we fought the good fight, that we finished the cross, lying within us the power of the risen Lord. Let the cross be our glory and the Lord be our song, by mercy made holy by the spirit made strong. Let the cross be our glory and the Lord be our song, till the likeness of Jesus be through us made known. Let the cross be our glory and the Lord be our song, let it be said of us, that we were born by forgiveness, we were known by our love and delight and in meekness, we were ruled by His peace, Heating unity's core, known as one body, that Christ would be seen by all. Let the cross be our glory and the Lord be our song, by mercy made holy by the spirit made strong. Let the cross be our glory and the Lord be our song, till the likeness of Jesus be through us made known. Let the cross be our glory and the Lord be our song. Brother, let me be your servant, let me be as Christ to you, pray that I might have the grace to let you be my servant too. We are pilgrims on a journey, we are brothers on the road, we are here to help each other, walk the mile and bear the load. I will weep when you are weeping, when you laugh, I'll laugh with you. I will share your joy and sorrow, till we've seen this journey through. Thank you. Like I do on Sunday evenings, I want to just go over a few people on our prayer list, some current things that are going on. Ted said his mother and father, Ted and Nancy, they did good, they're home now. They had AFib and had that corrected, so they are home. Let me see if I can say this wrong. Robin Yellenhaus, Yellenhaus, Mike is that right? That is Mike Harold's sister, keep her on your prayer list. She's got a very painful thing with the nerves or however that works in the face right here. So that must be real painful, keep her in your prayers. We went and visited Joyce Wicklehouse. Joyce Wicklehouse fell again and is in the hospital and all of their basically shut-ins, you know, that go a long time back with us, Joyce, one of those, she is in the hospital down at San Ease in Fort Thomas. Donna Keaton here, no, but you know, remember the family of Phyllis Roseberry, that's Donna Keaton's aunt that passed away, and remember Donna Keaton's brother, Dan Weinal. He is, I believe, still in the hospital. David Turner is going to have a couple of skin grafts now, and he has been in quite a while, so they're going to get a couple, I never even heard of synthetic skin grafts, but he's going to get a couple of synthetic skin grafts, his feet. Remember Miles Colvin, you saw an email sent out, that's the little eight-month-old baby with all those tumors in both eyes. And then of course, remember Macy, she's having all those head and nose tonsils, tubes, and all that being done. And anybody else that I want to mention right away, okay, that's pretty much it, and Wednesday night, of course, we'll go through the complete list. I have asked Phil Long to come up and pray for us, and then we will get into the Bible study. Thanks, Phil. Please join me in prayer. Gracious Heavenly Father, we come to you this evening with many things to ask and many things to praise you for. Lord, the names that were mentioned this evening, many of them we don't even know who they are exactly, but Lord, you know every one of them, you know every need that they have, and our prayer is, Father, that you will be real close to them and anything that needs to be taken care of, that you will be there with them. We thank you for the services we've had this morning and having tonight, that you'll be with our speaker and help him say the things that you want us to hear, and then open our hearts and let us hear everything that's mentioned and take it to our hearts. Thank you, Father, for all the blessings you give to us, and we certainly give you all the credit for everything. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Well, good evening. How's everybody doing today? Praise God we got rain. When it was raining so hard here, I called my wife in Vercels and I said, tell me it's raining in Vercels. She said, it is raining hard. I said, praise the Lord. I'm watering everything in my yard, aren't you? But it's a blessing to see you tonight. I think there's a... I do a listening guide if you have one to fill in. There's somewhere here if you need one, but you don't have to have one as we're going to look at Galatians 6-1 through 10 tonight in our study. I heard about a farmer who is barring and just got up and smoked, just burnt totally to the ground, and his insurance agent was explaining why he could not collect for it. The insurance agent said, read your policy. All our company does is build you another barn exactly like the one that was destroyed. And the farmer said, well, if that's the way you fellas go and do business, then you just cancel the policy on my wife. But you've got to think about that for a little while now. I just want to make sure you're awake tonight. Oh, goodness. I got to tell you tonight, I love the Lord's church. I've been blessed. I was saved in a mission, actually a mission of Stanford Baptist Church. They started a mission where I lived out in the country and I came to Christ in a revival at that mission. And I love to serve churches and I love God's church. I have, because of working with the Kentucky Baptist Convention and just being old, I've been in hundreds of churches, particularly in Kentucky. I've served eight churches in three different states. I was in Virginia and Tennessee and mainly all over Kentucky. I just love to preach and teach and train. I intend to keep doing that until the Lord calls me home. And by the way, some of you leaders may know this, August the 29th in Burlington, which is not that far from here, right? Kentucky Baptist Convention is doing a training tour called Equip. And I'm teaching that night as part of that training. So if some of your leaders have that brochure, they offer training for deacons, study school teachers, different age groups. I'm teaching partly from a book I wrote called The Velcro Church on assimilation, how we reach people and how we keep them. So I just thought about that since you're all that close to that event. But it's a joy to be back with you tonight. I'm going to talk about, I entitled this, Seven Practical Principles for Peak Performance. That's a lot of peas in it. But in Galatians 6-1 through 10 we're going to look. I think this is in your outline, but someone said, and I like this quote, the Bible is God's mind revealed. His will recorded and His voice put into concrete words. That's really good in it. The Bible is God's mind. You want to know what God's thinking? Read God's word. You want to know what God's will is? Read God's word. You want to know what God's voice is saying and sounds like? Read God's word. You know as the Olympics begin, we'll see athletes getting ready. And the goal is to tune up or peak just at the right event. You know as we study God's word, we find specific principles that we should be doing as believers for really peak performance. Tonight we're going to look at seven commands or principles from Galatians 6-1 through 10. Each one of these addresses some practical aspect of the Christian life. It gives us practical advice for how we are to walk by the Spirit, which verse 25 says, if we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. So these seven principles can be used to kind of gauge how well a church is doing, but also to gauge how you are doing spiritual, how we're doing spiritually in our walk with Christ. So let's look at these. Verse 1 of chapter 6 says, Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you may have the word sin there, same word. You who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, each one looking to yourself so that you too will not be tempted. What should our attitude be toward another believer, a fellow believer in Christ, a brother or sister in the Lord who is called in sin, in a sin? This morning we talked about running the race and that sometimes we fall off the track and we stop running for Christ. What is our goal? What should we do when we confront a person in that situation or people who are just discouraged or defeated or backslidden? Are we to make fun of them and avoid them? Look, they've fallen down and we're not going to help them. The word sin or trespass here literally means falling aside. It could be an unintentional error or it could be willful transgression. I grew up, we used the term, and some of you remember this term backslide. That person is backslidden. I don't hear that anymore. I don't know the last time someone mentioned that to me. It's a good word, it's not a bad word, it's just about a condition of someone that's fallen, as this verse says, fallen aside. I wish we would sometimes have forward sliding. Instead of a backward sliding to say, hey man, look at Tim, he is forward sliding for Christ. He is moving forward. That's better than backsliding. Falling aside describes someone who's left the Christian walk for a period of time and is now falling aside because of their choice to sin. In your outline there I put sin is always a choice. Sin is always a choice. The scripture tells us with every temptation there is a way of escape. The problem is we don't look for it. But God has a way out if we'll just stop and look and pray. Some Christians choose to take a wrong turn and are momentarily off the path. What's our response to a brother or sister who's caught in the sin trap? Do we reject or do we restore? Paul says here, restore such a person. This word restore is a really interesting word. It's the same Greek word used, if you want to turn over to Matthew chapter 4, 21. It's the same word used here. Let me read it to you and then I'll tell you the word. Going on from there, Jesus saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother in the boat with Zebedee, their father, mending their nets. Mending their nets. That's what that same restore is the same word there that James and John who were mending their nets. The word means to repair, to adjust, to make perfect, to join together, to restore. So we as followers of Christ need to help other Christians restore or mend the brokenness in their lives so they can start again with a mended net to win or catch people for Christ. And this will return them to where they need to be. If we don't have a ministry in heart for restoring, we lose out on evangelism. You say why is that? Because if we have a lot of Christians over our churches with hose in their nets and we don't help them, they will never catch any fish because they have hose in their net. This passage I think is a beautiful picture of what the body of Christ, the church, a Sunday school class, what we ought to be doing for others. Someone said the church is a hospital for sinners. It's not a campground for saints. And it really is. You say, well, you know, I like to join a church, but I'm not perfect. Well, welcome to the family. If you find a perfect church, please don't join it because you're a run-in. There are no perfect churches. There are no perfect pastors, no perfect deacons, no perfect anybody except Jesus. And we need to be reminded of that. This word restores also used to describe a surgeon setting a broken bone. The body of Christ will not function well if lots of our members are walking around with broken bones spiritually. You know, even a small, if you've ever had just a small fracture, it's kind of painful. I've broken both my little fingers playing basketball, and I broke my ankle popping a wheelie on my son's new bicycle. He had this little bicycle and his friend was over at the house. This had been several years ago. My son's 34 now. He was probably 10 or 11. It was a small bike, and I thought I could ride a bike real good. And he had a friend of ours. Let me show you how to pop a wheelie, boys. I got on that thing, and the bike went up like a rocket. And I came down and immediately I said, Michael, go get your mama. I broke my ankle. Even a small break like that has pain and has to be restored, which is what a surgeon does. So that word means the same thing, mending a net for fishermen or a surgeon restoring a bone. And that was this command. It's addressed to those who are spiritual. He says, Brethren, even if anyone's caught any trespass, get this. You who are spiritual. Now when you read that, that means that there were some members of the church at Galatia who were not spiritual. You know, when you study Scripture in Galatia, you'll see there were a lot of what the Scriptures say are carnal Christians. They're believers, but again, they got off the path somehow and are not spiritual. So you who are spiritual, so non-spiritual folks would not understand this command. Now all believers have received the Spirit at the point of belief in salvation. When you accepted Christ, the Holy Spirit came into your life. If not, you're not a Christian. If you turn back Galatians 3, 3-2, Paul makes this so clear. In Galatians 3-2, he says, This is the only thing I want to find out from you. Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law or by hearing with faith? And that means when we came to Christ. So when you come to Christ, the Holy Spirit comes in to your life. We know that. But not all Christians are producing the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5, 22-23 deals with these nine character traits of what you and I need to be as followers of Christ. Let me tell you how to memorize these. Somebody taught me this a long time and it's really helped me on these nine things. The first three characteristics in verse 22 are one syllable words. The next three are two syllable words and the next three are three. But the fruit of the Spirit is, here it goes, Love, Joy, Peace. Say it with me. Love, joy, peace. Patience, kindness, goodness. Patience, kindness, goodness. Faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. See, do you get that? Three one syllable things. Love, joy, peace. And then three two syllables. And then three three syllables. That's helped me to memorize that. And so we're to have that fruit in our life. Someone said it's not how much of the Spirit you have. It's how much the Spirit has of you. And that's really true. Those who walk in the Spirit are the ones who are given this ministry of restore. It's a tremendous ministry. And I'm thankful for people in the churches where I serve and where I serve today who visit those who are down and depressed and encourage them, those who have dropped out. And that's one thing we don't do too well as churches. Someone in your Sunday school class misses a Sunday and someone might say, well, Miss Smith is not here today. And the next Sunday she's still not here three or four Sundays ago. And then someone said, well, somebody else calls me about what's going on. Then we get a county embarrassed because we waited too long to make the contact. And we make the call and we find out something's been maybe going on in that life or what. But here's the principle. The longer you go, the longer a person who has become an absentee, the longer that goes in a class or in worship, the greater the chance that person will never come back. So we need people who look around and say, you know, I don't see, I'm making up names, Jim, Paul, Mary, Beth. I don't see them. I think I give them a call, make sure they go, okay. If we don't do that, then a lot of those people will become absent. And they might even think, well, they don't care about me because I've been gone a long time and no one's made a call. Now that's pretty immature on their part, but that's how a lot of people think. So we have this ministry of restoring people and approaching them again with the fruit of the spirit, with gentleness and compassion and love. And the scripture goes on to say in verse one, look to yourself or within yourself, lest you be tempted. What's up with that? Why would the apostle Paul say, when you're restoring someone who's fallen, hey, be very careful that you yourself will be tempted? Well, first off, this throws out legalism and the idea that we're so much more spiritual and holy than anyone else. You know, at the foot of the cross, it's all level ground. You know that, don't you? No one stands taller. We're all the same. And our job is to realize that, you know, a doctor knows he can catch a disease from treating a patient. So he takes precautions, right? Washes his hand, maybe keeps a distance. And we must too, in those situations, be careful. We must remember that only the grace of God separates us from having hoes in our spiritual nets. And all of us at one time or another had a hoe in our net. Elton Trueblood had a great quote. He said, the Christian army is the only army that shoots its own wounded soldiers. That's very convicting to me. We're not good about helping someone to be restored spiritually. Now, I know the other side of that. I've talked to people that have walked away and they said, I'm not interested anymore. You know, and just have become just arrogant about it. And, you know, we can pray for those people. But most people don't get that far gone. The problem is we sometimes give up too soon. Never give up on someone. Never ever give up on someone because God doesn't give up. Another truth here is this. Now, I want you to listen to this. You and I have the propensity to see faults and sins in other people that are really in our own lives. How often have we seen some major person, no, a pastor, maybe a TV pastor, or someone in the community that was so important and a sin they condemned they were found to be doing? I don't know why this is, but this is true. We kind of, the fault we see and criticize in others could be, and sometimes is, maybe a prominent sin in our own lives. This reminds me of Matthew 7 where Jesus says, hey, get the log out of your own eye before you take the speck out of your brother's eyes. You know, I've always thought that'd be a great cartoon. Here's a guy with a log in his eye, big log, and he's reaching around to remove a little bit of speck out of his brother's eye. You know what I'm saying? The log's knocking everybody down. I think that Jesus told that they probably laughed because it's kind of a cartoon in essence. Be very careful that you don't fall in a sin that you are critical of. So, what is your attitude toward a fallen believer? Restore them or say, well, they've made their choice and just reject them. Help them or criticize them. Paul says we need to restore them, and so that's what we should be doing. Secondly, we see the second principle here, he says, is to bear or carry one another's burdens. Look at verse 2, bear one another's burdens and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. The emphasis here is counting on moral burdens or weaknesses. Burdens are like excess baggage, I guess, which we need to share with one another. Now, this is different from the word load, which is in verse 5 where it says, for each one will bear his own load. Two different Greek words there. In verse 5, the word means the normal amount each of us must carry for himself. You see there, there's an assignment that you have from the Lord that no one else can do but you. You've got an assignment that no one else can do but you. Don't ask someone else to do what God has called you to do. As a pastor, I've had so many times people come to me and say, Mike, I've got this great idea for a new ministry that I want you to do. And I say, you know, if you've got a passion for that, it just seems to me like you ought to be the one that heads it up. Right? And that makes sense. You can't ask someone to carry a load the Lord has given you to carry. Now, in verse 2, Paul is talking about burdens which may be shared with other people. In verse 5, he's talking about those we bear alone. Some burdens, listen to me, some burdens we share with Christian brothers and sisters and some we must bear alone. And we better know the difference. You get into real trouble if you get those mixed up. A growing Christian is one who helps another person bear the weight of their troubles. Burdens are like weights that slow us down. Have you ever seen someone that was so burdened and downtrodden that their posture even, you can just tell they're looking down, their eyes don't look up. It's like they have the weight of the world on their backs, their shoulders slumped, head to the ground. So as Christians, we're commanded to help those to lift that burden. You know, when I was in high school, I remember my physics teacher talking about synergy. And I've always been fascinated by that principle. Synergy is just the fact that we can do more together than we can apart. An example would be, say one guy can pull 100 pounds and the other guy can pull 100 pounds. Put them together and they can pull 220 pounds, not 200. That's a principle of synergy that some of the parts are greater than the whole. And this is a spiritual principle too. Because together in the church, we can do a lot more than we could ever do just on our own, right? And that's important. And that's why we should be concerned about each other's problems. That's why we pray so that the weight of problems and difficulties might be lifted from our brothers and sisters in Christ. I never tell people I'm a counselor. I tell people I give them biblical advice today in our world. If you say you're a counselor and someone doesn't get good advice, they can sue you. So unless you're a boarded counselor, you really can't use that. I can tell you what the Bible says about it and give you biblical advice. I'm not a professional counselor. But I have listened to people's problems for the last 51, 52 years in ministry. And sometimes people become office and they just open up their burden. Whatever it is, okay? It could be really a big burden or something small. But they share verbally their burden. And I sit there and I say, tell me more. Okay, I understand that. And I listen to them talk for 45 minutes and we get through and they say, Mike, thank you so much. This has helped me so much. I feel like I'm going to get through now. I'm not said a word. Okay, I didn't get a chance. Because they talk the whole time. But just opening up and verbalizing your feelings really makes a difference to someone that you love and someone that you trust. This is not hard to do. And verse 2 goes on to say, when you do this, you fulfill the law of Christ. What is the law of Christ? I thought we were free from Old Testament laws. What's he talking about here? Well, we are free from the Old Testament law as a means for our salvation, not free from the law of Christ. John 13, 34, Jesus says, I'm going to give you a new commandment. Love one another. That's the law of Christ. So when we're not loving people, we're breaking a fundamental law, really the 11th commandment that God has given us. And this phrase, love one another is found over a dozen times in the New Testament. It's so important that we realize that. This ministry will not rise or fall. A church ministry will rise or fall, really based on the level of caregiving and love a church displays in the community. Not only to their own members, but also to people outside their community by doing what we call random acts of kindness. Just helping. So our church a couple of times have volunteered at an elementary school close by us to go and clean the grounds and replant stuff and just do landscaping. They couldn't believe it. They thought, why are you doing this? We said, because we love Christ, we love our community. That takes people by surprise, by the way, when we do that. Are you ministering to someone right now who has a burden? Are you helping to carry someone else's burden right now? And prayer is a big part of this. I can't tell you how many times my life has been lifted up because I've shared a prayer burden with someone and they prayed with me and I knew that they meant it. And all of a sudden I feel like, man, the problem is still there, but the burden is in half now because you prayed for me. Isn't that good? And by the way, something I learned in a long time in ministry. People ask me all the time, people come up to you, you say, hey, would you pray for me or pray for my daughter or my grandkids? This is what's going on. Early in ministry, somebody taught me this or I just woke up and I try to do this. I don't always do it. Someone comes up to me and they say, Mike, would you mind to remember me in prayer this week? I'm going to have surgery Thursday. I try to stop right then. So let me pray for you right now. And I do that for two reasons. Number one is, I might forget. If they don't write it down, I might forget it. Number two, if I do that right there, I've already helped them. Sometimes you can't do that because you've got to be somewhere real quick or something. But oftentimes when people stop us, we can do that. I've prayed with people in Kroger. It's come up to me and shared a burden. I said, let's pray right now. People are fine. They won't buy it and look at us, but they're fine. That's a great ministry to do that. So the next part is avoid being harshly critical. Verses three through five. It says, if anyone thinks he is something when he has nothing he can see himself. That's a great verse. I wish every professional athlete in the country would memorize that verse. And I talk about some people who showboat. Look at verse four. But each one must examine his own work and then he will have reason for boasting in regard to himself alone and not in regard to another. For each one will bear his own load. Why are we so critical in the body of Christ? Why don't we bury each other's burden? I think one of the reasons is pride. It's just pride. Pride is conceit. Someone said conceit is the only disease that makes everyone else sick except the person who has it. There's a mistake in your outline there. Psalm 1812. That's supposed to be Proverbs 1812. Mama said your tech crew is sharp. They called it for me and I appreciate it. What that verse says is before his downfall a man's heart is proud but humility comes before honor. And you know everything today is focused on self. We really are a prideful, arrogant society. We can't even get along with ourselves much less other people sometimes. And that makes me think again of all this athletic showboy that goes on. I say let your game speak for itself. You go into bookstore and you have all these books on how to be number one, self-assertiveness, getting your own way. But this is the opposite I think of walking by the Spirit and being humble before the Lord. Pride exploits the weaknesses of others to its own advantage. Someone who's full of pride really has no desire to restore someone who's fallen. Matter of fact they may think it makes them look better. So pride is an inflated self-estimate. It's a tendency of a person to think he's something when he's not. I heard about, y'all remember, I don't remember Will Rogers but I read stuff he wrote. He was something. A lady came up to Will Rogers once and said, Mr. Rogers, what can I do about my pride? Every time I look in the mirror, I think I am beautiful. Will Rogers looked at her and said, honey, that's not pride. That's a mistake. So he got right down to the real problem there, didn't he? Pride drives us to become harshly critical. We play this, we play a spiritual mathematical game where we add to our self-worth and we subtract from other people's. We think if I put other people down it'll make me look better. But look at Scripture says in verse 3, when we do that we deceive ourselves. I tell you, Christians, I'm one and you're one, sometimes we can be so caustic and critical and cynical. I'm afraid the world knows more about what we're against than what we're for. I know the media will never understand. If you ever wait for the major networks and the media to understand Christianity, don't hold your breath. They will never get it. Just expect it. Just expect it. But sometimes we just deceive ourselves. We think we're all that. Let me tell you something that I always used to remind my staff when I was a full-time pastor. Everybody can be replaced. There's not a person in leadership in your church that can't be replaced. And if you're a leader, the moment you start thinking, man, if I quit doing what I'm doing, they're going to really miss me, man. They won't be able to do it without me. I'm telling you, God just marked you off his good list. I say that in a funny way. Everybody can be replaced. Pastors can be replaced. Deacons can be replaced. Sonny's school teachers can be replaced. So don't be so critical. Okay. That's important. Number four here is a share with teachers. Verse six says the one who has taught the word is to share all good things with one who teaches him. Here, Paul speaks about burden bearing with a particular reference to the support of teachers and those who minister the word to us. This verse shows the importance placed upon the teaching ministry in the early church. This early day in the church, there were those who devoted enough time to teaching so that those called to teach needed to be taken care of with financial needs. These are the first pastor's teachers. And 1 Timothy 517, we have the same thing. Paul says in 1 Timothy 517, the elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching. So I'm one of these. I teach and preach God's word and the church has provided for my family and I all my life. And I'm thankful for that. It's interesting to observe what Paul did in various places. You know this regarding financial support. Though he deserved it for his work and put these verses in Scripture, Paul didn't always take up offering or take money from churches. For instance, among the poor church at Thessalonica, Scripture says he worked nine in a day while preaching the gospel so that he might not be an extra financial burden. You read that in 1 Thessalonians 2. Another example is the church at Corinth. There were those in that church who were ready to charge Paul with preaching for money so Paul said, don't give me anything. And he didn't accept any support from them. But when he found the church in Philippi, which is one of my favorite churches in the New Testament in the book of Philippians which believed that giving money was the way of entering to a partnership with Paul, he accepted that with thanks. That's kind of was the beginning of the spirit of what we, you and I of Southern Baptist would call the Croptor Program in it. Where every church gives an amount and together we can do a whole lot more than we could buy ourselves. Let me tell you too, I encourage you, share your thanks with people who share the word with you. That could be a study school teacher, a deacon, pastor, staff member, close friend. Share your thanks with them. That really means a lot. I served a church in Nashville twice and the first time that I served there, a guy in our church there was one of the vice presidents of Texas Roadhouse. He'd call me up sometimes, his name was Sonny. He'd call me up and say, Mike, what are you doing for lunch? I knew where he was going with that so I said, I don't have any plans. Even if I had plans and Sonny called me, I would probably say, I don't think I'm doing anything. He said, let's go get something. I said, okay. He'd pick me up and we'd go to one of the Texas Roadhouses in Nashville and they were all over the place. We walked in, everybody knew who Sonny was. I mean the managers of the store and I'm telling you, we got really good service. It was great. I don't think it cost him anything because he's a VP and he even one time gave me a certificate. When I first went to that church before he took me out personally, he gave me a Texas Roadhouse certificate. I didn't know what it was for. So my wife and I went to Texas Roadhouse in Nashville. That first couple of weeks we were there at the church and waiter comes over and says, why would you like? I said, well, I don't know. I said, I've got this thing here. I'm not sure why it's worth. He looked at it and said, sir, that's worth anything you want to buy. I said, in that case, my man, bring me the most expensive, biggest steak you make. That was a good steak. That was a good day. But little things like that just really, really, you know, it doesn't have to be a steak. I'm trying to make an analogy here, but a note. I've kept notes. People have written me all my life. Handwritten notes. I remember I was going through a tough time one time and a fellow pastor wrote me a note and pretty much says, hey, Mike, there's life after you get through this. Stay encouraged. I kept that note. It meant so much to me. So share your thanks with people. Number five is verse seven and eight. Hang with me. We're moving along. What is it? Midnight. Okay, not yet. Verse seven, do not be deceived. God is not mocked for whatever man sows this will he also reap. That's one of the strongest principles in all of scripture. That's not a negative principle. You sow good stuff. You're going to reap good stuff. You sow stupid stuff. You're going to reap stupid stuff. I mean, that's just the way it is. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the spirit will from the spirit reap eternal life. Do not be deceived. How are we deceived? Let me tell you how we're deceived. James chapter one 13 through 16 says, let no one say when he is tempted. I'm being tempted by God for God cannot be tempted by evil. He himself does not tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin. And when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brother. Verse six says again that phrase, do not be deceived. And right after that, a command is a very strong affirmation because it says God is not mocked. That's an imperative. The Greek verb here only appears in the New Testament this one time. And it literally means, this is what it means. Nobody turns up their nose at God. No one turns up their nose at God. I thought about the Olympics this week, to be honest with you. You know all the controversy there, and I'm not going to get into that, but evidently, a drag queen who represented Christ as part of the opening ceremonies did a display with other drag queens of the Lord's Son. Christians have really attacked them all over the world for that scene. And they're saying, well, it didn't really mean that it meant something else. And I don't know what I think. Well, I do know what I think. I think it was a blatant slap at Christianity is what I think. Because of the halo and the peace that the Christ, the drag queen that had the thing on represented. But anyway, I thought about that. I thought, Godly, I would never want to be in their shoes. Someone who mocks God, curses God, I want to get out of the way because the fires go to fall eventually. And I thought about that when I saw that God is not mocked. You may take a stand strong for Jesus Christ at your work, and you may suffer for that. Other people may turn up their nose at you because you're a believer. And you do what's fair. You don't cheat. The fact is we're sometimes mocked and made fun of by the world. When I decided to go into ministry my senior year, I felt God called me. I got a teaching degree in sociology and history. And my advisor, who was not a believer, I was in his office and he said, well, what are you going to do? I said, well, actually, I feel called a ministry and I'm going to serve in church. And eventually I'm going to go to seminary and get another degree. And this man looked at me and he said, he was so encouraging. He said, why would you throw away your life? That really didn't bother me because I knew he didn't have any idea what God was doing in my life because he wasn't a believer. But that was his, my colleague advisor, that was his advice. Why are you throwing away your life in ministry? I don't know what happened to him, but I don't really care. Anyway, no, I do care. I do care. But I just thought about that so often that he just didn't understand what was going on with that. God is not mocked. What this verse means is that whatever we do, there's always consequences. And here's the penalty for mocking God in this verse. For whatever man sows that he will also reap. The ultimate penalty would be to mock Jesus Christ in unbelief and die in unbelief and find out you were wrong as you wake up in hell for all eternity. A person mocks God when he thinks he can sow to his own flesh and not from the flesh reap corruption. We think we can sin and it not affect us. But sin has built in penalties now as well as future consequences. If you sow dishonesty in your life, in your business life, you will not reap integrity. If you sow garbage and junk in your thought life, you will produce garbage and junk in your life. Rebellion against God, we will not reap peace in our lives. Lust in our lives will not reap a meaningful relationship. We sow drugs and alcohol in our life and immorality, we won't reap. That would just give us devastating effects. But if we sow the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, generous self-control, we will reap those things. And do you realize that what we sow never ends even after we die the seeds of our life live on and on and on? You can't take it with you, but you can't invest it in where you're going. Years ago I went to Graceland. How many of you have ever been to Graceland? What's wrong with you people? That's where it ever, okay. A long time ago I had a friend that lived in Graceland. It had been a long time and often tell people that I visited Graceland. You know what Elvis left behind when he died? All of it. All the gold records in one room. He left everything behind. And you and I one day will leave everything. All that stuff we have guarded and saved up and collected. Our kids will sell that in a yard sale for pennies on the dollar. And I'll be there to buy some of it. I like to go to yard sales. I'm telling you the truth. You can't take it with you, but you can invest it in where you're going. You can invest it in kingdom work for the cause of Christ. What are you sewing in your life tonight? Now number six, hang with me, we're almost done. Do not grow weary. This is a great first, first nine. Let us not lose heart in doing good. For in do time we will reap if we do not grow weary. For to grow in our commitment to Christ, we got to keep our hearts encouraged. I got to tell you, I'm in a lot of churches. There's more discouragement in the body of Christ that I've ever seen in my life. I think the world and the culture has convinced us that we're on the wrong side. But folks, I want to remind you tonight, we're not. We're on the right side. And God's going to prevail. And God's going to end history and his time and his way. So I also want to encourage you. One of the things that I watch the news a lot, but I'm telling you, I don't think God made us to watch news all day long. Right now you and I can see every negative thing that happens around the globe instantaneously. We know what's happening in Africa before the people in Africa know what's happening. And it's not healthy. I do watch the news. I do watch it, but I don't know. Just don't hang out. And by the way, the next six months, I'm going to remind you of something. Our citizenship is in heaven. I will vote. I have convictions. But I'm going to tell you, my citizenship, I'm a United States citizen, but first I'm a citizen of heaven. And whatever happens in the election, I'm still going to follow Christ. I'm not going to let it. I'm going to be concerned, but I'm not going to let it take away my joy. And don't you let it take away your joy too. Vote your convictions and pray for God's will. Now notice here it says this. This is entering. It says to don't lose heart and do good. For in due time, we will reap if we don't grow reary. And then it says, let me look down here. So then while we have opportunity, let us do good. That's interesting right there. Why we have opportunity? Why would he do that? Because there may be a time when you and I don't have opportunities anymore. Right now we have a lot of freedom in our country. And I hope and pray that never ends. We don't know that for sure. And even in our own life, right now we have energy. We have finances. We have abilities. You may not have those tomorrow. So use them today. Whatever opportunities lie before you for the cause of Christ sees them. Because this scripture as I read it in my Bible says, let us do good to all people. And it says while we have opportunity. So there will become a time where we may not have opportunities. Sometimes we so well and still need to wait for the harvest. You know between planting of the seed and reaping the harvest is a time of faithfulness and overcoming obstacles. I know many of you plant gardens. I've got some tomatoes and you know that that's true. Sometimes we want to quit. We may not be patient enough to wait for the spiritual harvest but never quit. This verse has a tremendous promise for those of us who get tired. Y'all to read this verse a lot. Let us not lose heart in doing good. Again, here's your promise. For in due time we will reap. We will win. We'll see the fruit of our prayers and works if we don't grow weary. That's just such a positive, exciting verse. Don't give up. The harvest belongs to those who do not lose heart. So don't give up. Maybe some of you today need to just keep having that verse flashed in your mind. Then lastly here in verse 10, finish reading that. So then while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people and especially to those who are of the household of the faith. Verse 9 emphasize the season of reaping. This verse emphasizes a season of sowing or doing good. And notice it says to do good to all men. That waitress that waited on you or waiter today, you should do good to them. People you see at the grocery store when you're shopping, you should do good to them. Be kind and considerate. It says do good to all men. Let me ask you a question. Did Jesus choose who he was going to be good to? I don't see any example of the Bible where Jesus was not good to people. I know he cleared the temple, but he needed to do that. I mean he ate with Pharisees and publicans and prostitutes and tax collectors. Jesus to find the neighbors, anyone who needed our help. Has God placed lots of people around you who need your help, who need your prayers and just your love? Also notice that this verse says we are to have a special sensitivity to those who are the household of the faith. That's brothers and sisters in Christ. We should treat each other like family because we are. We're going to spend eternity in heaven. If we can't get along here, goodness, there's going to be a mess up there. No, it won't be because we'll be changed and we'll have good attitudes, but surely we can get along here. We should treat each other like family. We're especially to be good to our brothers and sisters in Christ. If Christians are the only persons we're good to, then we have missed the point. We've become a clique. I was at one time a grand opening of a Christian bookstore and I bought something and the lady that waited on me was almost in tears. I said, are you okay? She said, people are so rude today. A Christian bookstore on their grand opening and Christians acting like that. As Christians, we're a part of God's family, so we ought to be considerate of other people and restore the fallen and carry each other's burdens. If we do that, we're doing good for the kingdom. We're helping others to do their best for Christ. We're to bear and share the burdens. Are you doing that? I got an overtime challenge for you as we end. I put here these seven commands and I've asked you to rate them one to ten. The ten is, yeah, I'm doing really good at that one. I'm not doing good. How would you rate restore the fallen? Are you sensitive to people that are going through difficult times or who have walked away from the church? Are you bearing someone else's burden right now? Avoid being harshly critical. Is that one of your issues? Are you sharing with teachers and those who bless you? Stop deceiving yourself. Don't bless you so you're going to reap. Don't grow weary and well-doing and then do good to all men. A lot of great advice from the Apostle Paul and these few verses about helping each one grow. You may not have a big burden right now, but I'm telling you, tomorrow you may get one. And you may be carrying a big one right now and tomorrow that burden might be gone. You just never know. That's why we're to be brothers and sisters in Christ and to encourage each other every, every day. Well, I will pray. I think it's time to go home. Is it not? Thank you so much for being here tonight. I appreciate it. Your church has graciously invited me back in September, so you have a lot of time to rest up or take a vacation. The Sundays I'm going to be here. But I look forward to it in September. And Rusty Ellison is preaching for you next week. He's a great friend and a great preacher. You will really, really enjoy him very much. Let me lead us in prayer. Yes, sir. I'm sorry. Oh, oh, oh, hi kids. Are they going to do something tonight? Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Good. Very good. Hi, how y'all doing? Well, let's do that. What do you say? Hi, Jackie. I'm ready. If you'll stand and join us. I'm going to let you go a little bit early. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.\",\r\n \"segments\": [\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 0,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 0.0,\r\n \"end\": 10.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Good evening, good evening. Welcome to, let me read this, July 28th Sunday Bible Study.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 2205,\r\n 5634,\r\n 11,\r\n 665,\r\n 5634,\r\n 13,\r\n 4027,\r\n 281,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 1401,\r\n 341,\r\n 11,\r\n 7370,\r\n 7562,\r\n 392,\r\n 7776,\r\n 6544,\r\n 27039,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1652006296011118,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5060240963855422,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009511862881481647\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 1,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 10.0,\r\n \"end\": 18.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Good to see everybody. We had a great service today. We welcomed those on the web.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 2205,\r\n 281,\r\n 536,\r\n 2201,\r\n 13,\r\n 492,\r\n 632,\r\n 257,\r\n 869,\r\n 2643,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 492,\r\n 23668,\r\n 729,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 3670,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1652006296011118,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5060240963855422,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009511862881481647\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 2,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 18.0,\r\n \"end\": 24.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We thank Mike James for doing all three services. He had a great message today.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 492,\r\n 1309,\r\n 6602,\r\n 5678,\r\n 337,\r\n 884,\r\n 439,\r\n 1045,\r\n 3328,\r\n 13,\r\n 634,\r\n 632,\r\n 257,\r\n 869,\r\n 3636,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1652006296011118,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5060240963855422,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009511862881481647\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 3,\r\n \"seek\": 2400,\r\n \"start\": 24.0,\r\n \"end\": 30.0,\r\n \"text\": \" What do you think about that, that picking at the end there, huh?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 708,\r\n 360,\r\n 291,\r\n 519,\r\n 466,\r\n 300,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 8867,\r\n 412,\r\n 264,\r\n 917,\r\n 456,\r\n 11,\r\n 7020,\r\n 30,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16114024112099096,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6018518518518519,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1393464356660843\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 4,\r\n \"seek\": 2400,\r\n \"start\": 30.0,\r\n \"end\": 39.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I understand, he might say this, but I understand, well he can tell you whose house he went to and all they did was pick and grin.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 286,\r\n 1223,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 1062,\r\n 584,\r\n 341,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 286,\r\n 1223,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 415,\r\n 393,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 6104,\r\n 1782,\r\n 415,\r\n 1437,\r\n 281,\r\n 293,\r\n 439,\r\n 436,\r\n 630,\r\n 390,\r\n 1888,\r\n 293,\r\n 49179,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16114024112099096,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6018518518518519,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1393464356660843\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 5,\r\n \"seek\": 2400,\r\n \"start\": 39.0,\r\n \"end\": 42.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I'm picking y'all grin, picking and grinning.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 8867,\r\n 288,\r\n 6,\r\n 336,\r\n 49179,\r\n 11,\r\n 8867,\r\n 293,\r\n 49179,\r\n 773,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16114024112099096,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6018518518518519,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1393464356660843\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 6,\r\n \"seek\": 2400,\r\n \"start\": 42.0,\r\n \"end\": 45.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Let me mention just a couple of things.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 961,\r\n 385,\r\n 2152,\r\n 445,\r\n 257,\r\n 1916,\r\n 295,\r\n 721,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16114024112099096,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6018518518518519,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1393464356660843\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 7,\r\n \"seek\": 2400,\r\n \"start\": 45.0,\r\n \"end\": 52.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So, Jerry is going to finish out this Wednesday night for July.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 407,\r\n 11,\r\n 17454,\r\n 307,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 2413,\r\n 484,\r\n 341,\r\n 10579,\r\n 1818,\r\n 337,\r\n 7370,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16114024112099096,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6018518518518519,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1393464356660843\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 8,\r\n \"seek\": 5200,\r\n \"start\": 52.0,\r\n \"end\": 63.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And then next Sunday we have Rusty Ellison in the morning and Ralph Honeycutt in the evening.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 550,\r\n 958,\r\n 7776,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 34952,\r\n 88,\r\n 8353,\r\n 2770,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 2446,\r\n 293,\r\n 28131,\r\n 16187,\r\n 6672,\r\n 83,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 5634,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1424786417107833,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02544902265071869\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 9,\r\n \"seek\": 5200,\r\n \"start\": 63.0,\r\n \"end\": 70.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So, Rusty will do the 8.15, 10.30 and then Ralph will do the 6 o'clock.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 407,\r\n 11,\r\n 34952,\r\n 88,\r\n 486,\r\n 360,\r\n 264,\r\n 1649,\r\n 13,\r\n 5211,\r\n 11,\r\n 1266,\r\n 13,\r\n 3446,\r\n 293,\r\n 550,\r\n 28131,\r\n 486,\r\n 360,\r\n 264,\r\n 1386,\r\n 277,\r\n 6,\r\n 9023,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1424786417107833,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02544902265071869\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 10,\r\n \"seek\": 5200,\r\n \"start\": 70.0,\r\n \"end\": 75.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And then the next Sunday, the kids, is that the kids?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 400,\r\n 550,\r\n 264,\r\n 958,\r\n 7776,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 2301,\r\n 11,\r\n 307,\r\n 300,\r\n 264,\r\n 2301,\r\n 30,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1424786417107833,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02544902265071869\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 11,\r\n \"seek\": 5200,\r\n \"start\": 75.0,\r\n \"end\": 76.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Yes, it is.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 1079,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 307,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1424786417107833,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02544902265071869\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 12,\r\n \"seek\": 7600,\r\n \"start\": 76.0,\r\n \"end\": 85.0,\r\n \"text\": \" At 6 o'clock, the kids are going to be performing for us from the music and drama camp.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1711,\r\n 1386,\r\n 277,\r\n 6,\r\n 9023,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 2301,\r\n 366,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 10205,\r\n 337,\r\n 505,\r\n 490,\r\n 264,\r\n 1318,\r\n 293,\r\n 9412,\r\n 2255,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1203631039323478,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5138888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.17454969882965088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 13,\r\n \"seek\": 7600,\r\n \"start\": 85.0,\r\n \"end\": 91.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But anyway, Jackie and the kids, we want to come and support them, okay?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 583,\r\n 4033,\r\n 11,\r\n 23402,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 2301,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 808,\r\n 293,\r\n 1406,\r\n 552,\r\n 11,\r\n 1392,\r\n 30,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1203631039323478,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5138888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.17454969882965088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 14,\r\n \"seek\": 7600,\r\n \"start\": 91.0,\r\n \"end\": 99.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It says here, mark your calendar for the back to school prayer walk at Campbell County Middle School and Campbell County High School.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 467,\r\n 1619,\r\n 510,\r\n 11,\r\n 1491,\r\n 428,\r\n 12183,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 646,\r\n 281,\r\n 1395,\r\n 8767,\r\n 1792,\r\n 412,\r\n 25914,\r\n 6658,\r\n 10775,\r\n 5070,\r\n 293,\r\n 25914,\r\n 6658,\r\n 5229,\r\n 5070,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1203631039323478,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5138888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.17454969882965088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 15,\r\n \"seek\": 7600,\r\n \"start\": 99.0,\r\n \"end\": 103.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Monday, August the 5th at 6 p.m.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 8138,\r\n 11,\r\n 6897,\r\n 264,\r\n 1025,\r\n 392,\r\n 412,\r\n 1386,\r\n 280,\r\n 13,\r\n 76,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1203631039323478,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5138888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.17454969882965088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 16,\r\n \"seek\": 10300,\r\n \"start\": 103.0,\r\n \"end\": 116.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And then Colin mentioned this morning that the first day up this cold spring raised $2,524 for the baby bottle boomerang.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 550,\r\n 29253,\r\n 2835,\r\n 341,\r\n 2446,\r\n 300,\r\n 264,\r\n 700,\r\n 786,\r\n 493,\r\n 341,\r\n 3554,\r\n 5587,\r\n 6005,\r\n 1848,\r\n 17,\r\n 11,\r\n 20,\r\n 7911,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 3186,\r\n 7817,\r\n 9351,\r\n 260,\r\n 656,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n 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1.3882978723404256,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.019418638199567795\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 19,\r\n \"seek\": 10300,\r\n \"start\": 127.0,\r\n \"end\": 131.0,\r\n \"text\": \" If not, we'll turn it over to Jackie.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 759,\r\n 406,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 603,\r\n 1261,\r\n 309,\r\n 670,\r\n 281,\r\n 23402,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08681804112025669,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3882978723404256,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.019418638199567795\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 20,\r\n \"seek\": 13100,\r\n \"start\": 131.0,\r\n \"end\": 135.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Thank you, John. 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2252,\r\n 281,\r\n 1522,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10519897506897707,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5647668393782384,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05348389968276024\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 22,\r\n \"seek\": 13100,\r\n \"start\": 143.0,\r\n \"end\": 146.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It's not difficult, but not easy to hum.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 406,\r\n 2252,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 406,\r\n 1858,\r\n 281,\r\n 1484,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10519897506897707,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5647668393782384,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05348389968276024\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 23,\r\n \"seek\": 13100,\r\n \"start\": 146.0,\r\n \"end\": 150.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And then just practice in serving one another.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 400,\r\n 550,\r\n 445,\r\n 3124,\r\n 294,\r\n 8148,\r\n 472,\r\n 1071,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n 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178.0,\r\n \"end\": 184.0,\r\n \"text\": \" lying within us the power of the risen Lord.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 8493,\r\n 1951,\r\n 505,\r\n 264,\r\n 1347,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 28614,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17963051309390943,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4491525423728813,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2640015184879303\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 29,\r\n \"seek\": 17400,\r\n \"start\": 184.0,\r\n \"end\": 191.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Let the cross be our glory and the Lord be our song,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 961,\r\n 264,\r\n 3278,\r\n 312,\r\n 527,\r\n 11924,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 312,\r\n 527,\r\n 2153,\r\n 11,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17963051309390943,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4491525423728813,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2640015184879303\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 30,\r\n \"seek\": 17400,\r\n \"start\": 191.0,\r\n \"end\": 198.0,\r\n \"text\": \" by mercy 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51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12119296977394506,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4375,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006194391753524542\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 62,\r\n \"seek\": 35400,\r\n \"start\": 379.0,\r\n \"end\": 382.0,\r\n \"text\": \" they did good, they're home now.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 436,\r\n 630,\r\n 665,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 434,\r\n 1280,\r\n 586,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12119296977394506,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4375,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006194391753524542\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 63,\r\n \"seek\": 38200,\r\n \"start\": 382.0,\r\n \"end\": 387.0,\r\n \"text\": \" They had AFib and had that corrected, so they are home.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 814,\r\n 632,\r\n 20389,\r\n 897,\r\n 293,\r\n 632,\r\n 300,\r\n 31687,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 436,\r\n 366,\r\n 1280,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12443199724254042,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.583710407239819,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.015803519636392593\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 64,\r\n \"seek\": 38200,\r\n \"start\": 387.0,\r\n \"end\": 390.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Let me see if I can say this wrong.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 961,\r\n 385,\r\n 536,\r\n 498,\r\n 286,\r\n 393,\r\n 584,\r\n 341,\r\n 2085,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12443199724254042,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.583710407239819,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.015803519636392593\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 65,\r\n \"seek\": 38200,\r\n \"start\": 390.0,\r\n \"end\": 394.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Robin Yellenhaus, Yellenhaus, Mike is that right?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 16533,\r\n 835,\r\n 19191,\r\n 23321,\r\n 11,\r\n 835,\r\n 19191,\r\n 23321,\r\n 11,\r\n 6602,\r\n 307,\r\n 300,\r\n 558,\r\n 30,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12443199724254042,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.583710407239819,\r\n 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0.015803519636392593\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 68,\r\n \"seek\": 38200,\r\n \"start\": 402.0,\r\n \"end\": 406.0,\r\n \"text\": \" or however that works in the face right here.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 420,\r\n 4461,\r\n 300,\r\n 1985,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1851,\r\n 558,\r\n 510,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12443199724254042,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.583710407239819,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.015803519636392593\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 69,\r\n \"seek\": 38200,\r\n \"start\": 406.0,\r\n \"end\": 410.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So that must be real painful, keep her in your prayers.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 407,\r\n 300,\r\n 1633,\r\n 312,\r\n 957,\r\n 11697,\r\n 11,\r\n 1066,\r\n 720,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 16860,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12443199724254042,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.583710407239819,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.015803519636392593\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 70,\r\n \"seek\": 41000,\r\n \"start\": 410.0,\r\n \"end\": 413.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We went and visited Joyce Wicklehouse.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 1437,\r\n 293,\r\n 11220,\r\n 40044,\r\n 47702,\r\n 306,\r\n 6410,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.21145833924759266,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5833333333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.015626654028892517\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 71,\r\n \"seek\": 41000,\r\n \"start\": 413.0,\r\n \"end\": 417.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Joyce Wicklehouse fell again and is in the hospital\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 40044,\r\n 47702,\r\n 306,\r\n 6410,\r\n 5696,\r\n 797,\r\n 293,\r\n 307,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 4530,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.21145833924759266,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5833333333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.015626654028892517\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 72,\r\n \"seek\": 41000,\r\n \"start\": 417.0,\r\n \"end\": 421.0,\r\n 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64500,\r\n \"start\": 652.0,\r\n \"end\": 656.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I got to tell you tonight, I love the Lord's church.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 286,\r\n 658,\r\n 281,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 4440,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 959,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 311,\r\n 4128,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12005671171041635,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5991379310344827,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003233030147384852\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 142,\r\n \"seek\": 64500,\r\n \"start\": 656.0,\r\n \"end\": 658.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I've been blessed.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 668,\r\n 12351,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12005671171041635,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5991379310344827,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003233030147384852\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 143,\r\n \"seek\": 64500,\r\n \"start\": 658.0,\r\n \"end\": 663.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I was saved in a mission, actually a mission of 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640,\r\n 11,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10774083884365587,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.522167487684729,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011764561058953404\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 200,\r\n \"seek\": 83600,\r\n \"start\": 844.0,\r\n \"end\": 847.0,\r\n \"text\": \" you may have the word sin there, same word.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 291,\r\n 815,\r\n 362,\r\n 264,\r\n 1349,\r\n 3343,\r\n 456,\r\n 11,\r\n 912,\r\n 1349,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10774083884365587,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.522167487684729,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011764561058953404\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 201,\r\n \"seek\": 83600,\r\n \"start\": 847.0,\r\n \"end\": 852.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 509,\r\n 567,\r\n 366,\r\n 6960,\r\n 15227,\r\n 1270,\r\n 257,\r\n 472,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 3797,\r\n 295,\r\n 16108,\r\n 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-0.11242934160454329,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5170731707317073,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008433599956333637\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 216,\r\n \"seek\": 91700,\r\n \"start\": 917.0,\r\n \"end\": 920.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That person is backslidden.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 663,\r\n 954,\r\n 307,\r\n 646,\r\n 10418,\r\n 6171,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1135365737111945,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6615384615384616,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008802860975265503\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 217,\r\n \"seek\": 91700,\r\n \"start\": 920.0,\r\n \"end\": 922.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't hear that anymore.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 1568,\r\n 300,\r\n 3602,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1135365737111945,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6615384615384616,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008802860975265503\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 218,\r\n \"seek\": 91700,\r\n 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\"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 286,\r\n 3172,\r\n 321,\r\n 576,\r\n 2171,\r\n 362,\r\n 2128,\r\n 21169,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1135365737111945,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6615384615384616,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008802860975265503\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 223,\r\n \"seek\": 91700,\r\n \"start\": 940.0,\r\n \"end\": 943.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Instead of a backward sliding to say,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 7156,\r\n 295,\r\n 257,\r\n 23897,\r\n 21169,\r\n 281,\r\n 584,\r\n 11,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1135365737111945,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6615384615384616,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008802860975265503\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 224,\r\n \"seek\": 94300,\r\n \"start\": 943.0,\r\n \"end\": 948.0,\r\n \"text\": \" hey man, look at Tim, he is forward sliding for Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 4177,\r\n 587,\r\n 11,\r\n 574,\r\n 412,\r\n 7172,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 307,\r\n 2128,\r\n 21169,\r\n 337,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11532584201084094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6414141414141414,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001989287557080388\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 225,\r\n \"seek\": 94300,\r\n \"start\": 948.0,\r\n \"end\": 950.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He is moving forward.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 634,\r\n 307,\r\n 2684,\r\n 2128,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11532584201084094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6414141414141414,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001989287557080388\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 226,\r\n \"seek\": 94300,\r\n \"start\": 950.0,\r\n \"end\": 953.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That's better than backsliding.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 1101,\r\n 813,\r\n 646,\r\n 10418,\r\n 2819,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11532584201084094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 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-0.11532584201084094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6414141414141414,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001989287557080388\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 229,\r\n \"seek\": 94300,\r\n \"start\": 963.0,\r\n \"end\": 967.0,\r\n \"text\": \" In your outline there I put sin is always a choice.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 682,\r\n 428,\r\n 16387,\r\n 456,\r\n 286,\r\n 829,\r\n 3343,\r\n 307,\r\n 1009,\r\n 257,\r\n 3922,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11532584201084094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6414141414141414,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001989287557080388\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 230,\r\n \"seek\": 94300,\r\n \"start\": 967.0,\r\n \"end\": 969.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Sin is always a choice.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 11187,\r\n 307,\r\n 1009,\r\n 257,\r\n 3922,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11532584201084094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6414141414141414,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001989287557080388\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 231,\r\n \"seek\": 96900,\r\n \"start\": 969.0,\r\n \"end\": 974.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The scripture tells us with every temptation there is a way of escape.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 440,\r\n 24783,\r\n 5112,\r\n 505,\r\n 365,\r\n 633,\r\n 30423,\r\n 456,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 636,\r\n 295,\r\n 7615,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05534263826766104,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.552,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0048349578864872456\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 232,\r\n \"seek\": 96900,\r\n \"start\": 974.0,\r\n \"end\": 976.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The problem is we don't look for it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 440,\r\n 1154,\r\n 307,\r\n 321,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 574,\r\n 337,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05534263826766104,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.552,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0048349578864872456\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 233,\r\n \"seek\": 96900,\r\n \"start\": 976.0,\r\n \"end\": 980.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But God has a way out if we'll just stop and look and pray.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 583,\r\n 1265,\r\n 575,\r\n 257,\r\n 636,\r\n 484,\r\n 498,\r\n 321,\r\n 603,\r\n 445,\r\n 1590,\r\n 293,\r\n 574,\r\n 293,\r\n 3690,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05534263826766104,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.552,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0048349578864872456\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 234,\r\n \"seek\": 96900,\r\n \"start\": 980.0,\r\n \"end\": 985.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Some Christians choose to take a wrong turn and are momentarily off the path.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 2188,\r\n 12254,\r\n 2826,\r\n 281,\r\n 747,\r\n 257,\r\n 2085,\r\n 1261,\r\n 293,\r\n 366,\r\n 1623,\r\n 3289,\r\n 766,\r\n 264,\r\n 3100,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05534263826766104,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.552,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 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237,\r\n \"seek\": 96900,\r\n \"start\": 992.0,\r\n \"end\": 996.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Paul says here, restore such a person.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 4552,\r\n 1619,\r\n 510,\r\n 11,\r\n 15227,\r\n 1270,\r\n 257,\r\n 954,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05534263826766104,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.552,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0048349578864872456\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 238,\r\n \"seek\": 99600,\r\n \"start\": 996.0,\r\n \"end\": 999.0,\r\n \"text\": \" This word restore is a really interesting word.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 639,\r\n 1349,\r\n 15227,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 534,\r\n 1880,\r\n 1349,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11836768033211692,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.722466960352423,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003780224360525608\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 239,\r\n \"seek\": 99600,\r\n \"start\": 999.0,\r\n \"end\": 1006.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It's the same Greek word used, if you want to turn over to Matthew chapter 4, 21.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 264,\r\n 912,\r\n 10281,\r\n 1349,\r\n 1143,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 1261,\r\n 670,\r\n 281,\r\n 12434,\r\n 7187,\r\n 1017,\r\n 11,\r\n 5080,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11836768033211692,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.722466960352423,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003780224360525608\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 240,\r\n \"seek\": 99600,\r\n \"start\": 1006.0,\r\n \"end\": 1011.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It's the same word used here.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 264,\r\n 912,\r\n 1349,\r\n 1143,\r\n 510,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11836768033211692,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.722466960352423,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003780224360525608\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 241,\r\n \"seek\": 99600,\r\n \"start\": 1011.0,\r\n \"end\": 1013.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Let me 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\"seek\": 99600,\r\n \"start\": 1017.0,\r\n \"end\": 1020.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and John his brother in the boat with Zebedee, their father,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 293,\r\n 2619,\r\n 702,\r\n 3708,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 6582,\r\n 365,\r\n 4853,\r\n 2883,\r\n 1653,\r\n 11,\r\n 641,\r\n 3086,\r\n 11,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11836768033211692,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.722466960352423,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003780224360525608\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 244,\r\n \"seek\": 99600,\r\n \"start\": 1020.0,\r\n \"end\": 1022.0,\r\n \"text\": \" mending their nets.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 275,\r\n 2029,\r\n 641,\r\n 36170,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11836768033211692,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.722466960352423,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003780224360525608\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 245,\r\n \"seek\": 99600,\r\n \"start\": 1022.0,\r\n \"end\": 1024.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Mending 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1054.0,\r\n \"text\": \" to win or catch people for Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 281,\r\n 1942,\r\n 420,\r\n 3745,\r\n 561,\r\n 337,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11221208377760283,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.646788990825688,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007930039428174496\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 252,\r\n \"seek\": 105100,\r\n \"start\": 1054.0,\r\n \"end\": 1057.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And this will return them to where they need to be.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 400,\r\n 341,\r\n 486,\r\n 2736,\r\n 552,\r\n 281,\r\n 689,\r\n 436,\r\n 643,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11221208377760283,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.646788990825688,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007930039428174496\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 253,\r\n \"seek\": 105100,\r\n \"start\": 1057.0,\r\n \"end\": 1063.0,\r\n \"text\": \" If we don't have a ministry in heart for restoring, we lose 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nets\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 1436,\r\n 498,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 12254,\r\n 670,\r\n 527,\r\n 15381,\r\n 365,\r\n 20061,\r\n 294,\r\n 641,\r\n 36170,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11221208377760283,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.646788990825688,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007930039428174496\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 256,\r\n \"seek\": 105100,\r\n \"start\": 1070.0,\r\n \"end\": 1075.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and we don't help them, they will never catch any fish\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 293,\r\n 321,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 854,\r\n 552,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 486,\r\n 1128,\r\n 3745,\r\n 604,\r\n 3506,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11221208377760283,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.646788990825688,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007930039428174496\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 257,\r\n \"seek\": 105100,\r\n \"start\": 1075.0,\r\n \"end\": 1077.0,\r\n \"text\": \" because they have hose in their net.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 570,\r\n 436,\r\n 362,\r\n 20061,\r\n 294,\r\n 641,\r\n 2533,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11221208377760283,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.646788990825688,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007930039428174496\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 258,\r\n \"seek\": 107700,\r\n \"start\": 1077.0,\r\n \"end\": 1081.0,\r\n \"text\": \" This passage I think is a beautiful picture of what the body of Christ, the church,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 639,\r\n 11497,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 2238,\r\n 3036,\r\n 295,\r\n 437,\r\n 264,\r\n 1772,\r\n 295,\r\n 2040,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 4128,\r\n 11,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12097527550869301,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608365019011407,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009749207645654678\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 259,\r\n \"seek\": 107700,\r\n \"start\": 1081.0,\r\n \"end\": 1085.0,\r\n \"text\": \" a Sunday school class, what we ought to be doing for others.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 257,\r\n 7776,\r\n 1395,\r\n 1508,\r\n 11,\r\n 437,\r\n 321,\r\n 13416,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 884,\r\n 337,\r\n 2357,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12097527550869301,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608365019011407,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009749207645654678\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 260,\r\n \"seek\": 107700,\r\n \"start\": 1085.0,\r\n \"end\": 1088.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Someone said the church is a hospital for sinners.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 8734,\r\n 848,\r\n 264,\r\n 4128,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 4530,\r\n 337,\r\n 41004,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12097527550869301,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608365019011407,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009749207645654678\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 261,\r\n \"seek\": 107700,\r\n \"start\": 1088.0,\r\n \"end\": 1091.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It's not a campground for 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3917,\r\n 257,\r\n 4128,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 2176,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12097527550869301,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608365019011407,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009749207645654678\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 264,\r\n \"seek\": 107700,\r\n \"start\": 1097.0,\r\n \"end\": 1099.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Well, welcome to the family.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 2928,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 1605,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12097527550869301,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608365019011407,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009749207645654678\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 265,\r\n \"seek\": 107700,\r\n \"start\": 1099.0,\r\n \"end\": 1104.0,\r\n \"text\": \" If you find a perfect church, please don't join it because you're a run-in.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 915,\r\n 257,\r\n 2176,\r\n 4128,\r\n 11,\r\n 1767,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 3917,\r\n 309,\r\n 570,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 257,\r\n 1190,\r\n 12,\r\n 259,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12097527550869301,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608365019011407,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009749207645654678\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 266,\r\n \"seek\": 110400,\r\n \"start\": 1105.0,\r\n \"end\": 1107.0,\r\n \"text\": \" There are no perfect churches.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 821,\r\n 366,\r\n 572,\r\n 2176,\r\n 15381,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09578384543364903,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.683794466403162,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003505102649796754\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 267,\r\n \"seek\": 110400,\r\n \"start\": 1107.0,\r\n \"end\": 1112.0,\r\n \"text\": \" There are no perfect pastors, no perfect deacons, no perfect anybody except Jesus.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 821,\r\n 366,\r\n 572,\r\n 2176,\r\n 42452,\r\n 11,\r\n 572,\r\n 2176,\r\n 368,\r\n 326,\r\n 892,\r\n 11,\r\n 572,\r\n 2176,\r\n 4472,\r\n 3993,\r\n 2705,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09578384543364903,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.683794466403162,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003505102649796754\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 268,\r\n \"seek\": 110400,\r\n \"start\": 1112.0,\r\n \"end\": 1115.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And we need to be reminded of that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 643,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 15920,\r\n 295,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09578384543364903,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.683794466403162,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003505102649796754\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 269,\r\n \"seek\": 110400,\r\n \"start\": 1115.0,\r\n \"end\": 1121.0,\r\n \"text\": \" This word restores also used to describe a surgeon setting a broken bone.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 639,\r\n 1349,\r\n 1472,\r\n 2706,\r\n 611,\r\n 1143,\r\n 281,\r\n 6786,\r\n 257,\r\n 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-0.16361312244249426,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5645933014354068,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00023630553914699703\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 284,\r\n \"seek\": 115900,\r\n \"start\": 1168.0,\r\n \"end\": 1169.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I broke my ankle.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 286,\r\n 6902,\r\n 452,\r\n 21999,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16361312244249426,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5645933014354068,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00023630553914699703\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 285,\r\n \"seek\": 115900,\r\n \"start\": 1169.0,\r\n \"end\": 1178.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Even a small break like that has pain and has to be restored, which is what a surgeon does.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 2754,\r\n 257,\r\n 1359,\r\n 1821,\r\n 411,\r\n 300,\r\n 575,\r\n 1822,\r\n 293,\r\n 575,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 23143,\r\n 11,\r\n 597,\r\n 307,\r\n 437,\r\n 257,\r\n 22913,\r\n 775,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n 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567,\r\n 645,\r\n 406,\r\n 6960,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15205381501395748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7260869565217392,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003462823573499918\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 292,\r\n \"seek\": 118500,\r\n \"start\": 1204.0,\r\n \"end\": 1211.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, when you study Scripture in Galatia, you'll see there were a lot of what the Scriptures say are carnal Christians.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 562,\r\n 291,\r\n 2979,\r\n 22888,\r\n 294,\r\n 7336,\r\n 267,\r\n 654,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 603,\r\n 536,\r\n 456,\r\n 645,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 437,\r\n 264,\r\n 46522,\r\n 584,\r\n 366,\r\n 1032,\r\n 4660,\r\n 12254,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15205381501395748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7260869565217392,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003462823573499918\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 293,\r\n \"seek\": 121100,\r\n \"start\": 1211.0,\r\n \"end\": 1218.0,\r\n \"text\": \" They're believers, but again, they got off the path somehow and are not spiritual.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 814,\r\n 434,\r\n 23125,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 797,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 658,\r\n 766,\r\n 264,\r\n 3100,\r\n 6063,\r\n 293,\r\n 366,\r\n 406,\r\n 6960,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11072858774437094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005429475102573633\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 294,\r\n \"seek\": 121100,\r\n \"start\": 1218.0,\r\n \"end\": 1224.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So you who are spiritual, so non-spiritual folks would not understand this command.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 407,\r\n 291,\r\n 567,\r\n 366,\r\n 6960,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 2107,\r\n 12,\r\n 4952,\r\n 47923,\r\n 4024,\r\n 576,\r\n 406,\r\n 1223,\r\n 341,\r\n 5622,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11072858774437094,\r\n 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-0.11072858774437094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005429475102573633\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 297,\r\n \"seek\": 121100,\r\n \"start\": 1233.0,\r\n \"end\": 1234.0,\r\n \"text\": \" If not, you're not a Christian.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 759,\r\n 406,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 406,\r\n 257,\r\n 5778,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11072858774437094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005429475102573633\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 298,\r\n \"seek\": 121100,\r\n \"start\": 1234.0,\r\n \"end\": 1239.0,\r\n \"text\": \" If you turn back Galatians 3, 3-2, Paul makes this so clear.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 1261,\r\n 646,\r\n 7336,\r\n 267,\r\n 2567,\r\n 805,\r\n 11,\r\n 805,\r\n 12,\r\n 17,\r\n 11,\r\n 4552,\r\n 1669,\r\n 341,\r\n 370,\r\n 1850,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11072858774437094,\r\n 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51014,\r\n 961,\r\n 385,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 577,\r\n 281,\r\n 27478,\r\n 613,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08698759580913343,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.49009900990099,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007160303182899952\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 307,\r\n \"seek\": 126600,\r\n \"start\": 1281.0,\r\n \"end\": 1286.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Somebody taught me this a long time and it's really helped me on these nine things.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 13463,\r\n 5928,\r\n 385,\r\n 341,\r\n 257,\r\n 938,\r\n 565,\r\n 293,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 534,\r\n 4254,\r\n 385,\r\n 322,\r\n 613,\r\n 4949,\r\n 721,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08698759580913343,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.49009900990099,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007160303182899952\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 308,\r\n \"seek\": 126600,\r\n \"start\": 1286.0,\r\n \"end\": 1294.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The first three characteristics in verse 22 are one 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them,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 567,\r\n 3441,\r\n 729,\r\n 567,\r\n 366,\r\n 760,\r\n 293,\r\n 18713,\r\n 293,\r\n 5373,\r\n 552,\r\n 11,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1281062745556389,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6919642857142858,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.017042241990566254\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 331,\r\n \"seek\": 135000,\r\n \"start\": 1360.0,\r\n \"end\": 1362.0,\r\n \"text\": \" those who have dropped out.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 729,\r\n 567,\r\n 362,\r\n 8119,\r\n 484,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1281062745556389,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6919642857142858,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.017042241990566254\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 332,\r\n \"seek\": 135000,\r\n \"start\": 1362.0,\r\n \"end\": 1366.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And that's one thing we don't do too well as churches.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 400,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 472,\r\n 551,\r\n 321,\r\n 500,\r\n 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406,\r\n 510,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1281062745556389,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6919642857142858,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.017042241990566254\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 335,\r\n \"seek\": 135000,\r\n \"start\": 1374.0,\r\n \"end\": 1377.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And the next Sunday she's still not here\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 958,\r\n 7776,\r\n 750,\r\n 311,\r\n 920,\r\n 406,\r\n 510,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1281062745556389,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6919642857142858,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.017042241990566254\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 336,\r\n \"seek\": 137700,\r\n \"start\": 1377.0,\r\n \"end\": 1379.0,\r\n \"text\": \" three or four Sundays ago.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1045,\r\n 420,\r\n 1451,\r\n 44857,\r\n 2057,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14836142315127984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7279411764705883,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005741121247410774\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 337,\r\n \"seek\": 137700,\r\n \"start\": 1379.0,\r\n \"end\": 1381.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And then someone said, well, somebody else calls me about what's going on.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 400,\r\n 550,\r\n 1580,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 2618,\r\n 1646,\r\n 5498,\r\n 385,\r\n 466,\r\n 437,\r\n 311,\r\n 516,\r\n 322,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14836142315127984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7279411764705883,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005741121247410774\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 338,\r\n \"seek\": 137700,\r\n \"start\": 1381.0,\r\n \"end\": 1385.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Then we get a county embarrassed because we waited too long to make the contact.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 1396,\r\n 321,\r\n 483,\r\n 257,\r\n 9928,\r\n 16843,\r\n 570,\r\n 321,\r\n 15240,\r\n 886,\r\n 938,\r\n 281,\r\n 652,\r\n 264,\r\n 3385,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14836142315127984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7279411764705883,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005741121247410774\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 339,\r\n \"seek\": 137700,\r\n \"start\": 1385.0,\r\n \"end\": 1390.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And we make the call and we find out something's been maybe going on in that life or what.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 652,\r\n 264,\r\n 818,\r\n 293,\r\n 321,\r\n 915,\r\n 484,\r\n 746,\r\n 311,\r\n 668,\r\n 1310,\r\n 516,\r\n 322,\r\n 294,\r\n 300,\r\n 993,\r\n 420,\r\n 437,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14836142315127984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7279411764705883,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005741121247410774\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 340,\r\n \"seek\": 137700,\r\n \"start\": 1390.0,\r\n \"end\": 1392.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But here's the principle.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 583,\r\n 510,\r\n 311,\r\n 264,\r\n 8665,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14836142315127984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7279411764705883,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005741121247410774\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 341,\r\n \"seek\": 137700,\r\n \"start\": 1392.0,\r\n \"end\": 1398.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The longer you go, the longer a person who has become an absentee,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 440,\r\n 2854,\r\n 291,\r\n 352,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 2854,\r\n 257,\r\n 954,\r\n 567,\r\n 575,\r\n 1813,\r\n 364,\r\n 1950,\r\n 1576,\r\n 68,\r\n 11,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14836142315127984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7279411764705883,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005741121247410774\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 342,\r\n \"seek\": 137700,\r\n \"start\": 1398.0,\r\n \"end\": 1401.0,\r\n \"text\": \" the longer that goes in a class or in worship,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 264,\r\n 2854,\r\n 300,\r\n 1709,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 1508,\r\n 420,\r\n 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926,\r\n 293,\r\n 584,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 536,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 1455,\r\n 493,\r\n 5288,\r\n 11,\r\n 6637,\r\n 11,\r\n 4552,\r\n 11,\r\n 6059,\r\n 11,\r\n 14011,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12997999992079406,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6804511278195489,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009869590867310762\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 345,\r\n \"seek\": 140500,\r\n \"start\": 1412.0,\r\n \"end\": 1415.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't see them. I think I give them a call, make sure they go, okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 536,\r\n 552,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 286,\r\n 976,\r\n 552,\r\n 257,\r\n 818,\r\n 11,\r\n 652,\r\n 988,\r\n 436,\r\n 352,\r\n 11,\r\n 1392,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12997999992079406,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6804511278195489,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009869590867310762\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 346,\r\n \"seek\": 140500,\r\n \"start\": 1415.0,\r\n \"end\": 1420.0,\r\n \"text\": \" If we don't do that, then a lot of those people will become absent.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 759,\r\n 321,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 360,\r\n 300,\r\n 11,\r\n 550,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 729,\r\n 561,\r\n 486,\r\n 1813,\r\n 25185,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12997999992079406,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6804511278195489,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009869590867310762\r\n 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641,\r\n 644,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 577,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 561,\r\n 519,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12997999992079406,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6804511278195489,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009869590867310762\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 349,\r\n \"seek\": 142900,\r\n \"start\": 1429.0,\r\n \"end\": 1437.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So we have this ministry of restoring people and approaching them again with the fruit of the spirit,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 341,\r\n 15024,\r\n 295,\r\n 36349,\r\n 561,\r\n 293,\r\n 14908,\r\n 552,\r\n 797,\r\n 365,\r\n 264,\r\n 6773,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 3797,\r\n 11,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10740953622405063,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6528925619834711,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.09437631070613861\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 350,\r\n \"seek\": 142900,\r\n \"start\": 1437.0,\r\n \"end\": 1439.0,\r\n \"text\": \" with gentleness and compassion and love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 365,\r\n 16108,\r\n 45887,\r\n 293,\r\n 12601,\r\n 293,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10740953622405063,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6528925619834711,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.09437631070613861\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 351,\r\n \"seek\": 142900,\r\n \"start\": 1439.0,\r\n \"end\": 1445.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And the scripture goes on to say in verse one, look to yourself or within yourself, lest you be tempted.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 24783,\r\n 1709,\r\n 322,\r\n 281,\r\n 584,\r\n 294,\r\n 7996,\r\n 472,\r\n 11,\r\n 574,\r\n 281,\r\n 1803,\r\n 420,\r\n 1951,\r\n 1803,\r\n 11,\r\n 287,\r\n 377,\r\n 291,\r\n 312,\r\n 29941,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10740953622405063,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6528925619834711,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.09437631070613861\r\n },\r\n 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-0.10740953622405063,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6528925619834711,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.09437631070613861\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 354,\r\n \"seek\": 145600,\r\n \"start\": 1456.0,\r\n \"end\": 1464.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Well, first off, this throws out legalism and the idea that we're so much more spiritual and holy than anyone else.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 700,\r\n 766,\r\n 11,\r\n 341,\r\n 19251,\r\n 484,\r\n 5089,\r\n 1434,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 1558,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 370,\r\n 709,\r\n 544,\r\n 6960,\r\n 293,\r\n 10622,\r\n 813,\r\n 2878,\r\n 1646,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07158814627548744,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6030534351145038,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009474459802731872\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 355,\r\n \"seek\": 145600,\r\n \"start\": 1464.0,\r\n \"end\": 1468.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, at the foot of the cross, it's all level ground. You know that, don't you?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 412,\r\n 264,\r\n 2671,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 3278,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 439,\r\n 1496,\r\n 2727,\r\n 13,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 300,\r\n 11,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 291,\r\n 30,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07158814627548744,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6030534351145038,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009474459802731872\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 356,\r\n \"seek\": 145600,\r\n \"start\": 1468.0,\r\n \"end\": 1471.0,\r\n \"text\": \" No one stands taller. We're all the same.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 883,\r\n 472,\r\n 7382,\r\n 22406,\r\n 13,\r\n 492,\r\n 434,\r\n 439,\r\n 264,\r\n 912,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07158814627548744,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6030534351145038,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009474459802731872\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 357,\r\n \"seek\": 145600,\r\n \"start\": 1471.0,\r\n \"end\": 1479.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And our job is to realize that, you know, a doctor knows he can catch a disease from treating a patient.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 400,\r\n 527,\r\n 1691,\r\n 307,\r\n 281,\r\n 4325,\r\n 300,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 257,\r\n 4631,\r\n 3255,\r\n 415,\r\n 393,\r\n 3745,\r\n 257,\r\n 4752,\r\n 490,\r\n 15083,\r\n 257,\r\n 4537,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07158814627548744,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6030534351145038,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009474459802731872\r\n },\r\n {\r\n 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situations, be careful.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 1633,\r\n 886,\r\n 11,\r\n 294,\r\n 729,\r\n 6851,\r\n 11,\r\n 312,\r\n 5026,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07943972853041187,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5347826086956522,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002690608147531748\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 361,\r\n \"seek\": 148400,\r\n \"start\": 1488.0,\r\n \"end\": 1494.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We must remember that only the grace of God separates us from having hoes in our spiritual nets.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 492,\r\n 1633,\r\n 1604,\r\n 300,\r\n 787,\r\n 264,\r\n 10042,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 34149,\r\n 505,\r\n 490,\r\n 1419,\r\n 1106,\r\n 279,\r\n 294,\r\n 527,\r\n 6960,\r\n 36170,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07943972853041187,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5347826086956522,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002690608147531748\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 362,\r\n \"seek\": 148400,\r\n \"start\": 1494.0,\r\n \"end\": 1498.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And all of us at one time or another had a hoe in our net.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 400,\r\n 439,\r\n 295,\r\n 505,\r\n 412,\r\n 472,\r\n 565,\r\n 420,\r\n 1071,\r\n 632,\r\n 257,\r\n 19709,\r\n 294,\r\n 527,\r\n 2533,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07943972853041187,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5347826086956522,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002690608147531748\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 363,\r\n \"seek\": 148400,\r\n \"start\": 1498.0,\r\n \"end\": 1501.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Elton Trueblood had a great quote.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 2699,\r\n 1756,\r\n 13587,\r\n 15962,\r\n 378,\r\n 632,\r\n 257,\r\n 869,\r\n 6513,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07943972853041187,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5347826086956522,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002690608147531748\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 364,\r\n \"seek\": 148400,\r\n \"start\": 1501.0,\r\n \"end\": 1507.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He said, the Christian army is the only army that shoots its own wounded soldiers.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 634,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 5778,\r\n 7267,\r\n 307,\r\n 264,\r\n 787,\r\n 7267,\r\n 300,\r\n 20704,\r\n 1080,\r\n 1065,\r\n 21906,\r\n 8892,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07943972853041187,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5347826086956522,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002690608147531748\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 365,\r\n \"seek\": 148400,\r\n \"start\": 1507.0,\r\n \"end\": 1509.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That's very convicting to me.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 588,\r\n 3754,\r\n 21490,\r\n 281,\r\n 385,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07943972853041187,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5347826086956522,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002690608147531748\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 366,\r\n \"seek\": 150900,\r\n \"start\": 1509.0,\r\n \"end\": 1514.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We're not good about helping someone to be restored spiritually.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 434,\r\n 406,\r\n 665,\r\n 466,\r\n 4315,\r\n 1580,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 23143,\r\n 33430,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09209399223327637,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7063197026022305,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.17429323494434357\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 367,\r\n \"seek\": 150900,\r\n \"start\": 1514.0,\r\n \"end\": 1520.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Now, I know the other side of that. I've talked to people that have walked away and they said, I'm not interested anymore.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 823,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 264,\r\n 661,\r\n 1252,\r\n 295,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 2825,\r\n 281,\r\n 561,\r\n 300,\r\n 362,\r\n 7628,\r\n 1314,\r\n 293,\r\n 436,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 3102,\r\n 3602,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09209399223327637,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7063197026022305,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.17429323494434357\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 368,\r\n \"seek\": 150900,\r\n \"start\": 1520.0,\r\n \"end\": 1525.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, and just have become just arrogant about it. And, you know, we can pray for those people.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 445,\r\n 362,\r\n 1813,\r\n 445,\r\n 30467,\r\n 466,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 729,\r\n 561,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09209399223327637,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7063197026022305,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.17429323494434357\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 369,\r\n \"seek\": 150900,\r\n \"start\": 1525.0,\r\n \"end\": 1528.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But most people don't get that far gone.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 583,\r\n 881,\r\n 561,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 483,\r\n 300,\r\n 1400,\r\n 2780,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09209399223327637,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7063197026022305,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.17429323494434357\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 370,\r\n \"seek\": 150900,\r\n \"start\": 1528.0,\r\n \"end\": 1531.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The problem is we sometimes give up too soon.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 440,\r\n 1154,\r\n 307,\r\n 321,\r\n 2171,\r\n 976,\r\n 493,\r\n 886,\r\n 2321,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09209399223327637,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7063197026022305,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.17429323494434357\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 371,\r\n \"seek\": 150900,\r\n \"start\": 1531.0,\r\n \"end\": 1533.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Never give up on someone.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 7344,\r\n 976,\r\n 493,\r\n 322,\r\n 1580,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09209399223327637,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7063197026022305,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.17429323494434357\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 372,\r\n \"seek\": 150900,\r\n \"start\": 1533.0,\r\n \"end\": 1537.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Never ever give up on someone because God doesn't give up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 7344,\r\n 1562,\r\n 976,\r\n 493,\r\n 322,\r\n 1580,\r\n 570,\r\n 1265,\r\n 1177,\r\n 380,\r\n 976,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09209399223327637,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7063197026022305,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.17429323494434357\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 373,\r\n \"seek\": 153700,\r\n \"start\": 1537.0,\r\n \"end\": 1539.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Another truth here is this.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 3996,\r\n 3494,\r\n 510,\r\n 307,\r\n 341,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11607589969387302,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5343915343915344,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010285860626026988\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 374,\r\n \"seek\": 153700,\r\n \"start\": 1539.0,\r\n \"end\": 1541.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Now, I want you to listen to this.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 823,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 2140,\r\n 281,\r\n 341,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n 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someone in the community that was so important\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 1012,\r\n 2049,\r\n 362,\r\n 321,\r\n 1612,\r\n 512,\r\n 2563,\r\n 954,\r\n 11,\r\n 572,\r\n 11,\r\n 257,\r\n 21193,\r\n 11,\r\n 1310,\r\n 257,\r\n 3558,\r\n 21193,\r\n 11,\r\n 420,\r\n 1580,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1768,\r\n 300,\r\n 390,\r\n 370,\r\n 1021,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11607589969387302,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5343915343915344,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010285860626026988\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 377,\r\n \"seek\": 156300,\r\n \"start\": 1563.0,\r\n \"end\": 1569.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and a sin they condemned they were found to be doing?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 293,\r\n 257,\r\n 3343,\r\n 436,\r\n 36472,\r\n 436,\r\n 645,\r\n 1352,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 884,\r\n 30,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09813851969582695,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5945945945945945,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019607937429100275\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 378,\r\n \"seek\": 156300,\r\n \"start\": 1569.0,\r\n \"end\": 1572.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't know why this is, but this is true.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 983,\r\n 341,\r\n 307,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 341,\r\n 307,\r\n 2074,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09813851969582695,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5945945945945945,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019607937429100275\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 379,\r\n \"seek\": 156300,\r\n \"start\": 1572.0,\r\n \"end\": 1581.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We kind of, the fault we see and criticize in others could be, and sometimes is, maybe a prominent sin in our own lives.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 492,\r\n 733,\r\n 295,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 7441,\r\n 321,\r\n 536,\r\n 293,\r\n 31010,\r\n 294,\r\n 2357,\r\n 727,\r\n 312,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 2171,\r\n 307,\r\n 11,\r\n 1310,\r\n 257,\r\n 17034,\r\n 3343,\r\n 294,\r\n 527,\r\n 1065,\r\n 2909,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09813851969582695,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5945945945945945,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019607937429100275\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 380,\r\n \"seek\": 156300,\r\n \"start\": 1581.0,\r\n \"end\": 1588.0,\r\n \"text\": \" This reminds me of Matthew 7 where Jesus says, hey, get the log out of your own eye before you take the speck out of your brother's eyes.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 639,\r\n 12025,\r\n 385,\r\n 295,\r\n 12434,\r\n 1614,\r\n 689,\r\n 2705,\r\n 1619,\r\n 11,\r\n 4177,\r\n 11,\r\n 483,\r\n 264,\r\n 3565,\r\n 484,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 1065,\r\n 3313,\r\n 949,\r\n 291,\r\n 747,\r\n 264,\r\n 768,\r\n 547,\r\n 484,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 3708,\r\n 311,\r\n 2575,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09813851969582695,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5945945945945945,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019607937429100275\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 381,\r\n \"seek\": 156300,\r\n \"start\": 1588.0,\r\n \"end\": 1590.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, I've always thought that'd be a great cartoon.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 1009,\r\n 1194,\r\n 300,\r\n 1116,\r\n 312,\r\n 257,\r\n 869,\r\n 18569,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09813851969582695,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5945945945945945,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019607937429100275\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 382,\r\n \"seek\": 159000,\r\n \"start\": 1590.0,\r\n \"end\": 1598.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Here's a guy with a log in his eye, big log, and he's reaching around to remove a little bit of speck out of his brother's eye.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1692,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 2146,\r\n 365,\r\n 257,\r\n 3565,\r\n 294,\r\n 702,\r\n 3313,\r\n 11,\r\n 955,\r\n 3565,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 311,\r\n 9906,\r\n 926,\r\n 281,\r\n 4159,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 857,\r\n 295,\r\n 768,\r\n 547,\r\n 484,\r\n 295,\r\n 702,\r\n 3708,\r\n 311,\r\n 3313,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08616857439558083,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5576923076923077,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007180605083703995\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 383,\r\n \"seek\": 159000,\r\n \"start\": 1598.0,\r\n \"end\": 1600.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You know what I'm saying? The log's knocking everybody down.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 437,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 1566,\r\n 30,\r\n 440,\r\n 3565,\r\n 311,\r\n 24085,\r\n 2201,\r\n 760,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08616857439558083,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5576923076923077,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007180605083703995\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 384,\r\n \"seek\": 159000,\r\n \"start\": 1600.0,\r\n \"end\": 1608.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I think that Jesus told that they probably laughed because it's kind of a cartoon in essence.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 300,\r\n 2705,\r\n 1907,\r\n 300,\r\n 436,\r\n 1391,\r\n 20881,\r\n 570,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 733,\r\n 295,\r\n 257,\r\n 18569,\r\n 294,\r\n 12801,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08616857439558083,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5576923076923077,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007180605083703995\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 385,\r\n \"seek\": 159000,\r\n \"start\": 1608.0,\r\n \"end\": 1614.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Be very careful that you don't fall in a sin that you are critical of.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 879,\r\n 588,\r\n 5026,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 2100,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 3343,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 366,\r\n 4924,\r\n 295,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08616857439558083,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5576923076923077,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007180605083703995\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 386,\r\n \"seek\": 159000,\r\n \"start\": 1614.0,\r\n \"end\": 1618.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So, what is your attitude toward a fallen believer?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 407,\r\n 11,\r\n 437,\r\n 307,\r\n 428,\r\n 10157,\r\n 7361,\r\n 257,\r\n 11547,\r\n 23892,\r\n 30,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08616857439558083,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5576923076923077,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007180605083703995\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 387,\r\n \"seek\": 161800,\r\n \"start\": 1618.0,\r\n \"end\": 1624.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Restore them or say, well, they've made their choice and just reject them.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 13094,\r\n 418,\r\n 552,\r\n 420,\r\n 584,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 600,\r\n 1027,\r\n 641,\r\n 3922,\r\n 293,\r\n 445,\r\n 8248,\r\n 552,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09970772520024726,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6481481481481481,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0052439505234360695\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 388,\r\n \"seek\": 161800,\r\n \"start\": 1624.0,\r\n \"end\": 1627.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Help them or criticize them.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 10773,\r\n 552,\r\n 420,\r\n 31010,\r\n 552,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09970772520024726,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6481481481481481,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0052439505234360695\r\n 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13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09970772520024726,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6481481481481481,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0052439505234360695\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 391,\r\n \"seek\": 161800,\r\n \"start\": 1637.0,\r\n \"end\": 1644.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Look at verse 2, bear one another's burdens and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 2053,\r\n 412,\r\n 7996,\r\n 568,\r\n 11,\r\n 6155,\r\n 472,\r\n 1071,\r\n 311,\r\n 37882,\r\n 293,\r\n 28281,\r\n 13875,\r\n 264,\r\n 2101,\r\n 295,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09970772520024726,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6481481481481481,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0052439505234360695\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 392,\r\n \"seek\": 164400,\r\n \"start\": 1644.0,\r\n \"end\": 1648.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The emphasis here is counting on moral burdens or weaknesses.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 440,\r\n 16271,\r\n 510,\r\n 307,\r\n 13251,\r\n 322,\r\n 9723,\r\n 37882,\r\n 420,\r\n 24381,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10144856572151184,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5965665236051503,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0016107907285913825\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 393,\r\n \"seek\": 164400,\r\n \"start\": 1648.0,\r\n \"end\": 1655.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Burdens are like excess baggage, I guess, which we need to share with one another.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 7031,\r\n 32468,\r\n 366,\r\n 411,\r\n 9310,\r\n 41567,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 2041,\r\n 11,\r\n 597,\r\n 321,\r\n 643,\r\n 281,\r\n 2073,\r\n 365,\r\n 472,\r\n 1071,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10144856572151184,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5965665236051503,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0016107907285913825\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 394,\r\n \"seek\": 164400,\r\n \"start\": 1655.0,\r\n \"end\": 1661.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Now, this is different from the word 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assignment that you have from the Lord that no one else can do but you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 509,\r\n 536,\r\n 456,\r\n 11,\r\n 456,\r\n 311,\r\n 364,\r\n 15187,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 490,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 300,\r\n 572,\r\n 472,\r\n 1646,\r\n 393,\r\n 360,\r\n 457,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05722279071807861,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7205882352941178,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006985102780163288\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 399,\r\n \"seek\": 167200,\r\n \"start\": 1681.0,\r\n \"end\": 1686.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You've got an assignment that no one else can do but you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 509,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 364,\r\n 15187,\r\n 300,\r\n 572,\r\n 472,\r\n 1646,\r\n 393,\r\n 360,\r\n 457,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05722279071807861,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7205882352941178,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006985102780163288\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 400,\r\n \"seek\": 167200,\r\n \"start\": 1686.0,\r\n \"end\": 1689.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Don't ask someone else to do what God has called you to do.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 1468,\r\n 380,\r\n 1029,\r\n 1580,\r\n 1646,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 437,\r\n 1265,\r\n 575,\r\n 1219,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05722279071807861,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7205882352941178,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006985102780163288\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 401,\r\n \"seek\": 167200,\r\n \"start\": 1689.0,\r\n \"end\": 1693.0,\r\n \"text\": \" As a pastor, I've had so many times people come to me and say,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 1018,\r\n 257,\r\n 21193,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 632,\r\n 370,\r\n 867,\r\n 1413,\r\n 561,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 385,\r\n 293,\r\n 584,\r\n 11,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05722279071807861,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7205882352941178,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006985102780163288\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 402,\r\n \"seek\": 167200,\r\n \"start\": 1693.0,\r\n \"end\": 1699.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Mike, I've got this great idea for a new ministry that I want you to do.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 6602,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 341,\r\n 869,\r\n 1558,\r\n 337,\r\n 257,\r\n 777,\r\n 15024,\r\n 300,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05722279071807861,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7205882352941178,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006985102780163288\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 403,\r\n \"seek\": 169900,\r\n \"start\": 1699.0,\r\n \"end\": 1707.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And I say, you know, if you've got a passion for that, it just seems to me like you ought to be the one that heads it up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 584,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 257,\r\n 5418,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 445,\r\n 2544,\r\n 281,\r\n 385,\r\n 411,\r\n 291,\r\n 13416,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 264,\r\n 472,\r\n 300,\r\n 8050,\r\n 309,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07286329639768138,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5407725321888412,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 7.752726378384978e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 404,\r\n \"seek\": 169900,\r\n \"start\": 1707.0,\r\n \"end\": 1708.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Right?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 1779,\r\n 30,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07286329639768138,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5407725321888412,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 7.752726378384978e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 405,\r\n \"seek\": 169900,\r\n \"start\": 1708.0,\r\n \"end\": 1711.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And that makes sense.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 400,\r\n 300,\r\n 1669,\r\n 2020,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07286329639768138,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5407725321888412,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 7.752726378384978e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 406,\r\n \"seek\": 169900,\r\n \"start\": 1711.0,\r\n \"end\": 1715.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You can't ask someone to carry a load the Lord has given you to carry.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 509,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 1029,\r\n 1580,\r\n 281,\r\n 3985,\r\n 257,\r\n 3677,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 575,\r\n 2212,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 3985,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07286329639768138,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5407725321888412,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 7.752726378384978e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 407,\r\n \"seek\": 169900,\r\n \"start\": 1715.0,\r\n \"end\": 1721.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Now, in verse 2, Paul is talking about burdens which may be shared with other people.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 823,\r\n 11,\r\n 294,\r\n 7996,\r\n 568,\r\n 11,\r\n 4552,\r\n 307,\r\n 1417,\r\n 466,\r\n 37882,\r\n 597,\r\n 815,\r\n 312,\r\n 5507,\r\n 365,\r\n 661,\r\n 561,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07286329639768138,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5407725321888412,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 7.752726378384978e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 408,\r\n \"seek\": 169900,\r\n \"start\": 1721.0,\r\n \"end\": 1726.0,\r\n \"text\": \" In verse 5, he's talking about those we bear alone.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 682,\r\n 7996,\r\n 1025,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 311,\r\n 1417,\r\n 466,\r\n 729,\r\n 321,\r\n 6155,\r\n 3312,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07286329639768138,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5407725321888412,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 7.752726378384978e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 409,\r\n \"seek\": 172600,\r\n \"start\": 1726.0,\r\n \"end\": 1734.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Some burdens, listen to me, some burdens we share with Christian brothers and sisters and some we must bear alone.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 2188,\r\n 37882,\r\n 11,\r\n 2140,\r\n 281,\r\n 385,\r\n 11,\r\n 512,\r\n 37882,\r\n 321,\r\n 2073,\r\n 365,\r\n 5778,\r\n 8452,\r\n 293,\r\n 11589,\r\n 293,\r\n 512,\r\n 321,\r\n 1633,\r\n 6155,\r\n 3312,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08074451673148882,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.708502024291498,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018254596507176757\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 410,\r\n \"seek\": 172600,\r\n \"start\": 1734.0,\r\n \"end\": 1736.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And we better know the difference.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 1101,\r\n 458,\r\n 264,\r\n 2649,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08074451673148882,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.708502024291498,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018254596507176757\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 411,\r\n \"seek\": 172600,\r\n \"start\": 1736.0,\r\n \"end\": 1740.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You get into real trouble if you get those mixed up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 509,\r\n 483,\r\n 666,\r\n 957,\r\n 5253,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 483,\r\n 729,\r\n 7467,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08074451673148882,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.708502024291498,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018254596507176757\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 412,\r\n \"seek\": 172600,\r\n \"start\": 1740.0,\r\n \"end\": 1744.0,\r\n \"text\": \" A growing Christian is one who helps another person bear the weight of their troubles.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 316,\r\n 4194,\r\n 5778,\r\n 307,\r\n 472,\r\n 567,\r\n 3665,\r\n 1071,\r\n 954,\r\n 6155,\r\n 264,\r\n 3364,\r\n 295,\r\n 641,\r\n 15379,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08074451673148882,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.708502024291498,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018254596507176757\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 413,\r\n \"seek\": 172600,\r\n \"start\": 1744.0,\r\n \"end\": 1747.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Burdens are like weights that slow us down.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 7031,\r\n 32468,\r\n 366,\r\n 411,\r\n 17443,\r\n 300,\r\n 2964,\r\n 505,\r\n 760,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08074451673148882,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.708502024291498,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018254596507176757\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 414,\r\n \"seek\": 172600,\r\n \"start\": 1747.0,\r\n \"end\": 1754.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Have you ever seen someone that was so burdened and downtrodden that their posture even,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 3560,\r\n 291,\r\n 1562,\r\n 1612,\r\n 1580,\r\n 300,\r\n 390,\r\n 370,\r\n 12578,\r\n 292,\r\n 293,\r\n 11655,\r\n 11452,\r\n 1556,\r\n 300,\r\n 641,\r\n 18502,\r\n 754,\r\n 11,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08074451673148882,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.708502024291498,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018254596507176757\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 415,\r\n \"seek\": 175400,\r\n \"start\": 1754.0,\r\n \"end\": 1758.0,\r\n \"text\": \" you can just tell they're looking down, their eyes don't look up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 445,\r\n 980,\r\n 436,\r\n 434,\r\n 1237,\r\n 760,\r\n 11,\r\n 641,\r\n 2575,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 574,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0689079097865783,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.532258064516129,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007691676146350801\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 416,\r\n \"seek\": 175400,\r\n \"start\": 1758.0,\r\n \"end\": 1764.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It's like they have the weight of the world on their backs, their shoulders slumped, head to the ground.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 411,\r\n 436,\r\n 362,\r\n 264,\r\n 3364,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1002,\r\n 322,\r\n 641,\r\n 19513,\r\n 11,\r\n 641,\r\n 10245,\r\n 1061,\r\n 1420,\r\n 292,\r\n 11,\r\n 1378,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 2727,\r\n 13,\r\n 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1193,\r\n 1480,\r\n 307,\r\n 445,\r\n 264,\r\n 1186,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 360,\r\n 544,\r\n 1214,\r\n 813,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 4936,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09080229984240586,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7222222222222223,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.12187075614929199\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 421,\r\n \"seek\": 177800,\r\n \"start\": 1784.0,\r\n \"end\": 1791.0,\r\n \"text\": \" An example would be, say one guy can pull 100 pounds and the other guy can pull 100 pounds.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 1107,\r\n 1365,\r\n 576,\r\n 312,\r\n 11,\r\n 584,\r\n 472,\r\n 2146,\r\n 393,\r\n 2235,\r\n 2319,\r\n 8319,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 661,\r\n 2146,\r\n 393,\r\n 2235,\r\n 2319,\r\n 8319,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09080229984240586,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7222222222222223,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.12187075614929199\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 422,\r\n \"seek\": 177800,\r\n 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0.12187075614929199\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 424,\r\n \"seek\": 177800,\r\n \"start\": 1801.0,\r\n \"end\": 1804.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And this is a spiritual principle too.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 400,\r\n 341,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 6960,\r\n 8665,\r\n 886,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09080229984240586,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7222222222222223,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.12187075614929199\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 425,\r\n \"seek\": 180400,\r\n \"start\": 1804.0,\r\n \"end\": 1810.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Because together in the church, we can do a lot more than we could ever do just on our own, right?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1436,\r\n 1214,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 4128,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 360,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 544,\r\n 813,\r\n 321,\r\n 727,\r\n 1562,\r\n 360,\r\n 445,\r\n 322,\r\n 527,\r\n 1065,\r\n 11,\r\n 558,\r\n 30,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": 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\"no_speech_prob\": 0.0022447514347732067\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 428,\r\n \"seek\": 180400,\r\n \"start\": 1815.0,\r\n \"end\": 1823.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That's why we pray so that the weight of problems and difficulties might be lifted from our brothers and sisters in Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 983,\r\n 321,\r\n 3690,\r\n 370,\r\n 300,\r\n 264,\r\n 3364,\r\n 295,\r\n 2740,\r\n 293,\r\n 14399,\r\n 1062,\r\n 312,\r\n 17854,\r\n 490,\r\n 527,\r\n 8452,\r\n 293,\r\n 11589,\r\n 294,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07288104122124829,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6666666666666667,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0022447514347732067\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 429,\r\n \"seek\": 180400,\r\n \"start\": 1823.0,\r\n \"end\": 1826.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I never tell people I'm a counselor.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 286,\r\n 1128,\r\n 980,\r\n 561,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 257,\r\n 27851,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n 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380,\r\n 483,\r\n 665,\r\n 5192,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 393,\r\n 20416,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12077723230634417,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6226415094339623,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.04395867511630058\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 432,\r\n \"seek\": 183000,\r\n \"start\": 1834.0,\r\n \"end\": 1838.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So unless you're a boarded counselor, you really can't use that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 407,\r\n 5969,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 257,\r\n 3150,\r\n 292,\r\n 27851,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 534,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 764,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12077723230634417,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6226415094339623,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.04395867511630058\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 433,\r\n \"seek\": 183000,\r\n \"start\": 1838.0,\r\n \"end\": 1842.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I can tell you what the Bible says about it and give you biblical advice.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 286,\r\n 393,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 437,\r\n 264,\r\n 6544,\r\n 1619,\r\n 466,\r\n 309,\r\n 293,\r\n 976,\r\n 291,\r\n 26083,\r\n 5192,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12077723230634417,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6226415094339623,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.04395867511630058\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 434,\r\n \"seek\": 183000,\r\n \"start\": 1842.0,\r\n \"end\": 1844.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I'm not a professional counselor.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 257,\r\n 4843,\r\n 27851,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12077723230634417,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6226415094339623,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.04395867511630058\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 435,\r\n \"seek\": 183000,\r\n \"start\": 1844.0,\r\n \"end\": 1851.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But I have listened to people's problems for the last 51, 52 years in ministry.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 583,\r\n 286,\r\n 362,\r\n 13207,\r\n 281,\r\n 561,\r\n 311,\r\n 2740,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 1036,\r\n 18485,\r\n 11,\r\n 18079,\r\n 924,\r\n 294,\r\n 15024,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12077723230634417,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6226415094339623,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.04395867511630058\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 436,\r\n \"seek\": 183000,\r\n \"start\": 1851.0,\r\n \"end\": 1856.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And sometimes people become office and they just open up their burden.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 400,\r\n 2171,\r\n 561,\r\n 1813,\r\n 3398,\r\n 293,\r\n 436,\r\n 445,\r\n 1269,\r\n 493,\r\n 641,\r\n 12578,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12077723230634417,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6226415094339623,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.04395867511630058\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 437,\r\n \"seek\": 183000,\r\n \"start\": 1856.0,\r\n \"end\": 1858.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Whatever it is, okay?\",\r\n 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-0.12716001805251206,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6254980079681276,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010507027618587017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 444,\r\n \"seek\": 185800,\r\n \"start\": 1877.0,\r\n \"end\": 1879.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I feel like I'm going to get through now.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 286,\r\n 841,\r\n 411,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 807,\r\n 586,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12716001805251206,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6254980079681276,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010507027618587017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 445,\r\n \"seek\": 185800,\r\n \"start\": 1879.0,\r\n \"end\": 1881.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I'm not said a word.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 848,\r\n 257,\r\n 1349,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12716001805251206,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6254980079681276,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010507027618587017\r\n },\r\n 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feelings really makes a difference to someone that you love and someone that you trust.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 583,\r\n 445,\r\n 5193,\r\n 493,\r\n 293,\r\n 24781,\r\n 3319,\r\n 428,\r\n 6640,\r\n 534,\r\n 1669,\r\n 257,\r\n 2649,\r\n 281,\r\n 1580,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 959,\r\n 293,\r\n 1580,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 3361,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06552569954483597,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7041666666666666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010855859145522118\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 449,\r\n \"seek\": 188500,\r\n \"start\": 1895.0,\r\n \"end\": 1897.0,\r\n \"text\": \" This is not hard to do.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 639,\r\n 307,\r\n 406,\r\n 1152,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06552569954483597,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7041666666666666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010855859145522118\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 450,\r\n \"seek\": 188500,\r\n \"start\": 1897.0,\r\n \"end\": 1902.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And verse 2 goes on to say, when you do this, you fulfill the law of Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 400,\r\n 7996,\r\n 568,\r\n 1709,\r\n 322,\r\n 281,\r\n 584,\r\n 11,\r\n 562,\r\n 291,\r\n 360,\r\n 341,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 13875,\r\n 264,\r\n 2101,\r\n 295,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06552569954483597,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7041666666666666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010855859145522118\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 451,\r\n \"seek\": 188500,\r\n \"start\": 1902.0,\r\n \"end\": 1904.0,\r\n \"text\": \" What is the law of Christ?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 708,\r\n 307,\r\n 264,\r\n 2101,\r\n 295,\r\n 2040,\r\n 30,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06552569954483597,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7041666666666666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010855859145522118\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 452,\r\n \"seek\": 188500,\r\n \"start\": 1904.0,\r\n \"end\": 1907.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I thought we were free from Old Testament laws.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 286,\r\n 1194,\r\n 321,\r\n 645,\r\n 1737,\r\n 490,\r\n 8633,\r\n 15473,\r\n 6064,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06552569954483597,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7041666666666666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010855859145522118\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 453,\r\n \"seek\": 188500,\r\n \"start\": 1907.0,\r\n \"end\": 1909.0,\r\n \"text\": \" What's he talking about here?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 708,\r\n 311,\r\n 415,\r\n 1417,\r\n 466,\r\n 510,\r\n 30,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06552569954483597,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7041666666666666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010855859145522118\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 454,\r\n \"seek\": 188500,\r\n \"start\": 1909.0,\r\n \"end\": 1913.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Well, we are free from the Old Testament law as a means for our salvation,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 1737,\r\n 490,\r\n 264,\r\n 8633,\r\n 15473,\r\n 2101,\r\n 382,\r\n 257,\r\n 1355,\r\n 337,\r\n 527,\r\n 17456,\r\n 11,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06552569954483597,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7041666666666666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010855859145522118\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 455,\r\n \"seek\": 191300,\r\n \"start\": 1913.0,\r\n \"end\": 1915.0,\r\n \"text\": \" not free from the law of Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 406,\r\n 1737,\r\n 490,\r\n 264,\r\n 2101,\r\n 295,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10947093963623047,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.606694560669456,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004786403384059668\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 456,\r\n \"seek\": 191300,\r\n \"start\": 1915.0,\r\n \"end\": 1919.0,\r\n \"text\": \" John 13, 34, Jesus says, I'm going to give you a new commandment.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 2619,\r\n 3705,\r\n 11,\r\n 12790,\r\n 11,\r\n 2705,\r\n 1619,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 976,\r\n 291,\r\n 257,\r\n 777,\r\n 5622,\r\n 518,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10947093963623047,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.606694560669456,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004786403384059668\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 457,\r\n \"seek\": 191300,\r\n \"start\": 1919.0,\r\n \"end\": 1922.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Love one another.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 5956,\r\n 472,\r\n 1071,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10947093963623047,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.606694560669456,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004786403384059668\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 458,\r\n \"seek\": 191300,\r\n \"start\": 1922.0,\r\n \"end\": 1924.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That's the law of Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 264,\r\n 2101,\r\n 295,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10947093963623047,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.606694560669456,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004786403384059668\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 459,\r\n \"seek\": 191300,\r\n \"start\": 1924.0,\r\n \"end\": 1928.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So when we're not loving people, we're breaking a fundamental law,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 407,\r\n 562,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 406,\r\n 9344,\r\n 561,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 7697,\r\n 257,\r\n 8088,\r\n 2101,\r\n 11,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10947093963623047,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.606694560669456,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004786403384059668\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 460,\r\n \"seek\": 191300,\r\n \"start\": 1928.0,\r\n \"end\": 1932.0,\r\n \"text\": \" really the 11th commandment that God has given us.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 534,\r\n 264,\r\n 2975,\r\n 392,\r\n 5622,\r\n 518,\r\n 300,\r\n 1265,\r\n 575,\r\n 2212,\r\n 505,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10947093963623047,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.606694560669456,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004786403384059668\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 461,\r\n \"seek\": 191300,\r\n \"start\": 1932.0,\r\n \"end\": 1939.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And this phrase, love one another is found over a dozen times in the New Testament.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 400,\r\n 341,\r\n 9535,\r\n 11,\r\n 959,\r\n 472,\r\n 1071,\r\n 307,\r\n 1352,\r\n 670,\r\n 257,\r\n 16654,\r\n 1413,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1873,\r\n 15473,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10947093963623047,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.606694560669456,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004786403384059668\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 462,\r\n \"seek\": 191300,\r\n \"start\": 1939.0,\r\n \"end\": 1942.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It's so important that we realize that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51664,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 370,\r\n 1021,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 4325,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10947093963623047,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.606694560669456,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004786403384059668\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 463,\r\n \"seek\": 194200,\r\n \"start\": 1942.0,\r\n \"end\": 1945.0,\r\n \"text\": \" This ministry will not rise or fall.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 639,\r\n 15024,\r\n 486,\r\n 406,\r\n 6272,\r\n 420,\r\n 2100,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14609107971191407,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5668449197860963,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002293818397447467\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 464,\r\n \"seek\": 194200,\r\n \"start\": 1945.0,\r\n \"end\": 1953.0,\r\n \"text\": \" A church ministry will rise or fall, really based on the level of caregiving and love a church displays in the community.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 316,\r\n 4128,\r\n 15024,\r\n 486,\r\n 6272,\r\n 420,\r\n 2100,\r\n 11,\r\n 534,\r\n 2361,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 1496,\r\n 295,\r\n 1127,\r\n 15441,\r\n 293,\r\n 959,\r\n 257,\r\n 4128,\r\n 20119,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1768,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14609107971191407,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5668449197860963,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002293818397447467\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 465,\r\n \"seek\": 194200,\r\n \"start\": 1953.0,\r\n \"end\": 1963.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Not only to their own members, but also to people outside their community by doing what we call random acts of kindness.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 1726,\r\n 787,\r\n 281,\r\n 641,\r\n 1065,\r\n 2679,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 611,\r\n 281,\r\n 561,\r\n 2380,\r\n 641,\r\n 1768,\r\n 538,\r\n 884,\r\n 437,\r\n 321,\r\n 818,\r\n 4974,\r\n 10672,\r\n 295,\r\n 18171,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14609107971191407,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5668449197860963,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002293818397447467\r\n 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0.2694866359233856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 468,\r\n \"seek\": 196400,\r\n \"start\": 1971.0,\r\n \"end\": 1974.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and replant stuff and just do landscaping.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 293,\r\n 3248,\r\n 394,\r\n 1507,\r\n 293,\r\n 445,\r\n 360,\r\n 23865,\r\n 3381,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08414128029993338,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6643835616438356,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2694866359233856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 469,\r\n \"seek\": 196400,\r\n \"start\": 1974.0,\r\n \"end\": 1976.0,\r\n \"text\": \" They couldn't believe it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 814,\r\n 2809,\r\n 380,\r\n 1697,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08414128029993338,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6643835616438356,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2694866359233856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 470,\r\n \"seek\": 196400,\r\n \"start\": 1976.0,\r\n \"end\": 1978.0,\r\n \"text\": \" They thought, why are you doing this?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 814,\r\n 1194,\r\n 11,\r\n 983,\r\n 366,\r\n 291,\r\n 884,\r\n 341,\r\n 30,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08414128029993338,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6643835616438356,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2694866359233856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 471,\r\n \"seek\": 196400,\r\n \"start\": 1978.0,\r\n \"end\": 1980.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We said, because we love Christ, we love our community.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 492,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 570,\r\n 321,\r\n 959,\r\n 2040,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 959,\r\n 527,\r\n 1768,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08414128029993338,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6643835616438356,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2694866359233856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 472,\r\n \"seek\": 196400,\r\n \"start\": 1980.0,\r\n \"end\": 1983.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That takes people by surprise, by the way, when we do that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 663,\r\n 2516,\r\n 561,\r\n 538,\r\n 6365,\r\n 11,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 11,\r\n 562,\r\n 321,\r\n 360,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08414128029993338,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6643835616438356,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2694866359233856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 473,\r\n \"seek\": 196400,\r\n \"start\": 1983.0,\r\n \"end\": 1986.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Are you ministering to someone right now who has a burden?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 2014,\r\n 291,\r\n 10563,\r\n 278,\r\n 281,\r\n 1580,\r\n 558,\r\n 586,\r\n 567,\r\n 575,\r\n 257,\r\n 12578,\r\n 30,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08414128029993338,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6643835616438356,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2694866359233856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 474,\r\n \"seek\": 196400,\r\n \"start\": 1986.0,\r\n \"end\": 1990.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Are you helping to carry someone else's burden right now?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 2014,\r\n 291,\r\n 4315,\r\n 281,\r\n 3985,\r\n 1580,\r\n 1646,\r\n 311,\r\n 12578,\r\n 558,\r\n 586,\r\n 30,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08414128029993338,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6643835616438356,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2694866359233856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 475,\r\n \"seek\": 196400,\r\n \"start\": 1990.0,\r\n \"end\": 1992.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And prayer is a big part of this.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51664,\r\n 400,\r\n 8767,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 955,\r\n 644,\r\n 295,\r\n 341,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08414128029993338,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6643835616438356,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2694866359233856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 476,\r\n \"seek\": 199200,\r\n \"start\": 1992.0,\r\n \"end\": 1997.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I can't tell you how many times my life has been lifted up because I've shared a prayer burden with someone and they prayed with me\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 577,\r\n 867,\r\n 1413,\r\n 452,\r\n 993,\r\n 575,\r\n 668,\r\n 17854,\r\n 493,\r\n 570,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 5507,\r\n 257,\r\n 8767,\r\n 12578,\r\n 365,\r\n 1580,\r\n 293,\r\n 436,\r\n 22532,\r\n 365,\r\n 385,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14484277913268184,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7242524916943522,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006631957367062569\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 477,\r\n \"seek\": 199200,\r\n \"start\": 1997.0,\r\n \"end\": 2000.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and I knew that they meant it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 2586,\r\n 300,\r\n 436,\r\n 4140,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14484277913268184,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7242524916943522,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006631957367062569\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 478,\r\n \"seek\": 199200,\r\n \"start\": 2000.0,\r\n 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\"no_speech_prob\": 0.006631957367062569\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 480,\r\n \"seek\": 199200,\r\n \"start\": 2008.0,\r\n \"end\": 2011.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And by the way, something I learned in a long time in ministry.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 400,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 11,\r\n 746,\r\n 286,\r\n 3264,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 938,\r\n 565,\r\n 294,\r\n 15024,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14484277913268184,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7242524916943522,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006631957367062569\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 481,\r\n \"seek\": 199200,\r\n \"start\": 2011.0,\r\n \"end\": 2017.0,\r\n \"text\": \" People ask me all the time, people come up to you, you say, hey, would you pray for me or pray for my daughter or my grandkids?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 3432,\r\n 1029,\r\n 385,\r\n 439,\r\n 264,\r\n 565,\r\n 11,\r\n 561,\r\n 808,\r\n 493,\r\n 281,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 584,\r\n 11,\r\n 4177,\r\n 11,\r\n 576,\r\n 291,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 385,\r\n 420,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 452,\r\n 4653,\r\n 420,\r\n 452,\r\n 2697,\r\n 35015,\r\n 30,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14484277913268184,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7242524916943522,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006631957367062569\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 482,\r\n \"seek\": 199200,\r\n \"start\": 2017.0,\r\n \"end\": 2019.0,\r\n \"text\": \" This is what's going on.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 639,\r\n 307,\r\n 437,\r\n 311,\r\n 516,\r\n 322,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14484277913268184,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7242524916943522,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006631957367062569\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 483,\r\n \"seek\": 201900,\r\n \"start\": 2019.0,\r\n \"end\": 2024.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Early in ministry, somebody taught me this or I just woke up and I try to do this.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 18344,\r\n 294,\r\n 15024,\r\n 11,\r\n 2618,\r\n 5928,\r\n 385,\r\n 341,\r\n 420,\r\n 286,\r\n 445,\r\n 12852,\r\n 493,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 853,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 341,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09369567462376185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6895306859205776,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018909757491201162\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 484,\r\n \"seek\": 201900,\r\n \"start\": 2024.0,\r\n \"end\": 2025.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't always do it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 1009,\r\n 360,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09369567462376185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6895306859205776,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018909757491201162\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 485,\r\n \"seek\": 201900,\r\n \"start\": 2025.0,\r\n \"end\": 2031.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Someone comes up to me and they say, Mike, would you mind to remember me in prayer this week?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 8734,\r\n 1487,\r\n 493,\r\n 281,\r\n 385,\r\n 293,\r\n 436,\r\n 584,\r\n 11,\r\n 6602,\r\n 11,\r\n 576,\r\n 291,\r\n 1575,\r\n 281,\r\n 1604,\r\n 385,\r\n 294,\r\n 8767,\r\n 341,\r\n 1243,\r\n 30,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09369567462376185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6895306859205776,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018909757491201162\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 486,\r\n \"seek\": 201900,\r\n \"start\": 2031.0,\r\n \"end\": 2032.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I'm going to have surgery Thursday.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 7930,\r\n 10383,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09369567462376185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6895306859205776,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018909757491201162\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 487,\r\n \"seek\": 201900,\r\n \"start\": 2032.0,\r\n \"end\": 2034.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I try to stop right then.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 286,\r\n 853,\r\n 281,\r\n 1590,\r\n 558,\r\n 550,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09369567462376185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6895306859205776,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018909757491201162\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 488,\r\n \"seek\": 201900,\r\n \"start\": 2034.0,\r\n \"end\": 2036.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So let me pray for you right now.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 407,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 291,\r\n 558,\r\n 586,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09369567462376185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6895306859205776,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018909757491201162\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 489,\r\n \"seek\": 201900,\r\n \"start\": 2036.0,\r\n \"end\": 2037.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And I do that for two reasons.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 360,\r\n 300,\r\n 337,\r\n 732,\r\n 4112,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09369567462376185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6895306859205776,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018909757491201162\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 490,\r\n \"seek\": 201900,\r\n \"start\": 2037.0,\r\n \"end\": 2040.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Number one is, I might forget.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 5118,\r\n 472,\r\n 307,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 1062,\r\n 2870,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09369567462376185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6895306859205776,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018909757491201162\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 491,\r\n \"seek\": 201900,\r\n \"start\": 2040.0,\r\n \"end\": 2042.0,\r\n \"text\": \" If they don't write it down, I might forget it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 759,\r\n 436,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 2464,\r\n 309,\r\n 760,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 1062,\r\n 2870,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09369567462376185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6895306859205776,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018909757491201162\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 492,\r\n \"seek\": 201900,\r\n \"start\": 2042.0,\r\n \"end\": 2046.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Number two, if I do that right there, I've already helped them.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 5118,\r\n 732,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 286,\r\n 360,\r\n 300,\r\n 558,\r\n 456,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 1217,\r\n 4254,\r\n 552,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09369567462376185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6895306859205776,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018909757491201162\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 493,\r\n \"seek\": 204600,\r\n \"start\": 2046.0,\r\n \"end\": 2052.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Sometimes you can't do that because you've got to be somewhere real quick or something.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 4803,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 360,\r\n 300,\r\n 570,\r\n 291,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 4079,\r\n 957,\r\n 1702,\r\n 420,\r\n 746,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n 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1.572072072072072,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009353094501420856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 496,\r\n \"seek\": 204600,\r\n \"start\": 2058.0,\r\n \"end\": 2060.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It's come up to me and shared a burden.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 808,\r\n 493,\r\n 281,\r\n 385,\r\n 293,\r\n 5507,\r\n 257,\r\n 12578,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14019140207542563,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.572072072072072,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009353094501420856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 497,\r\n \"seek\": 204600,\r\n \"start\": 2060.0,\r\n \"end\": 2061.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I said, let's pray right now.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 311,\r\n 3690,\r\n 558,\r\n 586,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14019140207542563,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.572072072072072,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009353094501420856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 498,\r\n 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264,\r\n 18965,\r\n 662,\r\n 284,\r\n 8338,\r\n 294,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.154071467263358,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6857142857142857,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00021963803737889975\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 603,\r\n \"seek\": 242300,\r\n \"start\": 2443.0,\r\n \"end\": 2449.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Where every church gives an amount and together we can do a whole lot more than we could buy ourselves.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 2305,\r\n 633,\r\n 4128,\r\n 2709,\r\n 364,\r\n 2372,\r\n 293,\r\n 1214,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 360,\r\n 257,\r\n 1379,\r\n 688,\r\n 544,\r\n 813,\r\n 321,\r\n 727,\r\n 2256,\r\n 4175,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.154071467263358,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6857142857142857,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00021963803737889975\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 604,\r\n \"seek\": 244900,\r\n \"start\": 2449.0,\r\n \"end\": 2456.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Let me tell you 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1391,\r\n 584,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 519,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 884,\r\n 1340,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15117621840092174,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6176470588235294,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.06310708820819855\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 614,\r\n \"seek\": 247500,\r\n \"start\": 2497.0,\r\n \"end\": 2499.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He said, let's go get something.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 634,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 311,\r\n 352,\r\n 483,\r\n 746,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15117621840092174,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6176470588235294,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.06310708820819855\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 615,\r\n \"seek\": 249900,\r\n \"start\": 2499.0,\r\n \"end\": 2500.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I said, okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 1392,\r\n 13,\r\n 50414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13774664570966105,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6548042704626333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02615509182214737\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 616,\r\n \"seek\": 249900,\r\n \"start\": 2500.0,\r\n \"end\": 2505.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He'd pick me up and we'd go to one of the Texas Roadhouses in Nashville and they were all over the place.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 634,\r\n 1116,\r\n 1888,\r\n 385,\r\n 493,\r\n 293,\r\n 321,\r\n 1116,\r\n 352,\r\n 281,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 7885,\r\n 11507,\r\n 29578,\r\n 294,\r\n 36370,\r\n 293,\r\n 436,\r\n 645,\r\n 439,\r\n 670,\r\n 264,\r\n 1081,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13774664570966105,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6548042704626333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02615509182214737\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 617,\r\n \"seek\": 249900,\r\n \"start\": 2505.0,\r\n \"end\": 2509.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We walked in, everybody knew who Sonny was.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 492,\r\n 7628,\r\n 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\"id\": 660,\r\n \"seek\": 260600,\r\n \"start\": 2619.0,\r\n \"end\": 2620.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Let me tell you how we're deceived.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 961,\r\n 385,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 577,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 41304,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08782804792172441,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.708695652173913,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02875937521457672\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 661,\r\n \"seek\": 260600,\r\n \"start\": 2620.0,\r\n \"end\": 2626.0,\r\n \"text\": \" James chapter one 13 through 16 says, let no one say when he is tempted.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 5678,\r\n 7187,\r\n 472,\r\n 3705,\r\n 807,\r\n 3165,\r\n 1619,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 572,\r\n 472,\r\n 584,\r\n 562,\r\n 415,\r\n 307,\r\n 29941,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08782804792172441,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.708695652173913,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02875937521457672\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 662,\r\n \"seek\": 260600,\r\n \"start\": 2626.0,\r\n \"end\": 2629.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I'm being tempted by God for God cannot be tempted by evil.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 885,\r\n 29941,\r\n 538,\r\n 1265,\r\n 337,\r\n 1265,\r\n 2644,\r\n 312,\r\n 29941,\r\n 538,\r\n 6724,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08782804792172441,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.708695652173913,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02875937521457672\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 663,\r\n \"seek\": 260600,\r\n \"start\": 2629.0,\r\n \"end\": 2632.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He himself does not tempt anyone.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 634,\r\n 3647,\r\n 775,\r\n 406,\r\n 13794,\r\n 2878,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08782804792172441,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.708695652173913,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02875937521457672\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 664,\r\n \"seek\": 263200,\r\n \"start\": 2632.0,\r\n \"end\": 2638.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 583,\r\n 1184,\r\n 472,\r\n 307,\r\n 29941,\r\n 562,\r\n 415,\r\n 307,\r\n 9094,\r\n 1314,\r\n 293,\r\n 948,\r\n 4233,\r\n 538,\r\n 702,\r\n 1065,\r\n 24672,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08539724804106213,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6213991769547325,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004788389429450035\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 665,\r\n \"seek\": 263200,\r\n \"start\": 2638.0,\r\n \"end\": 2641.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 1396,\r\n 562,\r\n 24672,\r\n 575,\r\n 34898,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 2709,\r\n 3965,\r\n 281,\r\n 3343,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08539724804106213,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6213991769547325,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004788389429450035\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 666,\r\n \"seek\": 263200,\r\n \"start\": 2641.0,\r\n \"end\": 2644.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 400,\r\n 562,\r\n 3343,\r\n 307,\r\n 15419,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 5607,\r\n 5220,\r\n 2966,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08539724804106213,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6213991769547325,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004788389429450035\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 667,\r\n \"seek\": 263200,\r\n \"start\": 2644.0,\r\n \"end\": 2646.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Do not be deceived, my beloved brother.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1144,\r\n 406,\r\n 312,\r\n 41304,\r\n 11,\r\n 452,\r\n 14553,\r\n 3708,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08539724804106213,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6213991769547325,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004788389429450035\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 668,\r\n \"seek\": 263200,\r\n \"start\": 2646.0,\r\n \"end\": 2650.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Verse six says again that phrase, do not be deceived.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 31640,\r\n 2309,\r\n 1619,\r\n 797,\r\n 300,\r\n 9535,\r\n 11,\r\n 360,\r\n 406,\r\n 312,\r\n 41304,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08539724804106213,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6213991769547325,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004788389429450035\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 669,\r\n \"seek\": 263200,\r\n \"start\": 2650.0,\r\n \"end\": 2659.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And right after that, a command is a very strong affirmation because it says God is not mocked.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 400,\r\n 558,\r\n 934,\r\n 300,\r\n 11,\r\n 257,\r\n 5622,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 588,\r\n 2068,\r\n 21260,\r\n 399,\r\n 570,\r\n 309,\r\n 1619,\r\n 1265,\r\n 307,\r\n 406,\r\n 17362,\r\n 292,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08539724804106213,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6213991769547325,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004788389429450035\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 670,\r\n \"seek\": 263200,\r\n \"start\": 2659.0,\r\n \"end\": 2661.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That's an imperative.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51714,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 364,\r\n 32490,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08539724804106213,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6213991769547325,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004788389429450035\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 671,\r\n \"seek\": 266100,\r\n \"start\": 2661.0,\r\n \"end\": 2665.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The Greek verb here only appears in the New Testament this one time.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 440,\r\n 10281,\r\n 9595,\r\n 510,\r\n 787,\r\n 7038,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1873,\r\n 15473,\r\n 341,\r\n 472,\r\n 565,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14740189190568595,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6523297491039426,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002729545347392559\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 672,\r\n \"seek\": 266100,\r\n \"start\": 2665.0,\r\n \"end\": 2668.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And it literally means, this is what it means.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 400,\r\n 309,\r\n 3736,\r\n 1355,\r\n 11,\r\n 341,\r\n 307,\r\n 437,\r\n 309,\r\n 1355,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14740189190568595,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6523297491039426,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002729545347392559\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 673,\r\n \"seek\": 266100,\r\n \"start\": 2668.0,\r\n \"end\": 2673.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Nobody turns up their nose at God.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 9297,\r\n 4523,\r\n 493,\r\n 641,\r\n 6690,\r\n 412,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14740189190568595,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6523297491039426,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002729545347392559\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 674,\r\n \"seek\": 266100,\r\n \"start\": 2673.0,\r\n \"end\": 2675.0,\r\n \"text\": \" No one turns up their nose at God.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 883,\r\n 472,\r\n 4523,\r\n 493,\r\n 641,\r\n 6690,\r\n 412,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14740189190568595,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6523297491039426,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002729545347392559\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 675,\r\n \"seek\": 266100,\r\n \"start\": 2675.0,\r\n \"end\": 2677.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I thought about the Olympics this week, to be honest with you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 286,\r\n 1194,\r\n 466,\r\n 264,\r\n 19854,\r\n 341,\r\n 1243,\r\n 11,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 3245,\r\n 365,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14740189190568595,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6523297491039426,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002729545347392559\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 676,\r\n \"seek\": 266100,\r\n \"start\": 2677.0,\r\n \"end\": 2690.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You know all the controversy there, and I'm not going to get into that, but evidently, a drag queen who represented Christ as part of the opening ceremonies did a display with other drag queens of the Lord's Son.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 439,\r\n 264,\r\n 22976,\r\n 456,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 666,\r\n 300,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 16371,\r\n 356,\r\n 11,\r\n 257,\r\n 5286,\r\n 12206,\r\n 567,\r\n 10379,\r\n 2040,\r\n 382,\r\n 644,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 5193,\r\n 36176,\r\n 630,\r\n 257,\r\n 4674,\r\n 365,\r\n 661,\r\n 5286,\r\n 42017,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 311,\r\n 5185,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14740189190568595,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6523297491039426,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002729545347392559\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 677,\r\n \"seek\": 269000,\r\n \"start\": 2691.0,\r\n \"end\": 2696.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Christians have really attacked them all over the world for that scene.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 12254,\r\n 362,\r\n 534,\r\n 12692,\r\n 552,\r\n 439,\r\n 670,\r\n 264,\r\n 1002,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 4145,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13738740092576152,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7809523809523808,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012535125948488712\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 678,\r\n \"seek\": 269000,\r\n \"start\": 2696.0,\r\n \"end\": 2700.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And they're saying, well, it didn't really mean that it meant something else.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 400,\r\n 436,\r\n 434,\r\n 1566,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 534,\r\n 914,\r\n 300,\r\n 309,\r\n 4140,\r\n 746,\r\n 1646,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13738740092576152,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7809523809523808,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012535125948488712\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 679,\r\n \"seek\": 269000,\r\n \"start\": 2700.0,\r\n \"end\": 2702.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And I don't know what I think.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 437,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13738740092576152,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7809523809523808,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012535125948488712\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 680,\r\n \"seek\": 269000,\r\n \"start\": 2702.0,\r\n \"end\": 2704.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Well, I do know what I think.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 360,\r\n 458,\r\n 437,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13738740092576152,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7809523809523808,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012535125948488712\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 681,\r\n \"seek\": 269000,\r\n \"start\": 2704.0,\r\n \"end\": 2708.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I think it was a blatant slap at Christianity is what I think.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 309,\r\n 390,\r\n 257,\r\n 42780,\r\n 394,\r\n 21075,\r\n 412,\r\n 17326,\r\n 307,\r\n 437,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13738740092576152,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7809523809523808,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012535125948488712\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 682,\r\n \"seek\": 269000,\r\n \"start\": 2708.0,\r\n \"end\": 2716.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Because of the halo and the peace that the Christ, the drag queen that had the thing on represented.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 1436,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 46268,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 4336,\r\n 300,\r\n 264,\r\n 2040,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 5286,\r\n 12206,\r\n 300,\r\n 632,\r\n 264,\r\n 551,\r\n 322,\r\n 10379,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13738740092576152,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7809523809523808,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012535125948488712\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 683,\r\n \"seek\": 271600,\r\n \"start\": 2716.0,\r\n \"end\": 2719.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But 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out of the way because the fires go to fall eventually.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 8734,\r\n 567,\r\n 705,\r\n 2761,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 1262,\r\n 6196,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 484,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 570,\r\n 264,\r\n 15044,\r\n 352,\r\n 281,\r\n 2100,\r\n 4728,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08943328522799308,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6938775510204083,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004293482284992933\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 686,\r\n \"seek\": 271600,\r\n \"start\": 2729.0,\r\n \"end\": 2734.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And I thought about that when I saw that God is not mocked.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 1194,\r\n 466,\r\n 300,\r\n 562,\r\n 286,\r\n 1866,\r\n 300,\r\n 1265,\r\n 307,\r\n 406,\r\n 17362,\r\n 292,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08943328522799308,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6938775510204083,\r\n 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51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08943328522799308,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6938775510204083,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004293482284992933\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 689,\r\n \"seek\": 274400,\r\n \"start\": 2744.0,\r\n \"end\": 2747.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And you do what's fair. You don't cheat.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 291,\r\n 360,\r\n 437,\r\n 311,\r\n 3143,\r\n 13,\r\n 509,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 17470,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12464634930645978,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7188612099644127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0031679023522883654\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 690,\r\n \"seek\": 274400,\r\n \"start\": 2747.0,\r\n \"end\": 2751.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The fact is we're sometimes mocked and made fun of by the world.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 440,\r\n 1186,\r\n 307,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 2171,\r\n 17362,\r\n 292,\r\n 293,\r\n 1027,\r\n 1019,\r\n 295,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 1002,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12464634930645978,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7188612099644127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0031679023522883654\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 691,\r\n \"seek\": 274400,\r\n \"start\": 2751.0,\r\n \"end\": 2756.0,\r\n \"text\": \" When I decided to go into ministry my senior year, I felt God called me.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 1133,\r\n 286,\r\n 3047,\r\n 281,\r\n 352,\r\n 666,\r\n 15024,\r\n 452,\r\n 7965,\r\n 1064,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 2762,\r\n 1265,\r\n 1219,\r\n 385,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12464634930645978,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7188612099644127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0031679023522883654\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 692,\r\n \"seek\": 274400,\r\n \"start\": 2756.0,\r\n \"end\": 2760.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I got a teaching degree in sociology and history.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 286,\r\n 658,\r\n 257,\r\n 4571,\r\n 4314,\r\n 294,\r\n 41744,\r\n 293,\r\n 2503,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12464634930645978,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7188612099644127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0031679023522883654\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 693,\r\n \"seek\": 274400,\r\n \"start\": 2760.0,\r\n \"end\": 2765.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And my advisor, who was not a believer, I was in his office and he said, well, what are you going to do?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 400,\r\n 452,\r\n 19161,\r\n 11,\r\n 567,\r\n 390,\r\n 406,\r\n 257,\r\n 23892,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 294,\r\n 702,\r\n 3398,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 437,\r\n 366,\r\n 291,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 30,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12464634930645978,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7188612099644127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0031679023522883654\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 694,\r\n \"seek\": 274400,\r\n \"start\": 2765.0,\r\n \"end\": 2768.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I said, well, actually, I feel called a ministry and I'm going to serve in church.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 767,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 841,\r\n 1219,\r\n 257,\r\n 15024,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 4596,\r\n 294,\r\n 4128,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12464634930645978,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7188612099644127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0031679023522883654\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 695,\r\n \"seek\": 274400,\r\n \"start\": 2768.0,\r\n \"end\": 2772.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And eventually I'm going to go to seminary and get another degree.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 400,\r\n 4728,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 352,\r\n 281,\r\n 18288,\r\n 822,\r\n 293,\r\n 483,\r\n 1071,\r\n 4314,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12464634930645978,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7188612099644127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0031679023522883654\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 696,\r\n \"seek\": 277200,\r\n \"start\": 2772.0,\r\n \"end\": 2777.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And this man looked at me and he said, he was so encouraging.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 341,\r\n 587,\r\n 2956,\r\n 412,\r\n 385,\r\n 293,\r\n 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534,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 8677,\r\n 385,\r\n 570,\r\n 286,\r\n 2586,\r\n 415,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 362,\r\n 604,\r\n 1558,\r\n 437,\r\n 1265,\r\n 390,\r\n 884,\r\n 294,\r\n 452,\r\n 993,\r\n 570,\r\n 415,\r\n 2067,\r\n 380,\r\n 257,\r\n 23892,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10950393851743925,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6763485477178424,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0021178042516112328\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 699,\r\n \"seek\": 277200,\r\n \"start\": 2790.0,\r\n \"end\": 2794.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But that was his, my colleague advisor, that was his advice.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 583,\r\n 300,\r\n 390,\r\n 702,\r\n 11,\r\n 452,\r\n 13532,\r\n 19161,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 390,\r\n 702,\r\n 5192,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10950393851743925,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6763485477178424,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0021178042516112328\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 700,\r\n \"seek\": 277200,\r\n \"start\": 2794.0,\r\n \"end\": 2797.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Why are you throwing away your life in ministry?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 1545,\r\n 366,\r\n 291,\r\n 10238,\r\n 1314,\r\n 428,\r\n 993,\r\n 294,\r\n 15024,\r\n 30,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10950393851743925,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6763485477178424,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0021178042516112328\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 701,\r\n \"seek\": 277200,\r\n \"start\": 2797.0,\r\n \"end\": 2800.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't know what happened to him, but I don't really care.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 437,\r\n 2011,\r\n 281,\r\n 796,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 534,\r\n 1127,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10950393851743925,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6763485477178424,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0021178042516112328\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 702,\r\n \"seek\": 280000,\r\n \"start\": 2800.0,\r\n \"end\": 2803.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Anyway, no, I do care. I do care.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 5684,\r\n 11,\r\n 572,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 360,\r\n 1127,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 360,\r\n 1127,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11129031338534512,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6059113300492611,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0035222636070102453\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 703,\r\n \"seek\": 280000,\r\n \"start\": 2803.0,\r\n \"end\": 2811.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But I just thought about that so often that he just didn't understand what was going on with that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 583,\r\n 286,\r\n 445,\r\n 1194,\r\n 466,\r\n 300,\r\n 370,\r\n 2049,\r\n 300,\r\n 415,\r\n 445,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 1223,\r\n 437,\r\n 390,\r\n 516,\r\n 322,\r\n 365,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11129031338534512,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6059113300492611,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0035222636070102453\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 704,\r\n \"seek\": 280000,\r\n 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Jesus Christ in unbelief and die in unbelief and find out you were wrong as you wake up in hell for all eternity.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 440,\r\n 9705,\r\n 16263,\r\n 576,\r\n 312,\r\n 281,\r\n 17362,\r\n 2705,\r\n 2040,\r\n 294,\r\n 46063,\r\n 2521,\r\n 293,\r\n 978,\r\n 294,\r\n 46063,\r\n 2521,\r\n 293,\r\n 915,\r\n 484,\r\n 291,\r\n 645,\r\n 2085,\r\n 382,\r\n 291,\r\n 6634,\r\n 493,\r\n 294,\r\n 4921,\r\n 337,\r\n 439,\r\n 27162,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05925390550068447,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6853932584269662,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0340624675154686\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 709,\r\n \"seek\": 282800,\r\n \"start\": 2838.0,\r\n \"end\": 2844.0,\r\n \"text\": \" A person mocks God when he thinks he can sow to his own flesh and not from the flesh reap corruption.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 316,\r\n 954,\r\n 705,\r\n 2761,\r\n 1265,\r\n 562,\r\n 415,\r\n 7309,\r\n 415,\r\n 393,\r\n 19766,\r\n 281,\r\n 702,\r\n 1065,\r\n 12497,\r\n 293,\r\n 406,\r\n 490,\r\n 264,\r\n 12497,\r\n 39178,\r\n 17959,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05925390550068447,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6853932584269662,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0340624675154686\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 710,\r\n \"seek\": 282800,\r\n \"start\": 2844.0,\r\n \"end\": 2846.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We think we can sin and it not affect us.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 492,\r\n 519,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 3343,\r\n 293,\r\n 309,\r\n 406,\r\n 3345,\r\n 505,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05925390550068447,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6853932584269662,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0340624675154686\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 711,\r\n \"seek\": 282800,\r\n \"start\": 2846.0,\r\n \"end\": 2852.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But sin has built in penalties now as well as future consequences.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 583,\r\n 3343,\r\n 575,\r\n 3094,\r\n 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your thought life, you will produce garbage and junk in your life.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 19766,\r\n 14150,\r\n 293,\r\n 19109,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 1194,\r\n 993,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 486,\r\n 5258,\r\n 14150,\r\n 293,\r\n 19109,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 993,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09078262646993002,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7613636363636365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002026165835559368\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 714,\r\n \"seek\": 285700,\r\n \"start\": 2864.0,\r\n \"end\": 2868.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Rebellion against God, we will not reap peace in our lives.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 1300,\r\n 7100,\r\n 313,\r\n 1970,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 486,\r\n 406,\r\n 39178,\r\n 4336,\r\n 294,\r\n 527,\r\n 2909,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09078262646993002,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7613636363636365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 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\"compression_ratio\": 1.7613636363636365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002026165835559368\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 717,\r\n \"seek\": 285700,\r\n \"start\": 2876.0,\r\n \"end\": 2878.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That would just give us devastating effects.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 663,\r\n 576,\r\n 445,\r\n 976,\r\n 505,\r\n 21280,\r\n 5065,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09078262646993002,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7613636363636365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002026165835559368\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 718,\r\n \"seek\": 285700,\r\n \"start\": 2878.0,\r\n \"end\": 2886.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But if we sow the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, generous self-control,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 583,\r\n 498,\r\n 321,\r\n 19766,\r\n 264,\r\n 7218,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 6773,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 7218,\r\n 11,\r\n 959,\r\n 11,\r\n 6258,\r\n 11,\r\n 4336,\r\n 11,\r\n 14826,\r\n 11,\r\n 18171,\r\n 11,\r\n 8387,\r\n 11,\r\n 17808,\r\n 1287,\r\n 11,\r\n 14537,\r\n 2698,\r\n 12,\r\n 40905,\r\n 11,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09078262646993002,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7613636363636365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002026165835559368\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 719,\r\n \"seek\": 288600,\r\n \"start\": 2886.0,\r\n \"end\": 2888.0,\r\n \"text\": \" we will reap those things.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 321,\r\n 486,\r\n 39178,\r\n 729,\r\n 721,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18972123679468186,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6570247933884297,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012124588713049889\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 720,\r\n \"seek\": 288600,\r\n \"start\": 2888.0,\r\n \"end\": 2895.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And do you realize that what we sow never ends even after we die the seeds of our life live on and on and on?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 400,\r\n 360,\r\n 291,\r\n 4325,\r\n 300,\r\n 437,\r\n 321,\r\n 19766,\r\n 1128,\r\n 5314,\r\n 754,\r\n 934,\r\n 321,\r\n 978,\r\n 264,\r\n 9203,\r\n 295,\r\n 527,\r\n 993,\r\n 1621,\r\n 322,\r\n 293,\r\n 322,\r\n 293,\r\n 322,\r\n 30,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18972123679468186,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6570247933884297,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012124588713049889\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 721,\r\n \"seek\": 288600,\r\n \"start\": 2895.0,\r\n \"end\": 2901.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You can't take it with you, but you can't invest it in where you're going.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 509,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 747,\r\n 309,\r\n 365,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 1963,\r\n 309,\r\n 294,\r\n 689,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 516,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18972123679468186,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6570247933884297,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012124588713049889\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 722,\r\n \"seek\": 288600,\r\n \"start\": 2901.0,\r\n \"end\": 2904.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Years ago I went to Graceland.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 24569,\r\n 2057,\r\n 286,\r\n 1437,\r\n 281,\r\n 20586,\r\n 15280,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18972123679468186,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6570247933884297,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012124588713049889\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 723,\r\n \"seek\": 288600,\r\n \"start\": 2904.0,\r\n \"end\": 2906.0,\r\n \"text\": \" How many of you have ever been to Graceland?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 1012,\r\n 867,\r\n 295,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 1562,\r\n 668,\r\n 281,\r\n 20586,\r\n 15280,\r\n 30,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18972123679468186,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6570247933884297,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012124588713049889\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 724,\r\n \"seek\": 288600,\r\n \"start\": 2906.0,\r\n \"end\": 2908.0,\r\n \"text\": \" What's wrong with you 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\"no_speech_prob\": 0.03014441579580307\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 731,\r\n \"seek\": 291200,\r\n \"start\": 2924.0,\r\n \"end\": 2927.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He left everything behind.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 634,\r\n 1411,\r\n 1203,\r\n 2261,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11851952757154192,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6032388663967612,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03014441579580307\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 732,\r\n \"seek\": 291200,\r\n \"start\": 2927.0,\r\n \"end\": 2929.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And you and I one day will leave everything.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 400,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 472,\r\n 786,\r\n 486,\r\n 1856,\r\n 1203,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11851952757154192,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6032388663967612,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03014441579580307\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 733,\r\n \"seek\": 291200,\r\n \"start\": 2929.0,\r\n \"end\": 2933.0,\r\n \"text\": \" All that stuff we have guarded and saved up and collected.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 1057,\r\n 300,\r\n 1507,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 44157,\r\n 293,\r\n 6624,\r\n 493,\r\n 293,\r\n 11087,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11851952757154192,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6032388663967612,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03014441579580307\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 734,\r\n \"seek\": 291200,\r\n \"start\": 2933.0,\r\n \"end\": 2936.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Our kids will sell that in a yard sale for pennies on the dollar.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 2621,\r\n 2301,\r\n 486,\r\n 3607,\r\n 300,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 11682,\r\n 8680,\r\n 337,\r\n 34911,\r\n 530,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 7241,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11851952757154192,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6032388663967612,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03014441579580307\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 735,\r\n \"seek\": 291200,\r\n \"start\": 2936.0,\r\n \"end\": 2939.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And I'll be there to buy some of it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 603,\r\n 312,\r\n 456,\r\n 281,\r\n 2256,\r\n 512,\r\n 295,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11851952757154192,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6032388663967612,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03014441579580307\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 736,\r\n \"seek\": 293900,\r\n \"start\": 2939.0,\r\n \"end\": 2942.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I like to go to yard sales.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 411,\r\n 281,\r\n 352,\r\n 281,\r\n 11682,\r\n 5763,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10739600658416748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.64453125,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003704609698615968\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 737,\r\n \"seek\": 293900,\r\n \"start\": 2942.0,\r\n \"end\": 2943.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I'm telling you the truth.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 3585,\r\n 291,\r\n 264,\r\n 3494,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10739600658416748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.64453125,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003704609698615968\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 738,\r\n \"seek\": 293900,\r\n \"start\": 2943.0,\r\n \"end\": 2946.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You can't take it with you, but you can invest it in where you're going.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 509,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 747,\r\n 309,\r\n 365,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 1963,\r\n 309,\r\n 294,\r\n 689,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 516,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10739600658416748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.64453125,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003704609698615968\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 739,\r\n \"seek\": 293900,\r\n \"start\": 2946.0,\r\n \"end\": 2950.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You can invest it in kingdom work for the cause of Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 509,\r\n 393,\r\n 1963,\r\n 309,\r\n 294,\r\n 10231,\r\n 589,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 3082,\r\n 295,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10739600658416748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.64453125,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003704609698615968\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 740,\r\n \"seek\": 293900,\r\n \"start\": 2950.0,\r\n \"end\": 2953.0,\r\n \"text\": \" What are you sewing in your life tonight?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 708,\r\n 366,\r\n 291,\r\n 19311,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 993,\r\n 4440,\r\n 30,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10739600658416748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.64453125,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003704609698615968\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 741,\r\n \"seek\": 293900,\r\n \"start\": 2953.0,\r\n \"end\": 2956.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Now number six, hang with me, we're almost done.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 823,\r\n 1230,\r\n 2309,\r\n 11,\r\n 3967,\r\n 365,\r\n 385,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 1920,\r\n 1096,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10739600658416748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.64453125,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003704609698615968\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 742,\r\n \"seek\": 293900,\r\n \"start\": 2956.0,\r\n \"end\": 2958.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Do not grow weary.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 1144,\r\n 406,\r\n 1852,\r\n 47853,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10739600658416748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.64453125,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003704609698615968\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 743,\r\n \"seek\": 293900,\r\n \"start\": 2958.0,\r\n \"end\": 2960.0,\r\n \"text\": \" This is a great first, first nine.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 639,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 869,\r\n 700,\r\n 11,\r\n 700,\r\n 4949,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10739600658416748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.64453125,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003704609698615968\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 744,\r\n \"seek\": 293900,\r\n \"start\": 2960.0,\r\n \"end\": 2963.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Let us not lose heart in doing good.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 961,\r\n 505,\r\n 406,\r\n 3624,\r\n 1917,\r\n 294,\r\n 884,\r\n 665,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10739600658416748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.64453125,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003704609698615968\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 745,\r\n \"seek\": 293900,\r\n \"start\": 2963.0,\r\n \"end\": 2967.0,\r\n \"text\": \" For in do time we will reap if we do not grow weary.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 1171,\r\n 294,\r\n 360,\r\n 565,\r\n 321,\r\n 486,\r\n 39178,\r\n 498,\r\n 321,\r\n 360,\r\n 406,\r\n 1852,\r\n 47853,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10739600658416748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.64453125,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003704609698615968\r\n },\r\n {\r\n 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\"no_speech_prob\": 0.0008880996028892696\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 748,\r\n \"seek\": 296700,\r\n \"start\": 2977.0,\r\n \"end\": 2982.0,\r\n \"text\": \" There's more discouragement in the body of Christ that I've ever seen in my life.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 821,\r\n 311,\r\n 544,\r\n 21497,\r\n 11129,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1772,\r\n 295,\r\n 2040,\r\n 300,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 1562,\r\n 1612,\r\n 294,\r\n 452,\r\n 993,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09580472372110607,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6133333333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0008880996028892696\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 749,\r\n \"seek\": 296700,\r\n \"start\": 2982.0,\r\n \"end\": 2988.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I think the world and the culture has convinced us that we're on the wrong side.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 264,\r\n 1002,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 3713,\r\n 575,\r\n 12561,\r\n 505,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 2085,\r\n 1252,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09580472372110607,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6133333333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0008880996028892696\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 750,\r\n \"seek\": 296700,\r\n \"start\": 2988.0,\r\n \"end\": 2992.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But folks, I want to remind you tonight, we're not.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 583,\r\n 4024,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 4160,\r\n 291,\r\n 4440,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 406,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09580472372110607,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6133333333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0008880996028892696\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 751,\r\n \"seek\": 296700,\r\n \"start\": 2992.0,\r\n \"end\": 2994.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We're on the right side.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 492,\r\n 434,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 558,\r\n 1252,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n 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1.73046875,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0017306748777627945\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 760,\r\n \"seek\": 302200,\r\n \"start\": 3022.0,\r\n \"end\": 3024.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I do watch the news.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 360,\r\n 1159,\r\n 264,\r\n 2583,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09809776888055316,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0017779230838641524\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 761,\r\n \"seek\": 302200,\r\n \"start\": 3024.0,\r\n \"end\": 3026.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I do watch it, but I don't know.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 286,\r\n 360,\r\n 1159,\r\n 309,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09809776888055316,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0017779230838641524\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 762,\r\n \"seek\": 302200,\r\n \"start\": 3026.0,\r\n \"end\": 3027.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Just 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0.0042829145677387714\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 776,\r\n \"seek\": 305000,\r\n \"start\": 3072.0,\r\n \"end\": 3076.0,\r\n \"text\": \" For in due time, we will reap if we don't grow reary.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 1171,\r\n 294,\r\n 3462,\r\n 565,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 486,\r\n 39178,\r\n 498,\r\n 321,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 1852,\r\n 319,\r\n 822,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11749237888264207,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6435643564356435,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0042829145677387714\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 777,\r\n \"seek\": 307600,\r\n \"start\": 3076.0,\r\n \"end\": 3081.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And then it says, let me look down here.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 550,\r\n 309,\r\n 1619,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 574,\r\n 760,\r\n 510,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09369325637817383,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7405857740585775,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 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-0.09369325637817383,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7405857740585775,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012096837162971497\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 787,\r\n \"seek\": 310500,\r\n \"start\": 3105.0,\r\n \"end\": 3106.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We have finances.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 362,\r\n 25123,\r\n 13,\r\n 50414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08171861416825624,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7083333333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001003290875814855\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 788,\r\n \"seek\": 310500,\r\n \"start\": 3106.0,\r\n \"end\": 3107.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We have abilities.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 492,\r\n 362,\r\n 11582,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08171861416825624,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7083333333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001003290875814855\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 789,\r\n \"seek\": 310500,\r\n \"start\": 3107.0,\r\n \"end\": 3110.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You may not have 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I know many of you plant gardens.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 867,\r\n 295,\r\n 291,\r\n 3709,\r\n 23803,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10913058471679687,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6702127659574468,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007842832244932652\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 798,\r\n \"seek\": 313300,\r\n \"start\": 3141.0,\r\n \"end\": 3144.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I've got some tomatoes and you know that that's true.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 512,\r\n 15135,\r\n 293,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 300,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 2074,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10913058471679687,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6702127659574468,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007842832244932652\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 799,\r\n \"seek\": 313300,\r\n \"start\": 3144.0,\r\n \"end\": 3146.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Sometimes we want to quit.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 4803,\r\n 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7996,\r\n 575,\r\n 257,\r\n 10048,\r\n 6228,\r\n 337,\r\n 729,\r\n 295,\r\n 505,\r\n 567,\r\n 483,\r\n 5868,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10913058471679687,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6702127659574468,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007842832244932652\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 802,\r\n \"seek\": 313300,\r\n \"start\": 3156.0,\r\n \"end\": 3158.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Y'all to read this verse a lot.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 398,\r\n 6,\r\n 336,\r\n 281,\r\n 1401,\r\n 341,\r\n 7996,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10913058471679687,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6702127659574468,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007842832244932652\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 803,\r\n \"seek\": 313300,\r\n \"start\": 3158.0,\r\n \"end\": 3160.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Let us not lose heart in doing good.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 961,\r\n 505,\r\n 406,\r\n 3624,\r\n 1917,\r\n 294,\r\n 884,\r\n 665,\r\n 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\"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018798878882080317\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 806,\r\n \"seek\": 316100,\r\n \"start\": 3163.0,\r\n \"end\": 3164.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We will win.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 492,\r\n 486,\r\n 1942,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08010649926883658,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5093457943925233,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018798878882080317\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 807,\r\n \"seek\": 316100,\r\n \"start\": 3164.0,\r\n \"end\": 3170.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We'll see the fruit of our prayers and works if we don't grow weary.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 492,\r\n 603,\r\n 536,\r\n 264,\r\n 6773,\r\n 295,\r\n 527,\r\n 16860,\r\n 293,\r\n 1985,\r\n 498,\r\n 321,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 1852,\r\n 47853,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08010649926883658,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5093457943925233,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018798878882080317\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 808,\r\n 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407,\r\n 550,\r\n 1339,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 2650,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 505,\r\n 360,\r\n 665,\r\n 281,\r\n 439,\r\n 561,\r\n 293,\r\n 2318,\r\n 281,\r\n 729,\r\n 567,\r\n 366,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 9888,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 4522,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1477356073332996,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.58,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004154306370764971\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 815,\r\n \"seek\": 318700,\r\n \"start\": 3200.0,\r\n \"end\": 3204.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Verse 9 emphasize the season of reaping.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 31640,\r\n 1722,\r\n 16078,\r\n 264,\r\n 3196,\r\n 295,\r\n 39178,\r\n 278,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1477356073332996,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.58,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004154306370764971\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 816,\r\n \"seek\": 318700,\r\n \"start\": 3204.0,\r\n \"end\": 3209.0,\r\n \"text\": \" This verse emphasizes a season of sowing or 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663,\r\n 1699,\r\n 735,\r\n 300,\r\n 15240,\r\n 322,\r\n 291,\r\n 420,\r\n 45389,\r\n 965,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 820,\r\n 360,\r\n 665,\r\n 281,\r\n 552,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08131439246020271,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6898148148148149,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.07598797231912613\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 819,\r\n \"seek\": 321200,\r\n \"start\": 3218.0,\r\n \"end\": 3224.0,\r\n \"text\": \" People you see at the grocery store when you're shopping, you should do good to them.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 3432,\r\n 291,\r\n 536,\r\n 412,\r\n 264,\r\n 14410,\r\n 3531,\r\n 562,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 8688,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 820,\r\n 360,\r\n 665,\r\n 281,\r\n 552,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08131439246020271,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6898148148148149,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.07598797231912613\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 820,\r\n \"seek\": 321200,\r\n \"start\": 3224.0,\r\n \"end\": 3227.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Be kind and considerate.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 879,\r\n 733,\r\n 293,\r\n 1949,\r\n 473,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08131439246020271,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6898148148148149,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.07598797231912613\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 821,\r\n \"seek\": 321200,\r\n \"start\": 3227.0,\r\n \"end\": 3230.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It says do good to all men.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 467,\r\n 1619,\r\n 360,\r\n 665,\r\n 281,\r\n 439,\r\n 1706,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08131439246020271,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6898148148148149,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.07598797231912613\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 822,\r\n \"seek\": 321200,\r\n \"start\": 3230.0,\r\n \"end\": 3231.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Let me ask you a question.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 961,\r\n 385,\r\n 1029,\r\n 291,\r\n 257,\r\n 1168,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n 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281,\r\n 561,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08131439246020271,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6898148148148149,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.07598797231912613\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 825,\r\n \"seek\": 324000,\r\n \"start\": 3240.0,\r\n \"end\": 3245.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I know he cleared the temple, but he needed to do that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 415,\r\n 19725,\r\n 264,\r\n 10184,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 415,\r\n 2978,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10806786386590254,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5891891891891892,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007537617930211127\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 826,\r\n \"seek\": 324000,\r\n \"start\": 3245.0,\r\n \"end\": 3251.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I mean he ate with Pharisees and publicans and prostitutes and tax collectors.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 286,\r\n 914,\r\n 415,\r\n 8468,\r\n 365,\r\n 47742,\r\n 279,\r\n 293,\r\n 1908,\r\n 599,\r\n 293,\r\n 10293,\r\n 270,\r\n 1819,\r\n 293,\r\n 3366,\r\n 35384,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10806786386590254,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5891891891891892,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007537617930211127\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 827,\r\n \"seek\": 324000,\r\n \"start\": 3251.0,\r\n \"end\": 3255.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Jesus to find the neighbors, anyone who needed our help.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 2705,\r\n 281,\r\n 915,\r\n 264,\r\n 12512,\r\n 11,\r\n 2878,\r\n 567,\r\n 2978,\r\n 527,\r\n 854,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10806786386590254,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5891891891891892,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007537617930211127\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 828,\r\n \"seek\": 324000,\r\n \"start\": 3255.0,\r\n \"end\": 3264.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Has God placed lots of people around you who need your help, who need your prayers and just your 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\"compression_ratio\": 1.924731182795699,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018155954778194427\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 830,\r\n \"seek\": 326400,\r\n \"start\": 3271.0,\r\n \"end\": 3273.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That's brothers and sisters in Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 8452,\r\n 293,\r\n 11589,\r\n 294,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08977660993589973,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.924731182795699,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018155954778194427\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 831,\r\n \"seek\": 326400,\r\n \"start\": 3273.0,\r\n \"end\": 3276.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We should treat each other like family because we are.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 492,\r\n 820,\r\n 2387,\r\n 1184,\r\n 661,\r\n 411,\r\n 1605,\r\n 570,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08977660993589973,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.924731182795699,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018155954778194427\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 832,\r\n \"seek\": 326400,\r\n \"start\": 3276.0,\r\n \"end\": 3278.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We're going to spend eternity in heaven.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 492,\r\n 434,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 3496,\r\n 27162,\r\n 294,\r\n 7162,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08977660993589973,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.924731182795699,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018155954778194427\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 833,\r\n \"seek\": 326400,\r\n \"start\": 3278.0,\r\n \"end\": 3283.0,\r\n \"text\": \" If we can't get along here, goodness, there's going to be a mess up there.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 759,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 483,\r\n 2051,\r\n 510,\r\n 11,\r\n 8387,\r\n 11,\r\n 456,\r\n 311,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 257,\r\n 2082,\r\n 493,\r\n 456,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08977660993589973,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.924731182795699,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018155954778194427\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 834,\r\n \"seek\": 326400,\r\n \"start\": 3283.0,\r\n \"end\": 3288.0,\r\n \"text\": \" No, it won't be because we'll be changed and we'll have good attitudes, but surely we can get along here.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 883,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 1582,\r\n 380,\r\n 312,\r\n 570,\r\n 321,\r\n 603,\r\n 312,\r\n 3105,\r\n 293,\r\n 321,\r\n 603,\r\n 362,\r\n 665,\r\n 25853,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 11468,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 483,\r\n 2051,\r\n 510,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08977660993589973,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.924731182795699,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018155954778194427\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 835,\r\n \"seek\": 326400,\r\n \"start\": 3288.0,\r\n \"end\": 3290.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We should treat each other like family.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 492,\r\n 820,\r\n 2387,\r\n 1184,\r\n 661,\r\n 411,\r\n 1605,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08977660993589973,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.924731182795699,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018155954778194427\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 836,\r\n \"seek\": 326400,\r\n \"start\": 3290.0,\r\n \"end\": 3293.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We're especially to be good to our brothers and sisters in Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51664,\r\n 492,\r\n 434,\r\n 2318,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 665,\r\n 281,\r\n 527,\r\n 8452,\r\n 293,\r\n 11589,\r\n 294,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08977660993589973,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.924731182795699,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018155954778194427\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 837,\r\n \"seek\": 329300,\r\n \"start\": 3293.0,\r\n \"end\": 3297.0,\r\n \"text\": \" If Christians are the only persons we're good to, then we have missed the point.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 759,\r\n 12254,\r\n 366,\r\n 264,\r\n 787,\r\n 14453,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 665,\r\n 281,\r\n 11,\r\n 550,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 6721,\r\n 264,\r\n 935,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1022171422054893,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6726457399103138,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0029363161884248257\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 838,\r\n \"seek\": 329300,\r\n \"start\": 3297.0,\r\n \"end\": 3300.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We've become a clique.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 492,\r\n 600,\r\n 1813,\r\n 257,\r\n 44467,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1022171422054893,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6726457399103138,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0029363161884248257\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 839,\r\n \"seek\": 329300,\r\n \"start\": 3300.0,\r\n \"end\": 3309.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I was at one time a grand opening of a Christian bookstore and I bought something and the lady that waited on me was almost in tears.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 412,\r\n 472,\r\n 565,\r\n 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848,\r\n 11,\r\n 561,\r\n 366,\r\n 370,\r\n 18895,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1022171422054893,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6726457399103138,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0029363161884248257\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 842,\r\n \"seek\": 329300,\r\n \"start\": 3312.0,\r\n \"end\": 3319.0,\r\n \"text\": \" A Christian bookstore on their grand opening and Christians acting like that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 316,\r\n 5778,\r\n 43478,\r\n 322,\r\n 641,\r\n 2697,\r\n 5193,\r\n 293,\r\n 12254,\r\n 6577,\r\n 411,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1022171422054893,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6726457399103138,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0029363161884248257\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 843,\r\n \"seek\": 331900,\r\n \"start\": 3319.0,\r\n \"end\": 3328.0,\r\n \"text\": \" As Christians, we're a part of God's family, so we ought to be considerate of other people and restore the fallen and carry each other's burdens.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1018,\r\n 12254,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 257,\r\n 644,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 1605,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 321,\r\n 13416,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 1949,\r\n 473,\r\n 295,\r\n 661,\r\n 561,\r\n 293,\r\n 15227,\r\n 264,\r\n 11547,\r\n 293,\r\n 3985,\r\n 1184,\r\n 661,\r\n 311,\r\n 37882,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09689902437144313,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.696,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033059334382414818\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 844,\r\n \"seek\": 331900,\r\n \"start\": 3328.0,\r\n \"end\": 3331.0,\r\n \"text\": \" If we do that, we're doing good for the kingdom.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 759,\r\n 321,\r\n 360,\r\n 300,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 884,\r\n 665,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 10231,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09689902437144313,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.696,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 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510,\r\n 613,\r\n 3407,\r\n 16901,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 2351,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 3314,\r\n 552,\r\n 472,\r\n 281,\r\n 2064,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09689902437144313,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.696,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033059334382414818\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 850,\r\n \"seek\": 334700,\r\n \"start\": 3347.0,\r\n \"end\": 3350.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The ten is, yeah, I'm doing really good at that one.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 440,\r\n 2064,\r\n 307,\r\n 11,\r\n 1338,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 884,\r\n 534,\r\n 665,\r\n 412,\r\n 300,\r\n 472,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08299839055096661,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6175298804780875,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.016250193119049072\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 851,\r\n \"seek\": 334700,\r\n \"start\": 3350.0,\r\n \"end\": 3351.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I'm not doing good.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 286,\r\n 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1.6175298804780875,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.016250193119049072\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 858,\r\n \"seek\": 334700,\r\n \"start\": 3373.0,\r\n \"end\": 3376.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Stop deceiving yourself.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51664,\r\n 5535,\r\n 14088,\r\n 2123,\r\n 1803,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08299839055096661,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6175298804780875,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.016250193119049072\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 859,\r\n \"seek\": 337600,\r\n \"start\": 3376.0,\r\n \"end\": 3378.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Don't bless you so you're going to reap.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1468,\r\n 380,\r\n 5227,\r\n 291,\r\n 370,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 39178,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11255417448101622,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6311111111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007206352893263102\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 860,\r\n \"seek\": 337600,\r\n \"start\": 3378.0,\r\n \"end\": 3383.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Don't grow weary and well-doing and then do good to all men.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 1468,\r\n 380,\r\n 1852,\r\n 47853,\r\n 293,\r\n 731,\r\n 12,\r\n 42013,\r\n 293,\r\n 550,\r\n 360,\r\n 665,\r\n 281,\r\n 439,\r\n 1706,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11255417448101622,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6311111111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007206352893263102\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 861,\r\n \"seek\": 337600,\r\n \"start\": 3383.0,\r\n \"end\": 3391.0,\r\n \"text\": \" A lot of great advice from the Apostle Paul and these few verses about helping each one grow.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 316,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 869,\r\n 5192,\r\n 490,\r\n 264,\r\n 31467,\r\n 306,\r\n 4552,\r\n 293,\r\n 613,\r\n 1326,\r\n 17316,\r\n 466,\r\n 4315,\r\n 1184,\r\n 472,\r\n 1852,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11255417448101622,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6311111111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007206352893263102\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 862,\r\n \"seek\": 337600,\r\n \"start\": 3391.0,\r\n \"end\": 3398.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You may not have a big burden right now, but I'm telling you, tomorrow you may get one.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 509,\r\n 815,\r\n 406,\r\n 362,\r\n 257,\r\n 955,\r\n 12578,\r\n 558,\r\n 586,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 3585,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 4153,\r\n 291,\r\n 815,\r\n 483,\r\n 472,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11255417448101622,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6311111111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007206352893263102\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 863,\r\n \"seek\": 337600,\r\n \"start\": 3398.0,\r\n \"end\": 3402.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And you may be carrying a big one right now and tomorrow that burden might be gone.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 400,\r\n 291,\r\n 815,\r\n 312,\r\n 9792,\r\n 257,\r\n 955,\r\n 472,\r\n 558,\r\n 586,\r\n 293,\r\n 4153,\r\n 300,\r\n 12578,\r\n 1062,\r\n 312,\r\n 2780,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11255417448101622,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6311111111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007206352893263102\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 864,\r\n \"seek\": 340200,\r\n \"start\": 3402.0,\r\n \"end\": 3403.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You just never know.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 509,\r\n 445,\r\n 1128,\r\n 458,\r\n 13,\r\n 50414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09276378631591797,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5719557195571956,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.11059974879026413\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 865,\r\n \"seek\": 340200,\r\n \"start\": 3403.0,\r\n \"end\": 3410.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That's why we're to be brothers and sisters in Christ and to encourage each other every, every day.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 983,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 8452,\r\n 293,\r\n 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\"avg_logprob\": -0.09276378631591797,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5719557195571956,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.11059974879026413\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 868,\r\n \"seek\": 340200,\r\n \"start\": 3414.0,\r\n \"end\": 3415.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Is it not?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1119,\r\n 309,\r\n 406,\r\n 30,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09276378631591797,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5719557195571956,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.11059974879026413\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 869,\r\n \"seek\": 340200,\r\n \"start\": 3415.0,\r\n \"end\": 3417.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Thank you so much for being here tonight.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 370,\r\n 709,\r\n 337,\r\n 885,\r\n 510,\r\n 4440,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09276378631591797,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5719557195571956,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.11059974879026413\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 870,\r\n \"seek\": 340200,\r\n 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