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"{\r\n \"text\": \" Good evening. Okay. Well, welcome to First Baptist Church Cold Spring, July 10th, Sunday Night Bible Study. And let me go over... I mean, Wednesday night, I'm so messed up today, you wouldn't believe it. Jerry just headed back home. Let me go through a couple of things and announcements, and then see if you guys... if I leave out something that you wanted to mention. Coffee with a pastor this morning, that was a good turnout. I don't know how many maybe... there had to be maybe close to 20, I don't know there. What? No. This is a coffee with a pastor I'm talking about. Colin led that, did a great job. Now this coming Sunday, we got Alan with him. He's going to be doing the two services, the 8.30 and the 10.30, and Mark Stover will be doing the Sunday evening Bible study. So you need to come here, Mark. He did a great job the last time he did it. Women's Bible study, you know, that's going to be on Saturday mornings. 9 a.m. to... I don't know what time. But anyway, sign up in a welcome center by July 14th. Cost of the book is $12. If you've got any questions, you can talk to Rebecca Hopkins. Music drama camp, that's going on in July. And August the 11th at 6 o'clock for that Sunday evening, the kids will, I think, be doing a program of what they learned. So with that, give me something. What else did I miss or mess up? You know of anything else we should bring out? The men's, the deacons men's breakfast is going to be on July 20th. So we're going to have a workshop and a breakfast on July 20th. I know that's going to be happening. So... Tony Gross is here. Oh, yeah. I want to mention it. Tell me, what's his name again? Tony Gross. BROSS. Gross. Oh, you're right here. Tony Gross. You know, he's played for us a couple of times. He is a great pianist. They've set over there him and his mother, father. And I know he's played for some of these groups that have come different times. So he's going to be here at 7 o'clock this Friday. There will be a love offering. It'll only be an hour. So try to make that and support Tony. Anything else? What? Friday night, 7 o'clock. Okay. So, with that... You want to go ahead and lead us in the song now? Sure. All right. We are going to sing a song. It's an old hymn. It's called, Here Am I, Lord? I just want you to learn it because we're going to sing it together on Sunday night as well. But it's very, very easy and it's a beautiful song about being ready to serve when you're called to. So if you will stand up and join us. Here am I, Lord, send me. Here am I, Lord, send me. I will serve you faithfully. Here am I, Lord, send me. Lord, I want your perfect will. Be my faithful guide. I will never be afraid. You are close beside. Here am I, Lord, send me. Here am I, Lord, send me. I will serve you faithfully. Here am I, Lord, send me. Let me see my mission field. All around each day. Fill my heart with Jesus love. Use me, Lord, I pray. Here am I, Lord, send me. Here am I, Lord, send me. I will serve you faithfully. Here am I, Lord, send me. Here am I, Lord, send me. Here am I, Lord, send me. Speak, O Lord, as we come to you to receive the food of your Holy Word. Take your pen truth, plant it deep in us. And fashion us in your likeness that the light of Christ might be seen by us in your hands of love and our deeds of faith. Speak, O Lord, and fulfill in us all your purposes for your glory. Speak, O Lord, and renew our minds. Help us grasp the heights of your plans for us. Truths unchanged from the dawn of time that will not go down through eternity. And my grace will stand on your promises and my faith will walk as you walk with us. Speak, O Lord, till your church is built and the earth is filled with your glory. Thank you. You may be seated. First of all, I want to make sure everybody has got a prayer list. Does everyone have a prayer list? Okay, I'm going to ask another thing is, Connie is here, and she has got the survey sheets for the pastor's search committee. Is there anyone that doesn't have one to fill out? You need one? Okay, we'll get you one. So they're wanting them back. Aren't you wanting them back this weekend? Doug, are you wanting them this weekend? So put some time in on those and fill them out to help the search committee on that for your input. Let me go through the prayer list now. I'll go through the prayer list and I ask Ralph to come up and pray and then Jerry will come up with our Bible study. We always say we need the prayer. We do for the war in Israel and Ukraine. On your list there, you've got David Turner. I told you in the past he's in a special rehab unit down at San Eason for Thomas. I believe he'll be there a while, and then he will most probably go to a rehab facility. So that's Becky Sebastian's nephew. Gordon Allen, now that's Trisha and Amanda's father. So he's been on his prayer list, so let's keep praying for him. Will Sawyer, I don't know if he's not on my list. She might have put him on later. Will, you're having surgery Friday? Okay, and it's going to be an outpatient, and you want us to pray for the robotic machine? Is that what you said? Okay, so pray for the machine and the doctors, and that was a good one. Okay, let's remember the pastor's search committee. They seem to be keeping us quite informed, and we really appreciate that in the work that they're putting in. It's going to be a tough job. Priscilla Roberts, she had her surgery Friday. Gallbladder surgery. So keep her in your prayers, and like I said last week, just pray for her that she's got Noel taken care of her. Valerie Lawrence is on here now. Now that's Dave and Brenda Aubrey's daughter, and she's had heart trouble, I think, for a while. Guys, you all know, if there's something wrong with one of your children, it's wrong with you. It just hurts for our children to go through different things. So keep Valerie in your prayers, and Dave and Brenda, of course. Donnie, you blank banks. Is anybody really, I think he had an ablation. They're real quiet. He's a tall, thin fellow with white hair, sits right back in the back there. Oh, great, Larry. If you can just give me information about these people so I can know about them, that's what I want to know about these people to bring to you. Remember Margaret Griffin, her battle with cancer? Sandy Long surgery. She's going to have surgery now on the 19th. Terina Smallwood's surgery went well, but I think she's a little discomfort and maybe some pain. So keep her in your prayers. Vivian Snodgrass, I understand she's back out at Seasons now, where she had the broken hip. For those of you who are basically from Christ Church, Frida Gush, G-O-O-C-H passed away. So those that you know about her, so she passed away. Let me see what else I've got here. Steve Jarbo, he's battling cancer and is being put on palliative care. So for those who don't, I don't remember his wife's name, the blonde hair, Jan. So anyway, you know, we need to pray for Steve Jarbo. You know cancer just about touches every family. So we always need to pray for researchers and those to find some answers and cures for cancer. It just touches so many lives. Everyone in the Playa Bray's family has got something to do with somebody with cancer. Okay, who did I forget? Of course we want to remember our missionaries, remember them, our military. So many are associated with the church here. Anybody got anybody you want me to put on or ask about? Carolyn? Carolyn? How old is she? So Macy, six years old, will be having a couple of tubes put in her ears and just tonsils and ed noise removed. Yeah, really, before school starts, I hope. Okay, who else? Wanda? So we got a praise, right? And how was your caregiver? Was he pretty good along all this time? Okay. You've been on our prayers for a while, and I know you went through some pain there. A lot of pain. Donna? Marlin's sister. Linda Miller. Oh, his grandson was one of those that were shot and killed over in Florence that we've seen on the news. Wow. These shootings are something else, I mean. I don't know how to explain them. Anybody else? Yeah, Bobby Titus. The shut-ins, those people in the nursing homes. I'll tell you what I'm doing is Chairman of the Deacons starting tomorrow. This Wednesday night list will be sent to all of the Deacons to see if they've got people on their list. So we need to, right now, visit these people. We need the unity and we need to come together, especially our own family here, you know? Helen? Oh, my gosh. Do not say Marla Day passed away. I got to watch these texts so I'm getting, okay. And Frida must be in the nursing home then still. Yeah, okay. Okay, sorry, Frida. Okay. Harold. David Pack will be taken to the Czech Republic a group. Wow. Okay. Wait a minute, wait a minute, Pat. That's a friend of yours you went to school with and did you, you taught with, right? So keep her in your prayers. Steve? Oh, wait a minute. Gary. Does anyone know if Steve Jarbo is at home or in the hospital for this palliative care? You think at home? Okay. You might call the office and ask Miriam tomorrow. See if she knows. Okay, we need to keep up with all these people that are on our prayer list. Go ahead. He's eight months old. How many tumors? Six tumors. Wow. To see our children go through that is tough. So we'll keep her and keep you in your prayers. We'll make sure you what's his name? Okay. Thanks. Wow. Okay. Anybody else? Okay. So again, is Ralph now to come up and if you'll pray for the prayer list, the church and whatever else is on his heart. Thanks. Let's pray. Father, we thank you this evening for all that you have done for who you are. Father, we just thank you for your sovereignty and health in all things. We seek your will. So many of these that we have mentioned this evening are just heart breaking with pain and need. We praise you so much that Wanda is back. And we think so about these that are facing surgery. We think of Will, the upcoming surgery for Macy. We just pray that your hand would be upon them. Father, we think of those that have recently gone through surgery. We think of David Turner and the uphill fight that he has with rehab. We pray that he will sense your nearness and presence in his life. Father, we think of Michael Bradley as he is away, incarcerated. We just pray for his situation and the recent loss of his dad. We pray for the Schnitzler family and the Bradley family still. Father, we thank you that Priscilla has made it through her surgery. And we would ask, there are many among us that are trying to fill in gaps where there are gaps. There are many who are doing different things. Serving on committees, the pastor search committee and the children's director search committee, we just pray for these. We pray for your guidance and the knowledge of your will that it would be made clear to these who are serving. We pray that you would be working in the hearts of the people that you have already selected that would serve in this capacity. We just thank you so much for those that are serving. We thank you for Jerry and his recent teaching on the book of James. We pray that you would strengthen him, fill him with your spirit, enable him to speak with clarity and freedom and all humility. And we just ask these things in Jesus' name and for his sake. Amen. Good evening. All right. I want to really emphasize Tony Groves coming on Friday. As John mentioned, he has spoken or excuse me, he has played here before. Just a young man is really talented and I don't want to embarrass the church by 10 or 15 people showing up. So a crowd like this would be great. By the way, we are the momentum Sunday School class is putting together some snacks down in room 105. We'd like to invite you to come down at 6 o'clock, sharing those snacks, if you would, and then the concert of Tony Groves is playing at 7 o'clock. All right. I want to mention real quick, or is it quickly? Or does it matter? All right. We just never know when opportunities arise for us to bear witness. You just never know. One of the things Dr. James said last Sunday night when he was here was how sometimes unbeknownst to us opportunities was a rise and we have an opportunity and we missed it. We missed the opportunity to share the gospel of Christ or to reach out to someone. I had a tooth pulled today. I wasn't sure if I was going to be up here and be up here and be right over there with them. But that's all. The numbness is gone. And I bring it up because the tooth tech, the nurse, I don't know what they call them, but the technician came in and she was giving me all prepped and that sort of thing. It's a Bellevue girl. I graduated from Bellevue long before. She said, when did you graduate? I said 1966. She said, I was born in 66. That's always good to hear. So we talked a little bit and I said, I've got to talk tonight. I'm hoping that this numbness is gone by the time for me to speak tonight. So I'm not mumbling my words. Where do you go to church? And I told her and she said, I understand you all are looking for a pastor. And I said, yes, we sure are. And would appreciate prayers for that. And she said, we got to talking about different things that happen like my heart, Stence put my heart in prostate cancer and just all of that stuff and her issues, health issues. And she said, my daughter just graduated from college. She's 22 years old. She has the extreme case of breast cancer. Took my breath away. She said, so I've put my health issues on the back burner for the sake of my daughter. What an amazing opportunity. And so we prayed opportunities around us where people are hungry and thirsty for righteousness. And you've heard me say before that Mother Teresa said, you don't have to go to Calcutta to find those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness. They sit across from you at your breakfast table, family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. People who are hungry and thirsty. And so I just wanted to share that with you that Dr. James was right, you know, that opportunities when we are attuned and listen and aren't afraid to just step up and say a short prayer for somebody who's in need. I don't normally do this, but I'm going to do it tonight. And I hope you'll indulge me for at least four or five minutes. I don't normally just read a passage or a read, you know, something. I hope you don't get bored with it. But a few weeks ago, when I first mentioned on a Sunday night, I was either Sunday or Wednesday night, I mentioned that about the Lamb's Book of Life. And then I made two comments. One was that your name is written in the book when you're born. Or the other option is that your name is written in the book when you accept Christ. So one of the things I wanted to do was I found this and I wanted to do it real quick because we don't have time to open discussion. Maybe we can do that some other night. But keep in mind, first of all, that God is omnipresent. He is everywhere. He's here tonight. He's in our presence through the power of the Holy Spirit. He's omnipotent. He's all powerful. There's no other power greater than the power of God. But one of the most important things is that he's omniscient. He knows all things and so he knows already your beliefs about his son. And your name is in the book of life. The question becomes, and we find this in Revelation chapter 20, and we went over this a little bit in my study school class. And by the way, that's 105 if you want to show up on Friday at 6 o'clock. Revelation chapter 20, and I did not do this with the fellas in the booth, so don't worry about whether you have to look this up or not. Revelation chapter 20 verse 15 says that everyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire. From this passage, Christians conclude that God has a record of followers of Jesus Christ. It's called the book of life. And that we do not have to fear judgment day because if our names are written in the book of life, we receive the gift of eternal life in heaven by God's grace. Which is consistent with what James is trying to tell us, that we are saved by grace, not by our works. We are saved by the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for my sins and yours. But the writer says, but what exactly when is a believer's name written in the book of life? Is it at birth or is it at time when we believe? He said, I always thought of it as written in the time when we believe in Christ. But since that time, I've kind of come to a different conclusion. He says, Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 and Revelation chapter 17 verse 8, both passages refer to unbelievers as everyone whose name was not written in the foundation of the world in the book of life of Lamb. God foreknew. So if unbelievers' names were not written from the foundation because Revelation uses that word, the foundation of the world in the book of life, then it would follow logically that the names of believers were written from the foundation of the world in the book of life already. Short paragraph. So if we think this through, it makes perfect sense. After all, God speaks of our salvation as being chosen in him before the foundation of the world. That's in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4. And that those he foreknew, he also predestined. So we are predestined because of our faith in Jesus Christ. Not because God has, well, he picked you and he picked you, but he didn't pick you and he didn't pick you and he picked you. We have a freedom to choose. Now my choice was made when I was 7, almost 8 years old. And I walked that long 2 mile walk down the aisle as a little boy, sitting on the front row with my little feet going like this, which they still do sometimes. And the pastor knelt down by the Leo draig and he said, Jerry, why have you come this morning? And I said, because I want Jesus in my heart, that was when I was 7. That was 77 years ago. I'm 77 now. That was when I was 7. And all those years I'm still seeking to find Christ in my heart every day. One of the things is I'm not perfect. I'm not perfect, but God has never given up. So we always have the freedom to choose. And so he, those he foreknew, he also predestined. That was in Romans chapter 28, chapter 8 verse 29. Since we are chosen according to the knowledge of God, the Father, 1 Peter chapter 1 verse 1 and 2. In other words, God in his conscious omniscience, excuse me, already foreknows what we will do so he can speak for us as chosen and already has our names in the book of life, even before we were born. Does this mean therefore our salvation is predetermined without any choice on our parts? No, of course not. When we accept Christ and in the last days, because we have accepted Christ, we are sealed. Your name will not ever be taken out of the book of life. You are sealed. When we believe, so in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 says, when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and when you believed in him, you were also sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit. Thus Revelation chapter 7 verse 4 says, refers to believers as we are sealed. It uses that word. So God foreknew who would believe and already has the names in his book. For when we believe, we are sealed. So I hope that doesn't confuse you. It may, if it does, it attacks me. And we'll try to cover that in a little more detail. Alright, so let's jump to the book of James. I never know, I was telling my wife earlier, I never know on a Wednesday how much to prepare or how much not to prepare. So ideally hopefully we'll get through the rest of verse chapter 1, through the book of James chapter 1 verses 19 through 27. And we'll look at that in just a little bit, not right now. Alright, James chapter 1 verse 19. And so one of the things we said about James, he's kind of like, he's kind of like the proverbs of the New Testament, you know, and so he kind of jumps around. So we started out talking about trials. Everybody goes through trials. The young lady, the nurse at the dentist's office is going through a trial. Her daughter is going through a trial. My wife told me last night Gwen Shields, a good friend, long time friend of ours, had breast cancer and beat it. Now they find out she's got bone cancer. Trials sometimes they just, they keep coming and every single one of you here has had your trials in life. The success of processing and working through trials, it'll turn you towards God or away from God. Sometimes we don't understand and realize that we live in a fallen world. Scott Petruch in his book, The Road Let's Travel, the first three words, life is difficult. And so we all go through trials. The power that we have through the power of the Holy Spirit is how we process and how we work through those trials and the difficulties that they bring into return. Does it build character for us to persevere and to become closer to God or does it drive us away? We talked about temptations. Everyone faces temptations in life. God is not the source of our temptations. Temptations is progressive and it leads towards death. It's not yielding to temptation that is a sin. Excuse me, it's not temptation that's a sin. It's yielding to it that is the sin. And so what James does in the proportion that we're going to look at today is here's a resource he says when you're going through trials. Here's a resource that you have when you're going through temptations. Here's the resource. Here's the resource. And so in James chapter one verse 19, he throws this at us after talking about trials and temptations and how they come and how they affect us and how they build character. And just all of that in the first few verses of chapter one. And then he says, oh, by the way, my dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen. Slow to speak, slow to get angry, because your anger can never make things right in the eyes of God. It's interesting to me what is going on in the times in the world in which we're living today? I don't think I've ever seen so much anger displayed in all my life. Just the other day, a guy text and was on the news and he said, inadvertently you needed to get off real quick and so he cut somebody off. And the guy followed him. And then the guy got out of his truck and went over and started beating him up. So he pulled out a gun and shot the guy. This is going on over and over and over again. This road rage, this expressions of anger. James tells us to be slow at anger, but the first thing he says is to listen. Hearing, and he'll talk about this in just a little bit, hearing is one thing. So right now, assuming those of you who have hearing aids on, you've got me turned up. I preached at a church one time and an old fellow sat up front. He had hearing aids on and I watched him and as he was, he went like this. And I found out later that he said he turned me down. That's okay. Listening is a skill. It's a skill that you learn to listen. And listening facilitates the idea of communication. And here's my definition of communication. My ability to communicate, if I want to communicate with you, it's my responsibility to help you understand capital letters, understand, understand completely why I'm thinking and feeling and behaving the way I do. Because the process by which we navigate through life is by thinking, by feelings, by behavior. And so if I want to communicate to you, you have to listen. And oftentimes what's happening is we think we're listening, but really up here, we're trying to build a defense. We're trying to come up with our answer as to why this person is whatever they're saying, whatever they're trying to get me to listen to. There are people who say, you know what? I say what I think. I had a pastor one time say, you know, some of you in the congregation, you're pretty good at saying what you think. Sometimes you ought to stop and listen and think before you say. Have you ever said something and you wish you were a frog and you reach out there and pull it back and it's just not possible? Dr. James says, you know, sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me or something. Yeah, they do. They do. Sometimes people don't have boundaries when they're saying and talking. They don't have filters. And I've addressed that many, many times. I've had companies send businessmen to me who have angry issues. And I asked him, I said, what's one of the things that makes you angry the most? And he said, you know, I think one of the things that makes me angry the most are expectations. People don't do their jobs. It really upsets me. I really get upset so it's about expectations. So sometimes we express our feelings by being angry because somebody or some group, somebody in the church or somebody in your community or somebody in your family did not live up to what you expected them to live up to. Now there is a righteous indignation. Can you think of one time there was an example in the New Testament of righteous indignation? When Jesus threw out the money collectors and the money lenders, in my house, in my father's house, you're doing this and he was angry. Righteous indignation. As I'm preparing this, I thought to myself, have I ever felt righteous indignation? Ken Burns writes and does documentaries. He did a great documentary on Abraham Lincoln. He did one on a civil war. He did one on a baseball. He did one on a whole series of connected together, the story of the Vietnam War. I got through about the first two or three. I was so angry. I was so angry. You'd have to look up Ken Burns documentary on the Vietnam War and you would come to realize that a lot of men and women were killed for no reason at all. None. So righteous indignation. Sometimes people have said to me, I call it the Popeye syndrome. Well, you know, Popeye said, I am what I am, so that's all that I am. So people have said, well, to be honest with you, my dad was an angry man. My mom was an angry woman. My great-grandpa, my grandpa, they were angry people. We're just a whole bunch of angry people in our family. I can address that and speak to that because I have two older siblings and two younger siblings. And the five of us, we cannot sit down and have a decent conversation without somebody getting angry about something. Some of you know what I'm talking about, don't you? It's like, are you kidding me? Popeye syndrome. I am what I am, that's all that I am. This is me, this is who I am, this is the way I was raised. And so sometimes when I'm doing anger management, I ask people, so what did your mom do when she was angry? What did your dad do when he was angry? What did they do when they were angry with you? Sometimes we need to slow down and just listen. Listening has to do with effective communication. It comes about understanding. Slow to speak. Have you ever been around, and I'm laughing because her face comes to my mind. So does another one. I got another one. People, when you're trying to say something or express something and they cut you off. And generally those are people who believe that what they have to say is more important than listening to what you have to say. So you're trying to say something and they're like, no, here's what you need to do. You should, you need to, you ought, you never. And those are emphatic words. You always, you should do. You need to, if y'all were you, you would do this, that, and you know. And it's never helpful or rarely helpful. So we should be slow to speak and not cut people off and listen and slow to anger. Galatians chapter five verses 22, 23. Most of you could probably quote it by heart. But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. So we've talked a little bit about communication and that's where we're like, we're communicating. I said to a lady this last week, she wrote, read me some of the things she wrote. It's some of her relatives, you know where? On Facebook. And I wanted, and she's a Christian and I wanted to say, are you kidding me? Does your family know, do they know that you're a Christian and you said these mean, hateful things on Facebook? About your daughter-in-law, are you kidding me? You think that that's going to make things work better? And so James is talking about this communication one-on-one, but we've progressed to social media and people will say things in social media because it's easier because it's not face-to-face and they'll say things. And people will wonder, is this person a Christian? How can you claim to be a Christian and live your life in such a way that you're speaking these unkind words to others? And Galatians and Paul says that we ought to be patient and kind and loving. And that's how the Holy Spirit manifests itself in our relationship with others. Whether they be people that we live with, people that we live by, church people that we sit around in church with, we need to be careful, you know, and be more Christ-like. The songwriter writes, let others see Jesus. Where? In you. In you. I was a royal ambassador. We don't do that anymore. That I know of. I was a royal ambassador. And our scripture verse was out of Corinthians. We are ambassadors for Christ. Every single one of us, we are ambassadors for Christ. All right, let's pick up with James chapter one verse 21. I'm going to read through that real quick, quickly. My dear brothers and sisters. No, let me, okay, let me do 21 instead of 19 again. So get rid of all, and by the way, I'm using the new living translation. And sometimes, you know, I talked with Dave a little bit ago, and sometimes the words are different that you'll see up on the screen, but that's okay. So get rid of all filth and evil in your lives and humbly accept the message that God has planted in your hearts. For it is strong enough to save your souls. Remember, it is a message to obey. By the way, obey is written three times here. Obey, the message is to obey, not to just listen to. If you don't obey, you are only fooling yourself. For if you just listen and don't obey, it's like looking at your face in a mirror, but doing nothing to improve your appearance. You see yourself, you walk away and forget what you look like. But if you keep looking steadily into God's perfect law, the law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it. If you claim to be religious, but don't control your tongue, and there is back to that again, and he does it again later on too. If you don't control your tongue, you are just fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless. Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows slash widowers in their troubles and refuse to let the world corrupt us. Romans chapter 10 verse 17. Faith comes from hearing. That is hearing the God of the world. Faith comes from hearing. That is hearing the good news about Christ. So this word of God is powerful. This word of God that we study. And you really can't get a good and effective experience and the use of God's word unless you study God's word. This is why I think Sunday school is so important. I had a lady a few weeks ago, and by the way I don't mind mentioning people. You have no idea who she is. Lovely lady, she's 92. Talking about her Christian faith and her Christian walk. And she said, I became a Christian when I was a little girl. I'm an only child. My mom and dad didn't want children. You hear me? My mom and dad, she said, didn't want children and I'm an only child. They didn't have any more. And so as I look back in retrospect, I can see some of the ways that they treated me. They never went to church, but my mom would always drop me off at church. And at some point in time, one of my Sunday school teachers began to bring me to church. And she said, it was the very first time that anybody ever said to me, I love you. And you know when that was? In vacation Bible school. She said, now I'll tell you, I've not lived a perfect life, but I came to know the relationship with Christ through vacation Bible school. And I've studied God's word ever since. People make sundry and all kinds of excuses. You know, I'd go to Sunday school if it wasn't so early in the morning. I remember one time I was speaking at a church. I've done a lot of talks over the years. And sometimes I'm a little forthright with what I say and I probably should hold my tongue. And as I began to open my sermon to the congregation, and I said, I hope you brought your Bible with you. Because I want you to turn to, and I mentioned 1 John and talking about love. And I said, you know, you wouldn't send your kids to school without their books. And so I would imagine you wouldn't come to church without your Bible. So I would love to hear those pages turn to Nilsa before we did all this electronic stuff. Next day the pastor called me, what in the world did you say to my congregation? And I said, why? He said, they don't want you to come back. Because you embarrass them because we don't really use the Bible that often. Are you kidding me? It took my breath away. A church. I would tell you where the church is in the name of the church. Not about this church. I will tell you that. We make no apologies in this church. We make no apologies for sharing and preaching and teaching the Word of God. From the womb to the tomb. Always, always. The Bible alters and changes. It is alive. It alters and changes people's lives. It's a tragedy to me to think about the ways in which we treat God's Word. I mentioned him again when Dr. James talked about finding the Bible that was thrown away. And you know what? Muslims would never throw the Quran away. Ever. That I know of. And how we've treated this precious Word of God that has... It transcends all any other books that you've ever written or... That were written or that you heard about or that you read. The Word of God leads to our heart. It brings conviction. It brings revelation. It opens our eyes to who we really are and the eyes of God. It ultimately leads us to confession and then to repentance and hopefully by repentance through salvation. My grandpa, a workman, farmer, worked at a brewery, drove a mule. When I was a teenager, I said, you drove a mule? I didn't know they had animals at work. You told me a mule is a forklift. I had no idea. I didn't go to church. Raging. Alcoholic. I remember as a boy putting my hand down in the couch and could hear the bottles rattle. Grandpa would say, I'm going down to the bar to check on the cows and he'd walk down and stagger back. It was my mom's dad. And my mom asked the pastor if she would go in and witness to him. My mom was a praying woman. She prayed for my dad. She prayed for my grandpa. She prayed for me. That's another story. So the pastor went out and owed to Corsi, looking for my grandpa's farm. Couldn't find it. And finally he stopped at a pub and he said, I'm going to go in there and I asked the bartender if he knows Marshall Workman and see if he would tell me where he lives. And he said, you know Marshall Workman? Oh yeah, we know Marshall. How's he doing? Oh boys, he said, well he's down the road. Poor to road. You can find it. So he went down there, introduced himself to my grandpa and I'll make this quick. He read him this book about Christ and his relationship to Christ. And sitting at that kitchen table, my grandpa gave his life to Christ. When my grandma came home, he took a shower, took a bath and cleaned up. And when my grandma, she said when she came home from work, he threw his arms around her and said, I'm going to take you out to dinner. And she said, get away from me, old man. You've been drinking again? He said, no. No, I haven't. He said, today I found Jesus. It changed his life completely. Within two weeks, he had to be rushed to the hospital and strapped in a gurney because he had delirium tremors. Alcohol was oozing out of his body. He was so saturated. They lived on a farm off of Old Corsi on the backside of Rylan Heights out in that area. And that was before the bridge that crossed over. They drove every Sunday morning, Sunday school, Sunday night, Wednesday night, Sunday night, Sunday morning, Wednesday night, every Sunday. Until he had a heart attack, had to move back and sell the farm, moved to Bellevue. But he never faltered. Because of the Word of God, because the pastor bore witness, my grandpa is in heaven today. In heaven today. The Bible alters and changes people's lives. So as first Baptist church, we make no apologies for the use of in the study of God's Word. But James said, it's not just enough to hear the Word. You have to apply the Word. What's the point of knowing what we know and what the Bible has communicated to us and what the Word of God's expectations are for us? And we just close it, put it on the nightstand or put it on the coffin. Put it on the nightstand or put it on the coffee table or put it somewhere in your library where you live and work or you set it somewhere at your house. We are called to be doers. To be doers. So that we might be conformed to the image of Christ and that was Paul's primary goal. His primary goal was to spend eternity with Christ. But his earth goal was to be conformed to the image of Christ so that people would know that he was a Jew who had accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. Look at Hebrews chapter four verse 12. For the Word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than a sharpest two-edged sword. Cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow, it exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. So sometimes God uses the Word of God like a scalpel. Slice us open and he knows our thoughts. We read the Word of God and it exposes what we are thinking, how we are feeling, how we are behaving. And gives us direction and information on how we can alter and change the path that we have taken. So that others can see Christ in us. His insights, his wisdom. Psalms chapter 119. So the Word of God can be like a two-edged sword. Psalms 119 verse 105. Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. So it's two fold. I can take a flashlight and if I'm going down steps, I can hold the flashlight at my feet so I can see where I'm walking. So the Word of God is like a light that shines on my feet, where I'm most immediately, where my feet are. But it also I hold it so I can see in a distance where I'm headed. So the Word of God is a lamp to my feet for near, for things of today and for distance for the plan that God has for my life. For the weeks, the months and the years ahead. It gives me wisdom. I'm going to have to close with this. Jeremiah chapter 23 verse 29. This is the one that gets me. Does not my Word burn like fire? Says the Lord. Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock to pieces? Sometimes God needs to use fire. You know, I have relatives that worked at the steel mill and they talk about the fire that burns out the impurity so that makes it stronger when the iron or the steel is coming out on the far end. So fire, sometimes God needs to fire us up. Ideally, it's what a revival would do. It's fire itself. Sometimes God uses a hammer to hammer my head because I'm so hard headed to get my attention. Perhaps he does the same for you as well. And so the fire purifies. Sometimes in the course of life we get hardened hearts. Life happens. Trials happen. Struggles happen. It can bring us closer. More intimate in our relationship with God. Or you can choose to have it push you away. It is my hope and prayer that as we continue to study and I've got three more times we're not going to be able to go through the whole book of James. And so I talked around tonight. I might be able to, I want to pick up well with James probably in September. But we got three more weeks. So I want you to show up for the next three weeks and I'm glad you're here tonight. Whatever God has laid on your heart tonight, just lift it up to him. Just lift it up. Google it. Whatever, Google it. And where can you find verses of scripture in God's Word that would help you strengthen you to encourage you to lift you up in such a way that are you're strengthened by the Word? In order that we might be conformed to the image of Christ so that others can see Christ in us. Let us stand. We'll sing a hymn. And then I'll close in prayer. Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee. Take my moments and my days. Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Father God, we are grateful for the blessings that you give us. The very breath that we breathe. The opportunities we have that we're confronted with every day to be of service. Opportunities that we know because of the Word that you've given to us that in your Word we can find meaning and purpose in life. That we can develop a relationship with you that draws us closer in a more intimate relationship so that others can see Christ in us. Forgive us when we failed you. Have mercy on us. Be with each and everyone here tonight. I'm so grateful that there are those here tonight who have chosen to be here when they could have been in other places. I trust Father that a sharing of your Word tonight will inspire us to open the Word and to live by it and to be obedient to it. Bless us now as we go our separate ways. Keep us safe on the road as we travel. Bring us back again safely. In Christ we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.\",\r\n \"segments\": [\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 0,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 0.0,\r\n \"end\": 2.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Good evening.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 2205,\r\n 5634,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2125915421379937,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.452755905511811,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0453907810151577\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 1,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 2.0,\r\n \"end\": 4.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2125915421379937,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.452755905511811,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0453907810151577\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 2,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 4.0,\r\n \"end\": 8.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Well, welcome to First Baptist Church Cold Spring, July 10th,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 2928,\r\n 281,\r\n 2386,\r\n 32410,\r\n 7882,\r\n 16918,\r\n 14013,\r\n 11,\r\n 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5,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 13.0,\r\n \"end\": 17.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I mean, Wednesday night, I'm so messed up today,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 286,\r\n 914,\r\n 11,\r\n 10579,\r\n 1818,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 370,\r\n 16507,\r\n 493,\r\n 965,\r\n 11,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2125915421379937,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.452755905511811,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0453907810151577\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 6,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 17.0,\r\n \"end\": 19.0,\r\n \"text\": \" you wouldn't believe it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 291,\r\n 2759,\r\n 380,\r\n 1697,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2125915421379937,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.452755905511811,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0453907810151577\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 7,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 19.0,\r\n \"end\": 22.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Jerry just headed back home.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 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I don't know what time.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 1722,\r\n 257,\r\n 13,\r\n 76,\r\n 13,\r\n 281,\r\n 485,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 437,\r\n 565,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13070433348127938,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4639639639639639,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006172779249027371\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 25,\r\n \"seek\": 5600,\r\n \"start\": 76.0,\r\n \"end\": 81.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But anyway, sign up in a welcome center by July 14th.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 583,\r\n 4033,\r\n 11,\r\n 1465,\r\n 493,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 2928,\r\n 3056,\r\n 538,\r\n 7370,\r\n 3499,\r\n 392,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13070433348127938,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4639639639639639,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006172779249027371\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 26,\r\n \"seek\": 5600,\r\n \"start\": 81.0,\r\n \"end\": 83.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Cost of the book is $12.\",\r\n 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\"avg_logprob\": -0.1022411584854126,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5308641975308641,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01107060071080923\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 37,\r\n \"seek\": 13700,\r\n \"start\": 137.0,\r\n \"end\": 139.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So...\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 485,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2860299278708065,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4782608695652173,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.017434271052479744\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 38,\r\n \"seek\": 13700,\r\n \"start\": 139.0,\r\n \"end\": 142.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Tony Gross is here.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 10902,\r\n 34256,\r\n 307,\r\n 510,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2860299278708065,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4782608695652173,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.017434271052479744\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 39,\r\n \"seek\": 13700,\r\n \"start\": 142.0,\r\n \"end\": 145.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Oh, yeah. I want to mention it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 876,\r\n 11,\r\n 1338,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 2152,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2860299278708065,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4782608695652173,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.017434271052479744\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 40,\r\n \"seek\": 13700,\r\n \"start\": 145.0,\r\n \"end\": 147.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Tell me, what's his name again?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 5115,\r\n 385,\r\n 11,\r\n 437,\r\n 311,\r\n 702,\r\n 1315,\r\n 797,\r\n 30,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2860299278708065,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4782608695652173,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.017434271052479744\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 41,\r\n \"seek\": 13700,\r\n \"start\": 147.0,\r\n \"end\": 150.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Tony Gross.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 10902,\r\n 34256,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": 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0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.049098268468329244,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3414634146341464,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.12214317172765732\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 105,\r\n \"seek\": 45700,\r\n \"start\": 457.0,\r\n \"end\": 466.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and the earth is filled with your glory.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 4120,\r\n 307,\r\n 6412,\r\n 365,\r\n 428,\r\n 11924,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1259998298553099,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.485,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.024116242304444313\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 106,\r\n \"seek\": 45700,\r\n \"start\": 466.0,\r\n \"end\": 470.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Thank you. 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-0.15691727034899652,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.511111111111111,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0111398845911026\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 122,\r\n \"seek\": 51500,\r\n \"start\": 527.0,\r\n \"end\": 531.0,\r\n \"text\": \" On your list there, you've got David Turner.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1282,\r\n 428,\r\n 1329,\r\n 456,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 4389,\r\n 28950,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15691727034899652,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.511111111111111,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0111398845911026\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 123,\r\n \"seek\": 51500,\r\n \"start\": 531.0,\r\n \"end\": 538.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I told you in the past he's in a special rehab unit down at San Eason for Thomas.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 286,\r\n 1907,\r\n 291,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1791,\r\n 415,\r\n 311,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 2121,\r\n 32414,\r\n 4985,\r\n 760,\r\n 412,\r\n 5271,\r\n 462,\r\n 1258,\r\n 337,\r\n 8500,\r\n 13,\r\n 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1.497584541062802,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010007075034081936\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 141,\r\n \"seek\": 59400,\r\n \"start\": 618.0,\r\n \"end\": 623.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Priscilla Roberts, she had her surgery Friday.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 2114,\r\n 49413,\r\n 20919,\r\n 11,\r\n 750,\r\n 632,\r\n 720,\r\n 7930,\r\n 6984,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07792803884922773,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.497584541062802,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010007075034081936\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 142,\r\n \"seek\": 62300,\r\n \"start\": 623.0,\r\n \"end\": 626.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Gallbladder surgery.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 14588,\r\n 5199,\r\n 29901,\r\n 7930,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1158085714412641,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.413978494623656,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004824517818633467\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 143,\r\n \"seek\": 62300,\r\n \"start\": 626.0,\r\n 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638.0,\r\n \"end\": 640.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Valerie Lawrence is on here now.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 46656,\r\n 22787,\r\n 307,\r\n 322,\r\n 510,\r\n 586,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1158085714412641,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.413978494623656,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004824517818633467\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 146,\r\n \"seek\": 62300,\r\n \"start\": 640.0,\r\n \"end\": 645.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Now that's Dave and Brenda Aubrey's daughter,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 823,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 11017,\r\n 293,\r\n 39610,\r\n 36927,\r\n 7950,\r\n 311,\r\n 4653,\r\n 11,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1158085714412641,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.413978494623656,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004824517818633467\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 147,\r\n \"seek\": 62300,\r\n \"start\": 645.0,\r\n \"end\": 649.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and she's had heart trouble, I think, for a while.\",\r\n 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46656,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 16860,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 11017,\r\n 293,\r\n 39610,\r\n 11,\r\n 295,\r\n 1164,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13924179077148438,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5242718446601942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015526340575888753\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 152,\r\n \"seek\": 64900,\r\n \"start\": 668.0,\r\n \"end\": 670.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Donnie, you blank banks.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 1468,\r\n 2766,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 8247,\r\n 10237,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13924179077148438,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5242718446601942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015526340575888753\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 153,\r\n \"seek\": 64900,\r\n \"start\": 670.0,\r\n \"end\": 674.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Is anybody really, I think he had an ablation.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 1119,\r\n 4472,\r\n 534,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 415,\r\n 632,\r\n 364,\r\n 410,\r\n 24278,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13924179077148438,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5242718446601942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015526340575888753\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 154,\r\n \"seek\": 64900,\r\n \"start\": 674.0,\r\n \"end\": 675.0,\r\n \"text\": \" They're real quiet.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 814,\r\n 434,\r\n 957,\r\n 5677,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13924179077148438,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5242718446601942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015526340575888753\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 155,\r\n \"seek\": 67500,\r\n \"start\": 675.0,\r\n \"end\": 678.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He's a tall, thin fellow with white hair,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 634,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 6764,\r\n 11,\r\n 5862,\r\n 7177,\r\n 365,\r\n 2418,\r\n 2578,\r\n 11,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10692997412248091,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 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182,\r\n \"seek\": 78300,\r\n \"start\": 796.0,\r\n \"end\": 802.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Everyone in the Playa Bray's family has got something to do with somebody with cancer.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 5198,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 2149,\r\n 4427,\r\n 1603,\r\n 320,\r\n 311,\r\n 1605,\r\n 575,\r\n 658,\r\n 746,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 365,\r\n 2618,\r\n 365,\r\n 5592,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18526786952823787,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.471502590673575,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001305592362768948\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 183,\r\n \"seek\": 78300,\r\n \"start\": 802.0,\r\n \"end\": 805.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay, who did I forget?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 1033,\r\n 11,\r\n 567,\r\n 630,\r\n 286,\r\n 2870,\r\n 30,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18526786952823787,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.471502590673575,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001305592362768948\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 184,\r\n 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50614,\r\n 407,\r\n 867,\r\n 366,\r\n 6615,\r\n 365,\r\n 264,\r\n 4128,\r\n 510,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13972821890139112,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.304,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005606171675026417\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 187,\r\n \"seek\": 80800,\r\n \"start\": 819.0,\r\n \"end\": 823.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Anybody got anybody you want me to put on or ask about?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 19082,\r\n 658,\r\n 4472,\r\n 291,\r\n 528,\r\n 385,\r\n 281,\r\n 829,\r\n 322,\r\n 420,\r\n 1029,\r\n 466,\r\n 30,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13972821890139112,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.304,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005606171675026417\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 188,\r\n \"seek\": 80800,\r\n \"start\": 823.0,\r\n \"end\": 825.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Carolyn?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 42731,\r\n 30,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13972821890139112,\r\n 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These shootings are something else, I mean.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 3153,\r\n 13,\r\n 1981,\r\n 44314,\r\n 366,\r\n 746,\r\n 1646,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 914,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.19712192911497303,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3952095808383234,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.010505826212465763\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 208,\r\n \"seek\": 89100,\r\n \"start\": 912.0,\r\n \"end\": 914.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't know how to explain them.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 577,\r\n 281,\r\n 2903,\r\n 552,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.19712192911497303,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3952095808383234,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.010505826212465763\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 209,\r\n \"seek\": 89100,\r\n \"start\": 914.0,\r\n \"end\": 918.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Anybody else?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 19082,\r\n 1646,\r\n 30,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.19712192911497303,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3952095808383234,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.010505826212465763\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 210,\r\n \"seek\": 91800,\r\n \"start\": 918.0,\r\n \"end\": 936.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Yeah, Bobby Titus.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 865,\r\n 11,\r\n 19573,\r\n 14489,\r\n 301,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20465863834727893,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.1932773109243697,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01726275123655796\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 211,\r\n \"seek\": 91800,\r\n \"start\": 936.0,\r\n \"end\": 940.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The shut-ins, those people in the nursing homes.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 440,\r\n 5309,\r\n 12,\r\n 1292,\r\n 11,\r\n 729,\r\n 561,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 15423,\r\n 7388,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20465863834727893,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.1932773109243697,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01726275123655796\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 212,\r\n \"seek\": 91800,\r\n \"start\": 940.0,\r\n \"end\": 946.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I'll tell you what I'm doing is Chairman of the Deacons starting tomorrow.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 286,\r\n 603,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 437,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 884,\r\n 307,\r\n 17866,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1346,\r\n 326,\r\n 892,\r\n 2891,\r\n 4153,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20465863834727893,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.1932773109243697,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01726275123655796\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 213,\r\n \"seek\": 94600,\r\n \"start\": 946.0,\r\n \"end\": 951.0,\r\n \"text\": \" This Wednesday night list will be sent to all of the Deacons\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 639,\r\n 10579,\r\n 1818,\r\n 1329,\r\n 486,\r\n 312,\r\n 2279,\r\n 281,\r\n 439,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1346,\r\n 326,\r\n 892,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1104463322061888,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4879518072289157,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0319242849946022\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 214,\r\n \"seek\": 94600,\r\n \"start\": 951.0,\r\n \"end\": 954.0,\r\n \"text\": \" to see if they've got people on their list.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 281,\r\n 536,\r\n 498,\r\n 436,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 561,\r\n 322,\r\n 641,\r\n 1329,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1104463322061888,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4879518072289157,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0319242849946022\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 215,\r\n \"seek\": 94600,\r\n \"start\": 954.0,\r\n \"end\": 961.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So we need to, right now, visit these people.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 407,\r\n 321,\r\n 643,\r\n 281,\r\n 11,\r\n 558,\r\n 586,\r\n 11,\r\n 3441,\r\n 613,\r\n 561,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1104463322061888,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4879518072289157,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0319242849946022\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 216,\r\n \"seek\": 94600,\r\n \"start\": 961.0,\r\n \"end\": 966.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We need the unity and we need to come together,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 492,\r\n 643,\r\n 264,\r\n 18205,\r\n 293,\r\n 321,\r\n 643,\r\n 281,\r\n 808,\r\n 1214,\r\n 11,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1104463322061888,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4879518072289157,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0319242849946022\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 217,\r\n \"seek\": 94600,\r\n \"start\": 966.0,\r\n \"end\": 974.0,\r\n \"text\": \" especially our own family here, you know? Helen?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 2318,\r\n 527,\r\n 1065,\r\n 1605,\r\n 510,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 30,\r\n 26294,\r\n 30,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1104463322061888,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4879518072289157,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0319242849946022\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 218,\r\n \"seek\": 97400,\r\n \"start\": 974.0,\r\n \"end\": 983.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Oh, my gosh. Do not say Marla Day passed away.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 876,\r\n 11,\r\n 452,\r\n 6502,\r\n 13,\r\n 1144,\r\n 406,\r\n 584,\r\n 2039,\r\n 875,\r\n 5226,\r\n 4678,\r\n 1314,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.25594057756311756,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3263888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033461591228842735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 219,\r\n \"seek\": 97400,\r\n \"start\": 983.0,\r\n \"end\": 988.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I got to watch these texts so I'm getting, okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 286,\r\n 658,\r\n 281,\r\n 1159,\r\n 613,\r\n 15765,\r\n 370,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 1242,\r\n 11,\r\n 1392,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.25594057756311756,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3263888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033461591228842735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 220,\r\n \"seek\": 97400,\r\n \"start\": 988.0,\r\n \"end\": 991.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And Frida must be in the nursing home then still.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 400,\r\n 1526,\r\n 2887,\r\n 1633,\r\n 312,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 15423,\r\n 1280,\r\n 550,\r\n 920,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.25594057756311756,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3263888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033461591228842735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 221,\r\n \"seek\": 97400,\r\n \"start\": 991.0,\r\n \"end\": 993.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Yeah, okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 865,\r\n 11,\r\n 1392,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.25594057756311756,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3263888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033461591228842735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 222,\r\n \"seek\": 97400,\r\n \"start\": 993.0,\r\n \"end\": 997.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay, sorry, Frida.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 1033,\r\n 11,\r\n 2597,\r\n 11,\r\n 1526,\r\n 2887,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.25594057756311756,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3263888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033461591228842735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 223,\r\n \"seek\": 97400,\r\n \"start\": 997.0,\r\n \"end\": 1003.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. Harold.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 36076,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.25594057756311756,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3263888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033461591228842735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 224,\r\n \"seek\": 100300,\r\n \"start\": 1003.0,\r\n \"end\": 1016.0,\r\n \"text\": \" David Pack will be taken to the Czech Republic a group.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 4389,\r\n 18466,\r\n 486,\r\n 312,\r\n 2726,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 25227,\r\n 5564,\r\n 257,\r\n 1594,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2770674929899328,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.1348314606741574,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0049249702133238316\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 225,\r\n \"seek\": 100300,\r\n \"start\": 1016.0,\r\n \"end\": 1019.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Wow. Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 3153,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2770674929899328,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.1348314606741574,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0049249702133238316\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 226,\r\n \"seek\": 100300,\r\n \"start\": 1019.0,\r\n \"end\": 1023.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Wait a minute, wait a minute, Pat.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 3802,\r\n 257,\r\n 3456,\r\n 11,\r\n 1699,\r\n 257,\r\n 3456,\r\n 11,\r\n 4379,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2770674929899328,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.1348314606741574,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0049249702133238316\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 227,\r\n \"seek\": 102300,\r\n \"start\": 1023.0,\r\n \"end\": 1047.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That's a friend of yours you went to school with and did you, you taught with, right?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 1277,\r\n 295,\r\n 6342,\r\n 291,\r\n 1437,\r\n 281,\r\n 1395,\r\n 365,\r\n 293,\r\n 630,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 5928,\r\n 365,\r\n 11,\r\n 558,\r\n 30,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2528202438354492,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.0897435897435896,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01898156851530075\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 228,\r\n \"seek\": 104700,\r\n \"start\": 1047.0,\r\n \"end\": 1053.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So keep her in your prayers.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 1066,\r\n 720,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 16860,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17504051208496094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2231404958677685,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13092964887619019\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 229,\r\n \"seek\": 104700,\r\n \"start\": 1053.0,\r\n \"end\": 1056.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Steve?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 7466,\r\n 30,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17504051208496094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2231404958677685,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13092964887619019\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 230,\r\n \"seek\": 104700,\r\n \"start\": 1056.0,\r\n \"end\": 1058.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Oh, wait a minute.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 876,\r\n 11,\r\n 1699,\r\n 257,\r\n 3456,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17504051208496094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2231404958677685,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13092964887619019\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 231,\r\n \"seek\": 104700,\r\n \"start\": 1058.0,\r\n \"end\": 1064.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Gary.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 13788,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17504051208496094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2231404958677685,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13092964887619019\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 232,\r\n \"seek\": 104700,\r\n \"start\": 1064.0,\r\n \"end\": 1074.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Does anyone know if Steve Jarbo is at home or in the hospital for this palliative care?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 4402,\r\n 2878,\r\n 458,\r\n 498,\r\n 7466,\r\n 23941,\r\n 1763,\r\n 307,\r\n 412,\r\n 1280,\r\n 420,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 4530,\r\n 337,\r\n 341,\r\n 24075,\r\n 72,\r\n 1166,\r\n 1127,\r\n 30,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17504051208496094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2231404958677685,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13092964887619019\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 233,\r\n \"seek\": 107400,\r\n \"start\": 1074.0,\r\n \"end\": 1078.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You think at home? Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 509,\r\n 519,\r\n 412,\r\n 1280,\r\n 30,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1351937770843506,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3289473684210527,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011605276726186275\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 234,\r\n \"seek\": 107400,\r\n \"start\": 1078.0,\r\n \"end\": 1085.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You might call the office and ask Miriam tomorrow. See if she knows.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 509,\r\n 1062,\r\n 818,\r\n 264,\r\n 3398,\r\n 293,\r\n 1029,\r\n 9421,\r\n 2918,\r\n 4153,\r\n 13,\r\n 3008,\r\n 498,\r\n 750,\r\n 3255,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1351937770843506,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3289473684210527,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011605276726186275\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 235,\r\n \"seek\": 107400,\r\n \"start\": 1085.0,\r\n \"end\": 1096.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay, we need to keep up with all these people that are on our prayer list. Go ahead.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 1033,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 643,\r\n 281,\r\n 1066,\r\n 493,\r\n 365,\r\n 439,\r\n 613,\r\n 561,\r\n 300,\r\n 366,\r\n 322,\r\n 527,\r\n 8767,\r\n 1329,\r\n 13,\r\n 1037,\r\n 2286,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1351937770843506,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3289473684210527,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011605276726186275\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 236,\r\n \"seek\": 107400,\r\n \"start\": 1096.0,\r\n \"end\": 1102.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He's eight months old.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 634,\r\n 311,\r\n 3180,\r\n 2493,\r\n 1331,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1351937770843506,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3289473684210527,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011605276726186275\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 237,\r\n \"seek\": 110200,\r\n \"start\": 1102.0,\r\n \"end\": 1114.0,\r\n \"text\": \" How many tumors? Six tumors. Wow.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1012,\r\n 867,\r\n 38466,\r\n 30,\r\n 11678,\r\n 38466,\r\n 13,\r\n 3153,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.19798779955097273,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3225806451612903,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00231543998233974\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 238,\r\n \"seek\": 110200,\r\n \"start\": 1114.0,\r\n \"end\": 1119.0,\r\n \"text\": \" To see our children go through that is tough.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1407,\r\n 536,\r\n 527,\r\n 2227,\r\n 352,\r\n 807,\r\n 300,\r\n 307,\r\n 4930,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.19798779955097273,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3225806451612903,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00231543998233974\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 239,\r\n \"seek\": 110200,\r\n \"start\": 1119.0,\r\n \"end\": 1123.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So we'll keep her and keep you in your prayers.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 407,\r\n 321,\r\n 603,\r\n 1066,\r\n 720,\r\n 293,\r\n 1066,\r\n 291,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 16860,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.19798779955097273,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3225806451612903,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00231543998233974\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 240,\r\n \"seek\": 110200,\r\n \"start\": 1123.0,\r\n \"end\": 1126.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We'll make sure you what's his name?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 492,\r\n 603,\r\n 652,\r\n 988,\r\n 291,\r\n 437,\r\n 311,\r\n 702,\r\n 1315,\r\n 30,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.19798779955097273,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3225806451612903,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00231543998233974\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 241,\r\n \"seek\": 112600,\r\n \"start\": 1126.0,\r\n \"end\": 1137.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. Thanks. Wow. Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 2561,\r\n 13,\r\n 3153,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20388851165771485,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2615384615384615,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.016230514273047447\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 242,\r\n \"seek\": 112600,\r\n \"start\": 1137.0,\r\n \"end\": 1142.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Anybody else? Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 19082,\r\n 1646,\r\n 30,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20388851165771485,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2615384615384615,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.016230514273047447\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 243,\r\n \"seek\": 112600,\r\n \"start\": 1142.0,\r\n \"end\": 1150.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So again, is Ralph now to come up and if you'll pray for the prayer list, the church and whatever else is on his heart.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 407,\r\n 797,\r\n 11,\r\n 307,\r\n 28131,\r\n 586,\r\n 281,\r\n 808,\r\n 493,\r\n 293,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 603,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 8767,\r\n 1329,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 4128,\r\n 293,\r\n 2035,\r\n 1646,\r\n 307,\r\n 322,\r\n 702,\r\n 1917,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20388851165771485,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2615384615384615,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.016230514273047447\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 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13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14862520750178848,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2975206611570247,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.10954110324382782\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 249,\r\n \"seek\": 117900,\r\n \"start\": 1182.0,\r\n \"end\": 1193.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So many of these that we have mentioned this evening are just heart breaking with pain and need.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 407,\r\n 867,\r\n 295,\r\n 613,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 2835,\r\n 341,\r\n 5634,\r\n 366,\r\n 445,\r\n 1917,\r\n 7697,\r\n 365,\r\n 1822,\r\n 293,\r\n 643,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14862520750178848,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2975206611570247,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.10954110324382782\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 250,\r\n \"seek\": 117900,\r\n \"start\": 1193.0,\r\n \"end\": 1198.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We praise you so much that Wanda is back.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 492,\r\n 13286,\r\n 291,\r\n 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51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.098519902480276,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5104895104895104,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2207336723804474\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 255,\r\n \"seek\": 122200,\r\n \"start\": 1222.0,\r\n \"end\": 1231.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We think of David Turner and the uphill fight that he has with rehab.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 519,\r\n 295,\r\n 4389,\r\n 28950,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 39132,\r\n 2092,\r\n 300,\r\n 415,\r\n 575,\r\n 365,\r\n 32414,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08649771030132587,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3862068965517242,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.3569260537624359\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 256,\r\n \"seek\": 122200,\r\n \"start\": 1231.0,\r\n \"end\": 1238.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We pray that he will sense your nearness and presence in his life.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 492,\r\n 3690,\r\n 300,\r\n 415,\r\n 486,\r\n 2020,\r\n 428,\r\n 408,\r\n 16937,\r\n 293,\r\n 6814,\r\n 294,\r\n 702,\r\n 993,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08649771030132587,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3862068965517242,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.3569260537624359\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 257,\r\n \"seek\": 122200,\r\n \"start\": 1238.0,\r\n \"end\": 1249.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Father, we think of Michael Bradley as he is away, incarcerated.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 7085,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 519,\r\n 295,\r\n 5116,\r\n 36607,\r\n 382,\r\n 415,\r\n 307,\r\n 1314,\r\n 11,\r\n 39059,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08649771030132587,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3862068965517242,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.3569260537624359\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 258,\r\n \"seek\": 124900,\r\n \"start\": 1249.0,\r\n \"end\": 1256.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We just pray for his situation and the recent loss of his dad.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 445,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 702,\r\n 2590,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 5162,\r\n 4470,\r\n 295,\r\n 702,\r\n 3546,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07853968003216912,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3928571428571428,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004164035432040691\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 259,\r\n \"seek\": 124900,\r\n \"start\": 1256.0,\r\n \"end\": 1264.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We pray for the Schnitzler family and the Bradley family still.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 492,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 45748,\r\n 6862,\r\n 1918,\r\n 1605,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 36607,\r\n 1605,\r\n 920,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07853968003216912,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3928571428571428,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004164035432040691\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 260,\r\n \"seek\": 124900,\r\n \"start\": 1264.0,\r\n \"end\": 1271.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Father, we thank you that Priscilla has made it through her surgery.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 7085,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 1309,\r\n 291,\r\n 300,\r\n 2114,\r\n 49413,\r\n 575,\r\n 1027,\r\n 309,\r\n 807,\r\n 720,\r\n 7930,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07853968003216912,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3928571428571428,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004164035432040691\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 261,\r\n \"seek\": 127100,\r\n \"start\": 1271.0,\r\n \"end\": 1293.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And we would ask, there are many among us that are trying to fill in gaps where there are gaps.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 576,\r\n 1029,\r\n 11,\r\n 456,\r\n 366,\r\n 867,\r\n 3654,\r\n 505,\r\n 300,\r\n 366,\r\n 1382,\r\n 281,\r\n 2836,\r\n 294,\r\n 15031,\r\n 689,\r\n 456,\r\n 366,\r\n 15031,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1310489452802218,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.1728395061728396,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1693933755159378\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 262,\r\n \"seek\": 129300,\r\n \"start\": 1293.0,\r\n \"end\": 1301.0,\r\n \"text\": \" There are many who are doing different things.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 821,\r\n 366,\r\n 867,\r\n 567,\r\n 366,\r\n 884,\r\n 819,\r\n 721,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08690445006839813,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6547619047619047,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2784793972969055\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 263,\r\n \"seek\": 129300,\r\n \"start\": 1301.0,\r\n \"end\": 1312.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Serving on committees, the pastor search committee and the children's director search committee, we just pray for these.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 4210,\r\n 798,\r\n 322,\r\n 25998,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 21193,\r\n 3164,\r\n 7482,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 2227,\r\n 311,\r\n 5391,\r\n 3164,\r\n 7482,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 445,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 613,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08690445006839813,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6547619047619047,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2784793972969055\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 264,\r\n \"seek\": 129300,\r\n \"start\": 1312.0,\r\n \"end\": 1322.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We pray for your guidance and the knowledge of your will that it would be made clear to these who are serving.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 492,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 428,\r\n 10056,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 3601,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 486,\r\n 300,\r\n 309,\r\n 576,\r\n 312,\r\n 1027,\r\n 1850,\r\n 281,\r\n 613,\r\n 567,\r\n 366,\r\n 8148,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08690445006839813,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6547619047619047,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2784793972969055\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 265,\r\n \"seek\": 132200,\r\n \"start\": 1322.0,\r\n \"end\": 1339.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We pray that you would be working in the hearts of the people that you have already selected that would serve in this capacity.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 3690,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 576,\r\n 312,\r\n 1364,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 8852,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 561,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 1217,\r\n 8209,\r\n 300,\r\n 576,\r\n 4596,\r\n 294,\r\n 341,\r\n 6042,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04686578388871818,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3368421052631578,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.015215754508972168\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 266,\r\n \"seek\": 133900,\r\n \"start\": 1339.0,\r\n \"end\": 1345.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We just thank you so much for those that are serving.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 445,\r\n 1309,\r\n 291,\r\n 370,\r\n 709,\r\n 337,\r\n 729,\r\n 300,\r\n 366,\r\n 8148,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06976539580548397,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.539877300613497,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.26570090651512146\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 267,\r\n \"seek\": 133900,\r\n \"start\": 1345.0,\r\n \"end\": 1352.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We thank you for Jerry and his recent teaching on the book of James.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 492,\r\n 1309,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 17454,\r\n 293,\r\n 702,\r\n 5162,\r\n 4571,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 5678,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06976539580548397,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.539877300613497,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.26570090651512146\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 268,\r\n \"seek\": 133900,\r\n \"start\": 1352.0,\r\n \"end\": 1365.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We pray that you would strengthen him, fill him with your spirit, enable him to speak with clarity and freedom and all humility.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 492,\r\n 3690,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 576,\r\n 17045,\r\n 796,\r\n 11,\r\n 2836,\r\n 796,\r\n 365,\r\n 428,\r\n 3797,\r\n 11,\r\n 9528,\r\n 796,\r\n 281,\r\n 1710,\r\n 365,\r\n 16992,\r\n 293,\r\n 5645,\r\n 293,\r\n 439,\r\n 27106,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06976539580548397,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.539877300613497,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.26570090651512146\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 269,\r\n \"seek\": 136500,\r\n \"start\": 1365.0,\r\n \"end\": 1387.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And we just ask these things in Jesus' name and for his sake. Amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 445,\r\n 1029,\r\n 613,\r\n 721,\r\n 294,\r\n 2705,\r\n 6,\r\n 1315,\r\n 293,\r\n 337,\r\n 702,\r\n 9717,\r\n 13,\r\n 14092,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17023429503807655,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.0253164556962024,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1150021106004715\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 270,\r\n \"seek\": 136500,\r\n \"start\": 1387.0,\r\n \"end\": 1389.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Good evening.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 2205,\r\n 5634,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17023429503807655,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.0253164556962024,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1150021106004715\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 271,\r\n \"seek\": 138900,\r\n \"start\": 1389.0,\r\n \"end\": 1394.0,\r\n \"text\": \" All right.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1057,\r\n 558,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16052623847862343,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4158415841584158,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2126924693584442\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 272,\r\n \"seek\": 138900,\r\n \"start\": 1394.0,\r\n \"end\": 1401.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I want to really emphasize Tony Groves coming on Friday.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 534,\r\n 16078,\r\n 10902,\r\n 12981,\r\n 977,\r\n 1348,\r\n 322,\r\n 6984,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16052623847862343,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4158415841584158,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2126924693584442\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 273,\r\n \"seek\": 138900,\r\n \"start\": 1401.0,\r\n \"end\": 1408.0,\r\n \"text\": \" As John mentioned, he has spoken or excuse me, he has played here before.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1018,\r\n 2619,\r\n 2835,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 575,\r\n 10759,\r\n 420,\r\n 8960,\r\n 385,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 575,\r\n 3737,\r\n 510,\r\n 949,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n 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407,\r\n 257,\r\n 6919,\r\n 411,\r\n 341,\r\n 576,\r\n 312,\r\n 869,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16052623847862343,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4158415841584158,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2126924693584442\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 276,\r\n \"seek\": 141700,\r\n \"start\": 1417.0,\r\n \"end\": 1425.0,\r\n \"text\": \" By the way, we are the momentum Sunday School class is putting together some snacks down in room 105.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 3146,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 264,\r\n 11244,\r\n 7776,\r\n 5070,\r\n 1508,\r\n 307,\r\n 3372,\r\n 1214,\r\n 512,\r\n 16160,\r\n 760,\r\n 294,\r\n 1808,\r\n 33705,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13855552673339844,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4207650273224044,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05651579797267914\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 277,\r\n \"seek\": 141700,\r\n \"start\": 1425.0,\r\n \"end\": 1438.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We'd like to invite you to come down at 6 o'clock, sharing those snacks, if you would, and then the concert of Tony Groves is playing at 7 o'clock.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 492,\r\n 1116,\r\n 411,\r\n 281,\r\n 7980,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 808,\r\n 760,\r\n 412,\r\n 1386,\r\n 277,\r\n 6,\r\n 9023,\r\n 11,\r\n 5414,\r\n 729,\r\n 16160,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 576,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 550,\r\n 264,\r\n 8543,\r\n 295,\r\n 10902,\r\n 12981,\r\n 977,\r\n 307,\r\n 2433,\r\n 412,\r\n 1614,\r\n 277,\r\n 6,\r\n 9023,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13855552673339844,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4207650273224044,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05651579797267914\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 278,\r\n \"seek\": 141700,\r\n \"start\": 1438.0,\r\n \"end\": 1441.0,\r\n \"text\": \" All right.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 1057,\r\n 558,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13855552673339844,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 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1449.0,\r\n \"end\": 1453.0,\r\n \"text\": \" All right.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 1057,\r\n 558,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09393605589866638,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.528497409326425,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.039097487926483154\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 282,\r\n \"seek\": 144100,\r\n \"start\": 1453.0,\r\n \"end\": 1458.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We just never know when opportunities arise for us to bear witness.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 492,\r\n 445,\r\n 1128,\r\n 458,\r\n 562,\r\n 4786,\r\n 20288,\r\n 337,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 6155,\r\n 7286,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09393605589866638,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.528497409326425,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.039097487926483154\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 283,\r\n \"seek\": 144100,\r\n \"start\": 1458.0,\r\n \"end\": 1460.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You just never know.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 509,\r\n 445,\r\n 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1474.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and we have an opportunity and we missed it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 293,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 364,\r\n 2650,\r\n 293,\r\n 321,\r\n 6721,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2233968664098669,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6033519553072626,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008918210864067078\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 286,\r\n \"seek\": 147000,\r\n \"start\": 1474.0,\r\n \"end\": 1480.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We missed the opportunity to share the gospel of Christ or to reach out to someone.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 492,\r\n 6721,\r\n 264,\r\n 2650,\r\n 281,\r\n 2073,\r\n 264,\r\n 14943,\r\n 295,\r\n 2040,\r\n 420,\r\n 281,\r\n 2524,\r\n 484,\r\n 281,\r\n 1580,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2233968664098669,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6033519553072626,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008918210864067078\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 287,\r\n \"seek\": 147000,\r\n 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The numbness is gone.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 583,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 439,\r\n 13,\r\n 440,\r\n 32200,\r\n 1287,\r\n 307,\r\n 2780,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2233968664098669,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6033519553072626,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008918210864067078\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 290,\r\n \"seek\": 149300,\r\n \"start\": 1493.0,\r\n \"end\": 1505.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And I bring it up because the tooth tech, the nurse, I don't know what they call them, but the technician came in and she was giving me all prepped and that sort of thing.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 1565,\r\n 309,\r\n 493,\r\n 570,\r\n 264,\r\n 11680,\r\n 7553,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 14012,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 437,\r\n 436,\r\n 818,\r\n 552,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 264,\r\n 38247,\r\n 1361,\r\n 294,\r\n 293,\r\n 750,\r\n 390,\r\n 2902,\r\n 385,\r\n 439,\r\n 659,\r\n 3320,\r\n 293,\r\n 300,\r\n 1333,\r\n 295,\r\n 551,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14063416918118796,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5321100917431192,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02647130936384201\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 291,\r\n \"seek\": 149300,\r\n \"start\": 1505.0,\r\n \"end\": 1509.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It's a Bellevue girl. I graduated from Bellevue long before.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 31905,\r\n 85,\r\n 622,\r\n 2013,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 13693,\r\n 490,\r\n 31905,\r\n 85,\r\n 622,\r\n 938,\r\n 949,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14063416918118796,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5321100917431192,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02647130936384201\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 292,\r\n \"seek\": 149300,\r\n \"start\": 1509.0,\r\n \"end\": 1515.0,\r\n \"text\": \" She said, when did you graduate? I said 1966. She said, I was born in 66.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 1240,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 562,\r\n 630,\r\n 291,\r\n 8080,\r\n 30,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 39157,\r\n 13,\r\n 1240,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 4232,\r\n 294,\r\n 21126,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14063416918118796,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5321100917431192,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02647130936384201\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 293,\r\n \"seek\": 149300,\r\n \"start\": 1515.0,\r\n \"end\": 1519.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That's always good to hear.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 1009,\r\n 665,\r\n 281,\r\n 1568,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14063416918118796,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5321100917431192,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02647130936384201\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 294,\r\n \"seek\": 151900,\r\n \"start\": 1519.0,\r\n \"end\": 1524.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So we talked a little bit and I said, I've got to talk tonight.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 321,\r\n 2825,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 857,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 281,\r\n 751,\r\n 4440,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11958437549824617,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5813953488372092,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009312158450484276\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 295,\r\n \"seek\": 151900,\r\n \"start\": 1524.0,\r\n \"end\": 1529.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I'm hoping that this numbness is gone by the time for me to speak tonight.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 7159,\r\n 300,\r\n 341,\r\n 32200,\r\n 1287,\r\n 307,\r\n 2780,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 565,\r\n 337,\r\n 385,\r\n 281,\r\n 1710,\r\n 4440,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11958437549824617,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5813953488372092,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009312158450484276\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 296,\r\n \"seek\": 151900,\r\n \"start\": 1529.0,\r\n \"end\": 1532.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So I'm not mumbling my words.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 407,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 275,\r\n 14188,\r\n 452,\r\n 2283,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11958437549824617,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5813953488372092,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009312158450484276\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 297,\r\n \"seek\": 151900,\r\n \"start\": 1532.0,\r\n \"end\": 1537.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Where do you go to church? And I told her and she said, I understand you all are looking for a pastor.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 2305,\r\n 360,\r\n 291,\r\n 352,\r\n 281,\r\n 4128,\r\n 30,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 1907,\r\n 720,\r\n 293,\r\n 750,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 1223,\r\n 291,\r\n 439,\r\n 366,\r\n 1237,\r\n 337,\r\n 257,\r\n 21193,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11958437549824617,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5813953488372092,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009312158450484276\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 298,\r\n \"seek\": 151900,\r\n \"start\": 1537.0,\r\n \"end\": 1542.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And I said, yes, we sure are. And would appreciate prayers for that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 2086,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 988,\r\n 366,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 576,\r\n 4449,\r\n 16860,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11958437549824617,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5813953488372092,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009312158450484276\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 299,\r\n \"seek\": 154200,\r\n \"start\": 1542.0,\r\n \"end\": 1554.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And she said, we got to talking about different things that happen like my heart, Stence put my heart in prostate cancer and just all of that stuff and her issues, health issues.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 750,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 658,\r\n 281,\r\n 1417,\r\n 466,\r\n 819,\r\n 721,\r\n 300,\r\n 1051,\r\n 411,\r\n 452,\r\n 1917,\r\n 11,\r\n 745,\r\n 655,\r\n 829,\r\n 452,\r\n 1917,\r\n 294,\r\n 36108,\r\n 5592,\r\n 293,\r\n 445,\r\n 439,\r\n 295,\r\n 300,\r\n 1507,\r\n 293,\r\n 720,\r\n 2663,\r\n 11,\r\n 1585,\r\n 2663,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1392848823643938,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5463414634146342,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.18199755251407623\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 300,\r\n \"seek\": 154200,\r\n \"start\": 1554.0,\r\n \"end\": 1560.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And she said, my daughter just graduated from college.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 400,\r\n 750,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 452,\r\n 4653,\r\n 445,\r\n 13693,\r\n 490,\r\n 3859,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1392848823643938,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5463414634146342,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.18199755251407623\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 301,\r\n \"seek\": 154200,\r\n \"start\": 1560.0,\r\n \"end\": 1566.0,\r\n \"text\": \" She's 22 years old. She has the extreme case of breast cancer.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 1240,\r\n 311,\r\n 5853,\r\n 924,\r\n 1331,\r\n 13,\r\n 1240,\r\n 575,\r\n 264,\r\n 8084,\r\n 1389,\r\n 295,\r\n 9934,\r\n 5592,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1392848823643938,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5463414634146342,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.18199755251407623\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 302,\r\n \"seek\": 154200,\r\n \"start\": 1566.0,\r\n \"end\": 1568.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Took my breath away.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 38288,\r\n 452,\r\n 6045,\r\n 1314,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1392848823643938,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5463414634146342,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.18199755251407623\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 303,\r\n \"seek\": 156800,\r\n \"start\": 1568.0,\r\n \"end\": 1574.0,\r\n \"text\": \" She said, so I've put my health issues on the back burner for the sake of my daughter.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1240,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 829,\r\n 452,\r\n 1585,\r\n 2663,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 646,\r\n 36116,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 9717,\r\n 295,\r\n 452,\r\n 4653,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07357353482927595,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6940298507462686,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013817908242344856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 304,\r\n \"seek\": 156800,\r\n \"start\": 1574.0,\r\n \"end\": 1583.0,\r\n \"text\": \" What an amazing opportunity. And so we prayed opportunities around us where people are hungry and thirsty for righteousness.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 708,\r\n 364,\r\n 2243,\r\n 2650,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 321,\r\n 22532,\r\n 4786,\r\n 926,\r\n 505,\r\n 689,\r\n 561,\r\n 366,\r\n 8067,\r\n 293,\r\n 28115,\r\n 337,\r\n 26407,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07357353482927595,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6940298507462686,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013817908242344856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 305,\r\n \"seek\": 156800,\r\n \"start\": 1583.0,\r\n \"end\": 1590.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And you've heard me say before that Mother Teresa said, you don't have to go to Calcutta to find those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 400,\r\n 291,\r\n 600,\r\n 2198,\r\n 385,\r\n 584,\r\n 949,\r\n 300,\r\n 8931,\r\n 35039,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 352,\r\n 281,\r\n 3511,\r\n 6672,\r\n 1328,\r\n 281,\r\n 915,\r\n 729,\r\n 567,\r\n 366,\r\n 8067,\r\n 293,\r\n 28115,\r\n 337,\r\n 26407,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07357353482927595,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6940298507462686,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013817908242344856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 306,\r\n \"seek\": 156800,\r\n \"start\": 1590.0,\r\n \"end\": 1596.0,\r\n \"text\": \" They sit across from you at your breakfast table, family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 814,\r\n 1394,\r\n 2108,\r\n 490,\r\n 291,\r\n 412,\r\n 428,\r\n 8201,\r\n 3199,\r\n 11,\r\n 1605,\r\n 11,\r\n 1855,\r\n 11,\r\n 12512,\r\n 11,\r\n 43465,\r\n 11,\r\n 5183,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07357353482927595,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6940298507462686,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013817908242344856\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 307,\r\n \"seek\": 159600,\r\n \"start\": 1596.0,\r\n \"end\": 1614.0,\r\n \"text\": \" People who are hungry and thirsty. And so I just wanted to share that with you that Dr. James was right, you know, that opportunities when we are attuned and listen and aren't afraid to just step up and say a short prayer for somebody who's in need.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 3432,\r\n 567,\r\n 366,\r\n 8067,\r\n 293,\r\n 28115,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 286,\r\n 445,\r\n 1415,\r\n 281,\r\n 2073,\r\n 300,\r\n 365,\r\n 291,\r\n 300,\r\n 2491,\r\n 13,\r\n 5678,\r\n 390,\r\n 558,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 4786,\r\n 562,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 951,\r\n 43703,\r\n 293,\r\n 2140,\r\n 293,\r\n 3212,\r\n 380,\r\n 4638,\r\n 281,\r\n 445,\r\n 1823,\r\n 493,\r\n 293,\r\n 584,\r\n 257,\r\n 2099,\r\n 8767,\r\n 337,\r\n 2618,\r\n 567,\r\n 311,\r\n 294,\r\n 643,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12831624348958334,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.464705882352941,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.030494246631860733\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 308,\r\n \"seek\": 161400,\r\n \"start\": 1615.0,\r\n \"end\": 1621.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't normally do this, but I'm going to do it tonight. And I hope you'll indulge me for at least four or five minutes.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 5646,\r\n 360,\r\n 341,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 309,\r\n 4440,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 1454,\r\n 291,\r\n 603,\r\n 28626,\r\n 432,\r\n 385,\r\n 337,\r\n 412,\r\n 1935,\r\n 1451,\r\n 420,\r\n 1732,\r\n 2077,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08626909255981445,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.486842105263158,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.5060688853263855\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 309,\r\n \"seek\": 161400,\r\n \"start\": 1621.0,\r\n \"end\": 1632.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't normally just read a passage or a read, you know, something. I hope you don't get bored with it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 5646,\r\n 445,\r\n 1401,\r\n 257,\r\n 11497,\r\n 420,\r\n 257,\r\n 1401,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 746,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 1454,\r\n 291,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 483,\r\n 13521,\r\n 365,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08626909255981445,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.486842105263158,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.5060688853263855\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 310,\r\n \"seek\": 163200,\r\n \"start\": 1632.0,\r\n \"end\": 1644.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But a few weeks ago, when I first mentioned on a Sunday night, I was either Sunday or Wednesday night, I mentioned that about the Lamb's Book of Life.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 583,\r\n 257,\r\n 1326,\r\n 3259,\r\n 2057,\r\n 11,\r\n 562,\r\n 286,\r\n 700,\r\n 2835,\r\n 322,\r\n 257,\r\n 7776,\r\n 1818,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 2139,\r\n 7776,\r\n 420,\r\n 10579,\r\n 1818,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 2835,\r\n 300,\r\n 466,\r\n 264,\r\n 19302,\r\n 311,\r\n 9476,\r\n 295,\r\n 7720,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12342064555098371,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.75,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.23552408814430237\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 311,\r\n \"seek\": 163200,\r\n \"start\": 1644.0,\r\n \"end\": 1653.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And then I made two comments. One was that your name is written in the book when you're born.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 400,\r\n 550,\r\n 286,\r\n 1027,\r\n 732,\r\n 3053,\r\n 13,\r\n 1485,\r\n 390,\r\n 300,\r\n 428,\r\n 1315,\r\n 307,\r\n 3720,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 562,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 4232,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12342064555098371,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.75,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.23552408814430237\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 312,\r\n \"seek\": 163200,\r\n \"start\": 1653.0,\r\n \"end\": 1659.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Or the other option is that your name is written in the book when you accept Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 1610,\r\n 264,\r\n 661,\r\n 3614,\r\n 307,\r\n 300,\r\n 428,\r\n 1315,\r\n 307,\r\n 3720,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 562,\r\n 291,\r\n 3241,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12342064555098371,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.75,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.23552408814430237\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 313,\r\n \"seek\": 165900,\r\n \"start\": 1660.0,\r\n \"end\": 1667.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So one of the things I wanted to do was I found this and I wanted to do it real quick because we don't have time to open discussion.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 407,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 721,\r\n 286,\r\n 1415,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 390,\r\n 286,\r\n 1352,\r\n 341,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 1415,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 309,\r\n 957,\r\n 1702,\r\n 570,\r\n 321,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 362,\r\n 565,\r\n 281,\r\n 1269,\r\n 5017,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08105011375582948,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6216216216216217,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0039505488239228725\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 314,\r\n \"seek\": 165900,\r\n \"start\": 1667.0,\r\n \"end\": 1676.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Maybe we can do that some other night. But keep in mind, first of all, that God is omnipresent. He is everywhere. He's here tonight.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 2704,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 360,\r\n 300,\r\n 512,\r\n 661,\r\n 1818,\r\n 13,\r\n 583,\r\n 1066,\r\n 294,\r\n 1575,\r\n 11,\r\n 700,\r\n 295,\r\n 439,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 1265,\r\n 307,\r\n 36874,\r\n 647,\r\n 11662,\r\n 13,\r\n 634,\r\n 307,\r\n 5315,\r\n 13,\r\n 634,\r\n 311,\r\n 510,\r\n 4440,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08105011375582948,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6216216216216217,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0039505488239228725\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 315,\r\n \"seek\": 165900,\r\n \"start\": 1676.0,\r\n \"end\": 1682.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He's in our presence through the power of the Holy Spirit. He's omnipotent. He's all powerful.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 634,\r\n 311,\r\n 294,\r\n 527,\r\n 6814,\r\n 807,\r\n 264,\r\n 1347,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 6295,\r\n 7218,\r\n 13,\r\n 634,\r\n 311,\r\n 36874,\r\n 647,\r\n 310,\r\n 317,\r\n 13,\r\n 634,\r\n 311,\r\n 439,\r\n 4005,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08105011375582948,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6216216216216217,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0039505488239228725\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 316,\r\n \"seek\": 168200,\r\n \"start\": 1683.0,\r\n \"end\": 1689.0,\r\n \"text\": \" There's no other power greater than the power of God. But one of the most important things is that he's omniscient.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 821,\r\n 311,\r\n 572,\r\n 661,\r\n 1347,\r\n 5044,\r\n 813,\r\n 264,\r\n 1347,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 583,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 881,\r\n 1021,\r\n 721,\r\n 307,\r\n 300,\r\n 415,\r\n 311,\r\n 3406,\r\n 10661,\r\n 5412,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11368946645451689,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5739910313901346,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003081090748310089\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 317,\r\n \"seek\": 168200,\r\n \"start\": 1689.0,\r\n \"end\": 1699.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He knows all things and so he knows already your beliefs about his son. And your name is in the book of life.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 634,\r\n 3255,\r\n 439,\r\n 721,\r\n 293,\r\n 370,\r\n 415,\r\n 3255,\r\n 1217,\r\n 428,\r\n 13585,\r\n 466,\r\n 702,\r\n 1872,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 428,\r\n 1315,\r\n 307,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 993,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11368946645451689,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5739910313901346,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003081090748310089\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 318,\r\n \"seek\": 168200,\r\n \"start\": 1699.0,\r\n \"end\": 1705.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The question becomes, and we find this in Revelation chapter 20, and we went over this a little bit in my study school class.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 440,\r\n 1168,\r\n 3643,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 321,\r\n 915,\r\n 341,\r\n 294,\r\n 28979,\r\n 7187,\r\n 945,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 321,\r\n 1437,\r\n 670,\r\n 341,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 857,\r\n 294,\r\n 452,\r\n 2979,\r\n 1395,\r\n 1508,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11368946645451689,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5739910313901346,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003081090748310089\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 319,\r\n \"seek\": 170500,\r\n \"start\": 1705.0,\r\n \"end\": 1710.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And by the way, that's 105 if you want to show up on Friday at 6 o'clock.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 33705,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 855,\r\n 493,\r\n 322,\r\n 6984,\r\n 412,\r\n 1386,\r\n 277,\r\n 6,\r\n 9023,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10022479090197332,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6654804270462633,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012926208786666393\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 320,\r\n \"seek\": 170500,\r\n \"start\": 1710.0,\r\n \"end\": 1717.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Revelation chapter 20, and I did not do this with the fellas in the booth, so don't worry about whether you have to look this up or not.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 28979,\r\n 7187,\r\n 945,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 630,\r\n 406,\r\n 360,\r\n 341,\r\n 365,\r\n 264,\r\n 47242,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 20912,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 3292,\r\n 466,\r\n 1968,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 574,\r\n 341,\r\n 493,\r\n 420,\r\n 406,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10022479090197332,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6654804270462633,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012926208786666393\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 321,\r\n \"seek\": 170500,\r\n \"start\": 1717.0,\r\n \"end\": 1724.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Revelation chapter 20 verse 15 says that everyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 28979,\r\n 7187,\r\n 945,\r\n 7996,\r\n 2119,\r\n 1619,\r\n 300,\r\n 1518,\r\n 6104,\r\n 1315,\r\n 390,\r\n 406,\r\n 1352,\r\n 3720,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 993,\r\n 390,\r\n 11732,\r\n 666,\r\n 264,\r\n 11001,\r\n 295,\r\n 2610,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10022479090197332,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6654804270462633,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012926208786666393\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 322,\r\n \"seek\": 170500,\r\n \"start\": 1724.0,\r\n \"end\": 1731.0,\r\n \"text\": \" From this passage, Christians conclude that God has a record of followers of Jesus Christ. It's called the book of life.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 3358,\r\n 341,\r\n 11497,\r\n 11,\r\n 12254,\r\n 16886,\r\n 300,\r\n 1265,\r\n 575,\r\n 257,\r\n 2136,\r\n 295,\r\n 13071,\r\n 295,\r\n 2705,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 1219,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 993,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10022479090197332,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6654804270462633,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012926208786666393\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 323,\r\n \"seek\": 173100,\r\n \"start\": 1732.0,\r\n \"end\": 1741.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And that we do not have to fear judgment day because if our names are written in the book of life, we receive the gift of eternal life in heaven by God's grace.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 400,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 360,\r\n 406,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 4240,\r\n 12216,\r\n 786,\r\n 570,\r\n 498,\r\n 527,\r\n 5288,\r\n 366,\r\n 3720,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 993,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 4774,\r\n 264,\r\n 5306,\r\n 295,\r\n 14503,\r\n 993,\r\n 294,\r\n 7162,\r\n 538,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 10042,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07495766215854222,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5973451327433628,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003024669596925378\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 324,\r\n \"seek\": 173100,\r\n \"start\": 1741.0,\r\n \"end\": 1749.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Which is consistent with what James is trying to tell us, that we are saved by grace, not by our works.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 3013,\r\n 307,\r\n 8398,\r\n 365,\r\n 437,\r\n 5678,\r\n 307,\r\n 1382,\r\n 281,\r\n 980,\r\n 505,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 6624,\r\n 538,\r\n 10042,\r\n 11,\r\n 406,\r\n 538,\r\n 527,\r\n 1985,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07495766215854222,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5973451327433628,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003024669596925378\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 325,\r\n \"seek\": 173100,\r\n \"start\": 1749.0,\r\n \"end\": 1756.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We are saved by the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for my sins and yours.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 492,\r\n 366,\r\n 6624,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 13174,\r\n 293,\r\n 10042,\r\n 295,\r\n 2705,\r\n 2040,\r\n 567,\r\n 4539,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 3278,\r\n 337,\r\n 452,\r\n 13815,\r\n 293,\r\n 6342,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07495766215854222,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5973451327433628,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003024669596925378\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 326,\r\n \"seek\": 175600,\r\n \"start\": 1757.0,\r\n \"end\": 1764.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But the writer says, but what exactly when is a believer's name written in the book of life? Is it at birth or is it at time when we believe?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 583,\r\n 264,\r\n 9936,\r\n 1619,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 437,\r\n 2293,\r\n 562,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 23892,\r\n 311,\r\n 1315,\r\n 3720,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 993,\r\n 30,\r\n 1119,\r\n 309,\r\n 412,\r\n 3965,\r\n 420,\r\n 307,\r\n 309,\r\n 412,\r\n 565,\r\n 562,\r\n 321,\r\n 1697,\r\n 30,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10040424454886958,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7764227642276422,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0027454588562250137\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 327,\r\n \"seek\": 175600,\r\n \"start\": 1764.0,\r\n \"end\": 1769.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He said, I always thought of it as written in the time when we believe in Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 634,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 1009,\r\n 1194,\r\n 295,\r\n 309,\r\n 382,\r\n 3720,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 565,\r\n 562,\r\n 321,\r\n 1697,\r\n 294,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10040424454886958,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7764227642276422,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0027454588562250137\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 328,\r\n \"seek\": 175600,\r\n \"start\": 1769.0,\r\n \"end\": 1772.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But since that time, I've kind of come to a different conclusion.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 583,\r\n 1670,\r\n 300,\r\n 565,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 733,\r\n 295,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 257,\r\n 819,\r\n 10063,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10040424454886958,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7764227642276422,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0027454588562250137\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 329,\r\n \"seek\": 175600,\r\n \"start\": 1772.0,\r\n \"end\": 1783.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He says, Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 and Revelation chapter 17 verse 8, both passages refer to unbelievers as everyone whose name was not written\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 634,\r\n 1619,\r\n 11,\r\n 28979,\r\n 7187,\r\n 3705,\r\n 7996,\r\n 1649,\r\n 293,\r\n 28979,\r\n 7187,\r\n 3282,\r\n 7996,\r\n 1649,\r\n 11,\r\n 1293,\r\n 31589,\r\n 2864,\r\n 281,\r\n 46063,\r\n 42394,\r\n 382,\r\n 1518,\r\n 6104,\r\n 1315,\r\n 390,\r\n 406,\r\n 3720,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10040424454886958,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7764227642276422,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0027454588562250137\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 330,\r\n \"seek\": 178300,\r\n \"start\": 1783.0,\r\n \"end\": 1786.0,\r\n \"text\": \" in the foundation of the world in the book of life of Lamb.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 7030,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1002,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 993,\r\n 295,\r\n 19302,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10762527855959805,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 2.0670391061452515,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003150742268189788\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 331,\r\n \"seek\": 178300,\r\n \"start\": 1786.0,\r\n \"end\": 1788.0,\r\n \"text\": \" God foreknew.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 1265,\r\n 2091,\r\n 74,\r\n 7686,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10762527855959805,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 2.0670391061452515,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003150742268189788\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 332,\r\n \"seek\": 178300,\r\n \"start\": 1788.0,\r\n \"end\": 1797.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So if unbelievers' names were not written from the foundation because Revelation uses that word, the foundation of the world in the book of life,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 407,\r\n 498,\r\n 46063,\r\n 42394,\r\n 6,\r\n 5288,\r\n 645,\r\n 406,\r\n 3720,\r\n 490,\r\n 264,\r\n 7030,\r\n 570,\r\n 28979,\r\n 4960,\r\n 300,\r\n 1349,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 7030,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1002,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 993,\r\n 11,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10762527855959805,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 2.0670391061452515,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003150742268189788\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 333,\r\n \"seek\": 178300,\r\n \"start\": 1797.0,\r\n \"end\": 1804.0,\r\n \"text\": \" then it would follow logically that the names of believers were written from the foundation of the world in the book of life already.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 550,\r\n 309,\r\n 576,\r\n 1524,\r\n 38887,\r\n 300,\r\n 264,\r\n 5288,\r\n 295,\r\n 23125,\r\n 645,\r\n 3720,\r\n 490,\r\n 264,\r\n 7030,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1002,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 993,\r\n 1217,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10762527855959805,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 2.0670391061452515,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003150742268189788\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 334,\r\n \"seek\": 178300,\r\n \"start\": 1804.0,\r\n \"end\": 1806.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Short paragraph.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 16881,\r\n 18865,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10762527855959805,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 2.0670391061452515,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003150742268189788\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 335,\r\n \"seek\": 180600,\r\n \"start\": 1806.0,\r\n \"end\": 1809.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So if we think this through, it makes perfect sense.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 498,\r\n 321,\r\n 519,\r\n 341,\r\n 807,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 1669,\r\n 2176,\r\n 2020,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0727067115979317,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6987951807228916,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.06052057445049286\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 336,\r\n \"seek\": 180600,\r\n \"start\": 1809.0,\r\n \"end\": 1815.0,\r\n \"text\": \" After all, God speaks of our salvation as being chosen in him before the foundation of the world.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 2381,\r\n 439,\r\n 11,\r\n 1265,\r\n 10789,\r\n 295,\r\n 527,\r\n 17456,\r\n 382,\r\n 885,\r\n 8614,\r\n 294,\r\n 796,\r\n 949,\r\n 264,\r\n 7030,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1002,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0727067115979317,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6987951807228916,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.06052057445049286\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 337,\r\n \"seek\": 180600,\r\n \"start\": 1815.0,\r\n \"end\": 1817.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That's in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 294,\r\n 35445,\r\n 279,\r\n 2567,\r\n 7187,\r\n 502,\r\n 7996,\r\n 1017,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0727067115979317,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6987951807228916,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.06052057445049286\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 338,\r\n \"seek\": 180600,\r\n \"start\": 1817.0,\r\n \"end\": 1821.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And that those he foreknew, he also predestined.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 400,\r\n 300,\r\n 729,\r\n 415,\r\n 2091,\r\n 74,\r\n 7686,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 611,\r\n 3852,\r\n 377,\r\n 2001,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0727067115979317,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6987951807228916,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.06052057445049286\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 339,\r\n \"seek\": 180600,\r\n \"start\": 1821.0,\r\n \"end\": 1827.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So we are predestined because of our faith in Jesus Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 407,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 3852,\r\n 377,\r\n 2001,\r\n 570,\r\n 295,\r\n 527,\r\n 4522,\r\n 294,\r\n 2705,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0727067115979317,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6987951807228916,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.06052057445049286\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 340,\r\n \"seek\": 180600,\r\n \"start\": 1827.0,\r\n \"end\": 1834.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Not because God has, well, he picked you and he picked you, but he didn't pick you and he didn't pick you and he picked you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 1726,\r\n 570,\r\n 1265,\r\n 575,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 6183,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 6183,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 415,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 1888,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 1888,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 6183,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0727067115979317,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6987951807228916,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.06052057445049286\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 341,\r\n \"seek\": 183400,\r\n \"start\": 1834.0,\r\n \"end\": 1837.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We have a freedom to choose.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 362,\r\n 257,\r\n 5645,\r\n 281,\r\n 2826,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1320999309580813,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.552511415525114,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01883317157626152\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 342,\r\n \"seek\": 183400,\r\n \"start\": 1837.0,\r\n \"end\": 1841.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Now my choice was made when I was 7, almost 8 years old.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 823,\r\n 452,\r\n 3922,\r\n 390,\r\n 1027,\r\n 562,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 1614,\r\n 11,\r\n 1920,\r\n 1649,\r\n 924,\r\n 1331,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1320999309580813,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.552511415525114,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01883317157626152\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 343,\r\n \"seek\": 183400,\r\n \"start\": 1841.0,\r\n \"end\": 1850.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And I walked that long 2 mile walk down the aisle as a little boy, sitting on the front row with my little feet going like this,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 7628,\r\n 300,\r\n 938,\r\n 568,\r\n 12620,\r\n 1792,\r\n 760,\r\n 264,\r\n 30916,\r\n 382,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 3237,\r\n 11,\r\n 3798,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 1868,\r\n 5386,\r\n 365,\r\n 452,\r\n 707,\r\n 3521,\r\n 516,\r\n 411,\r\n 341,\r\n 11,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1320999309580813,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.552511415525114,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01883317157626152\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 344,\r\n \"seek\": 183400,\r\n \"start\": 1850.0,\r\n \"end\": 1857.0,\r\n \"text\": \" which they still do sometimes.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 597,\r\n 436,\r\n 920,\r\n 360,\r\n 2171,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1320999309580813,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.552511415525114,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01883317157626152\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 345,\r\n \"seek\": 183400,\r\n \"start\": 1857.0,\r\n \"end\": 1863.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And the pastor knelt down by the Leo draig and he said, Jerry, why have you come this morning?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 21193,\r\n 444,\r\n 2018,\r\n 760,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 19344,\r\n 1617,\r\n 328,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 17454,\r\n 11,\r\n 983,\r\n 362,\r\n 291,\r\n 808,\r\n 341,\r\n 2446,\r\n 30,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1320999309580813,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.552511415525114,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01883317157626152\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 346,\r\n \"seek\": 186300,\r\n \"start\": 1863.0,\r\n \"end\": 1868.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And I said, because I want Jesus in my heart, that was when I was 7.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 570,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 2705,\r\n 294,\r\n 452,\r\n 1917,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 390,\r\n 562,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 1614,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09974254529500745,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5980392156862746,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010512755252420902\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 347,\r\n \"seek\": 186300,\r\n \"start\": 1868.0,\r\n \"end\": 1874.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That was 77 years ago. I'm 77 now. That was when I was 7.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 663,\r\n 390,\r\n 25546,\r\n 924,\r\n 2057,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 25546,\r\n 586,\r\n 13,\r\n 663,\r\n 390,\r\n 562,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 1614,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09974254529500745,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5980392156862746,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010512755252420902\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 348,\r\n \"seek\": 186300,\r\n \"start\": 1874.0,\r\n \"end\": 1880.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And all those years I'm still seeking to find Christ in my heart every day.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 400,\r\n 439,\r\n 729,\r\n 924,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 920,\r\n 11670,\r\n 281,\r\n 915,\r\n 2040,\r\n 294,\r\n 452,\r\n 1917,\r\n 633,\r\n 786,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09974254529500745,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5980392156862746,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010512755252420902\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 349,\r\n \"seek\": 186300,\r\n \"start\": 1880.0,\r\n \"end\": 1885.0,\r\n \"text\": \" One of the things is I'm not perfect. I'm not perfect, but God has never given up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 1485,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 721,\r\n 307,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 2176,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 2176,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 1265,\r\n 575,\r\n 1128,\r\n 2212,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09974254529500745,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5980392156862746,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010512755252420902\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 350,\r\n \"seek\": 186300,\r\n \"start\": 1885.0,\r\n \"end\": 1888.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So we always have the freedom to choose.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 407,\r\n 321,\r\n 1009,\r\n 362,\r\n 264,\r\n 5645,\r\n 281,\r\n 2826,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09974254529500745,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5980392156862746,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010512755252420902\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 351,\r\n \"seek\": 188800,\r\n \"start\": 1888.0,\r\n \"end\": 1892.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And so he, those he foreknew, he also predestined.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 415,\r\n 11,\r\n 729,\r\n 415,\r\n 2091,\r\n 74,\r\n 7686,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 611,\r\n 3852,\r\n 377,\r\n 2001,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11846195255313907,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5952380952380953,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0942850410938263\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 352,\r\n \"seek\": 188800,\r\n \"start\": 1892.0,\r\n \"end\": 1896.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That was in Romans chapter 28, chapter 8 verse 29.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 663,\r\n 390,\r\n 294,\r\n 20252,\r\n 7187,\r\n 7562,\r\n 11,\r\n 7187,\r\n 1649,\r\n 7996,\r\n 9413,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11846195255313907,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5952380952380953,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0942850410938263\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 353,\r\n \"seek\": 188800,\r\n \"start\": 1896.0,\r\n \"end\": 1901.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Since we are chosen according to the knowledge of God, the Father, 1 Peter chapter 1 verse 1 and 2.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 4162,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 8614,\r\n 4650,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 3601,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 7085,\r\n 11,\r\n 502,\r\n 6508,\r\n 7187,\r\n 502,\r\n 7996,\r\n 502,\r\n 293,\r\n 568,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11846195255313907,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5952380952380953,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0942850410938263\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 354,\r\n \"seek\": 188800,\r\n \"start\": 1901.0,\r\n \"end\": 1912.0,\r\n \"text\": \" In other words, God in his conscious omniscience, excuse me, already foreknows what we will do so he can speak for us as chosen\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 682,\r\n 661,\r\n 2283,\r\n 11,\r\n 1265,\r\n 294,\r\n 702,\r\n 6648,\r\n 3406,\r\n 10661,\r\n 6699,\r\n 11,\r\n 8960,\r\n 385,\r\n 11,\r\n 1217,\r\n 2091,\r\n 5457,\r\n 1509,\r\n 437,\r\n 321,\r\n 486,\r\n 360,\r\n 370,\r\n 415,\r\n 393,\r\n 1710,\r\n 337,\r\n 505,\r\n 382,\r\n 8614,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11846195255313907,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5952380952380953,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0942850410938263\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 355,\r\n \"seek\": 188800,\r\n \"start\": 1912.0,\r\n \"end\": 1917.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and already has our names in the book of life, even before we were born.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 293,\r\n 1217,\r\n 575,\r\n 527,\r\n 5288,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 993,\r\n 11,\r\n 754,\r\n 949,\r\n 321,\r\n 645,\r\n 4232,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11846195255313907,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5952380952380953,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0942850410938263\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 356,\r\n \"seek\": 191700,\r\n \"start\": 1917.0,\r\n \"end\": 1923.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Does this mean therefore our salvation is predetermined without any choice on our parts?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 4402,\r\n 341,\r\n 914,\r\n 4412,\r\n 527,\r\n 17456,\r\n 307,\r\n 3852,\r\n 35344,\r\n 2001,\r\n 1553,\r\n 604,\r\n 3922,\r\n 322,\r\n 527,\r\n 3166,\r\n 30,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08980168758983344,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5166666666666666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004170186817646027\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 357,\r\n \"seek\": 191700,\r\n \"start\": 1923.0,\r\n \"end\": 1925.0,\r\n \"text\": \" No, of course not.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 883,\r\n 11,\r\n 295,\r\n 1164,\r\n 406,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08980168758983344,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5166666666666666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004170186817646027\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 358,\r\n \"seek\": 191700,\r\n \"start\": 1925.0,\r\n \"end\": 1933.0,\r\n \"text\": \" When we accept Christ and in the last days, because we have accepted Christ, we are sealed.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 1133,\r\n 321,\r\n 3241,\r\n 2040,\r\n 293,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1036,\r\n 1708,\r\n 11,\r\n 570,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 9035,\r\n 2040,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 21514,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08980168758983344,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5166666666666666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004170186817646027\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 359,\r\n \"seek\": 191700,\r\n \"start\": 1933.0,\r\n \"end\": 1939.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Your name will not ever be taken out of the book of life. You are sealed.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 2260,\r\n 1315,\r\n 486,\r\n 406,\r\n 1562,\r\n 312,\r\n 2726,\r\n 484,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 993,\r\n 13,\r\n 509,\r\n 366,\r\n 21514,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08980168758983344,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5166666666666666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004170186817646027\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 360,\r\n \"seek\": 193900,\r\n \"start\": 1940.0,\r\n \"end\": 1944.0,\r\n \"text\": \" When we believe, so in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 says,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 1133,\r\n 321,\r\n 1697,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 294,\r\n 35445,\r\n 279,\r\n 2567,\r\n 7187,\r\n 502,\r\n 7996,\r\n 3705,\r\n 1619,\r\n 11,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10872466087341309,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.625531914893617,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01802200637757778\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 361,\r\n \"seek\": 193900,\r\n \"start\": 1944.0,\r\n \"end\": 1949.0,\r\n \"text\": \" when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and when you believed in him,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 562,\r\n 291,\r\n 2198,\r\n 264,\r\n 3636,\r\n 295,\r\n 3494,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 14943,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 17456,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 562,\r\n 291,\r\n 7847,\r\n 294,\r\n 796,\r\n 11,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10872466087341309,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.625531914893617,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01802200637757778\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 362,\r\n \"seek\": 193900,\r\n \"start\": 1949.0,\r\n \"end\": 1952.0,\r\n \"text\": \" you were also sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 291,\r\n 645,\r\n 611,\r\n 21514,\r\n 365,\r\n 264,\r\n 6228,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 6295,\r\n 7218,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10872466087341309,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.625531914893617,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01802200637757778\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 363,\r\n \"seek\": 193900,\r\n \"start\": 1952.0,\r\n \"end\": 1957.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Thus Revelation chapter 7 verse 4 says, refers to believers as we are sealed.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 13827,\r\n 28979,\r\n 7187,\r\n 1614,\r\n 7996,\r\n 1017,\r\n 1619,\r\n 11,\r\n 14942,\r\n 281,\r\n 23125,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 21514,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10872466087341309,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.625531914893617,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01802200637757778\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 364,\r\n \"seek\": 193900,\r\n \"start\": 1957.0,\r\n \"end\": 1959.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It uses that word.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 467,\r\n 4960,\r\n 300,\r\n 1349,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10872466087341309,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.625531914893617,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01802200637757778\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 365,\r\n \"seek\": 193900,\r\n \"start\": 1959.0,\r\n \"end\": 1965.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So God foreknew who would believe and already has the names in his book.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 407,\r\n 1265,\r\n 2091,\r\n 74,\r\n 7686,\r\n 567,\r\n 576,\r\n 1697,\r\n 293,\r\n 1217,\r\n 575,\r\n 264,\r\n 5288,\r\n 294,\r\n 702,\r\n 1446,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10872466087341309,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.625531914893617,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01802200637757778\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 366,\r\n \"seek\": 196500,\r\n \"start\": 1965.0,\r\n \"end\": 1969.0,\r\n \"text\": \" For when we believe, we are sealed.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1171,\r\n 562,\r\n 321,\r\n 1697,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 21514,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1379110316435496,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5330188679245282,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005044534336775541\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 367,\r\n \"seek\": 196500,\r\n \"start\": 1971.0,\r\n \"end\": 1973.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So I hope that doesn't confuse you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 407,\r\n 286,\r\n 1454,\r\n 300,\r\n 1177,\r\n 380,\r\n 28584,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1379110316435496,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5330188679245282,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005044534336775541\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 368,\r\n \"seek\": 196500,\r\n \"start\": 1973.0,\r\n \"end\": 1976.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It may, if it does, it attacks me.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 467,\r\n 815,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 309,\r\n 775,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 8122,\r\n 385,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1379110316435496,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5330188679245282,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005044534336775541\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 369,\r\n \"seek\": 196500,\r\n \"start\": 1976.0,\r\n \"end\": 1980.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And we'll try to cover that in a little more detail.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 603,\r\n 853,\r\n 281,\r\n 2060,\r\n 300,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 544,\r\n 2607,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1379110316435496,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5330188679245282,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005044534336775541\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 370,\r\n \"seek\": 196500,\r\n \"start\": 1980.0,\r\n \"end\": 1983.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Alright, so let's jump to the book of James.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 2798,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 718,\r\n 311,\r\n 3012,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 5678,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1379110316435496,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5330188679245282,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005044534336775541\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 371,\r\n \"seek\": 196500,\r\n \"start\": 1983.0,\r\n \"end\": 1991.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I never know, I was telling my wife earlier, I never know on a Wednesday how much to prepare or how much not to prepare.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 286,\r\n 1128,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 3585,\r\n 452,\r\n 3836,\r\n 3071,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 1128,\r\n 458,\r\n 322,\r\n 257,\r\n 10579,\r\n 577,\r\n 709,\r\n 281,\r\n 5940,\r\n 420,\r\n 577,\r\n 709,\r\n 406,\r\n 281,\r\n 5940,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1379110316435496,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5330188679245282,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005044534336775541\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 372,\r\n \"seek\": 199100,\r\n \"start\": 1991.0,\r\n \"end\": 1998.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So ideally hopefully we'll get through the rest of verse chapter 1,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 22915,\r\n 4696,\r\n 321,\r\n 603,\r\n 483,\r\n 807,\r\n 264,\r\n 1472,\r\n 295,\r\n 7996,\r\n 7187,\r\n 502,\r\n 11,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1417243412562779,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.735159817351598,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0024937004782259464\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 373,\r\n \"seek\": 199100,\r\n \"start\": 1998.0,\r\n \"end\": 2003.0,\r\n \"text\": \" through the book of James chapter 1 verses 19 through 27.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 807,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 5678,\r\n 7187,\r\n 502,\r\n 17316,\r\n 1294,\r\n 807,\r\n 7634,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1417243412562779,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.735159817351598,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0024937004782259464\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 374,\r\n \"seek\": 199100,\r\n \"start\": 2003.0,\r\n \"end\": 2008.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And we'll look at that in just a little bit, not right now.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 603,\r\n 574,\r\n 412,\r\n 300,\r\n 294,\r\n 445,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 857,\r\n 11,\r\n 406,\r\n 558,\r\n 586,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1417243412562779,\r\n 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1.735159817351598,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0024937004782259464\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 377,\r\n \"seek\": 199100,\r\n \"start\": 2015.0,\r\n \"end\": 2020.0,\r\n \"text\": \" he's kind of like the proverbs of the New Testament, you know, and so he kind of jumps around.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 415,\r\n 311,\r\n 733,\r\n 295,\r\n 411,\r\n 264,\r\n 447,\r\n 43348,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1873,\r\n 15473,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 370,\r\n 415,\r\n 733,\r\n 295,\r\n 16704,\r\n 926,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1417243412562779,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.735159817351598,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0024937004782259464\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 378,\r\n \"seek\": 202000,\r\n \"start\": 2020.0,\r\n \"end\": 2022.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So we started out talking about trials.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 321,\r\n 1409,\r\n 484,\r\n 1417,\r\n 466,\r\n 12450,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 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50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14155194296765683,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.467065868263473,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006916377227753401\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 409,\r\n \"seek\": 215400,\r\n \"start\": 2159.0,\r\n \"end\": 2168.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And then he says, oh, by the way, my dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 400,\r\n 550,\r\n 415,\r\n 1619,\r\n 11,\r\n 1954,\r\n 11,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 11,\r\n 452,\r\n 6875,\r\n 8452,\r\n 293,\r\n 11589,\r\n 11,\r\n 312,\r\n 1702,\r\n 281,\r\n 2140,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14155194296765683,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.467065868263473,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006916377227753401\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 410,\r\n \"seek\": 215400,\r\n \"start\": 2168.0,\r\n \"end\": 2177.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Slow to speak, slow to get angry, because your anger can never make things right in the eyes of God.\",\r\n 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0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.19526417553424835,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4458598726114649,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001065155491232872\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 414,\r\n \"seek\": 220400,\r\n \"start\": 2204.0,\r\n \"end\": 2208.0,\r\n \"text\": \" inadvertently you needed to get off real quick and so he cut somebody off.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 49152,\r\n 2276,\r\n 291,\r\n 2978,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 766,\r\n 957,\r\n 1702,\r\n 293,\r\n 370,\r\n 415,\r\n 1723,\r\n 2618,\r\n 766,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15382559159222772,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.690217391304348,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001591176143847406\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 415,\r\n \"seek\": 220400,\r\n \"start\": 2208.0,\r\n \"end\": 2213.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And the guy followed him.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 2146,\r\n 6263,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15382559159222772,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.690217391304348,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001591176143847406\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 416,\r\n \"seek\": 220400,\r\n \"start\": 2213.0,\r\n \"end\": 2218.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And then the guy got out of his truck and went over and started beating him up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 400,\r\n 550,\r\n 264,\r\n 2146,\r\n 658,\r\n 484,\r\n 295,\r\n 702,\r\n 5898,\r\n 293,\r\n 1437,\r\n 670,\r\n 293,\r\n 1409,\r\n 13497,\r\n 796,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15382559159222772,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.690217391304348,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001591176143847406\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 417,\r\n \"seek\": 220400,\r\n \"start\": 2218.0,\r\n \"end\": 2222.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So he pulled out a gun and shot the guy.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 407,\r\n 415,\r\n 7373,\r\n 484,\r\n 257,\r\n 3874,\r\n 293,\r\n 3347,\r\n 264,\r\n 2146,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15382559159222772,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.690217391304348,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001591176143847406\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 418,\r\n \"seek\": 220400,\r\n \"start\": 2222.0,\r\n \"end\": 2225.0,\r\n \"text\": \" This is going on over and over and over again.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 639,\r\n 307,\r\n 516,\r\n 322,\r\n 670,\r\n 293,\r\n 670,\r\n 293,\r\n 670,\r\n 797,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15382559159222772,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.690217391304348,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001591176143847406\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 419,\r\n \"seek\": 220400,\r\n \"start\": 2225.0,\r\n \"end\": 2229.0,\r\n \"text\": \" This road rage, this expressions of anger.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 639,\r\n 3060,\r\n 20133,\r\n 11,\r\n 341,\r\n 15277,\r\n 295,\r\n 10240,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15382559159222772,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.690217391304348,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001591176143847406\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 420,\r\n \"seek\": 222900,\r\n \"start\": 2229.0,\r\n \"end\": 2235.0,\r\n \"text\": \" James tells us to be slow at anger, but the first thing he says is to listen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 5678,\r\n 5112,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 2964,\r\n 412,\r\n 10240,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 264,\r\n 700,\r\n 551,\r\n 415,\r\n 1619,\r\n 307,\r\n 281,\r\n 2140,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12174734388078962,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.646551724137931,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002226026961579919\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 421,\r\n \"seek\": 222900,\r\n \"start\": 2235.0,\r\n \"end\": 2239.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Hearing, and he'll talk about this in just a little bit, hearing is one thing.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 37875,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 603,\r\n 751,\r\n 466,\r\n 341,\r\n 294,\r\n 445,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 857,\r\n 11,\r\n 4763,\r\n 307,\r\n 472,\r\n 551,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12174734388078962,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.646551724137931,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002226026961579919\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 422,\r\n \"seek\": 222900,\r\n \"start\": 2239.0,\r\n \"end\": 2243.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So right now, assuming those of you who have hearing aids on, you've got me turned up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 407,\r\n 558,\r\n 586,\r\n 11,\r\n 11926,\r\n 729,\r\n 295,\r\n 291,\r\n 567,\r\n 362,\r\n 4763,\r\n 28447,\r\n 322,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 385,\r\n 3574,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12174734388078962,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.646551724137931,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002226026961579919\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 423,\r\n \"seek\": 222900,\r\n \"start\": 2243.0,\r\n \"end\": 2246.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I preached at a church one time and an old fellow 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\"start\": 2253.0,\r\n \"end\": 2257.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And I found out later that he said he turned me down.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 1352,\r\n 484,\r\n 1780,\r\n 300,\r\n 415,\r\n 848,\r\n 415,\r\n 3574,\r\n 385,\r\n 760,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13772230299692306,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5170068027210883,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0041924272663891315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 426,\r\n \"seek\": 225300,\r\n \"start\": 2260.0,\r\n \"end\": 2261.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That's okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 1392,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13772230299692306,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5170068027210883,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0041924272663891315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 427,\r\n \"seek\": 225300,\r\n \"start\": 2264.0,\r\n \"end\": 2266.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Listening is a skill.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 49321,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 5389,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13772230299692306,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5170068027210883,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0041924272663891315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 428,\r\n \"seek\": 225300,\r\n \"start\": 2268.0,\r\n \"end\": 2271.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It's a skill that you learn to listen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 5389,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 1466,\r\n 281,\r\n 2140,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13772230299692306,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5170068027210883,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0041924272663891315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 429,\r\n \"seek\": 225300,\r\n \"start\": 2271.0,\r\n \"end\": 2275.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And listening facilitates the idea of communication.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 400,\r\n 4764,\r\n 10217,\r\n 30035,\r\n 264,\r\n 1558,\r\n 295,\r\n 6101,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13772230299692306,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5170068027210883,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0041924272663891315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 430,\r\n \"seek\": 225300,\r\n \"start\": 2277.0,\r\n \"end\": 2279.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And here's my definition of communication.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 400,\r\n 510,\r\n 311,\r\n 452,\r\n 7123,\r\n 295,\r\n 6101,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13772230299692306,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5170068027210883,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0041924272663891315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 431,\r\n \"seek\": 227900,\r\n \"start\": 2279.0,\r\n \"end\": 2288.0,\r\n \"text\": \" My ability to communicate, if I want to communicate with you, it's my responsibility to help you understand capital letters,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1222,\r\n 3485,\r\n 281,\r\n 7890,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 7890,\r\n 365,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 452,\r\n 6357,\r\n 281,\r\n 854,\r\n 291,\r\n 1223,\r\n 4238,\r\n 7825,\r\n 11,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1262651752023136,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6666666666666667,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002853414509445429\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 432,\r\n \"seek\": 227900,\r\n \"start\": 2288.0,\r\n \"end\": 2295.0,\r\n \"text\": \" understand, understand completely why I'm thinking and feeling and behaving the way I do.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 1223,\r\n 11,\r\n 1223,\r\n 2584,\r\n 983,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 1953,\r\n 293,\r\n 2633,\r\n 293,\r\n 35263,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 286,\r\n 360,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1262651752023136,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6666666666666667,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002853414509445429\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 433,\r\n \"seek\": 227900,\r\n \"start\": 2295.0,\r\n \"end\": 2303.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Because the process by which we navigate through life is by thinking, by feelings, by behavior.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 1436,\r\n 264,\r\n 1399,\r\n 538,\r\n 597,\r\n 321,\r\n 12350,\r\n 807,\r\n 993,\r\n 307,\r\n 538,\r\n 1953,\r\n 11,\r\n 538,\r\n 6640,\r\n 11,\r\n 538,\r\n 5223,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1262651752023136,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6666666666666667,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002853414509445429\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 434,\r\n \"seek\": 230300,\r\n \"start\": 2303.0,\r\n \"end\": 2308.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And so if I want to communicate to you, you have to listen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 498,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 7890,\r\n 281,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 2140,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10470917201278233,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7064220183486238,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019737756811082363\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 435,\r\n \"seek\": 230300,\r\n \"start\": 2308.0,\r\n \"end\": 2315.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And oftentimes what's happening is we think we're listening, but really up here, we're trying to build a defense.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 400,\r\n 18349,\r\n 437,\r\n 311,\r\n 2737,\r\n 307,\r\n 321,\r\n 519,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 4764,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 534,\r\n 493,\r\n 510,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 1382,\r\n 281,\r\n 1322,\r\n 257,\r\n 7654,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10470917201278233,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7064220183486238,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019737756811082363\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 436,\r\n \"seek\": 230300,\r\n \"start\": 2315.0,\r\n \"end\": 2320.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We're trying to come up with our answer as to why this person is whatever they're saying,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 492,\r\n 434,\r\n 1382,\r\n 281,\r\n 808,\r\n 493,\r\n 365,\r\n 527,\r\n 1867,\r\n 382,\r\n 281,\r\n 983,\r\n 341,\r\n 954,\r\n 307,\r\n 2035,\r\n 436,\r\n 434,\r\n 1566,\r\n 11,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10470917201278233,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7064220183486238,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019737756811082363\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 437,\r\n \"seek\": 230300,\r\n \"start\": 2320.0,\r\n \"end\": 2324.0,\r\n \"text\": \" whatever they're trying to get me to listen to.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 2035,\r\n 436,\r\n 434,\r\n 1382,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 385,\r\n 281,\r\n 2140,\r\n 281,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10470917201278233,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7064220183486238,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019737756811082363\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 438,\r\n \"seek\": 230300,\r\n \"start\": 2325.0,\r\n \"end\": 2327.0,\r\n \"text\": \" There are people who say, you know what?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 821,\r\n 366,\r\n 561,\r\n 567,\r\n 584,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 437,\r\n 30,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10470917201278233,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7064220183486238,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019737756811082363\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 439,\r\n \"seek\": 230300,\r\n \"start\": 2328.0,\r\n \"end\": 2330.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I say what I think.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 286,\r\n 584,\r\n 437,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10470917201278233,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7064220183486238,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019737756811082363\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 440,\r\n \"seek\": 233000,\r\n \"start\": 2331.0,\r\n \"end\": 2336.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I had a pastor one time say, you know, some of you in the congregation, you're pretty good at saying what you think.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 286,\r\n 632,\r\n 257,\r\n 21193,\r\n 472,\r\n 565,\r\n 584,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 512,\r\n 295,\r\n 291,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 34782,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 1238,\r\n 665,\r\n 412,\r\n 1566,\r\n 437,\r\n 291,\r\n 519,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.085749050666546,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.697674418604651,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0005866127321496606\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 441,\r\n \"seek\": 233000,\r\n \"start\": 2336.0,\r\n \"end\": 2341.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Sometimes you ought to stop and listen and think before you say.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 4803,\r\n 291,\r\n 13416,\r\n 281,\r\n 1590,\r\n 293,\r\n 2140,\r\n 293,\r\n 519,\r\n 949,\r\n 291,\r\n 584,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.085749050666546,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.697674418604651,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0005866127321496606\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 442,\r\n \"seek\": 233000,\r\n \"start\": 2342.0,\r\n \"end\": 2347.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Have you ever said something and you wish you were a frog and you reach out there and pull it back and it's just not possible?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 3560,\r\n 291,\r\n 1562,\r\n 848,\r\n 746,\r\n 293,\r\n 291,\r\n 3172,\r\n 291,\r\n 645,\r\n 257,\r\n 17259,\r\n 293,\r\n 291,\r\n 2524,\r\n 484,\r\n 456,\r\n 293,\r\n 2235,\r\n 309,\r\n 646,\r\n 293,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 445,\r\n 406,\r\n 1944,\r\n 30,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.085749050666546,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.697674418604651,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0005866127321496606\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 443,\r\n \"seek\": 233000,\r\n \"start\": 2348.0,\r\n \"end\": 2354.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Dr. James says, you know, sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me or something.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 2491,\r\n 13,\r\n 5678,\r\n 1619,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 12518,\r\n 293,\r\n 14083,\r\n 393,\r\n 1821,\r\n 452,\r\n 10491,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 2283,\r\n 393,\r\n 1128,\r\n 4607,\r\n 385,\r\n 420,\r\n 746,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": 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when they're saying and talking.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 4803,\r\n 561,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 362,\r\n 13180,\r\n 562,\r\n 436,\r\n 434,\r\n 1566,\r\n 293,\r\n 1417,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0977553653717041,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7511520737327189,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006009917124174535\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 447,\r\n \"seek\": 235700,\r\n \"start\": 2365.0,\r\n \"end\": 2367.0,\r\n \"text\": \" They don't have filters.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 814,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 362,\r\n 15995,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0977553653717041,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7511520737327189,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006009917124174535\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 448,\r\n \"seek\": 235700,\r\n \"start\": 2368.0,\r\n \"end\": 2370.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And I've addressed that many, many times.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 13847,\r\n 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2351,\r\n 796,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 437,\r\n 311,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 721,\r\n 300,\r\n 1669,\r\n 291,\r\n 6884,\r\n 264,\r\n 881,\r\n 30,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0977553653717041,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7511520737327189,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006009917124174535\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 451,\r\n \"seek\": 235700,\r\n \"start\": 2381.0,\r\n \"end\": 2385.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And he said, you know, I think one of the things that makes me angry the most are expectations.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 400,\r\n 415,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 721,\r\n 300,\r\n 1669,\r\n 385,\r\n 6884,\r\n 264,\r\n 881,\r\n 366,\r\n 9843,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0977553653717041,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7511520737327189,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006009917124174535\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 452,\r\n \"seek\": 238500,\r\n \"start\": 2385.0,\r\n \"end\": 2388.0,\r\n \"text\": \" People don't do their jobs.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 3432,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 360,\r\n 641,\r\n 4782,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10384407708811205,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7019230769230769,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011223196052014828\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 453,\r\n \"seek\": 238500,\r\n \"start\": 2389.0,\r\n \"end\": 2390.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It really upsets me.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 467,\r\n 534,\r\n 15497,\r\n 1385,\r\n 385,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10384407708811205,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7019230769230769,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011223196052014828\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 454,\r\n \"seek\": 238500,\r\n \"start\": 2391.0,\r\n \"end\": 2394.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I really get upset so it's about expectations.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 286,\r\n 534,\r\n 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281,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10384407708811205,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7019230769230769,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011223196052014828\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 456,\r\n \"seek\": 238500,\r\n \"start\": 2411.0,\r\n \"end\": 2414.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Now there is a righteous indignation.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51664,\r\n 823,\r\n 456,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 16153,\r\n 1016,\r\n 788,\r\n 399,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10384407708811205,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7019230769230769,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011223196052014828\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 457,\r\n \"seek\": 241500,\r\n \"start\": 2415.0,\r\n \"end\": 2423.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Can you think of one time there was an example in the New Testament of righteous indignation?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1664,\r\n 291,\r\n 519,\r\n 295,\r\n 472,\r\n 565,\r\n 456,\r\n 390,\r\n 364,\r\n 1365,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1873,\r\n 15473,\r\n 295,\r\n 16153,\r\n 1016,\r\n 788,\r\n 399,\r\n 30,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14849145385040635,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.671641791044776,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0002190180093748495\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 458,\r\n \"seek\": 241500,\r\n \"start\": 2426.0,\r\n \"end\": 2435.0,\r\n \"text\": \" When Jesus threw out the money collectors and the money lenders, in my house, in my father's house, you're doing this and he was angry.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 1133,\r\n 2705,\r\n 11918,\r\n 484,\r\n 264,\r\n 1460,\r\n 35384,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 1460,\r\n 287,\r\n 16292,\r\n 11,\r\n 294,\r\n 452,\r\n 1782,\r\n 11,\r\n 294,\r\n 452,\r\n 3086,\r\n 311,\r\n 1782,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 884,\r\n 341,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 390,\r\n 6884,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14849145385040635,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.671641791044776,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 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576,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 4325,\r\n 300,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 1706,\r\n 293,\r\n 2266,\r\n 645,\r\n 4652,\r\n 337,\r\n 572,\r\n 1778,\r\n 412,\r\n 439,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11543063859681825,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3979057591623036,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0012208312982693315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 470,\r\n \"seek\": 247200,\r\n \"start\": 2485.0,\r\n \"end\": 2486.0,\r\n \"text\": \" None.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 14492,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11543063859681825,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3979057591623036,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0012208312982693315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 471,\r\n \"seek\": 247200,\r\n \"start\": 2489.0,\r\n \"end\": 2491.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So righteous indignation.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 407,\r\n 16153,\r\n 1016,\r\n 788,\r\n 399,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": 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11,\r\n 291,\r\n 576,\r\n 360,\r\n 341,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16319743874146767,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.502202643171806,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00023065504501573741\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 502,\r\n \"seek\": 261200,\r\n \"start\": 2615.0,\r\n \"end\": 2618.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And it's never helpful or rarely helpful.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 400,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 1128,\r\n 4961,\r\n 420,\r\n 13752,\r\n 4961,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16319743874146767,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.502202643171806,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00023065504501573741\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 503,\r\n \"seek\": 261200,\r\n \"start\": 2619.0,\r\n \"end\": 2624.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So we should be slow to speak and not cut people off and listen and slow to anger.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 407,\r\n 321,\r\n 820,\r\n 312,\r\n 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36789,\r\n 281,\r\n 2093,\r\n 3021,\r\n 293,\r\n 561,\r\n 486,\r\n 584,\r\n 721,\r\n 294,\r\n 2093,\r\n 3021,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1312304529650458,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7406015037593985,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018900653813034296\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 517,\r\n \"seek\": 269200,\r\n \"start\": 2700.0,\r\n \"end\": 2702.0,\r\n \"text\": \" because it's easier because it's not face-to-face and they'll say things.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 570,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 3571,\r\n 570,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 406,\r\n 1851,\r\n 12,\r\n 1353,\r\n 12,\r\n 2868,\r\n 293,\r\n 436,\r\n 603,\r\n 584,\r\n 721,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1312304529650458,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7406015037593985,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018900653813034296\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 518,\r\n \"seek\": 269200,\r\n \"start\": 2703.0,\r\n \"end\": 2706.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And people will wonder, is 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321,\r\n 643,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 5026,\r\n 11,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15684267968842477,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5521472392638036,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02164023369550705\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 524,\r\n \"seek\": 271600,\r\n \"start\": 2737.0,\r\n \"end\": 2743.0,\r\n \"text\": \" you know, and be more Christ-like.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 312,\r\n 544,\r\n 2040,\r\n 12,\r\n 4092,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15684267968842477,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5521472392638036,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02164023369550705\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 525,\r\n \"seek\": 274300,\r\n \"start\": 2743.0,\r\n \"end\": 2750.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The songwriter writes, let others see Jesus. Where? In you. In you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 440,\r\n 2153,\r\n 23681,\r\n 13657,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 2357,\r\n 536,\r\n 2705,\r\n 13,\r\n 2305,\r\n 30,\r\n 682,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 682,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14801720042287567,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7151162790697674,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015844199806451797\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 526,\r\n \"seek\": 274300,\r\n \"start\": 2751.0,\r\n \"end\": 2755.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I was a royal ambassador. We don't do that anymore.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 257,\r\n 13351,\r\n 25445,\r\n 13,\r\n 492,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 360,\r\n 300,\r\n 3602,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14801720042287567,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7151162790697674,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015844199806451797\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 527,\r\n \"seek\": 274300,\r\n \"start\": 2756.0,\r\n \"end\": 2758.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That I know of. I was a royal ambassador.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 663,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 295,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 257,\r\n 13351,\r\n 25445,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14801720042287567,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7151162790697674,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015844199806451797\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 528,\r\n \"seek\": 274300,\r\n \"start\": 2759.0,\r\n \"end\": 2764.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And our scripture verse was out of Corinthians. 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let's pick up with James chapter one verse 21.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1057,\r\n 558,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 311,\r\n 1888,\r\n 493,\r\n 365,\r\n 5678,\r\n 7187,\r\n 472,\r\n 7996,\r\n 5080,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2054257557309907,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2905405405405406,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010947725968435407\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 531,\r\n \"seek\": 276900,\r\n \"start\": 2777.0,\r\n \"end\": 2780.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I'm going to read through that real quick, quickly.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 1401,\r\n 807,\r\n 300,\r\n 957,\r\n 1702,\r\n 11,\r\n 2661,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2054257557309907,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2905405405405406,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010947725968435407\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 532,\r\n \"seek\": 276900,\r\n \"start\": 2781.0,\r\n \"end\": 2782.0,\r\n \"text\": \" My dear brothers and sisters.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1222,\r\n 6875,\r\n 8452,\r\n 293,\r\n 11589,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2054257557309907,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2905405405405406,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010947725968435407\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 533,\r\n \"seek\": 276900,\r\n \"start\": 2788.0,\r\n \"end\": 2792.0,\r\n \"text\": \" No, let me, okay, let me do 21 instead of 19 again.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 883,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 11,\r\n 1392,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 360,\r\n 5080,\r\n 2602,\r\n 295,\r\n 1294,\r\n 797,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2054257557309907,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2905405405405406,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010947725968435407\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 534,\r\n \"seek\": 279200,\r\n \"start\": 2792.0,\r\n \"end\": 2796.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So get rid of all, and by the way, I'm using the new living translation.\",\r\n 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51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09906913115914943,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.657370517928287,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03307466581463814\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 538,\r\n \"seek\": 279200,\r\n \"start\": 2813.0,\r\n \"end\": 2815.0,\r\n \"text\": \" For it is strong enough to save your souls.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 1171,\r\n 309,\r\n 307,\r\n 2068,\r\n 1547,\r\n 281,\r\n 3155,\r\n 428,\r\n 16588,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09906913115914943,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.657370517928287,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03307466581463814\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 539,\r\n \"seek\": 279200,\r\n \"start\": 2816.0,\r\n \"end\": 2818.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Remember, it is a message to obey.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 5459,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 3636,\r\n 281,\r\n 19297,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09906913115914943,\r\n 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11,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08796064203435724,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6822033898305084,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004880795255303383\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 544,\r\n \"seek\": 281800,\r\n \"start\": 2834.0,\r\n \"end\": 2836.0,\r\n \"text\": \" but doing nothing to improve your appearance.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 457,\r\n 884,\r\n 1825,\r\n 281,\r\n 3470,\r\n 428,\r\n 8967,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08796064203435724,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6822033898305084,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004880795255303383\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 545,\r\n \"seek\": 281800,\r\n \"start\": 2837.0,\r\n \"end\": 2841.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You see yourself, you walk away and forget what you look like.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 509,\r\n 536,\r\n 1803,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 1792,\r\n 1314,\r\n 293,\r\n 2870,\r\n 437,\r\n 291,\r\n 574,\r\n 411,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08796064203435724,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6822033898305084,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004880795255303383\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 546,\r\n \"seek\": 281800,\r\n \"start\": 2842.0,\r\n \"end\": 2846.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But if you keep looking steadily into God's perfect law,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 583,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 1066,\r\n 1237,\r\n 36129,\r\n 666,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 2176,\r\n 2101,\r\n 11,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08796064203435724,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6822033898305084,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004880795255303383\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 547,\r\n \"seek\": 284600,\r\n \"start\": 2846.0,\r\n \"end\": 2852.0,\r\n \"text\": \" the law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 264,\r\n 2101,\r\n 300,\r\n 6352,\r\n 291,\r\n 1737,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 360,\r\n 437,\r\n 309,\r\n 1619,\r\n 293,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 2870,\r\n 437,\r\n 291,\r\n 2198,\r\n 11,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10309683147229647,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00043921417091041803\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 548,\r\n \"seek\": 284600,\r\n \"start\": 2853.0,\r\n \"end\": 2855.0,\r\n \"text\": \" then God will bless you for doing it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 550,\r\n 1265,\r\n 486,\r\n 5227,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 884,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10309683147229647,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00043921417091041803\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 549,\r\n \"seek\": 284600,\r\n \"start\": 2856.0,\r\n \"end\": 2862.0,\r\n \"text\": \" If you claim to be religious, but don't control your tongue, and there is back to that again,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 3932,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 7185,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 1969,\r\n 428,\r\n 10601,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 456,\r\n 307,\r\n 646,\r\n 281,\r\n 300,\r\n 797,\r\n 11,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10309683147229647,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00043921417091041803\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 550,\r\n \"seek\": 284600,\r\n \"start\": 2863.0,\r\n \"end\": 2865.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and he does it again later on too.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 775,\r\n 309,\r\n 797,\r\n 1780,\r\n 322,\r\n 886,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10309683147229647,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00043921417091041803\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 551,\r\n \"seek\": 284600,\r\n \"start\": 2866.0,\r\n \"end\": 2871.0,\r\n \"text\": \" If you don't control your tongue, you are just fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 1969,\r\n 428,\r\n 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561,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14382626896812803,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4536585365853658,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0029314374551177025\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 564,\r\n \"seek\": 292300,\r\n \"start\": 2934.0,\r\n \"end\": 2936.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You have no idea who she is.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 509,\r\n 362,\r\n 572,\r\n 1558,\r\n 567,\r\n 750,\r\n 307,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14382626896812803,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4536585365853658,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0029314374551177025\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 565,\r\n \"seek\": 292300,\r\n \"start\": 2938.0,\r\n \"end\": 2941.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Lovely lady, she's 92.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 33925,\r\n 7262,\r\n 11,\r\n 750,\r\n 311,\r\n 28225,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14382626896812803,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4536585365853658,\r\n 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It is alive. It alters and changes people's lives.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 440,\r\n 6544,\r\n 419,\r\n 1559,\r\n 293,\r\n 2962,\r\n 13,\r\n 467,\r\n 307,\r\n 5465,\r\n 13,\r\n 467,\r\n 419,\r\n 1559,\r\n 293,\r\n 2962,\r\n 561,\r\n 311,\r\n 2909,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16665066372264514,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5471698113207548,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007320992881432176\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 605,\r\n \"seek\": 310800,\r\n \"start\": 3116.0,\r\n \"end\": 3121.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It's a tragedy to me to think about the ways in which we treat God's Word.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 18563,\r\n 281,\r\n 385,\r\n 281,\r\n 519,\r\n 466,\r\n 264,\r\n 2098,\r\n 294,\r\n 597,\r\n 321,\r\n 2387,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 8725,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16665066372264514,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5471698113207548,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007320992881432176\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 606,\r\n \"seek\": 310800,\r\n \"start\": 3123.0,\r\n \"end\": 3127.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I mentioned him again when Dr. James talked about finding the Bible that was thrown away.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 286,\r\n 2835,\r\n 796,\r\n 797,\r\n 562,\r\n 2491,\r\n 13,\r\n 5678,\r\n 2825,\r\n 466,\r\n 5006,\r\n 264,\r\n 6544,\r\n 300,\r\n 390,\r\n 11732,\r\n 1314,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16665066372264514,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5471698113207548,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007320992881432176\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 607,\r\n \"seek\": 310800,\r\n \"start\": 3129.0,\r\n \"end\": 3132.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And you know what? Muslims would never throw the Quran away.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 400,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 437,\r\n 30,\r\n 14793,\r\n 576,\r\n 1128,\r\n 3507,\r\n 264,\r\n 19375,\r\n 1314,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16665066372264514,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5471698113207548,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007320992881432176\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 608,\r\n \"seek\": 310800,\r\n \"start\": 3134.0,\r\n \"end\": 3136.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Ever. That I know of.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51664,\r\n 12123,\r\n 13,\r\n 663,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 295,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16665066372264514,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5471698113207548,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007320992881432176\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 609,\r\n \"seek\": 313800,\r\n \"start\": 3139.0,\r\n \"end\": 3142.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And how we've treated this precious Word of God that has...\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 400,\r\n 577,\r\n 321,\r\n 600,\r\n 8668,\r\n 341,\r\n 12406,\r\n 8725,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 300,\r\n 575,\r\n 485,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1447066931888975,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.732620320855615,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00024737577768974006\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 610,\r\n \"seek\": 313800,\r\n \"start\": 3143.0,\r\n \"end\": 3146.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It transcends all any other books that you've ever written or...\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 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623,\r\n \"seek\": 319800,\r\n \"start\": 3200.0,\r\n \"end\": 3202.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Raging. 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319800,\r\n \"start\": 3217.0,\r\n \"end\": 3222.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And my mom asked the pastor if she would go in and witness to him.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 400,\r\n 452,\r\n 1225,\r\n 2351,\r\n 264,\r\n 21193,\r\n 498,\r\n 750,\r\n 576,\r\n 352,\r\n 294,\r\n 293,\r\n 7286,\r\n 281,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17108564717429026,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5965665236051503,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010404655477032065\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 628,\r\n \"seek\": 319800,\r\n \"start\": 3223.0,\r\n \"end\": 3224.0,\r\n \"text\": \" My mom was a praying woman.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 1222,\r\n 1225,\r\n 390,\r\n 257,\r\n 15611,\r\n 3059,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17108564717429026,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5965665236051503,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010404655477032065\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 629,\r\n \"seek\": 319800,\r\n \"start\": 3225.0,\r\n 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286,\r\n 2351,\r\n 264,\r\n 44768,\r\n 3216,\r\n 498,\r\n 415,\r\n 3255,\r\n 17279,\r\n 6603,\r\n 1601,\r\n 293,\r\n 536,\r\n 498,\r\n 415,\r\n 576,\r\n 980,\r\n 385,\r\n 689,\r\n 415,\r\n 2909,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17018099528987232,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6942148760330578,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003544073551893234\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 636,\r\n \"seek\": 322600,\r\n \"start\": 3248.0,\r\n \"end\": 3249.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And he said, you know Marshall Workman?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 400,\r\n 415,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 17279,\r\n 6603,\r\n 1601,\r\n 30,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17018099528987232,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6942148760330578,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003544073551893234\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 637,\r\n \"seek\": 322600,\r\n \"start\": 3250.0,\r\n \"end\": 3251.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Oh yeah, we know Marshall.\",\r\n \"tokens\": 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You can find it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 23591,\r\n 281,\r\n 3060,\r\n 13,\r\n 509,\r\n 393,\r\n 915,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.202172589302063,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5181347150259068,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010475943563506007\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 641,\r\n \"seek\": 325300,\r\n \"start\": 3257.0,\r\n \"end\": 3260.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So he went down there, introduced himself to my grandpa and I'll make this quick.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 407,\r\n 415,\r\n 1437,\r\n 760,\r\n 456,\r\n 11,\r\n 7268,\r\n 3647,\r\n 281,\r\n 452,\r\n 24129,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 603,\r\n 652,\r\n 341,\r\n 1702,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.202172589302063,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5181347150259068,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010475943563506007\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 642,\r\n \"seek\": 325300,\r\n \"start\": 3262.0,\r\n \"end\": 3268.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He read him this book about Christ and his relationship to Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 634,\r\n 1401,\r\n 796,\r\n 341,\r\n 1446,\r\n 466,\r\n 2040,\r\n 293,\r\n 702,\r\n 2480,\r\n 281,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.202172589302063,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5181347150259068,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010475943563506007\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 643,\r\n \"seek\": 325300,\r\n \"start\": 3271.0,\r\n \"end\": 3274.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And sitting at that kitchen table, my grandpa gave his life to Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 400,\r\n 3798,\r\n 412,\r\n 300,\r\n 6525,\r\n 3199,\r\n 11,\r\n 452,\r\n 24129,\r\n 2729,\r\n 702,\r\n 993,\r\n 281,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.202172589302063,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5181347150259068,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0010475943563506007\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 644,\r\n \"seek\": 327400,\r\n \"start\": 3275.0,\r\n \"end\": 3280.0,\r\n \"text\": \" When my grandma came home, he took a shower, took a bath and cleaned up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 1133,\r\n 452,\r\n 15766,\r\n 1361,\r\n 1280,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 1890,\r\n 257,\r\n 10128,\r\n 11,\r\n 1890,\r\n 257,\r\n 6079,\r\n 293,\r\n 16146,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1671394174749201,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6238938053097345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.020570917055010796\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 645,\r\n \"seek\": 327400,\r\n \"start\": 3281.0,\r\n \"end\": 3286.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And when my grandma, she said when she came home from work, he threw his arms around her and said, I'm going to take you out to dinner.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 400,\r\n 562,\r\n 452,\r\n 15766,\r\n 11,\r\n 750,\r\n 848,\r\n 562,\r\n 750,\r\n 1361,\r\n 1280,\r\n 490,\r\n 589,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 11918,\r\n 702,\r\n 5812,\r\n 926,\r\n 720,\r\n 293,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 747,\r\n 291,\r\n 484,\r\n 281,\r\n 6148,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1671394174749201,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6238938053097345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.020570917055010796\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 646,\r\n \"seek\": 327400,\r\n \"start\": 3287.0,\r\n \"end\": 3288.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And she said, get away from me, old man. You've been drinking again?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 400,\r\n 750,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 483,\r\n 1314,\r\n 490,\r\n 385,\r\n 11,\r\n 1331,\r\n 587,\r\n 13,\r\n 509,\r\n 600,\r\n 668,\r\n 7583,\r\n 797,\r\n 30,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1671394174749201,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6238938053097345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.020570917055010796\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 647,\r\n \"seek\": 327400,\r\n \"start\": 3289.0,\r\n \"end\": 3290.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He said, no.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 634,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 572,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1671394174749201,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6238938053097345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.020570917055010796\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 648,\r\n \"seek\": 327400,\r\n \"start\": 3291.0,\r\n \"end\": 3292.0,\r\n \"text\": \" No, I haven't.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 883,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 2378,\r\n 380,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1671394174749201,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6238938053097345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.020570917055010796\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 649,\r\n \"seek\": 327400,\r\n \"start\": 3293.0,\r\n \"end\": 3294.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He said, today I found Jesus.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 634,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 965,\r\n 286,\r\n 1352,\r\n 2705,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1671394174749201,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6238938053097345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.020570917055010796\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 650,\r\n \"seek\": 327400,\r\n \"start\": 3296.0,\r\n \"end\": 3299.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It changed his life completely.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 467,\r\n 3105,\r\n 702,\r\n 993,\r\n 2584,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1671394174749201,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6238938053097345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.020570917055010796\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 651,\r\n \"seek\": 329900,\r\n \"start\": 3299.0,\r\n \"end\": 3304.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Within two weeks, he had to be rushed to the hospital and strapped in a gurney because he had delirium tremors.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 15996,\r\n 732,\r\n 3259,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 632,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 24421,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 4530,\r\n 293,\r\n 2148,\r\n 3320,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 40642,\r\n 2397,\r\n 570,\r\n 415,\r\n 632,\r\n 1103,\r\n 347,\r\n 2197,\r\n 7813,\r\n 830,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13352608469735205,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8024193548387097,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0063628144562244415\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 652,\r\n \"seek\": 329900,\r\n \"start\": 3305.0,\r\n \"end\": 3308.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Alcohol was oozing out of his body. He was so saturated.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 48779,\r\n 390,\r\n 32685,\r\n 8781,\r\n 484,\r\n 295,\r\n 702,\r\n 1772,\r\n 13,\r\n 634,\r\n 390,\r\n 370,\r\n 25408,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13352608469735205,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8024193548387097,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0063628144562244415\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 653,\r\n \"seek\": 329900,\r\n \"start\": 3311.0,\r\n \"end\": 3316.0,\r\n \"text\": \" They lived on a farm off of Old Corsi on the backside of Rylan Heights out in that area.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 814,\r\n 5152,\r\n 322,\r\n 257,\r\n 5421,\r\n 766,\r\n 295,\r\n 8633,\r\n 383,\r\n 830,\r\n 72,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 35370,\r\n 295,\r\n 497,\r\n 24691,\r\n 44039,\r\n 484,\r\n 294,\r\n 300,\r\n 1859,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13352608469735205,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8024193548387097,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0063628144562244415\r\n 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13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13352608469735205,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8024193548387097,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0063628144562244415\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 656,\r\n \"seek\": 332900,\r\n \"start\": 3329.0,\r\n \"end\": 3333.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Until he had a heart attack, had to move back and sell the farm, moved to Bellevue.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 9088,\r\n 415,\r\n 632,\r\n 257,\r\n 1917,\r\n 2690,\r\n 11,\r\n 632,\r\n 281,\r\n 1286,\r\n 646,\r\n 293,\r\n 3607,\r\n 264,\r\n 5421,\r\n 11,\r\n 4259,\r\n 281,\r\n 31905,\r\n 85,\r\n 622,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12084114229356921,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5116279069767442,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.000610192131716758\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 657,\r\n \"seek\": 332900,\r\n \"start\": 3334.0,\r\n \"end\": 3338.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But he never faltered.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 583,\r\n 415,\r\n 1128,\r\n 3704,\r\n 40665,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12084114229356921,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5116279069767442,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.000610192131716758\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 658,\r\n \"seek\": 332900,\r\n \"start\": 3339.0,\r\n \"end\": 3347.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Because of the Word of God, because the pastor bore witness, my grandpa is in heaven today.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 1436,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 8725,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 570,\r\n 264,\r\n 21193,\r\n 26002,\r\n 7286,\r\n 11,\r\n 452,\r\n 24129,\r\n 307,\r\n 294,\r\n 7162,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12084114229356921,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5116279069767442,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.000610192131716758\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 659,\r\n \"seek\": 332900,\r\n \"start\": 3349.0,\r\n \"end\": 3350.0,\r\n \"text\": \" In heaven today.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 682,\r\n 7162,\r\n 965,\r\n 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764,\r\n 295,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 2979,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 8725,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14810278809186325,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6637554585152838,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030703411903232336\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 662,\r\n \"seek\": 335300,\r\n \"start\": 3360.0,\r\n \"end\": 3362.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But James said, it's not just enough to hear the Word.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 583,\r\n 5678,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 406,\r\n 445,\r\n 1547,\r\n 281,\r\n 1568,\r\n 264,\r\n 8725,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14810278809186325,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6637554585152838,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030703411903232336\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 663,\r\n \"seek\": 335300,\r\n \"start\": 3363.0,\r\n \"end\": 3364.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You have to apply the Word.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 509,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 3079,\r\n 264,\r\n 8725,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14810278809186325,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6637554585152838,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030703411903232336\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 664,\r\n \"seek\": 335300,\r\n \"start\": 3365.0,\r\n \"end\": 3374.0,\r\n \"text\": \" What's the point of knowing what we know and what the Bible has communicated to us and what the Word of God's expectations are for us?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 708,\r\n 311,\r\n 264,\r\n 935,\r\n 295,\r\n 5276,\r\n 437,\r\n 321,\r\n 458,\r\n 293,\r\n 437,\r\n 264,\r\n 6544,\r\n 575,\r\n 34989,\r\n 281,\r\n 505,\r\n 293,\r\n 437,\r\n 264,\r\n 8725,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 9843,\r\n 366,\r\n 337,\r\n 505,\r\n 30,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14810278809186325,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6637554585152838,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030703411903232336\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 665,\r\n \"seek\": 335300,\r\n \"start\": 3375.0,\r\n 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1621,\r\n 293,\r\n 589,\r\n 420,\r\n 291,\r\n 992,\r\n 309,\r\n 4079,\r\n 412,\r\n 428,\r\n 1782,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11755558613980754,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7473684210526317,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0002893431519623846\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 667,\r\n \"seek\": 338000,\r\n \"start\": 3393.0,\r\n \"end\": 3395.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We are called to be doers.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 492,\r\n 366,\r\n 1219,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 360,\r\n 433,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11755558613980754,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7473684210526317,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0002893431519623846\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 668,\r\n \"seek\": 338000,\r\n \"start\": 3396.0,\r\n \"end\": 3397.0,\r\n \"text\": \" To be doers.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 1407,\r\n 312,\r\n 360,\r\n 433,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11755558613980754,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7473684210526317,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0002893431519623846\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 669,\r\n \"seek\": 338000,\r\n \"start\": 3398.0,\r\n \"end\": 3403.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So that we might be conformed to the image of Christ and that was Paul's primary goal.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 407,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 1062,\r\n 312,\r\n 18975,\r\n 292,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 3256,\r\n 295,\r\n 2040,\r\n 293,\r\n 300,\r\n 390,\r\n 4552,\r\n 311,\r\n 6194,\r\n 3387,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11755558613980754,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7473684210526317,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0002893431519623846\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 670,\r\n \"seek\": 338000,\r\n \"start\": 3404.0,\r\n \"end\": 3408.0,\r\n \"text\": \" His primary goal was to spend eternity with Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 2812,\r\n 6194,\r\n 3387,\r\n 390,\r\n 281,\r\n 3496,\r\n 27162,\r\n 365,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n 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340800,\r\n \"start\": 3421.0,\r\n \"end\": 3423.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Look at Hebrews chapter four verse 12.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 2053,\r\n 412,\r\n 44604,\r\n 7187,\r\n 1451,\r\n 7996,\r\n 2272,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14905323584874472,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3426573426573427,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00039635339635424316\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 673,\r\n \"seek\": 342300,\r\n \"start\": 3424.0,\r\n \"end\": 3429.0,\r\n \"text\": \" For the Word of God is alive and powerful.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 1171,\r\n 264,\r\n 8725,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 307,\r\n 5465,\r\n 293,\r\n 4005,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13683609401478486,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4821428571428572,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0825071632862091\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 674,\r\n \"seek\": 342300,\r\n \"start\": 3431.0,\r\n \"end\": 3433.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It is sharper than a sharpest 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345300,\r\n \"start\": 3457.0,\r\n \"end\": 3463.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We read the Word of God and it exposes what we are thinking, how we are feeling, how we are behaving.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 492,\r\n 1401,\r\n 264,\r\n 8725,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 293,\r\n 309,\r\n 1278,\r\n 4201,\r\n 437,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 1953,\r\n 11,\r\n 577,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 2633,\r\n 11,\r\n 577,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 35263,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12409906129579286,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5617977528089888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0005876823561266065\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 679,\r\n \"seek\": 345300,\r\n \"start\": 3464.0,\r\n \"end\": 3473.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And gives us direction and information on how we can alter and change the path that we have taken.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 400,\r\n 2709,\r\n 505,\r\n 3513,\r\n 293,\r\n 1589,\r\n 322,\r\n 577,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 11337,\r\n 293,\r\n 1319,\r\n 264,\r\n 3100,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 2726,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12409906129579286,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5617977528089888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0005876823561266065\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 680,\r\n \"seek\": 345300,\r\n \"start\": 3475.0,\r\n \"end\": 3477.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So that others can see Christ in us.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 407,\r\n 300,\r\n 2357,\r\n 393,\r\n 536,\r\n 2040,\r\n 294,\r\n 505,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12409906129579286,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5617977528089888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0005876823561266065\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 681,\r\n \"seek\": 347700,\r\n \"start\": 3478.0,\r\n \"end\": 3482.0,\r\n \"text\": \" His insights, his wisdom.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 2812,\r\n 14310,\r\n 11,\r\n 702,\r\n 10712,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16325867516653877,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3221476510067114,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018961495952680707\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 682,\r\n \"seek\": 347700,\r\n \"start\": 3483.0,\r\n \"end\": 3485.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Psalms chapter 119.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 26150,\r\n 2592,\r\n 7187,\r\n 2975,\r\n 24,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16325867516653877,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3221476510067114,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018961495952680707\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 683,\r\n \"seek\": 347700,\r\n \"start\": 3486.0,\r\n \"end\": 3488.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So the Word of God can be like a two-edged sword.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 407,\r\n 264,\r\n 8725,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 393,\r\n 312,\r\n 411,\r\n 257,\r\n 732,\r\n 12,\r\n 292,\r\n 3004,\r\n 10576,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16325867516653877,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3221476510067114,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 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686,\r\n \"seek\": 347700,\r\n \"start\": 3502.0,\r\n \"end\": 3503.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So it's two fold.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 407,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 732,\r\n 4860,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16325867516653877,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3221476510067114,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018961495952680707\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 687,\r\n \"seek\": 350300,\r\n \"start\": 3504.0,\r\n \"end\": 3514.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I can take a flashlight and if I'm going down steps, I can hold the flashlight at my feet so I can see where I'm walking.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 286,\r\n 393,\r\n 747,\r\n 257,\r\n 30835,\r\n 293,\r\n 498,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 760,\r\n 4439,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 393,\r\n 1797,\r\n 264,\r\n 30835,\r\n 412,\r\n 452,\r\n 3521,\r\n 370,\r\n 286,\r\n 393,\r\n 536,\r\n 689,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 4494,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": 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I'm so grateful that there are those here tonight who have chosen to be here when they could have been in other places.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 370,\r\n 7941,\r\n 300,\r\n 456,\r\n 366,\r\n 729,\r\n 510,\r\n 4440,\r\n 567,\r\n 362,\r\n 8614,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 510,\r\n 562,\r\n 436,\r\n 727,\r\n 362,\r\n 668,\r\n 294,\r\n 661,\r\n 3190,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09320599692208427,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6535087719298245,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01386789046227932\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 741,\r\n \"seek\": 378500,\r\n \"start\": 3799.0,\r\n \"end\": 3809.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I trust Father that a sharing of your Word tonight will inspire us to open the Word and to live by it and to be obedient to it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 286,\r\n 3361,\r\n 7085,\r\n 300,\r\n 257,\r\n 5414,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 8725,\r\n 4440,\r\n 486,\r\n 15638,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 1269,\r\n 264,\r\n 8725,\r\n 293,\r\n 281,\r\n 1621,\r\n 538,\r\n 309,\r\n 293,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 42541,\r\n 281,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09320599692208427,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6535087719298245,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01386789046227932\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 742,\r\n \"seek\": 378500,\r\n \"start\": 3810.0,\r\n \"end\": 3811.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Bless us now as we go our separate ways.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 21562,\r\n 505,\r\n 586,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 352,\r\n 527,\r\n 4994,\r\n 2098,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09320599692208427,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6535087719298245,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01386789046227932\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 743,\r\n \"seek\": 381100,\r\n \"start\": 3811.0,\r\n \"end\": 3813.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Keep us safe on the road as we travel.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 5527,\r\n 505,\r\n 3273,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 3060,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 3147,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0962834283709526,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.0705882352941176,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.18633201718330383\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 744,\r\n \"seek\": 381100,\r\n \"start\": 3814.0,\r\n \"end\": 3815.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Bring us back again safely.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 12842,\r\n 505,\r\n 646,\r\n 797,\r\n 11750,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0962834283709526,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.0705882352941176,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.18633201718330383\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 745,\r\n \"seek\": 381100,\r\n \"start\": 3816.0,\r\n \"end\": 3817.0,\r\n \"text\": \" In Christ we pray.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 682,\r\n 2040,\r\n 321,\r\n 3690,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0962834283709526,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.0705882352941176,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.18633201718330383\r\n 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