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"{\r\n \"text\": \" Well hello First Baptist Family. Glad to have you here this morning with us to join us in worship of our Lord Jesus Christ. And I hope some folks continue to trickle in here because this is a special moment that we're about to enjoy with one another. Can I tell you something? Can we give the Lord a little bit of praise today? Over the course of these past two Sundays, we will baptize four people. Yeah, so... God's moving in his church, amen. He's changing lives. He's turning things around for people. He is at work and I praise him for that. And I can tell you today, I'm one of those people, he's transformed and changed my life, amen. And so today, a couple of passages of Scripture come to mind as we're about to baptize Jackson Brickler here in just a moment. I'll call him down. But I'm thinking about Acts chapter 16. And if you'll remember, in Acts chapter 16, we are...find ourselves with Paul and Silas in a Philippian jail. And they are praying and singing praise to God in the middle of that jail that the Bible says. And all of a sudden, there came an earthquake and the doors were opened and the prisoners came out of there. And the guard was so scared that somebody had escaped that he was about to take his own life for fear of what the Romans were going to do to him. And Paul said, Paul shouted out with a loud voice, Stop! Don't harm yourself. And then we find this all important question that the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas. What must I do to be saved? And this was Paul's response. And this is the only response, by the way. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. Jackson Brickler comes to us today. He's done that very thing. He's trusted in Jesus Christ, it is Lord and Savior. I'll go ahead and call you down, Jackson. Last year at camp, the Lord moved in his life in a powerful way. And this year at camp, during one of our nightly worship services at the end of it, he had come to me and he said, You know, there's a decision I need to make that I've been putting off. He said, I believe the Lord saved me last year, but I haven't followed through with baptism. And I want to do that. And I said, well, amen, you want to get it right and you want to do this. He said, yes, I do. And so here he stands with us today in obedience to our Lord to be baptized. And so Jackson, let me ask you a question. Have you come to that place in your life where you've trusted in Christ and Christ alone to forgive you of your sins and to get you to heaven? If you have, say I have. I have. All right, amen. Then by the power invested me by this local New Testament church, I baptize you, my brother in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit. All right, let's continue in worship of our great leader today. Good morning. If you are physically able, would you stand and join us for all the people said amen? That song that I like because it's unifying. It doesn't matter which side of any fence that you are on. We have the same God. We worship and serve the same God. And all the people said amen. You're not the only we all say. In the emergency to be forgiven and be free. It's all you've got to lean on, but thank God it's all you need. And all the people said amen. And all the people said amen. Get back to the Lord. And all the people said amen. Well, it don't matter. We are strong. Your love is what we're after. We're all more. We're all in this together. From the midst of all and all. And peace along the world. He said his son said let's go. And all the people said amen. And all the people said amen. Get back to the Lord. For it's all that rests. And all the people said amen. And all the people said amen. And all the people said amen. And all the people said amen. And all the people said amen. Get back to the Lord. For it's all you've got to lean on. And all the people said amen. And all the people said amen. And all the people said amen. And all the people said amen. Get back to the Lord. For it's all you've got to lean on. And all the people said amen. And you made me see it. Give thanks to the Lord for His love and the rooms. Good morning church. Good morning. I would like to say hello to all of you in the auditorium this morning. Good looking crowd out there. You are welcome. We invite you to drop the connect portion of the bulletin into the offering plate later on if you have a prayer request or message that you'd like to pass along to our staff. The ushers will be picking those up a little bit later on in the service. Glad you're attending the service this morning. You are sincerely welcome in this place. 1 Peter 2, 17. Fear God in honor of the government. Your government. A couple of days ago we celebrated the establishing of the United States July 4th, 1776. Fireworks, parades, barbecues, they're all over now. But we the people should take a moment and reflect on the 56 dedicated men. 56 dedicated men who signed their name to that declaration. And then to the US Constitution 11 years later following the Revolutionary War. The document declared a new country based on life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. It was the one thing to raise your patriotic hand and yet another to sign your name for all to see. The framers recognized we could live free and independent only if each of us knew and understood the law. We were to know our rights, our privileges, and our limitations. We were to stand as equal before the court of law and judges were not to be unfair because they too were bound by the same law and required to try each case accordingly. As a Constitution is the highest law in the land, so the Bible is the highest law of God. It is in the Bible that God makes his enduring promises. It is in the Bible that God reveals the plan of redemption for the human race. We need to hit our knees for all he has given us. If a man or woman has a will to work and study, they can get ahead regardless of race, belief, or background. We all have an opportunity. In addition, thank God, he has given us the freedom of religion. Whether you may believe it or not, no one so far can close our church because the religion does not coincide with ours. Even a few people worshipping God as they believe, meeting in a small, out-of-the-way shack, have the same right to religious freedom as the people who worship God in the huge cathedrals on the avenues of our greatest cities. The Bible is the Constitution of Christianity, plus God's laws for the spiritual world we found there. The only place we can find a clear, unmistakable message is in the Word of God. The law of the Lord is perfect as our Lord is perfect. In 2 Timothy 3.16 it reads, All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God. And on this first Sunday of July, let us thank God for allowing us to live in the most free land that the world has ever known. May we stand against wrong that we see. May we remember the framers, 248 years ago, that stood for liberty and freedom. 56 men who risk their all, even their lives, for their family in this country. Let's pray. Father, each day, our nation, we the people, face many crises. May we seek wisdom through your Word. May we proclaim allegiance and dedication to you. Today, July 2024, we must stand up for what's right and condemn what's wrong. We must stand up and make a difference. May your name be praised. This morning, bless our speaker, Dr. James, today. Give him your words for us to hear. In Jesus' name, amen, and amen. God bless America. Well, I'm going to give us a chance to worship a little bit more. So again, if you are physically able, if you will stand with us, we're going to be singing today about our love for each other. Scripture commands us to love God with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength. And the second law is like it. Love your neighbor as yourselves. We are the first neighbors that we run into. Christians, amongst other Christians, people looking out at us, should see our love for each other before they'll buy into our love for them. So we're just going to celebrate that and song, remind each other that I love you and there's nothing you can do about it. And with this prayer we have meant to worship. And ah, Lord, ah, Lord, ah, Lord. Will you pray with all your power while we try to preach the word. All is free. And God's the Spirit of the Holy One comes down. Prayer and prayer, Holy Man, oh, we'll be shallered all around. Prayer and see for sinners while we're slumbering on the ring of war. Let this calling tell His moving. Can you bear to let them go? To your Father and your Father, I'm from human singing now. Prayer and prayer, Holy Man, oh, we'll be shallered all around. Let us now are glad to greet Him. Let us now each honor through. Let us now and pray for sinners till our godly calling is near. In the Father's arms and prayer, while His people will sit down, Christ will pray with compassion and God's will, sweet man, oh, all around. Love through Christ has brought us together, Belting our heart as one. By God's Spirit we all united, One through His presence come. We are one in the bond of love. Now, dear Lord, rejoin in worship. Thank you for all you've done. Thank you for this one you gave us. Thank you for giving us one. Let us sing now, everyone. Let us feel His love begun. Let us join our actual world with love. We are one in the bond of love. We are one in the bond of love. Thank you so much for this time of worship that you allow us to come into your house and be built up. Lord God, by your word, by the singing of it, by the preaching of it, and Lord, as we come to a time of prayer now, Lord God, I pray that your Holy Spirit would do a work among us here this morning. Continue to do it, Lord God. Do a work that we can't do. Lord, men cannot do what you do. Only you can change hearts. Only you can illuminate the truth of your word to us, Lord God. And only you can make a soul born again. And so Lord, I pray that you would just move among us. May your will be done in our hearts and in our lives. And Lord God, I pray very specifically for our church during this period of transition that you'd continue to give us wisdom and that you would continue to lead us into the place that you want us to be, Lord God. Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of your family. And we pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. Just a couple of announcements that I'd like to give to you just by way of reminder. Choir practice tonight at 4.30. And please join us for our evening worship service at 6 o'clock. Brother Mike James is going to be back with us again. Isn't that right, brother? Amen. And we're glad and very delighted to have him here with us this morning. I'll introduce him here a bit later. Also on Wednesdays we have our Bible study at 9.15 a.m. in room 114. And so if you'd be interested in that, come join us. We'd be glad to have you for that Bible study. Also our Operation Christmas Child, our year-round collection is in place right now. And you'll see here in your bulletin the things that they are looking for to put in the shoeboxes. And we greatly appreciate that ministry because it sends the gospel all over the world. And so please be praying for that and give as the Lord may direct you to. Also there is a women's summer Bible study that is coming up. It's going to be a six-week study studying the story of Rahab as you see there in your bulletin. So Miss Rebecca Hopkins, excuse me, is going to be leading that and her phone number is there. It's going to be on Saturday mornings at 9 a.m. August 3rd through September the 7th. So please sign up for that. They're in the welcome center for all of you ladies who would like to be a part of that. A couple of other things to make mention of and to put in your calendar is the music and drama camp that's coming up. When does that officially kick off, Miss Jackie? It kicks off on July 29th through August 3rd. That's full camp. And then the performance is Sunday night, August 11th. Thank you so much. So please keep that in mind and put that on your calendar. Also please, as always, pray for our pastor search committee. It is very important that you and I be on our knees seeking the face of God and praying that his will would be done in our church. The Bible says we have not because we ask not. We don't want to be guilty of that, do we? We don't want to be guilty of not asking. So let us get on the same page as the Lord about this matter. I think Miss Connie Newtini has an announcement to make on behalf of the pastor search committee speaking of that. So I'll call you forward right now, Miss Connie. Good morning. I am here to give you an update from the pastor search committee. Our committee met on June 27th. Dr. Charles Frazier from the Northern Kentucky Baptist Association came to give us direction and support on how to proceed with our search. The first statement Dr. Frazier said to us was, God has a plan. God has a man. That statement has stuck with me during this past week, and I keep reciting this over and over to keep me focused on exactly that. God has a plan for First Baptist Church Coltsbury. As Doug mentioned last Sunday morning, for us to seek a new pastor, we would appreciate your input through a questionnaire. This questionnaire is in your today's bulletin, and we are asking you to fill it out and return it to us by next Sunday, July 14th. You can drop it off in the offering plate at the desk in the welcome center or to any of us on the committee. It is this lovely piece of purple paper in your bulletin. After we gather all that information, we will submit our report and findings at our next business meeting. In addition to helping with the questionnaire, there are many ways you can support the committee during this process. I would like to share three ways you can pray throughout our church search for a pastor. One, pray for our church. A season without a pastor is one of the most important seasons in the life of a church. During this time, pray that our church will remain humble and unified. Pray that we be patient and wait on God's perfect timing. Pray that we be productive, recognizing that our church is still a church, even without a pastor. Pray for faithfulness, recognizing that the Great Commission still applies even without a pastor. Pray for your search committee. The pastor search committee has been entrusted with the responsibility to identify the man that God is calling to be our next pastor. This is not an easy job. Pray that we would be unified and practice godly wisdom and discernment. Pray for our next pastor. While we may not know the identity of our next pastor, God does. And you can rest assured that the Lord can respond to any prayer uttered on behalf of our next pastor. As we pray for our next pastor, pray that God will give him a deep love for our church and community. Pray that the Lord will give him a strong desire to teach and preach the whole counsel of God and to fill the other biblical roles of a shepherd. I will end with my opening statement. God has a plan. God has a man. Thank you for your prayers, understanding and patience as we move forward in our search. Thank you. Oh, sorry, it's over here. I apologize. I have one other announcement that I know that somebody asked us to highlight and I didn't have a chance to get with Colin because he was busy doing baptism. And so I think he gets a pass and I get a pass. But the Tony Gross concert is coming up on this Friday. So the momentum Sunday School class invites everyone to the God bless America concert this Friday here in the sanctuary. Tony Gross will be playing Christian and patriotic songs as we celebrate God and country. The concert will be at 7pm and invite eight and a love offering will be taken. So please be sure to invite others to come to this wonderful event. And now the choir is going to sing a rousing anthem and it is it's a lot of fun to sing. It's a lot of fun to listen to. But I don't want you to lose everything. Every verse talks to this thing that I was telling you about loving one another and us being the hands and feet of Jesus. So one of the verses says Lord remove our vision to be Christ where we live to reach out in mercy to the lost for each cup of kindness to the least in our midst is an offering of worship to the throne. Every kindness that you perform in the name of Jesus is an act of worship and it is as if you are doing it to him. And so the choir is going to sing about that. Here is the liaison. I say liaison, I verse you. I say liaison, I verse you. I come in for you with the means of our world. We have bestowed failures at our sin. For our pains are many and our freedom. And the fires of compassion comes again. Here is liaison, I verse you. And we love our God with our heart and time and strength. And we love our neighbors as ourselves. And as more of a new generation of us and a glory of Christ will be revealed. Here is liaison, I verse you. In the name of Lord ever seen, please stay and worship. Christ never seen, Christ never seen. Never was so happy ever seen. For renew our vision to the Christ where we fit, to reach out Him, receive to the cause. For each of our kindness to the least in our midst is an honorary aversion to the Lord. Christ never seen, Christ never seen. In the name of Lord ever seen, in the name of Lord ever seen. And one more chance for you to worship with us as we sing this song called, Sorry, By Our Love, which is another beautiful song. It played during the countdown clock and I've been teaching the Wednesday and Sunday night crowds. So again, if you want to know these new songs, I have opportunities for you. If you want to come to Wednesday or Sunday night, would you stay and join us please. We will come reaching out from our comforts and they will know us by our love. Sisters, we were made for kindness. We can hear the darkness as He shines through us. We will come reaching with the song of healing and they will know us by our love. And time is now, come to our choice, love with His hands. See with His eyes, I will around you, let it never leave you and they will know us by our love. Children, you are all for justice. Center in the truth now, set your hearts on hold. You will be reaching long after we're gone and they will know you by your love. Time is now, come to our choice, love with His hands. See with His eyes, I will around you, let it never leave you and they will know us by our love. And time is now, come to our choice, love with His hands. See with His eyes, I will around you, let it never leave you and they will know us by our love. Jesus said, you will know, they will know that you are my disciples by the way that you love one another. Amen. Well I have the wonderful privilege of introducing our guest preacher today and I got to listen to him this morning at our 8.15 service and was supremely blessed. And so we are so very thankful and blessed to have Dr. Mike James with us here today. And he is the associate pastor at Porter Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky. And brother Mike has been a part of Baptist life for many years now and he has led numerous conferences, discipleship, Sunday school conferences, church growth conferences, participated in many revivals. And he's even co-authored a couple of books which you'll see there in your bulletin. And so we're just very blessed to have you brother Mike. Come on up here. And you know something? I knew I liked this guy from the moment I seen him. We're brother here. He was in jacket too. Something else to know about brother Mike. As soon as he came in he saw Miss Deb Whitaker's 1940's model guitar and he said, oh I like that. And he started picking some Merle Travis style thumb picking on that guitar. And you know that hits close to home because I'm a western Kentucky boy. And that thumb style of guitar picking in Muhlenburg County and Butler County. Hey, that's right up my alley brother. Well, come on up here and may I pray over you and you bring us the word of God. Lord, thank you for brother Mike. Thank you for giving him traveling mercies. And thank you for his willingness to come and bring the word of God to us today here. May we have hearts to hear what you have to say to us through him today. Give him unction of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. Amen. Well, thank you Colin so much. That was a very gracious introduction. If you have a copy of that I'd like to give that to my wife. So, so good. Thank you Jackie and worship leaders and musicians. It's a joy to be with you. I really enjoy the 815 worship. I bring you greetings from Porter Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington where I serve part time as well as Versailles, Kentucky. I live in Versailles. Some of you know where Versailles is. I don't know if you've heard this before but there were two guys in Versailles at a little fast food place eating and one of the guys said, you know, I think they pronounce this Versailles. And the other guy said, no, no, I think it's Versailles. And the other guy said, no, I think they pronounce it just like they do in pairs. I think they call this place Versailles. Well, they argued for about 20 minutes. Finally they called a little waitress over there and said, ma'am, come here. How do you pronounce the name of this place? And she said Burger King. It is Versailles, by the way, but it's a joy to be with you this morning and I really enjoyed meeting many of you today and it's great to be in God's house, amen. You know, at my age I'm glad to be anywhere, you know. I told the 815 worship, I don't even buy green bananas anymore. Why take the chance, you know? But I heard about a pastor that was at the door greeting people as they were, people were exiting. This little 7-year-old boy shook the pastor's hand and said, Pastor, you know what I want to do when I grow up? And the pastor said, what? He said, I'm going to get a really good job. And the pastor said, well, that's good, you're going to get a really good job. Then what? He said, well, pastor, I'm going to make a lot of money, a lot of money. And the pastor said, well, that's good, you're going to grow up and get a good job and make a lot of money. Then what are you going to do? And the little 7-year-old boy looked up at the pastor and said, well, then I'm going to give all that money to you, pastor. And the pastor said, you're going to grow up, get a good job, make a lot of money and give it to me. Why would you do that? And the little boy said, because mama said, you're the poorest preacher we ever had. So, oh my, by the way, Colin writes all my jokes, so if you don't like them, you can talk to him. But it's great to be with you and to serve and to bless. I know you are in transition. A lot of churches go through this. It's a natural thing. Let me tell you six things I would challenge you to do during this transition. Number one, stay faithful in your attendance. Number two, stay faithful in your giving. Number three, stay faithful in your service, whatever your job is here at First Baptist. Number four, and this is really important, pray. Number five, and this is really important, pray some more. And number six, this is the most important thing. Don't forget to pray. Pray for your committee. Pray for your leaders. And you know, as a pastor, pastors really get excited when they see churches that are doing good things and growing. And just as one of your committee persons shared, you want to attract a pastor, show some growth during this interim time. Amen? You've baptized some people today. That's a great sign. Keep doing it. And I sure will be praying for the Lord to guide and bless you as you do that. You know, I ask a lot of questions. I'm not afraid of questions. As a matter of fact, I kind of like to ask questions. I don't like to do something just because it's always been done. I like to think about how can we do this better? You know, someone said the seven last words of the church were, we've never done it this way before. But I'm not sure that's true. It is sometimes. Scientists are really good. You think about asking questions like, what's the process here? How does this work? You know, what's really brilliant is not the answer. What's really brilliant is asking the right questions. Sometimes we can't figure something out because we're asking the wrong questions. In high school, in college, in graduate school, I was a kid who always had a question. Always had a question at the end of class. Always. When I was in seminary, my new Testament professor finally just started staying out in the hallway waiting for me to come because he knew that James Kidd is going to have a question. But to be honest, I learned as much in the hallway asking my professor questions as I probably did in class. Well, today in our scripture, we're going to look at a lawyer who asked Jesus a question. It was a very important question for churches and for us. And Jesus answered his question with a question. And the question is, who is my neighbor? You know this story well. It's in Luke 10, verses 25 through 37. If you don't mind standing in honor of God's Word, let me read it to you. And you listen to it, even though you know this text, listen to it with fresh ears and to what God might be saying to you today. Beginning with verse 25 of chapter 10 of the Gospel of Luke. And a lawyer stood up and put him to the test saying, Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? First off, that's not a good question. It's not what I do. It's what Jesus did. But we'll get there in a minute. Verse 26. And Jesus said to him, what is written in the law? How does it read to you? And he answered, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself. And he said to him, you have answered correctly, do this and you will live. But wishing to justify himself, he said to Jesus, and who is my neighbor? Jesus replied and said, a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers and they stripped him and beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. And by chance, a priest was going down on that road and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. Likewise, a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan who was on a journey came upon him and when he saw him, he felt compassion and came to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them and put him on his own beast and brought him to the inn and took care of him. And on the next day, he took out two to that ride and gave them to the innkeeper and said, take care of him and whatever more you spend, when I return, I will repay you. Kind of gave him his credit card in essence. Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell in the robbers' hands? And he said, the one who showed mercy toward him, then Jesus said to him, you go and do likewise. Father God, I pray that you would give us some fresh understanding from this passage of Scripture in your holy Word and I ask this in Jesus' name, amen. Thank you, you can be seated. In the words of that great American theologian, Jerry Reed, we have a long way to go and a short time to get there, so hang with me as we look at this text. You know, every person today that we meet has a burden or has a herd. That's why I think the greatest need in our world today is for the people of God, that you and I who know Jesus, to get on fire for the Lord and the fuel for that fire is God's love in us spilling out to other people. Now before we see the answer that Jesus gave, let me ask you that same question. Who's your neighbor? Do you know them? Have you invited them to your church? Have you shared Christ with them? In your neighbor's lost their jobs or any of your neighbors going through a time of difficulty, maybe sickness or job loss or whatever? Was Jesus trying to trick this lawyer with a riddle that he couldn't answer? Or was Jesus trying to enlarge his vision, his circle of love for people? I believe that Jesus wanted this man and he wants us too to draw larger circles of love. You know this statistic, but 80% of churches in America are stagnant or declining. Only one in five churches in America are showing any statistical growth. There's a lot of reasons for that. I believe this is one reason that you and I have such small circles. We are not enlarging our circle to share and have more gospel conversations with more people. You know in the Bible, one of the major themes is love. And the scriptures that speak about love can be grouped into three areas. I call it 3D love. Number one is God's love for us. Aren't you glad that God loves you today? John 3.16, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. I am so glad today that God loves me and God loves you too today. Someone said this great quote that says, they said, there's nothing you can do to make God love you more and there's nothing you can do to make God love you less. You see, he does not love us because we're valuable. You and I are valuable because God loves us. So number one is God's love for us. Number two is our love for God. We see this in Luke 10.25. You should love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength, and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself. Our love for God, that is so important. But thirdly is what we're going to talk about today. It's God's love in us for other people. Matthew 22.39 as well as here in Luke 10.27. Love your neighbor as yourself. It's this third area of love that we're looking at today. This lawyer had made his circle of love really, really small. And he didn't like Jesus pushing the limits of that love. By the way, let me tell you, the closer you get to Jesus, the more he will push you out of your small circle. The more he will stretch you to step out on faith and do things for him that you thought impossible, but God can equip you to do. You know, all of us here in this room today have four circles of friendships. And each one of these are natural places or networks where we can share with people about Christ, have some gospel conversations. Number one is biological, our relatives and family. Now this is easy in Tennessee because they marry their first cousins, but we're not going to go there. I'm kidding, I served in Tennessee twice, but biological are all your family's saved? Your kids, your grandkids, your nieces, your nephews, your cousins, you have that network. Secondly is geographical, where we live, our neighborhood or apartment or dorm. And the third area is vocational, where we work, where we go to school. That network of friends that we have there. And then fourthly is recreational, where we play, where we go shop. We're told that the average person knows about 80 people fairly well, 80 people. So a church that might be running 100, they have the potential of 8,000, right? Now I know some of those maybe know the same people, but your networks of people really is the potential for your church. I hope you're using all four of those circles of influence to introduce people to your best friend, Jesus Christ. This parable shows us three types of people with three totally different attitudes toward other people. One of these is you. So all of us are in this story, so you decide which one of these characters best reflects you today. Put yourself in the story. I've noticed that some people beat people up. Have you noticed that in our world today? Would you make a fist for me? Come on, let me see. Oh man, some of you are boxers, right? Some people just like to beat people up. If you're down and out, they will not step over you. They're probably stepped right on you and do it with a smile. If you're sick, they will not visit you or send a card. If you're facing difficulties, they'll rejoice and say, well, I knew that was going to happen to him. I knew that was going to happen to her. They have no love and no empathy for people going through pain and problems. Sometimes they're actually the cause of our pain and problems. They take what they want and if you don't give it to them, they will beat you up just like these robbers did. Sometimes they beat people up by their words. We call that verbal abuse. You know, words can really hurt. Did you grow up with this little rhyme? Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me. Let me tell you, that is an absolute lie. If I talked to some of you in your 50s and 60s and 70s, and I said, hey, can you remember back when you were in high school or elementary school or middle school when someone said something really ugly to you and you would remember? Words do hurt. They carry meaning. We often beat people up with our harsh judgmental words. Let me tell you something. If you're on Facebook or other social media, watch your words. People say things on social media they would never say in person. Listen, church, if you can't say it directly to a person's face, don't post it. I've seen so many Christians lose their witness by posting ungodly, terrible stuff on Facebook. Usually when I'm getting married, the other day I wrote something out, I was mad about something. I wrote something out, I was going to post on Facebook and I read it to my wife. She said, I don't think I would post that. You know, sometimes I listen to my wife and sometimes I don't. I've just been married 50 years, so I'm new at this. I thought, no, I won't, so I didn't. But seriously, be careful what you post. This man was beat up. He was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. That distance is about 17 miles and it descends 3,000 feet. Thus he was going down. In 2019 I had the joy of traveling with a group of folks from our church and visited the Holy Land. And we actually came down that same path. It is still very curvy and treacherous. You know, this guy was innocent. He hadn't done anything to these robbers. I'm sure he didn't even know them. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It happens every day. In our state, in this county, it happens every day. Someone is robbed at gunpoint and beat up. Why did these guys do that? You know, maybe they were on drugs. I don't know, maybe they were. They needed more money to fill that habit. I don't know about drugs that cause people to do such unbelievable things. When I was a pastor, I had one of our missionaries who worked in inner city New York, come and share with my church. And he told the story about a lady that they were aware of in inner city New York that sold her baby for money in order to buy drugs. Can you believe that a mother's love for their child was lessen because of her drug addiction? It's unbelievable that a person could do that. Let me tell you something. Anything that has control over you outside of the Lord is not only a bad habit. Let's say what it is. It's an idol. Idolatry is loving anything or anyone more than you love God. That could be a relationship. That could be some of your stuff, what you own, your bank account. It could be a habit. It could be a sin. So what are your thoughts about these bad guys? Well, they need to catch them. Arrest them. You do the crime. You serve the time. Justice. But you know, somewhere back in their lives, somebody failed to teach them right from wrong that you work an honest day's job to earn an honest day's pay. There are other ways of getting clothes and money besides beating someone up. And as the scripture says here, leaving them for half dead. That's the only time in scripture that phrase appears. I thought about this a lot. I don't think half dead is a good thing. Okay? You know, somebody comes up to you this morning and says, well, how are you doing? Well, I'm about half dead. How are you? I'm just a third dead. Well, you're doing a lot better than me, brother. That's not a good thing. Sad to say, but there are many people in our world today who beat people up. Maybe you've been the one who has abused someone verbally or physically. Or maybe you've been the one who was beat up. Maybe in your family, for some reason, you're harsh. You're critical. You're beating up your family with your mean attitude and spirit. If so, you need to repent of that sin today. Maybe you're the boss at work and you're a costic to your employees. You're really hard to get along with. You're hard to work with. Let me tell you folks, that's not only bad for your business. That is a terrible witness for Christ. Listen, church, this week, even today, you will have some divine encounters where you will run into someone that needs maybe a word of help. Maybe to pray with them, to encourage with them, to share the gospel. I came up from Vercil's this morning and I left really early to get here because I don't like to be late. And so I stopped at Cracker Barrel actually to put on my tie. I said, okay, and I didn't have time to eat or I would have got some sausage and biscuits. But anyway, so I went in the restaurant and put on my tie. A young man came in and he looked at me and he said, how did you learn to tie your tie? And I said, well, I've been doing this for a long, long time and it's really not hard. I said, you know, you get on Google or Facebook, you can find instructions. And he said, well, I've got a new job and I'm going to have to wear a tie every day. I said, well, good for you. Bless you. And I said, do you live around here? He said, yeah, I do. And I said, you know, I'm preaching it. By the way, I don't usually share in men's restrooms with someone. Okay. And but no one was in there for us and we were at the door going to leave. And I said, well, I'm preaching that at First Bed of Cold Springs and just share something about that. I said, do you know the Lord? Do you go to church? And he gave me a little bit and he said he had recently really kind of recommitted his life and but was still looking for a church somewhat. So I encouraged him. I said, well, brother, here's the thing. The most important thing is you put your full trust and faith in Jesus Christ alone. And he said, well, I appreciate that. And I wished him God's blessing and then I left the restroom. But anyway, God does that all the time. If we'll be alert to the Holy Spirit, we will have chances to share and encourage people every day. Last Sunday, my wife and I were at a restaurant in Georgetown, Kentucky. And the lady that waited on us was a nice lady. We go there quite often. We didn't know her by name, but we recognized her. And she came to our table and brought our food and we just said, well, how's it going? And with a very depressed look, she said, well, not too good. She said, people today have been so rude. You know who she was talking about? Church people. Waiters and waitresses tell me the worst day they hate to work is Sunday because Christians are cheap and they're rude. Friends, we need to change that. And she looked so hurt. And my wife, who's very sensitive to the Holy Spirit after she left our table, I'd already tipped them on my credit card. She said, I want to give her some money. So she handed me a bill to give her. My wife has more money than me, so that's good. But anyway, so later she came back around our table. And we said, come here for a minute. And I said, we're sorry you've had such a bad day. We're praying for you and just hope you have a better day. And I said, I've already done the tip. This is for you. She took that bill and tears welled up in her eyes. She said, you don't know what this means to me. I'm telling you folks, if we will open our eyes and be awake, God will give us all kinds of opportunities to encourage someone, to bless someone. So there's a lot of people today who just beat people up. But I'm thankful in this passage, we see another thing that is a problem. Sometimes people pass people up. They pass. Would you just wave at me for a minute? I'm not leaving, but yet, they wave at me. They pass people up. The first to pass this man up was a priest in verse 31. Now the priest was a very important person, top of the social ladder, well loved, respected in the community. Yet for all his importance, maybe because of his importance, he refused to help the man on the side of the road and passed by on the other side. The second guy was a Levite, verse 32. He says, likewise a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him passed by on the other side. The Levite was kind of like a junior priest. He had some religious duties. He carried some weight, but he was lower on the social totem pole. Now in the Greek, Jesus described the reaction of the Levite, slightly different in terms of the reaction of the priest. He says the Levite came and saw him. KJV translates that. Maybe he paused and looked for a moment at this poor guy who needed help. Maybe he looked over and thought, man, that guy, he really looks like he needs someone to help him. He may die. Maybe he lingered for a moment, but he still passed by on the other side. They both refused to get involved. They may have had concern, but it didn't do any good because they never stopped to help. Listen, church, let me tell you something. Good intentions never helped anybody. Never fed a hungry person. Never invited someone to church. Never volunteered for a ministry at your church. Never clothed a family. Never shared the gospel. Years ago, I was serving a church in Lexington, and my wife and I gathered some clothing and stuff that I took to, like a recycling dumpster type thing. I was getting some shoes out and clothes and land them to put in this dumpster. An old station wagon came up with a lady and a bunch of kids in it, kind of a beat up station wagon. The lady got out, and I remember she was looking at some of the stuff, and evidently it fit her or some of her family, and she started taking that stuff I was putting in this receptacle. All of a sudden, a thought came in my mind that I believe came from the Holy Spirit. Right across from where this was was a McDonald's, and the thought came to me, Mike, tell this lady when she gets through to meet me at McDonald's with her kids, and buy all those kids a happy meal. Isn't that a good thing? Wasn't that a good idea I had? You know what I did? I got in my car, and I drove away. I can't tell you how many times that I drove by that same place, hoping to see that lady with those kids in that car so I could do what I should have done when the Lord spoke to me by a McDonald's meal. I missed blessing someone, and to be honest, I personally missed a great blessing. Let me ask you, have you ever done that? Have you ever seen a need, and the Lord just spoke to you? Make that phone call. Take that person out for coffee. Share Christ with that neighbor. And you had good intentions, but you didn't do it. Let me tell you something, good intentions never helped anyone. My mom passed away in 2013. She was 91 and a half. And when she was in her 80s, my sister and I were doing caregiving, and I had bought my mom a car, I actually gave her a used car that I had that she loved to drive, and she got at the age she couldn't drive or shouldn't drive. And so without her knowing, I unhooked the battery cables, because I was afraid she might find the key and thought, I'm going to drive to town, and that would not have been a good thing. But one really hot summer day, I was staying with her on a Saturday, and I said, Mom, would you like to take a ride in your old car? She said, I would love it. So without her knowing, I went out, hooked up the jumper cables. It was a really hot day, I remember, and got her in the car, and I'm from Stanford, Kentucky, Lincoln County. And so we drove to town and hit the main stoplight, and wouldn't you know it, the car died. So I'm thinking, here I am with my mom, and she's old, and I know this heat will be bad. So we were sitting there, and I put the hood up on the car, hoping someone would stop and help me. And while I was waiting and sweating, there were some really nice cars. They had their windows rolled up, their air conditioning must have been working really well. They were comfortable, and they passed, and some of them waved by. And finally, I remember a guy and his wife in a pickup truck and their daughter pulled up, and he said, are you having problems? I said, yeah, my car died, I don't have any jumper cables. I've got some, and in about three minutes, he had my car going. And I said, sir, thank you so much. Let me pay you for your generosity and what you've just done. And he said to me, no, no, no, no, I don't want anything. Just one thing, if you will, if you see me broken down by the side of the road, you stop and help me. I don't know if that guy was a Christian or not, but let me tell you what, he was a good Samaritan to me by doing that, and it made a difference in my life. Do you pass people up? People who need your witness, your prayers, your encouragement? You know, maybe these religious guys thought, well, he's to blame because everyone knows this is a dangerous road to travel and he should have known better than to travel this road by himself. Haven't you ever wanted to say to someone, well, you made your own mess, now just sit in it. Everyone told you she was not who you should go out with, but you wouldn't listen. We told you that kind of thing, but listen, we told you that car was nice, but you really can't afford it at this time, but you saw it, you wanted it, you bought it. What causes us to ignore people who have a need and turn our backs and walk away? Let me give you four reasons that I think affect us today. Number one is just our busyness, our busyness. We have other things to do. The priests and the Levite were very religious and they were very busy people. Have you noticed that what is most important gets crowded out by things that are least important? Let me say, if you can simplify your life in any way, you should do it. Because often we don't take that pie across the street for that new neighbor that moved in because we don't have time. We got to do something else. I tell you to be honest with me, sometimes because we're at church all the time. Praise God for that faithfulness, but let me challenge you. Some of you here today I know are wearing three or four hats in your church. You're doing a lot of stuff. Why not find someone who's not wearing a hat, doesn't have a leadership position, and train them to do one of the jobs that you're doing? That way you increase your leadership and you don't burn out. I know you've heard the poem before. Mary had a little lamb who would have been a sheep, but joined a local Baptist church and died from lack of sleep. So, you know, sometimes that's our problem. We're too busy. Let me tell you, God is not impressed with our busyness. That doesn't impress him. I'm really convicted because in Scripture you will not find where Jesus rushed anywhere. Now, he was very intentional and sometimes the disciples said, hey, let's slow down here a little bit. He knew what he had to do in going to the cross and he did it, but he didn't rush. Listen, sometimes you need to say no to some things so you can say yes to some better things. Busyness also crowds out our time with God. Someone said, if you're too busy to spend time with God, let me tell you, you are too busy. Church has your quiet time as been. What did you read this last week in Scripture? What's God been trying to teach you in your quiet time before him? So busyness. Secondly, it's apathy. You've heard the quote before, people don't care how much we know until they know how much we care. That really is true. We're so occupied with our own personal agendas and responsibilities that we don't even have the desire to help someone. You know, the opposite of apathy is empathy, where I'm concerned about you and I want to help you. You see, compassion begins with identification. This priest and this Levite just didn't connect or identify with this guy laying beside the road half dead. I have a niece that teaches kindergarten. She has for about 34 years now and she told me once about one of her kindergarten little girls that had an eye problem and was going to have to have surgery. And so she had to wear an eye patch to class. Well, you know, being a kindergarten, that was very embarrassing for this little girl. And she was very conscious of the fact she looked different, had an eye patch on. So my niece went to the dollar store that night and bought all the eye patches the store had. She came in the class the next day wearing this eye patch and she passed them out for all of her class to put on these eye patches. It looked like a pirate convention is what it looked like, you know. So they did that and she told her class she was passing out magic patches for the day. So we could all see only good things. She said with this magic eye patch on Miss Hannah can only see students being good. Isn't that great? You see, compassion begins with identifying with people. Let me tell you the most important thing I'm going to tell you today. Jesus, even though he had no sin, sinless Jesus identified with sinners. I'm glad for that. You know why? Because I'm a sinner. And so are you. The Bible says in Romans 3, 2, 3, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Jesus identified with sinners yet he had no sin. You may not have lost your job or maybe you're not going through grief, but you ought to identify with those who need your help. Thirdly is legalism. You know, what if we try to help this guy and he gets worse or he dies on the way to the hospital? You know, we might be sued. This lawyer was legalistic because he didn't want to help anyone outside his little circle. You know, if I don't get credit for it, I don't want to help. If no one sees me doing this act of kindness, check me out. If I can't pass out my business card, I'm not going to help. Maybe the priest thought this beat up guy was unclean so we can't touch him. What if someone comes by and they see us touching someone who's unclean? That might hurt our reputation. You know, your reputation is what other people see, but let me tell you, your character is what God sees. What's on the inside? What's on your heart? I may know you by your reputation, but let me tell you something. God knows everyone in this room by our heart. He sees exactly who we are. Jesus isn't concerned about your reputation. He's concerned about your character, who you really are on the inside. Jesus wasn't concerned with the traditions of men. He healed on the Sabbath. He got in a lot of trouble because he broke some of the laws. Fourthly is spiritual blindness. It's not that we don't see needs sometimes. We just refuse to help. Again, we may have good intentions, but we do nothing with it. John 4.35, Jesus said, Do you not say there are yet four months and then comes the harvest? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look. The fields are white with harvest. Listen, people are lost. People, they are hurt. And sometimes we as believers just keep walking by. We don't see or feel the way Jesus did about people. Let me tell you a dangerous prayer to pray every day. Lord, today help me to see people through your eyes, not my eyes. Help me to see my spouse through your eyes. Help me to see my grandkids, my children through your eyes. My classmates, people I work with, if you do that you will see people differently than you do now. I've served with the Kentucky Baptist Convention and served churches for the last 52 years or so. And I've noticed something. Churches and people who are healthy and growing spiritually always are outward focused and not inward focused. They lift up their eyes and they see beyond themselves. They notice people around them and they draw big circles of love for people. Yes, we need to meet the needs of people inside this building, but what about people that have never heard the gospel that lived within 500 yards of this church? You see, if our circles of concern are really small, we won't even get outside this building. Now here's the interesting thing about these two religious guys who missed this opportunity. The Bible says they were going down from Jerusalem. That probably meant they had been at the temple. They had probably been to Hebrew Sunday school. They had been to worship and they were coming from worship. Let me tell you, church, if we leave here week after week and we don't do a better job at seeing the needs of people and sharing the good news of Christ, we are as guilty as those robbers are. We are not going to be passing people up. So some people beat people up. Some people pass people up, but praise God, there are still some people who pick people up. Why don't you shake hands with the neighbor beside you? Will you do that? Just shake their hand. You might wake them up. Who knows, okay? Yes. Pick people up. It says in verse 33 that a Samaritan came by. Now the Samaritans were at the bottom of the social line. And this Jews hated Samaritans. They thought they were half-breeds. They wouldn't even go through Samaria. They would want to go around us. Now listen, when Jesus told this story, we don't get this culturally because we're 2,000 years from the text. When Jesus used the Samaritan as the hero of this story, everybody went, oh! I mean, it blew them away. It would be like me telling you some story and a University of Louisville fan was the hero. You know, I'm... Well, you get it. Okay, that's good. You get it. But it shocked people when he did this. You see, this man in need interrupted the Samaritan's schedule. I'm sure the Samaritan didn't plan that day to help someone who was dying. Look at it verse 34 and 35. It says, And he came to him and bandaged up his wombs, pouring oil and wine on them. And he put him on his own beast, probably a donkey, and brought him in and took care of him. On the next day, he took out two, the narrow eye, and gave it to the innkeeper and said, take care of him. And whatever more you spend, when I return, I will repay you. You see, folks, how you and I respond to the needs of people really shows, really shows our true heart and our love for Christ. Jesus used this story to show us what attitude was acceptable to him. And if we're honest, we often find ourselves acting just like the lawyer. And Lord, show me exactly who my neighbor is so that I don't help someone outside my circle. God forbid me if... Oh, if I'm too generous. God forbid me if I'm too concerned too loving, too Christ-like. Now think about these different attitudes that these guys had toward the womb demand. To the lawyer, this womb demand was a subject of discussion. He really was a theological issue. You know, we talk about the world needs Christ and our theology while we never share their gospel and people all around us are dying and going to hell because we've not shared. To the robbers, the womb did gather the womb did gather with someone to exploit, to use, to steal from. To the two religious guys, the womb did man was a problem to be avoided. To the innkeeper, I guess this womb did gather was a customer to serve for a price. But listen to me, to the Samaritan, this womb did man was a person made by God with worth, with value, who needed somebody to stop and help. But listen, church, to Jesus, all of them were worth dying for, even the robbers. You see in this story, the Samaritan was extremely generous. Let me tell you something. Generosity, inspired by God, does more than just cook the meal. It lights the candles and serves the meal. Praise God's blessing on every person around the table. And then after the meal, it clears the table and washes the dishes. You see, if we really desire to win the world of Christ, we'll get out of our little comfort zones and we'll be salt, we'll be light to people we meet. Let me tell you, when you see a need or a job to do for the Lord, go overboard. How do I mean do it with joy? Do it with enthusiasm for Christ. That's what we see here in the Good Samaritan. The Samaritan in verse 33 says, he felt compassion. The Greek word for compassion carries this idea of an inward stirring of the heart to feel someone's pain, to have compassion like Jesus means to feel with those who are broken and hurting and lost. You and I must identify with and meet the needs of people who are hurting and beat up and passed over with the love of Christ and the gospel and pick people up. Now verse 36 and 37, as we get ready to conclude the most important verses, listen to it again. Jesus said, which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers' hands? And he said, well, the one who showed mercy toward him, then Jesus said to him, go and do the same. You show mercy. You show kindness. You show love to that waitress or waiter this afternoon or that person you work with. You go and you give comfort to hurting people. Put your arm around their shoulder of someone who's about ready to quit and encourage them in Christ. You be that good neighbor. You be the encouragement at work and at home. So let's go back to the original question. Who is my neighbor? Anyone who has a need and folks, there are lots of needs all around us if we will just open our eyes. So what size is your circle of love for people this morning, church? This week, even today, you will choose to beat someone up or you will choose to pass someone up or I pray you will choose to pick someone up. Allow the Lord to use you as an instrument of His love and grace. Who's your neighbor? Anyone you meet today or tomorrow that's lost and that needs some help. Let me end with a story about a guy who loved beating people up. His name was Robert, but I grew up knowing him as Evil Caneval. And you younger people under 40 just go home and Google it, okay? Evil Caneval was a world-renowned daredevil. He took his motorcycle and tried to jump over the Grand Canyon and jumped over. Did all kinds of stuff like that on TV, very famous. He cheated death so many times. He was a wild guy. He chased women. He gambled away his enormous wealth. He escaped through alcohol. He had an explosive temper once in a bar. He took a baton and hit someone and had to go to jail for us for that incident. God was simply an irrelevant, non-essential. He didn't care about God a bit, but something changed dramatically a year before he died on November 30, 2007, at the age of 69. Caneval all of a sudden, since God's saying to him, Robert, I've rescued you more times than you ever know. Now I want you to come to me through my son, Jesus. He sought guidance from a Christian friend, and that Christian friend gave him the case for Christ, which is a great book to read, by the way. Evil Caneval explained that he said, all of a sudden, I just believed in Jesus Christ. I got on my knees and prayed that God would put his arms around me and never, ever, ever let me go. It was the beginning of an amazing transformation. His priorities took an about face, and he couldn't get enough of God. When he was baptized, he shared his testimony, his conversion story to a real large church out west, and his test one was so impactful, 700 people came forward and made decisions in their two worship services. You know what he said? He says his only regret was he didn't surrender his life to Christ when he was younger. Before this unlikely Christian died of lung cancer several months later, he left instructions for his tombstone. Rather than scripting words about all the daring defeats he had done and how successful he was all of his life, instead of that, Evil Caneval wanted his tombstone to be a witness for Christ. Four words are on Evil Caneval's tombstone. Believe in Jesus Christ. Believe in Jesus Christ. What do you want on your tombstone? He was so busy he passed people up. She enjoyed beating people up. He was too busy to help others, or he or she took the time and picked people up. You want to be like Jesus this week? Enlarge your circle of love. The Good Samaritan story reminds me, as I want to remind you today, some people have beaten you up and some maybe have passed you up. Let me tell you, Jesus is ready this morning to pick you up. No matter where you are, no matter what you have done, that's the gospel in it. That's the good news. Use your faith and trust in Christ. Turn from your sins and let Him pick you up and start you on a brand new journey. Think of what could happen at First Baptist Cold Springs. If every member of this church enlarge their circle of concern and love for people, just a little bit wider. I'm going to pray as our praise team comes forward and we have a hymn of invitation. God has said to you today, the Holy Spirit probably has said a lot of different things. Maybe you've been convicted because you've been harsh and critical and you've really been beating people up with your words. Maybe you were like me that time I passed someone up that I could have helped and God has convicted you to do more. Or maybe you're here today and you've never trusted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. What a great day to come down and take, call Him by the hand and say, hey today I'm turning it over to Christ. I want Him to forgive me of my sins. I want to follow Him as my Lord and Savior. Whatever the Holy Spirit has asked you to do today, maybe it's to come and pray around this altar for a lost person, a lost family member. I want to encourage you on this first verse, you respond to what Christ is telling you to do today. Pray with me. Well Father God, thank you so much for the privilege that you have to be in this place of worship. Father thank you for this portion of scripture Lord that really helps us to see what we need to be doing. To enlarge our circle of love for people that we meet, to be encouragers, to share the good news of the gospel, to pick people up who need to be picked up. God help us to be good Samaritans every day. Even today, I pray God that your Holy Spirit would move during this invitation and those who are convicted would respond to whatever you're asking them to do. And I pray this in the strong name of Jesus. Amen. Let's stand. Let us stand. Let the cross be our glory And the glory our song By mercy made holy By the spirit made strong Let the cross be our glory And the glory our song Till the kindness of Jesus Be through us may God Let the cross be our glory And the glory our song I've been asked to announce that there will be a Deacons meeting tonight in the momentum classroom downstairs and also across the hall. There will be a meeting for the Deacons wives. So having said that, let's go to the Lord and we're to prayer for this offering. Heavenly Father we come to you as your children. What a privilege. What a joy to be able to be called sons and daughters of God and join heir with Jesus Christ. Lord we now, we've heard praise and song. We've had prayers. We've heard a message from the scriptures. Now Lord, it's an opportunity here to give to the ongoing of the kingdom of God. Lord we know that you love a cheerful giver and I pray Father that each and every person here who gives this offering does it with a cheerful heart, a cheerful heart and Lord knowing that it's such a privilege to be able to participate in the kingdom of God in such a way. Lord I ask that you bless this offering and use it for the furtherance of your kingdom to ask these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Let's all go forth and share. Jesus with everyone within our realm of influence. You're dismissed. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.\",\r\n \"segments\": [\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 0,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 0.0,\r\n \"end\": 9.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Well hello First Baptist Family. Glad to have you here this morning with us to join us in worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1042,\r\n 7751,\r\n 2386,\r\n 32410,\r\n 11661,\r\n 13,\r\n 28301,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 291,\r\n 510,\r\n 341,\r\n 2446,\r\n 365,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 3917,\r\n 505,\r\n 294,\r\n 9965,\r\n 295,\r\n 527,\r\n 3257,\r\n 2705,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18544098765579695,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5113636363636365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.07580068707466125\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 1,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 9.0,\r\n \"end\": 16.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And I hope some folks continue to trickle in here because this is a special moment that we're about to enjoy with one another.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 1454,\r\n 512,\r\n 4024,\r\n 2354,\r\n 281,\r\n 4282,\r\n 306,\r\n 294,\r\n 510,\r\n 570,\r\n 341,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 2121,\r\n 1623,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 466,\r\n 281,\r\n 2103,\r\n 365,\r\n 472,\r\n 1071,\r\n 13,\r\n 51189\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18544098765579695,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5113636363636365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.07580068707466125\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 2,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 16.5,\r\n \"end\": 21.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Can I tell you something? Can we give the Lord a little bit of praise today?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51189,\r\n 1664,\r\n 286,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 746,\r\n 30,\r\n 1664,\r\n 321,\r\n 976,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 857,\r\n 295,\r\n 13286,\r\n 965,\r\n 30,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18544098765579695,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5113636363636365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.07580068707466125\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 3,\r\n \"seek\": 0,\r\n \"start\": 21.0,\r\n \"end\": 25.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Over the course of these past two Sundays, we will baptize four people.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 4886,\r\n 264,\r\n 1164,\r\n 295,\r\n 613,\r\n 1791,\r\n 732,\r\n 44857,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 486,\r\n 18222,\r\n 1125,\r\n 1451,\r\n 561,\r\n 13,\r\n 51639\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18544098765579695,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5113636363636365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.07580068707466125\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 4,\r\n \"seek\": 2550,\r\n \"start\": 25.5,\r\n \"end\": 27.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Yeah, so...\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 865,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 485,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20891521401601296,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4606060606060607,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018400117754936218\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 5,\r\n \"seek\": 2550,\r\n \"start\": 32.5,\r\n \"end\": 34.5,\r\n \"text\": \" God's moving in his church, amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 2684,\r\n 294,\r\n 702,\r\n 4128,\r\n 11,\r\n 18497,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20891521401601296,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4606060606060607,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018400117754936218\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 6,\r\n \"seek\": 2550,\r\n \"start\": 34.5,\r\n \"end\": 39.5,\r\n \"text\": \" He's changing lives. He's turning things around for people.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 634,\r\n 311,\r\n 4473,\r\n 2909,\r\n 13,\r\n 634,\r\n 311,\r\n 6246,\r\n 721,\r\n 926,\r\n 337,\r\n 561,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20891521401601296,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4606060606060607,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018400117754936218\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 7,\r\n \"seek\": 2550,\r\n \"start\": 39.5,\r\n \"end\": 44.5,\r\n \"text\": \" He is at work and I praise him for that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 634,\r\n 307,\r\n 412,\r\n 589,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 13286,\r\n 796,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20891521401601296,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4606060606060607,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018400117754936218\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 8,\r\n \"seek\": 2550,\r\n \"start\": 44.5,\r\n \"end\": 50.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And I can tell you today, I'm one of those people, he's transformed and changed my life, amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 393,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 965,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 729,\r\n 561,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 311,\r\n 16894,\r\n 293,\r\n 3105,\r\n 452,\r\n 993,\r\n 11,\r\n 18497,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20891521401601296,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4606060606060607,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018400117754936218\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 9,\r\n \"seek\": 5050,\r\n \"start\": 50.5,\r\n \"end\": 59.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And so today, a couple of passages of Scripture come to mind as we're about to baptize Jackson Brickler here in just a moment.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 965,\r\n 11,\r\n 257,\r\n 1916,\r\n 295,\r\n 31589,\r\n 295,\r\n 22888,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 1575,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 466,\r\n 281,\r\n 18222,\r\n 1125,\r\n 10647,\r\n 1603,\r\n 618,\r\n 1918,\r\n 510,\r\n 294,\r\n 445,\r\n 257,\r\n 1623,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1154788148169424,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5333333333333334,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005015503615140915\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 10,\r\n \"seek\": 5050,\r\n \"start\": 59.5,\r\n \"end\": 63.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I'll call him down. But I'm thinking about Acts chapter 16.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 286,\r\n 603,\r\n 818,\r\n 796,\r\n 760,\r\n 13,\r\n 583,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 1953,\r\n 466,\r\n 32363,\r\n 7187,\r\n 3165,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1154788148169424,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5333333333333334,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005015503615140915\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 11,\r\n \"seek\": 5050,\r\n \"start\": 63.5,\r\n \"end\": 72.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And if you'll remember, in Acts chapter 16, we are...find ourselves with Paul and Silas in a Philippian jail.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 400,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 603,\r\n 1604,\r\n 11,\r\n 294,\r\n 32363,\r\n 7187,\r\n 3165,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 485,\r\n 35072,\r\n 4175,\r\n 365,\r\n 4552,\r\n 293,\r\n 6943,\r\n 296,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 13694,\r\n 952,\r\n 10511,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1154788148169424,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5333333333333334,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005015503615140915\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 12,\r\n \"seek\": 5050,\r\n \"start\": 72.5,\r\n \"end\": 79.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And they are praying and singing praise to God in the middle of that jail that the Bible says.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 400,\r\n 436,\r\n 366,\r\n 15611,\r\n 293,\r\n 6726,\r\n 13286,\r\n 281,\r\n 1265,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 2808,\r\n 295,\r\n 300,\r\n 10511,\r\n 300,\r\n 264,\r\n 6544,\r\n 1619,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1154788148169424,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5333333333333334,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005015503615140915\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 13,\r\n \"seek\": 7950,\r\n \"start\": 79.5,\r\n \"end\": 85.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And all of a sudden, there came an earthquake and the doors were opened and the prisoners came out of there.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 439,\r\n 295,\r\n 257,\r\n 3990,\r\n 11,\r\n 456,\r\n 1361,\r\n 364,\r\n 18778,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 8077,\r\n 645,\r\n 5625,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 20417,\r\n 1361,\r\n 484,\r\n 295,\r\n 456,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10596660398087411,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6575875486381324,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002360367449000478\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 14,\r\n \"seek\": 7950,\r\n \"start\": 85.5,\r\n \"end\": 91.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And the guard was so scared that somebody had escaped that he was about to take his own life\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 6290,\r\n 390,\r\n 370,\r\n 5338,\r\n 300,\r\n 2618,\r\n 632,\r\n 20397,\r\n 300,\r\n 415,\r\n 390,\r\n 466,\r\n 281,\r\n 747,\r\n 702,\r\n 1065,\r\n 993,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10596660398087411,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6575875486381324,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002360367449000478\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 15,\r\n \"seek\": 7950,\r\n \"start\": 91.5,\r\n \"end\": 93.5,\r\n \"text\": \" for fear of what the Romans were going to do to him.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 337,\r\n 4240,\r\n 295,\r\n 437,\r\n 264,\r\n 20252,\r\n 645,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 281,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10596660398087411,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6575875486381324,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002360367449000478\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 16,\r\n \"seek\": 7950,\r\n \"start\": 93.5,\r\n \"end\": 99.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And Paul said, Paul shouted out with a loud voice, Stop! Don't harm yourself.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 400,\r\n 4552,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 4552,\r\n 37310,\r\n 484,\r\n 365,\r\n 257,\r\n 6588,\r\n 3177,\r\n 11,\r\n 5535,\r\n 0,\r\n 1468,\r\n 380,\r\n 6491,\r\n 1803,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10596660398087411,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6575875486381324,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002360367449000478\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 17,\r\n \"seek\": 7950,\r\n \"start\": 99.5,\r\n \"end\": 108.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And then we find this all important question that the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 400,\r\n 550,\r\n 321,\r\n 915,\r\n 341,\r\n 439,\r\n 1021,\r\n 1168,\r\n 300,\r\n 264,\r\n 13694,\r\n 952,\r\n 10511,\r\n 260,\r\n 2351,\r\n 4552,\r\n 293,\r\n 6943,\r\n 296,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10596660398087411,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6575875486381324,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002360367449000478\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 18,\r\n \"seek\": 10850,\r\n \"start\": 108.5,\r\n \"end\": 113.5,\r\n \"text\": \" What must I do to be saved?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 708,\r\n 1633,\r\n 286,\r\n 360,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 6624,\r\n 30,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09961080551147461,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5517241379310345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0023045672569423914\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 19,\r\n \"seek\": 10850,\r\n \"start\": 113.5,\r\n \"end\": 119.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And this was Paul's response. And this is the only response, by the way.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 400,\r\n 341,\r\n 390,\r\n 4552,\r\n 311,\r\n 4134,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 341,\r\n 307,\r\n 264,\r\n 787,\r\n 4134,\r\n 11,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09961080551147461,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5517241379310345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0023045672569423914\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 20,\r\n \"seek\": 10850,\r\n \"start\": 119.5,\r\n \"end\": 126.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 21486,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 2705,\r\n 2040,\r\n 293,\r\n 291,\r\n 4393,\r\n 312,\r\n 6624,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09961080551147461,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5517241379310345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0023045672569423914\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 21,\r\n \"seek\": 10850,\r\n \"start\": 126.5,\r\n \"end\": 130.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Jackson Brickler comes to us today. He's done that very thing.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 10647,\r\n 1603,\r\n 618,\r\n 1918,\r\n 1487,\r\n 281,\r\n 505,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 634,\r\n 311,\r\n 1096,\r\n 300,\r\n 588,\r\n 551,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09961080551147461,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5517241379310345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0023045672569423914\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 22,\r\n \"seek\": 10850,\r\n \"start\": 130.5,\r\n \"end\": 137.5,\r\n \"text\": \" He's trusted in Jesus Christ, it is Lord and Savior. I'll go ahead and call you down, Jackson.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 634,\r\n 311,\r\n 16034,\r\n 294,\r\n 2705,\r\n 2040,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 307,\r\n 3257,\r\n 293,\r\n 29310,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 603,\r\n 352,\r\n 2286,\r\n 293,\r\n 818,\r\n 291,\r\n 760,\r\n 11,\r\n 10647,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09961080551147461,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5517241379310345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0023045672569423914\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 23,\r\n \"seek\": 13750,\r\n \"start\": 138.5,\r\n \"end\": 145.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Last year at camp, the Lord moved in his life in a powerful way.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 5264,\r\n 1064,\r\n 412,\r\n 2255,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 4259,\r\n 294,\r\n 702,\r\n 993,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 4005,\r\n 636,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1085226687979191,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5357142857142858,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011356208473443985\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 24,\r\n \"seek\": 13750,\r\n \"start\": 145.5,\r\n \"end\": 153.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And this year at camp, during one of our nightly worship services at the end of it, he had come to me and he said,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 400,\r\n 341,\r\n 1064,\r\n 412,\r\n 2255,\r\n 11,\r\n 1830,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 527,\r\n 1818,\r\n 356,\r\n 9965,\r\n 3328,\r\n 412,\r\n 264,\r\n 917,\r\n 295,\r\n 309,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 632,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 385,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1085226687979191,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5357142857142858,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011356208473443985\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 25,\r\n \"seek\": 13750,\r\n \"start\": 153.5,\r\n \"end\": 156.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, there's a decision I need to make that I've been putting off.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 456,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 3537,\r\n 286,\r\n 643,\r\n 281,\r\n 652,\r\n 300,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 668,\r\n 3372,\r\n 766,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1085226687979191,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5357142857142858,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011356208473443985\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 26,\r\n \"seek\": 13750,\r\n \"start\": 156.5,\r\n \"end\": 162.5,\r\n \"text\": \" He said, I believe the Lord saved me last year, but I haven't followed through with baptism.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 634,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 1697,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 6624,\r\n 385,\r\n 1036,\r\n 1064,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 286,\r\n 2378,\r\n 380,\r\n 6263,\r\n 807,\r\n 365,\r\n 34352,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1085226687979191,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5357142857142858,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011356208473443985\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 27,\r\n \"seek\": 16250,\r\n \"start\": 162.5,\r\n \"end\": 167.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And I want to do that. And I said, well, amen, you want to get it right and you want to do this.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 18497,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 309,\r\n 558,\r\n 293,\r\n 291,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 341,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10805118878682454,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7095435684647302,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.027197472751140594\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 28,\r\n \"seek\": 16250,\r\n \"start\": 167.5,\r\n \"end\": 174.5,\r\n \"text\": \" He said, yes, I do. And so here he stands with us today in obedience to our Lord to be baptized.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 634,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 2086,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 360,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 510,\r\n 415,\r\n 7382,\r\n 365,\r\n 505,\r\n 965,\r\n 294,\r\n 36585,\r\n 281,\r\n 527,\r\n 3257,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 34006,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10805118878682454,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7095435684647302,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.027197472751140594\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 29,\r\n \"seek\": 16250,\r\n \"start\": 174.5,\r\n \"end\": 177.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And so Jackson, let me ask you a question.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 10647,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 1029,\r\n 291,\r\n 257,\r\n 1168,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10805118878682454,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7095435684647302,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.027197472751140594\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 30,\r\n \"seek\": 16250,\r\n \"start\": 177.5,\r\n \"end\": 181.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Have you come to that place in your life where you've trusted in Christ and Christ alone\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 3560,\r\n 291,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 300,\r\n 1081,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 993,\r\n 689,\r\n 291,\r\n 600,\r\n 16034,\r\n 294,\r\n 2040,\r\n 293,\r\n 2040,\r\n 3312,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10805118878682454,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7095435684647302,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.027197472751140594\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 31,\r\n \"seek\": 16250,\r\n \"start\": 181.5,\r\n \"end\": 185.5,\r\n \"text\": \" to forgive you of your sins and to get you to heaven? If you have, say I have.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 281,\r\n 10718,\r\n 291,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 13815,\r\n 293,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 7162,\r\n 30,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 11,\r\n 584,\r\n 286,\r\n 362,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10805118878682454,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7095435684647302,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.027197472751140594\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 32,\r\n \"seek\": 16250,\r\n \"start\": 185.5,\r\n \"end\": 186.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I have.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 286,\r\n 362,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10805118878682454,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7095435684647302,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.027197472751140594\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 33,\r\n \"seek\": 18650,\r\n \"start\": 186.5,\r\n \"end\": 191.5,\r\n \"text\": \" All right, amen. Then by the power invested me by this local New Testament church,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1057,\r\n 558,\r\n 11,\r\n 18497,\r\n 13,\r\n 1396,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 1347,\r\n 13104,\r\n 385,\r\n 538,\r\n 341,\r\n 2654,\r\n 1873,\r\n 15473,\r\n 4128,\r\n 11,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1709684619197139,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4772727272727273,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005292700603604317\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 34,\r\n \"seek\": 18650,\r\n \"start\": 191.5,\r\n \"end\": 198.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I baptize you, my brother in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 286,\r\n 18222,\r\n 1125,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 452,\r\n 3708,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1315,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 7085,\r\n 11,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1315,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 5185,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1315,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 6295,\r\n 7218,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1709684619197139,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4772727272727273,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005292700603604317\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 35,\r\n \"seek\": 19850,\r\n \"start\": 198.5,\r\n \"end\": 216.5,\r\n \"text\": \" All right, let's continue in worship of our great leader today.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1057,\r\n 558,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 311,\r\n 2354,\r\n 294,\r\n 9965,\r\n 295,\r\n 527,\r\n 869,\r\n 5263,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2330107915969122,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2635658914728682,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.15737998485565186\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 36,\r\n \"seek\": 19850,\r\n \"start\": 216.5,\r\n \"end\": 222.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Good morning. If you are physically able, would you stand and join us for all the people said amen?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 2205,\r\n 2446,\r\n 13,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 366,\r\n 9762,\r\n 1075,\r\n 11,\r\n 576,\r\n 291,\r\n 1463,\r\n 293,\r\n 3917,\r\n 505,\r\n 337,\r\n 439,\r\n 264,\r\n 561,\r\n 848,\r\n 18497,\r\n 30,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2330107915969122,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2635658914728682,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.15737998485565186\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 37,\r\n \"seek\": 22250,\r\n \"start\": 222.5,\r\n \"end\": 228.5,\r\n \"text\": \" That song that I like because it's unifying. It doesn't matter which side of any fence that you are on.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 663,\r\n 2153,\r\n 300,\r\n 286,\r\n 411,\r\n 570,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 517,\r\n 5489,\r\n 13,\r\n 467,\r\n 1177,\r\n 380,\r\n 1871,\r\n 597,\r\n 1252,\r\n 295,\r\n 604,\r\n 15422,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 366,\r\n 322,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13687822865504845,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4074074074074074,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.45083087682724\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 38,\r\n \"seek\": 22250,\r\n \"start\": 228.5,\r\n \"end\": 234.5,\r\n \"text\": \" We have the same God. We worship and serve the same God. And all the people said amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 492,\r\n 362,\r\n 264,\r\n 912,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 492,\r\n 9965,\r\n 293,\r\n 4596,\r\n 264,\r\n 912,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 439,\r\n 264,\r\n 561,\r\n 848,\r\n 18497,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13687822865504845,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4074074074074074,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.45083087682724\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 39,\r\n \"seek\": 25250,\r\n \"start\": 252.5,\r\n \"end\": 257.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You're not the only we all say.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 509,\r\n 434,\r\n 406,\r\n 264,\r\n 787,\r\n 321,\r\n 439,\r\n 584,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.33336549238725144,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3571428571428572,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.9449889063835144\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 40,\r\n \"seek\": 25250,\r\n \"start\": 257.5,\r\n \"end\": 263.5,\r\n \"text\": \" In the emergency to be forgiven 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said amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 400,\r\n 439,\r\n 264,\r\n 561,\r\n 848,\r\n 18497,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.33336549238725144,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3571428571428572,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.9449889063835144\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 43,\r\n \"seek\": 27250,\r\n \"start\": 272.5,\r\n \"end\": 277.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And all the people said amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 439,\r\n 264,\r\n 561,\r\n 848,\r\n 18497,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.447510560353597,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4434782608695653,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7411981821060181\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 44,\r\n \"seek\": 27250,\r\n \"start\": 277.5,\r\n \"end\": 282.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Get back to the Lord.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 3240,\r\n 646,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.447510560353597,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4434782608695653,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7411981821060181\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 45,\r\n \"seek\": 27250,\r\n \"start\": 282.5,\r\n \"end\": 287.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And all the people said amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 400,\r\n 439,\r\n 264,\r\n 561,\r\n 848,\r\n 18497,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.447510560353597,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4434782608695653,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7411981821060181\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 46,\r\n \"seek\": 27250,\r\n \"start\": 287.5,\r\n \"end\": 291.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Well, it don't matter.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 1871,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.447510560353597,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4434782608695653,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7411981821060181\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 47,\r\n \"seek\": 27250,\r\n \"start\": 291.5,\r\n \"end\": 293.5,\r\n 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now.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 7652,\r\n 18357,\r\n 11,\r\n 971,\r\n 2977,\r\n 11,\r\n 2159,\r\n 8123,\r\n 1247,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 434,\r\n 439,\r\n 670,\r\n 586,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1559269236422133,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4228855721393034,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004765986930578947\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 93,\r\n \"seek\": 43950,\r\n \"start\": 460.5,\r\n \"end\": 464.5,\r\n \"text\": \" But we the people should take a moment and reflect\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 583,\r\n 321,\r\n 264,\r\n 561,\r\n 820,\r\n 747,\r\n 257,\r\n 1623,\r\n 293,\r\n 5031,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1559269236422133,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4228855721393034,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004765986930578947\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 94,\r\n \"seek\": 43950,\r\n \"start\": 464.5,\r\n \"end\": 467.5,\r\n \"text\": \" on the 56 dedicated men.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 322,\r\n 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491.5,\r\n \"end\": 495.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and yet another to sign your name for all to see.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 293,\r\n 1939,\r\n 1071,\r\n 281,\r\n 1465,\r\n 428,\r\n 1315,\r\n 337,\r\n 439,\r\n 281,\r\n 536,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09813976287841797,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5046296296296295,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.006121492478996515\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 102,\r\n \"seek\": 49550,\r\n \"start\": 495.5,\r\n \"end\": 499.5,\r\n \"text\": \" The framers recognized we could live free and independent only\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 440,\r\n 21405,\r\n 433,\r\n 9823,\r\n 321,\r\n 727,\r\n 1621,\r\n 1737,\r\n 293,\r\n 6695,\r\n 787,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08934163555656512,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.638655462184874,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001610476290807128\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 103,\r\n \"seek\": 49550,\r\n \"start\": 499.5,\r\n \"end\": 503.5,\r\n 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accordingly.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 912,\r\n 2101,\r\n 293,\r\n 4739,\r\n 281,\r\n 853,\r\n 1184,\r\n 1389,\r\n 19717,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08934163555656512,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.638655462184874,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001610476290807128\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 108,\r\n \"seek\": 49550,\r\n \"start\": 519.5,\r\n \"end\": 523.5,\r\n \"text\": \" As a Constitution is the highest law in the land,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 1018,\r\n 257,\r\n 14505,\r\n 307,\r\n 264,\r\n 6343,\r\n 2101,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 2117,\r\n 11,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08934163555656512,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.638655462184874,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001610476290807128\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 109,\r\n \"seek\": 52350,\r\n \"start\": 523.5,\r\n \"end\": 526.5,\r\n \"text\": \" so the Bible is the highest law of God.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 370,\r\n 264,\r\n 6544,\r\n 307,\r\n 264,\r\n 6343,\r\n 2101,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.044025640861660824,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6883720930232557,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007342144963331521\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 110,\r\n \"seek\": 52350,\r\n \"start\": 526.5,\r\n \"end\": 531.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It is in the Bible that God makes his enduring promises.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 467,\r\n 307,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 6544,\r\n 300,\r\n 1265,\r\n 1669,\r\n 702,\r\n 36562,\r\n 16403,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.044025640861660824,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6883720930232557,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007342144963331521\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 111,\r\n \"seek\": 52350,\r\n \"start\": 531.5,\r\n \"end\": 535.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It is in the Bible that God reveals the plan of redemption\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 467,\r\n 307,\r\n 294,\r\n 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605.5,\r\n \"text\": \" All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 1057,\r\n 22888,\r\n 307,\r\n 2212,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 10249,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12148734960663185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4928909952606635,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033409511670470238\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 131,\r\n \"seek\": 60550,\r\n \"start\": 605.5,\r\n \"end\": 609.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And on this first Sunday of July, let us thank God for allowing us to live\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 322,\r\n 341,\r\n 700,\r\n 7776,\r\n 295,\r\n 7370,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 505,\r\n 1309,\r\n 1265,\r\n 337,\r\n 8293,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 1621,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14690985138883295,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5363636363636364,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.022203532978892326\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 132,\r\n \"seek\": 60550,\r\n \"start\": 609.5,\r\n \"end\": 612.5,\r\n \"text\": \" in the most free land that the world has ever known.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 881,\r\n 1737,\r\n 2117,\r\n 300,\r\n 264,\r\n 1002,\r\n 575,\r\n 1562,\r\n 2570,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14690985138883295,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5363636363636364,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.022203532978892326\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 133,\r\n \"seek\": 60550,\r\n \"start\": 612.5,\r\n \"end\": 616.5,\r\n \"text\": \" May we stand against wrong that we see.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 1891,\r\n 321,\r\n 1463,\r\n 1970,\r\n 2085,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 536,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14690985138883295,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5363636363636364,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.022203532978892326\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 134,\r\n \"seek\": 60550,\r\n \"start\": 616.5,\r\n \"end\": 620.5,\r\n \"text\": \" May we remember the 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641,\r\n 439,\r\n 11,\r\n 754,\r\n 641,\r\n 2909,\r\n 11,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14690985138883295,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5363636363636364,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.022203532978892326\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 137,\r\n \"seek\": 60550,\r\n \"start\": 626.5,\r\n \"end\": 629.5,\r\n \"text\": \" for their family in this country.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 337,\r\n 641,\r\n 1605,\r\n 294,\r\n 341,\r\n 1941,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14690985138883295,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5363636363636364,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.022203532978892326\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 138,\r\n \"seek\": 60550,\r\n \"start\": 629.5,\r\n \"end\": 631.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Let's pray.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 961,\r\n 311,\r\n 3690,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14690985138883295,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5363636363636364,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.022203532978892326\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 139,\r\n \"seek\": 63150,\r\n \"start\": 632.5,\r\n \"end\": 639.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Father, each day, our nation, we the people, face many crises.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 7085,\r\n 11,\r\n 1184,\r\n 786,\r\n 11,\r\n 527,\r\n 4790,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 264,\r\n 561,\r\n 11,\r\n 1851,\r\n 867,\r\n 31403,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0895416305725833,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008630492724478245\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 140,\r\n \"seek\": 63150,\r\n \"start\": 639.5,\r\n \"end\": 642.5,\r\n \"text\": \" May we seek wisdom through your Word.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 1891,\r\n 321,\r\n 8075,\r\n 10712,\r\n 807,\r\n 428,\r\n 8725,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0895416305725833,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008630492724478245\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 141,\r\n \"seek\": 63150,\r\n \"start\": 642.5,\r\n \"end\": 646.5,\r\n \"text\": \" May we proclaim allegiance and dedication to you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 1891,\r\n 321,\r\n 34604,\r\n 44706,\r\n 293,\r\n 21813,\r\n 281,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0895416305725833,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008630492724478245\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 142,\r\n \"seek\": 63150,\r\n \"start\": 646.5,\r\n \"end\": 651.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Today, July 2024, we must stand up for what's right\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 2692,\r\n 11,\r\n 7370,\r\n 45237,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 1633,\r\n 1463,\r\n 493,\r\n 337,\r\n 437,\r\n 311,\r\n 558,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0895416305725833,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008630492724478245\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 143,\r\n \"seek\": 63150,\r\n \"start\": 651.5,\r\n \"end\": 653.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and condemn what's wrong.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 293,\r\n 30733,\r\n 437,\r\n 311,\r\n 2085,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0895416305725833,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008630492724478245\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 144,\r\n \"seek\": 63150,\r\n \"start\": 653.5,\r\n \"end\": 655.5,\r\n \"text\": \" We must stand up and make a difference.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 492,\r\n 1633,\r\n 1463,\r\n 493,\r\n 293,\r\n 652,\r\n 257,\r\n 2649,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0895416305725833,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008630492724478245\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 145,\r\n \"seek\": 63150,\r\n \"start\": 655.5,\r\n \"end\": 657.5,\r\n \"text\": \" May your name be praised.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 1891,\r\n 428,\r\n 1315,\r\n 312,\r\n 31003,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0895416305725833,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008630492724478245\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 146,\r\n \"seek\": 65750,\r\n \"start\": 657.5,\r\n \"end\": 661.5,\r\n \"text\": \" This morning, bless our speaker, Dr. James, today.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 639,\r\n 2446,\r\n 11,\r\n 5227,\r\n 527,\r\n 8145,\r\n 11,\r\n 2491,\r\n 13,\r\n 5678,\r\n 11,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09817095363841337,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5846153846153845,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01358172856271267\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 147,\r\n \"seek\": 65750,\r\n \"start\": 661.5,\r\n \"end\": 663.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Give him your words for us to hear.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 5303,\r\n 796,\r\n 428,\r\n 2283,\r\n 337,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 1568,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09817095363841337,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5846153846153845,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01358172856271267\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 148,\r\n \"seek\": 65750,\r\n \"start\": 663.5,\r\n \"end\": 665.5,\r\n \"text\": \" In Jesus' name, amen, and amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 682,\r\n 2705,\r\n 6,\r\n 1315,\r\n 11,\r\n 18497,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 18497,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09817095363841337,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5846153846153845,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01358172856271267\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 149,\r\n \"seek\": 65750,\r\n \"start\": 665.5,\r\n \"end\": 667.5,\r\n \"text\": \" God bless America.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 1265,\r\n 5227,\r\n 3374,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09817095363841337,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5846153846153845,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01358172856271267\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 150,\r\n \"seek\": 65750,\r\n \"start\": 671.5,\r\n \"end\": 675.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Well, I'm going to give us a chance to worship a little bit more.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 976,\r\n 505,\r\n 257,\r\n 2931,\r\n 281,\r\n 9965,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 857,\r\n 544,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09817095363841337,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5846153846153845,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01358172856271267\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 151,\r\n \"seek\": 65750,\r\n \"start\": 675.5,\r\n \"end\": 678.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So again, if you are physically able, if you will stand with us,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 407,\r\n 797,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 366,\r\n 9762,\r\n 1075,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 486,\r\n 1463,\r\n 365,\r\n 505,\r\n 11,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09817095363841337,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5846153846153845,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01358172856271267\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 152,\r\n \"seek\": 65750,\r\n \"start\": 678.5,\r\n \"end\": 682.5,\r\n \"text\": \" we're going to be singing today about our love for each other.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 6726,\r\n 965,\r\n 466,\r\n 527,\r\n 959,\r\n 337,\r\n 1184,\r\n 661,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09817095363841337,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5846153846153845,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01358172856271267\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 153,\r\n \"seek\": 65750,\r\n \"start\": 682.5,\r\n \"end\": 686.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Scripture commands us to love God with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 22888,\r\n 16901,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 959,\r\n 1265,\r\n 365,\r\n 439,\r\n 527,\r\n 8852,\r\n 11,\r\n 5133,\r\n 11,\r\n 1575,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 3800,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09817095363841337,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5846153846153845,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 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\"text\": \" I love you and there's nothing you can do about it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 286,\r\n 959,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 456,\r\n 311,\r\n 1825,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 360,\r\n 466,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09779055913289388,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6622222222222223,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009277770295739174\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 161,\r\n \"seek\": 71650,\r\n \"start\": 716.5,\r\n \"end\": 719.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And with this prayer we have meant to worship.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 365,\r\n 341,\r\n 8767,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 4140,\r\n 281,\r\n 9965,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.8,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.7975593335700758,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4513888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.9318070411682129\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 162,\r\n \"seek\": 71650,\r\n \"start\": 719.5,\r\n \"end\": 723.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And ah, Lord, ah, Lord, ah, Lord.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 400,\r\n 3716,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 3716,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 3716,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.8,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.7975593335700758,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4513888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.9318070411682129\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 163,\r\n \"seek\": 71650,\r\n \"start\": 723.5,\r\n \"end\": 732.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Will you pray with all your power while we try to preach the word.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 3099,\r\n 291,\r\n 3690,\r\n 365,\r\n 439,\r\n 428,\r\n 1347,\r\n 1339,\r\n 321,\r\n 853,\r\n 281,\r\n 21552,\r\n 264,\r\n 1349,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.8,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.7975593335700758,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4513888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.9318070411682129\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 164,\r\n \"seek\": 71650,\r\n \"start\": 732.5,\r\n \"end\": 734.5,\r\n \"text\": \" All is free.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 1057,\r\n 307,\r\n 1737,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.8,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.7975593335700758,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4513888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.9318070411682129\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 165,\r\n \"seek\": 71650,\r\n \"start\": 734.5,\r\n \"end\": 741.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And God's the Spirit of the Holy One comes down.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 400,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 264,\r\n 7218,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 6295,\r\n 1485,\r\n 1487,\r\n 760,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.8,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.7975593335700758,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4513888888888888,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.9318070411682129\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 166,\r\n \"seek\": 74150,\r\n \"start\": 741.5,\r\n \"end\": 751.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Prayer and prayer, Holy Man, oh, we'll be shallered all around.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 45226,\r\n 293,\r\n 8767,\r\n 11,\r\n 6295,\r\n 2458,\r\n 11,\r\n 1954,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 603,\r\n 312,\r\n 4393,\r\n 4073,\r\n 439,\r\n 926,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.42994036674499514,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2547169811320755,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.26843488216400146\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 167,\r\n \"seek\": 74150,\r\n \"start\": 751.5,\r\n \"end\": 760.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Prayer and see for sinners while we're slumbering on the ring of war.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 45226,\r\n 293,\r\n 536,\r\n 337,\r\n 41004,\r\n 1339,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 1061,\r\n 4182,\r\n 278,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 4875,\r\n 295,\r\n 1516,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.42994036674499514,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2547169811320755,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.26843488216400146\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 168,\r\n \"seek\": 76050,\r\n \"start\": 760.5,\r\n \"end\": 769.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Let this calling tell His moving. Can you bear to let them go?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 961,\r\n 341,\r\n 5141,\r\n 980,\r\n 2812,\r\n 2684,\r\n 13,\r\n 1664,\r\n 291,\r\n 6155,\r\n 281,\r\n 718,\r\n 552,\r\n 352,\r\n 30,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.4089623910409433,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3191489361702127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.6074827909469604\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 169,\r\n \"seek\": 76050,\r\n \"start\": 769.5,\r\n \"end\": 778.5,\r\n \"text\": \" To your Father and your Father, I'm from human singing now.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 1407,\r\n 428,\r\n 7085,\r\n 293,\r\n 428,\r\n 7085,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 490,\r\n 1952,\r\n 6726,\r\n 586,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.4089623910409433,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3191489361702127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.6074827909469604\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 170,\r\n \"seek\": 76050,\r\n \"start\": 778.5,\r\n \"end\": 788.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Prayer and prayer, Holy Man, oh, we'll be shallered all around.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 45226,\r\n 293,\r\n 8767,\r\n 11,\r\n 6295,\r\n 2458,\r\n 11,\r\n 1954,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 603,\r\n 312,\r\n 4393,\r\n 4073,\r\n 439,\r\n 926,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.4089623910409433,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3191489361702127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.6074827909469604\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 171,\r\n \"seek\": 78850,\r\n \"start\": 788.5,\r\n \"end\": 797.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Let us now are glad to greet Him. Let us now each honor through.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 961,\r\n 505,\r\n 586,\r\n 366,\r\n 5404,\r\n 281,\r\n 12044,\r\n 5920,\r\n 13,\r\n 961,\r\n 505,\r\n 586,\r\n 1184,\r\n 5968,\r\n 807,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.49536483352248734,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3333333333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03959548845887184\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 172,\r\n \"seek\": 78850,\r\n \"start\": 797.5,\r\n \"end\": 806.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Let us now and pray for sinners till our godly calling is near.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 961,\r\n 505,\r\n 586,\r\n 293,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 41004,\r\n 4288,\r\n 527,\r\n 3044,\r\n 356,\r\n 5141,\r\n 307,\r\n 2651,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.49536483352248734,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3333333333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03959548845887184\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 173,\r\n \"seek\": 80650,\r\n \"start\": 806.5,\r\n \"end\": 815.5,\r\n \"text\": \" In the Father's arms and prayer, while His people will sit down,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 682,\r\n 264,\r\n 7085,\r\n 311,\r\n 5812,\r\n 293,\r\n 8767,\r\n 11,\r\n 1339,\r\n 2812,\r\n 561,\r\n 486,\r\n 1394,\r\n 760,\r\n 11,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.7711817423502604,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.25,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.62994384765625\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 174,\r\n \"seek\": 80650,\r\n \"start\": 815.5,\r\n \"end\": 827.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Christ will pray with compassion and God's will, sweet man, oh, all around.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 2040,\r\n 486,\r\n 3690,\r\n 365,\r\n 12601,\r\n 293,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 486,\r\n 11,\r\n 3844,\r\n 587,\r\n 11,\r\n 1954,\r\n 11,\r\n 439,\r\n 926,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.7711817423502604,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.25,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.62994384765625\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 175,\r\n \"seek\": 82750,\r\n \"start\": 827.5,\r\n \"end\": 840.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Love through Christ has brought us together,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 5956,\r\n 807,\r\n 2040,\r\n 575,\r\n 3038,\r\n 505,\r\n 1214,\r\n 11,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.29195727071454447,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.074468085106383,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.42233896255493164\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 176,\r\n \"seek\": 82750,\r\n \"start\": 840.5,\r\n \"end\": 845.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Belting our heart as one.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 6248,\r\n 783,\r\n 527,\r\n 1917,\r\n 382,\r\n 472,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.29195727071454447,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.074468085106383,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.42233896255493164\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 177,\r\n \"seek\": 82750,\r\n \"start\": 845.5,\r\n \"end\": 850.5,\r\n \"text\": \" By God's Spirit we all united,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 3146,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 7218,\r\n 321,\r\n 439,\r\n 18883,\r\n 11,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.29195727071454447,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.074468085106383,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.42233896255493164\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 178,\r\n \"seek\": 85050,\r\n \"start\": 850.5,\r\n \"end\": 854.5,\r\n \"text\": \" One through His presence come.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1485,\r\n 807,\r\n 2812,\r\n 6814,\r\n 808,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2870946838742211,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 0.9393939393939394,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.3275637924671173\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 179,\r\n \"seek\": 85050,\r\n \"start\": 854.5,\r\n \"end\": 876.5,\r\n \"text\": \" We are one in the bond of love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 492,\r\n 366,\r\n 472,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 6086,\r\n 295,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2870946838742211,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 0.9393939393939394,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.3275637924671173\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 180,\r\n \"seek\": 87650,\r\n \"start\": 876.5,\r\n \"end\": 886.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Now, dear Lord, rejoin in worship. Thank you for all you've done.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 823,\r\n 11,\r\n 6875,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 22087,\r\n 259,\r\n 294,\r\n 9965,\r\n 13,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 439,\r\n 291,\r\n 600,\r\n 1096,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.25883605480194094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3829787234042554,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.29508787393569946\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 181,\r\n \"seek\": 87650,\r\n \"start\": 886.5,\r\n \"end\": 896.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Thank you for this one you gave us. Thank you for giving us one.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 341,\r\n 472,\r\n 291,\r\n 2729,\r\n 505,\r\n 13,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 2902,\r\n 505,\r\n 472,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.25883605480194094,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3829787234042554,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.29508787393569946\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 182,\r\n \"seek\": 89650,\r\n \"start\": 896.5,\r\n \"end\": 906.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Let us sing now, everyone. Let us feel His love begun.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 961,\r\n 505,\r\n 1522,\r\n 586,\r\n 11,\r\n 1518,\r\n 13,\r\n 961,\r\n 505,\r\n 841,\r\n 2812,\r\n 959,\r\n 16009,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.19736135005950928,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5490196078431373,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7812029719352722\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 183,\r\n \"seek\": 89650,\r\n \"start\": 906.5,\r\n \"end\": 917.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Let us join our actual world with love. We are one in the bond of love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 961,\r\n 505,\r\n 3917,\r\n 527,\r\n 3539,\r\n 1002,\r\n 365,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 492,\r\n 366,\r\n 472,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 6086,\r\n 295,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.19736135005950928,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5490196078431373,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7812029719352722\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 184,\r\n \"seek\": 89650,\r\n \"start\": 917.5,\r\n \"end\": 925.5,\r\n \"text\": \" We are one in the bond of love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 492,\r\n 366,\r\n 472,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 6086,\r\n 295,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.19736135005950928,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5490196078431373,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7812029719352722\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 185,\r\n \"seek\": 92650,\r\n \"start\": 926.5,\r\n \"end\": 938.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Thank you so much for this time of worship that you allow us to come into your house and be built up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 370,\r\n 709,\r\n 337,\r\n 341,\r\n 565,\r\n 295,\r\n 9965,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 2089,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 808,\r\n 666,\r\n 428,\r\n 1782,\r\n 293,\r\n 312,\r\n 3094,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11501942791985077,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6839622641509433,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.266831636428833\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 186,\r\n \"seek\": 92650,\r\n \"start\": 938.5,\r\n \"end\": 942.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Lord God, by your word, by the singing of it, by the preaching of it,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 538,\r\n 428,\r\n 1349,\r\n 11,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 6726,\r\n 295,\r\n 309,\r\n 11,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 25381,\r\n 295,\r\n 309,\r\n 11,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11501942791985077,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6839622641509433,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.266831636428833\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 187,\r\n \"seek\": 92650,\r\n \"start\": 942.5,\r\n \"end\": 945.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and Lord, as we come to a time of prayer now,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 293,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 257,\r\n 565,\r\n 295,\r\n 8767,\r\n 586,\r\n 11,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11501942791985077,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6839622641509433,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.266831636428833\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 188,\r\n \"seek\": 92650,\r\n \"start\": 945.5,\r\n \"end\": 950.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Lord God, I pray that your Holy Spirit would do a work among us here this morning.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 3690,\r\n 300,\r\n 428,\r\n 6295,\r\n 7218,\r\n 576,\r\n 360,\r\n 257,\r\n 589,\r\n 3654,\r\n 505,\r\n 510,\r\n 341,\r\n 2446,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11501942791985077,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6839622641509433,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.266831636428833\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 189,\r\n \"seek\": 92650,\r\n \"start\": 950.5,\r\n \"end\": 954.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Continue to do it, Lord God. Do a work that we can't do.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 24472,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 309,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 1144,\r\n 257,\r\n 589,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 360,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11501942791985077,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6839622641509433,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.266831636428833\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 190,\r\n \"seek\": 95450,\r\n \"start\": 954.5,\r\n \"end\": 958.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Lord, men cannot do what you do.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 1706,\r\n 2644,\r\n 360,\r\n 437,\r\n 291,\r\n 360,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07498399019241334,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5747126436781609,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011392003856599331\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 191,\r\n \"seek\": 95450,\r\n \"start\": 958.5,\r\n \"end\": 967.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Only you can change hearts. Only you can illuminate the truth of your word to us, Lord God.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 5686,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 1319,\r\n 8852,\r\n 13,\r\n 5686,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 28593,\r\n 473,\r\n 264,\r\n 3494,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 1349,\r\n 281,\r\n 505,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07498399019241334,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5747126436781609,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011392003856599331\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 192,\r\n \"seek\": 95450,\r\n \"start\": 967.5,\r\n \"end\": 973.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And only you can make a soul born again.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 400,\r\n 787,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 652,\r\n 257,\r\n 5133,\r\n 4232,\r\n 797,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07498399019241334,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5747126436781609,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011392003856599331\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 193,\r\n \"seek\": 95450,\r\n \"start\": 973.5,\r\n \"end\": 976.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And so Lord, I pray that you would just move among us.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 3690,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 576,\r\n 445,\r\n 1286,\r\n 3654,\r\n 505,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07498399019241334,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5747126436781609,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011392003856599331\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 194,\r\n \"seek\": 95450,\r\n \"start\": 976.5,\r\n \"end\": 981.5,\r\n \"text\": \" May your will be done in our hearts and in our lives.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 1891,\r\n 428,\r\n 486,\r\n 312,\r\n 1096,\r\n 294,\r\n 527,\r\n 8852,\r\n 293,\r\n 294,\r\n 527,\r\n 2909,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07498399019241334,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5747126436781609,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011392003856599331\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 195,\r\n \"seek\": 98150,\r\n \"start\": 981.5,\r\n \"end\": 987.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And Lord God, I pray very specifically for our church during this period of transition\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 3690,\r\n 588,\r\n 4682,\r\n 337,\r\n 527,\r\n 4128,\r\n 1830,\r\n 341,\r\n 2896,\r\n 295,\r\n 6034,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07401881983250748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5621890547263682,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003094743937253952\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 196,\r\n \"seek\": 98150,\r\n \"start\": 987.5,\r\n \"end\": 997.5,\r\n \"text\": \" that you'd continue to give us wisdom and that you would continue to lead us into the place that you want us to be, Lord God.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 1116,\r\n 2354,\r\n 281,\r\n 976,\r\n 505,\r\n 10712,\r\n 293,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 576,\r\n 2354,\r\n 281,\r\n 1477,\r\n 505,\r\n 666,\r\n 264,\r\n 1081,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 528,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07401881983250748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5621890547263682,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003094743937253952\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 197,\r\n \"seek\": 98150,\r\n \"start\": 997.5,\r\n \"end\": 1002.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of your family.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 370,\r\n 709,\r\n 337,\r\n 8293,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 257,\r\n 644,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 1605,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07401881983250748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5621890547263682,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003094743937253952\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 198,\r\n \"seek\": 98150,\r\n \"start\": 1002.5,\r\n \"end\": 1006.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And we pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 3690,\r\n 341,\r\n 294,\r\n 2705,\r\n 6,\r\n 1315,\r\n 13,\r\n 14092,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07401881983250748,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5621890547263682,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003094743937253952\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 199,\r\n \"seek\": 100650,\r\n \"start\": 1006.5,\r\n \"end\": 1012.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Just a couple of announcements that I'd like to give to you just by way of reminder.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1449,\r\n 257,\r\n 1916,\r\n 295,\r\n 23785,\r\n 300,\r\n 286,\r\n 1116,\r\n 411,\r\n 281,\r\n 976,\r\n 281,\r\n 291,\r\n 445,\r\n 538,\r\n 636,\r\n 295,\r\n 13548,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08095850802884244,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.512,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.10374850034713745\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 200,\r\n \"seek\": 100650,\r\n \"start\": 1012.5,\r\n \"end\": 1019.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Choir practice tonight at 4.30. And please join us for our evening worship service at 6 o'clock.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 761,\r\n 9043,\r\n 3124,\r\n 4440,\r\n 412,\r\n 1017,\r\n 13,\r\n 3446,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 1767,\r\n 3917,\r\n 505,\r\n 337,\r\n 527,\r\n 5634,\r\n 9965,\r\n 2643,\r\n 412,\r\n 1386,\r\n 277,\r\n 6,\r\n 9023,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08095850802884244,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.512,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.10374850034713745\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 201,\r\n \"seek\": 100650,\r\n \"start\": 1019.5,\r\n \"end\": 1024.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Brother Mike James is going to be back with us again. Isn't that right, brother? Amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 8904,\r\n 6602,\r\n 5678,\r\n 307,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 646,\r\n 365,\r\n 505,\r\n 797,\r\n 13,\r\n 6998,\r\n 380,\r\n 300,\r\n 558,\r\n 11,\r\n 3708,\r\n 30,\r\n 14092,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08095850802884244,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.512,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.10374850034713745\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 202,\r\n \"seek\": 100650,\r\n \"start\": 1024.5,\r\n \"end\": 1028.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And we're glad and very delighted to have him here with us this morning.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 5404,\r\n 293,\r\n 588,\r\n 18783,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 796,\r\n 510,\r\n 365,\r\n 505,\r\n 341,\r\n 2446,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08095850802884244,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.512,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.10374850034713745\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 203,\r\n \"seek\": 100650,\r\n \"start\": 1028.5,\r\n \"end\": 1031.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I'll introduce him here a bit later.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 286,\r\n 603,\r\n 5366,\r\n 796,\r\n 510,\r\n 257,\r\n 857,\r\n 1780,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08095850802884244,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.512,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.10374850034713745\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 204,\r\n \"seek\": 103150,\r\n \"start\": 1031.5,\r\n \"end\": 1038.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Also on Wednesdays we have our Bible study at 9.15 a.m. in room 114.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 2743,\r\n 322,\r\n 10579,\r\n 82,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 527,\r\n 6544,\r\n 2979,\r\n 412,\r\n 1722,\r\n 13,\r\n 5211,\r\n 257,\r\n 13,\r\n 76,\r\n 13,\r\n 294,\r\n 1808,\r\n 2975,\r\n 19,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0750723129663712,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6058394160583942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2985840439796448\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 205,\r\n \"seek\": 103150,\r\n \"start\": 1038.5,\r\n \"end\": 1043.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And so if you'd be interested in that, come join us. We'd be glad to have you for that Bible study.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 1116,\r\n 312,\r\n 3102,\r\n 294,\r\n 300,\r\n 11,\r\n 808,\r\n 3917,\r\n 505,\r\n 13,\r\n 492,\r\n 1116,\r\n 312,\r\n 5404,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 6544,\r\n 2979,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0750723129663712,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6058394160583942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2985840439796448\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 206,\r\n \"seek\": 103150,\r\n \"start\": 1043.5,\r\n \"end\": 1050.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Also our Operation Christmas Child, our year-round collection is in place right now.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 2743,\r\n 527,\r\n 27946,\r\n 5272,\r\n 9004,\r\n 11,\r\n 527,\r\n 1064,\r\n 12,\r\n 5453,\r\n 5765,\r\n 307,\r\n 294,\r\n 1081,\r\n 558,\r\n 586,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0750723129663712,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6058394160583942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2985840439796448\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 207,\r\n \"seek\": 103150,\r\n \"start\": 1050.5,\r\n \"end\": 1055.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And you'll see here in your bulletin the things that they are looking for to put in the shoeboxes.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 400,\r\n 291,\r\n 603,\r\n 536,\r\n 510,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 11632,\r\n 259,\r\n 264,\r\n 721,\r\n 300,\r\n 436,\r\n 366,\r\n 1237,\r\n 337,\r\n 281,\r\n 829,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 12796,\r\n 4995,\r\n 279,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0750723129663712,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6058394160583942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2985840439796448\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 208,\r\n \"seek\": 103150,\r\n \"start\": 1055.5,\r\n \"end\": 1060.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And we greatly appreciate that ministry because it sends the gospel all over the world.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 14147,\r\n 4449,\r\n 300,\r\n 15024,\r\n 570,\r\n 309,\r\n 14790,\r\n 264,\r\n 14943,\r\n 439,\r\n 670,\r\n 264,\r\n 1002,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0750723129663712,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6058394160583942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2985840439796448\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 209,\r\n \"seek\": 106050,\r\n \"start\": 1060.5,\r\n \"end\": 1065.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And so please be praying for that and give as the Lord may direct you to.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 1767,\r\n 312,\r\n 15611,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 293,\r\n 976,\r\n 382,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 815,\r\n 2047,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07170712096350533,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5884615384615384,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005966345313936472\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 210,\r\n \"seek\": 106050,\r\n \"start\": 1065.5,\r\n \"end\": 1070.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Also there is a women's summer Bible study that is coming up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 2743,\r\n 456,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 2266,\r\n 311,\r\n 4266,\r\n 6544,\r\n 2979,\r\n 300,\r\n 307,\r\n 1348,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07170712096350533,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5884615384615384,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005966345313936472\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 211,\r\n \"seek\": 106050,\r\n \"start\": 1070.5,\r\n \"end\": 1077.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It's going to be a six-week study studying the story of Rahab as you see there in your bulletin.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 257,\r\n 2309,\r\n 12,\r\n 23188,\r\n 2979,\r\n 7601,\r\n 264,\r\n 1657,\r\n 295,\r\n 17844,\r\n 455,\r\n 382,\r\n 291,\r\n 536,\r\n 456,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 11632,\r\n 259,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07170712096350533,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5884615384615384,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005966345313936472\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 212,\r\n \"seek\": 106050,\r\n \"start\": 1077.5,\r\n \"end\": 1083.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So Miss Rebecca Hopkins, excuse me, is going to be leading that and her phone number is there.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 407,\r\n 5275,\r\n 19381,\r\n 29999,\r\n 11,\r\n 8960,\r\n 385,\r\n 11,\r\n 307,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 5775,\r\n 300,\r\n 293,\r\n 720,\r\n 2593,\r\n 1230,\r\n 307,\r\n 456,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07170712096350533,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5884615384615384,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005966345313936472\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 213,\r\n \"seek\": 106050,\r\n \"start\": 1083.5,\r\n \"end\": 1089.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It's going to be on Saturday mornings at 9 a.m. August 3rd through September the 7th.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 322,\r\n 8803,\r\n 37143,\r\n 412,\r\n 1722,\r\n 257,\r\n 13,\r\n 76,\r\n 13,\r\n 6897,\r\n 805,\r\n 7800,\r\n 807,\r\n 7216,\r\n 264,\r\n 1614,\r\n 392,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07170712096350533,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5884615384615384,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005966345313936472\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 214,\r\n \"seek\": 108950,\r\n \"start\": 1089.5,\r\n \"end\": 1095.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So please sign up for that. They're in the welcome center for all of you ladies who would like to be a part of that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 1767,\r\n 1465,\r\n 493,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 814,\r\n 434,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 2928,\r\n 3056,\r\n 337,\r\n 439,\r\n 295,\r\n 291,\r\n 9974,\r\n 567,\r\n 576,\r\n 411,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 257,\r\n 644,\r\n 295,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07026708473279639,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5402298850574712,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013118174858391285\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 215,\r\n \"seek\": 108950,\r\n \"start\": 1095.5,\r\n \"end\": 1102.5,\r\n \"text\": \" A couple of other things to make mention of and to put in your calendar is the music and drama camp that's coming up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 316,\r\n 1916,\r\n 295,\r\n 661,\r\n 721,\r\n 281,\r\n 652,\r\n 2152,\r\n 295,\r\n 293,\r\n 281,\r\n 829,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 12183,\r\n 307,\r\n 264,\r\n 1318,\r\n 293,\r\n 9412,\r\n 2255,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 1348,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07026708473279639,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5402298850574712,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013118174858391285\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 216,\r\n \"seek\": 108950,\r\n \"start\": 1102.5,\r\n \"end\": 1106.5,\r\n \"text\": \" When does that officially kick off, Miss Jackie?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 1133,\r\n 775,\r\n 300,\r\n 12053,\r\n 4437,\r\n 766,\r\n 11,\r\n 5275,\r\n 23402,\r\n 30,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07026708473279639,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5402298850574712,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013118174858391285\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 217,\r\n \"seek\": 108950,\r\n \"start\": 1106.5,\r\n \"end\": 1115.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It kicks off on July 29th through August 3rd. That's full camp. And then the performance is Sunday night, August 11th.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 467,\r\n 21293,\r\n 766,\r\n 322,\r\n 7370,\r\n 9413,\r\n 392,\r\n 807,\r\n 6897,\r\n 805,\r\n 7800,\r\n 13,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 1577,\r\n 2255,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 550,\r\n 264,\r\n 3389,\r\n 307,\r\n 7776,\r\n 1818,\r\n 11,\r\n 6897,\r\n 2975,\r\n 392,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07026708473279639,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5402298850574712,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013118174858391285\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 218,\r\n \"seek\": 111550,\r\n \"start\": 1115.5,\r\n \"end\": 1120.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Thank you so much. So please keep that in mind and put that on your calendar.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 370,\r\n 709,\r\n 13,\r\n 407,\r\n 1767,\r\n 1066,\r\n 300,\r\n 294,\r\n 1575,\r\n 293,\r\n 829,\r\n 300,\r\n 322,\r\n 428,\r\n 12183,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.057468251979097405,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5450643776824033,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.023383729159832\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 219,\r\n \"seek\": 111550,\r\n \"start\": 1120.5,\r\n \"end\": 1125.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Also please, as always, pray for our pastor search committee.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 2743,\r\n 1767,\r\n 11,\r\n 382,\r\n 1009,\r\n 11,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 527,\r\n 21193,\r\n 3164,\r\n 7482,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.057468251979097405,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5450643776824033,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.023383729159832\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 220,\r\n \"seek\": 111550,\r\n \"start\": 1125.5,\r\n \"end\": 1133.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It is very important that you and I be on our knees seeking the face of God and praying that his will would be done in our church.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 467,\r\n 307,\r\n 588,\r\n 1021,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 312,\r\n 322,\r\n 527,\r\n 10546,\r\n 11670,\r\n 264,\r\n 1851,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 293,\r\n 15611,\r\n 300,\r\n 702,\r\n 486,\r\n 576,\r\n 312,\r\n 1096,\r\n 294,\r\n 527,\r\n 4128,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.057468251979097405,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5450643776824033,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.023383729159832\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 221,\r\n \"seek\": 111550,\r\n \"start\": 1133.5,\r\n \"end\": 1138.5,\r\n \"text\": \" The Bible says we have not because we ask not. We don't want to be guilty of that, do we?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 440,\r\n 6544,\r\n 1619,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 406,\r\n 570,\r\n 321,\r\n 1029,\r\n 406,\r\n 13,\r\n 492,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 12341,\r\n 295,\r\n 300,\r\n 11,\r\n 360,\r\n 321,\r\n 30,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.057468251979097405,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5450643776824033,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.023383729159832\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 222,\r\n \"seek\": 113850,\r\n \"start\": 1138.5,\r\n \"end\": 1145.5,\r\n \"text\": \" We don't want to be guilty of not asking. So let us get on the same page as the Lord about this matter.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 12341,\r\n 295,\r\n 406,\r\n 3365,\r\n 13,\r\n 407,\r\n 718,\r\n 505,\r\n 483,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 912,\r\n 3028,\r\n 382,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 466,\r\n 341,\r\n 1871,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11845470558513295,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.591743119266055,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.07475700229406357\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 223,\r\n \"seek\": 113850,\r\n \"start\": 1145.5,\r\n \"end\": 1153.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I think Miss Connie Newtini has an announcement to make on behalf of the pastor search committee speaking of that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 5275,\r\n 49558,\r\n 1873,\r\n 83,\r\n 3812,\r\n 575,\r\n 364,\r\n 12847,\r\n 281,\r\n 652,\r\n 322,\r\n 9490,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 21193,\r\n 3164,\r\n 7482,\r\n 4124,\r\n 295,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11845470558513295,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.591743119266055,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.07475700229406357\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 224,\r\n \"seek\": 113850,\r\n \"start\": 1153.5,\r\n \"end\": 1156.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So I'll call you forward right now, Miss Connie.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 407,\r\n 286,\r\n 603,\r\n 818,\r\n 291,\r\n 2128,\r\n 558,\r\n 586,\r\n 11,\r\n 5275,\r\n 49558,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11845470558513295,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.591743119266055,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.07475700229406357\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 225,\r\n \"seek\": 113850,\r\n \"start\": 1161.5,\r\n \"end\": 1166.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Good morning. I am here to give you an update from the pastor search committee.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 2205,\r\n 2446,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 669,\r\n 510,\r\n 281,\r\n 976,\r\n 291,\r\n 364,\r\n 5623,\r\n 490,\r\n 264,\r\n 21193,\r\n 3164,\r\n 7482,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11845470558513295,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.591743119266055,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.07475700229406357\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 226,\r\n \"seek\": 116650,\r\n \"start\": 1166.5,\r\n \"end\": 1169.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Our committee met on June 27th.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 2621,\r\n 7482,\r\n 1131,\r\n 322,\r\n 6928,\r\n 7634,\r\n 392,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06359252523868641,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5614754098360655,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005218884442001581\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 227,\r\n \"seek\": 116650,\r\n \"start\": 1169.5,\r\n \"end\": 1177.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Dr. Charles Frazier from the Northern Kentucky Baptist Association came to give us direction and support on how to proceed with our search.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 2491,\r\n 13,\r\n 10523,\r\n 5849,\r\n 33352,\r\n 490,\r\n 264,\r\n 14335,\r\n 22369,\r\n 32410,\r\n 10734,\r\n 1361,\r\n 281,\r\n 976,\r\n 505,\r\n 3513,\r\n 293,\r\n 1406,\r\n 322,\r\n 577,\r\n 281,\r\n 8991,\r\n 365,\r\n 527,\r\n 3164,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06359252523868641,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5614754098360655,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005218884442001581\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 228,\r\n \"seek\": 116650,\r\n \"start\": 1177.5,\r\n \"end\": 1185.5,\r\n \"text\": \" The first statement Dr. Frazier said to us was, God has a plan. God has a man.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 440,\r\n 700,\r\n 5629,\r\n 2491,\r\n 13,\r\n 5849,\r\n 33352,\r\n 848,\r\n 281,\r\n 505,\r\n 390,\r\n 11,\r\n 1265,\r\n 575,\r\n 257,\r\n 1393,\r\n 13,\r\n 1265,\r\n 575,\r\n 257,\r\n 587,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06359252523868641,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5614754098360655,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005218884442001581\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 229,\r\n \"seek\": 116650,\r\n \"start\": 1185.5,\r\n \"end\": 1193.5,\r\n \"text\": \" That statement has stuck with me during this past week, and I keep reciting this over and over to keep me focused on exactly that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 663,\r\n 5629,\r\n 575,\r\n 5541,\r\n 365,\r\n 385,\r\n 1830,\r\n 341,\r\n 1791,\r\n 1243,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 1066,\r\n 850,\r\n 1748,\r\n 341,\r\n 670,\r\n 293,\r\n 670,\r\n 281,\r\n 1066,\r\n 385,\r\n 5178,\r\n 322,\r\n 2293,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06359252523868641,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5614754098360655,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005218884442001581\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 230,\r\n \"seek\": 119350,\r\n \"start\": 1193.5,\r\n \"end\": 1198.5,\r\n \"text\": \" God has a plan for First Baptist Church Coltsbury.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1265,\r\n 575,\r\n 257,\r\n 1393,\r\n 337,\r\n 2386,\r\n 32410,\r\n 7882,\r\n 4004,\r\n 1373,\r\n 22536,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07906925793990348,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5639097744360901,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001181898289360106\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 231,\r\n \"seek\": 119350,\r\n \"start\": 1198.5,\r\n \"end\": 1206.5,\r\n \"text\": \" As Doug mentioned last Sunday morning, for us to seek a new pastor, we would appreciate your input through a questionnaire.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 1018,\r\n 12742,\r\n 2835,\r\n 1036,\r\n 7776,\r\n 2446,\r\n 11,\r\n 337,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 8075,\r\n 257,\r\n 777,\r\n 21193,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 576,\r\n 4449,\r\n 428,\r\n 4846,\r\n 807,\r\n 257,\r\n 44702,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07906925793990348,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5639097744360901,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001181898289360106\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 232,\r\n \"seek\": 119350,\r\n \"start\": 1206.5,\r\n \"end\": 1214.5,\r\n \"text\": \" This questionnaire is in your today's bulletin, and we are asking you to fill it out and return it to us by next Sunday, July 14th.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 639,\r\n 44702,\r\n 307,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 965,\r\n 311,\r\n 11632,\r\n 259,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 3365,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 2836,\r\n 309,\r\n 484,\r\n 293,\r\n 2736,\r\n 309,\r\n 281,\r\n 505,\r\n 538,\r\n 958,\r\n 7776,\r\n 11,\r\n 7370,\r\n 3499,\r\n 392,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07906925793990348,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5639097744360901,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001181898289360106\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 233,\r\n \"seek\": 119350,\r\n \"start\": 1214.5,\r\n \"end\": 1222.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You can drop it off in the offering plate at the desk in the welcome center or to any of us on the committee.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 509,\r\n 393,\r\n 3270,\r\n 309,\r\n 766,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 8745,\r\n 5924,\r\n 412,\r\n 264,\r\n 10026,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 2928,\r\n 3056,\r\n 420,\r\n 281,\r\n 604,\r\n 295,\r\n 505,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 7482,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07906925793990348,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5639097744360901,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001181898289360106\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 234,\r\n \"seek\": 122250,\r\n \"start\": 1222.5,\r\n \"end\": 1227.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It is this lovely piece of purple paper in your bulletin.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 467,\r\n 307,\r\n 341,\r\n 7496,\r\n 2522,\r\n 295,\r\n 9656,\r\n 3035,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 11632,\r\n 259,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04599028680382705,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5991379310344827,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006558134336955845\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 235,\r\n \"seek\": 122250,\r\n \"start\": 1227.5,\r\n \"end\": 1236.5,\r\n \"text\": \" After we gather all that information, we will submit our report and findings at our next business meeting.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 2381,\r\n 321,\r\n 5448,\r\n 439,\r\n 300,\r\n 1589,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 486,\r\n 10315,\r\n 527,\r\n 2275,\r\n 293,\r\n 16483,\r\n 412,\r\n 527,\r\n 958,\r\n 1606,\r\n 3440,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04599028680382705,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5991379310344827,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006558134336955845\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 236,\r\n \"seek\": 122250,\r\n \"start\": 1236.5,\r\n \"end\": 1243.5,\r\n \"text\": \" In addition to helping with the questionnaire, there are many ways you can support the committee during this process.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 682,\r\n 4500,\r\n 281,\r\n 4315,\r\n 365,\r\n 264,\r\n 44702,\r\n 11,\r\n 456,\r\n 366,\r\n 867,\r\n 2098,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 1406,\r\n 264,\r\n 7482,\r\n 1830,\r\n 341,\r\n 1399,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04599028680382705,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5991379310344827,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006558134336955845\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 237,\r\n \"seek\": 122250,\r\n \"start\": 1243.5,\r\n \"end\": 1249.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I would like to share three ways you can pray throughout our church search for a pastor.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 286,\r\n 576,\r\n 411,\r\n 281,\r\n 2073,\r\n 1045,\r\n 2098,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 3690,\r\n 3710,\r\n 527,\r\n 4128,\r\n 3164,\r\n 337,\r\n 257,\r\n 21193,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04599028680382705,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5991379310344827,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006558134336955845\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 238,\r\n \"seek\": 124950,\r\n \"start\": 1249.5,\r\n \"end\": 1252.5,\r\n \"text\": \" One, pray for our church.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1485,\r\n 11,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 527,\r\n 4128,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.043782340779024015,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7435897435897436,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.017439622431993484\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 239,\r\n \"seek\": 124950,\r\n \"start\": 1252.5,\r\n \"end\": 1258.5,\r\n \"text\": \" A season without a pastor is one of the most important seasons in the life of a church.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 316,\r\n 3196,\r\n 1553,\r\n 257,\r\n 21193,\r\n 307,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 881,\r\n 1021,\r\n 15050,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 993,\r\n 295,\r\n 257,\r\n 4128,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.043782340779024015,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7435897435897436,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.017439622431993484\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 240,\r\n \"seek\": 124950,\r\n \"start\": 1258.5,\r\n \"end\": 1263.5,\r\n \"text\": \" During this time, pray that our church will remain humble and unified.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 6842,\r\n 341,\r\n 565,\r\n 11,\r\n 3690,\r\n 300,\r\n 527,\r\n 4128,\r\n 486,\r\n 6222,\r\n 16735,\r\n 293,\r\n 26787,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.043782340779024015,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7435897435897436,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.017439622431993484\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 241,\r\n \"seek\": 124950,\r\n \"start\": 1263.5,\r\n \"end\": 1268.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Pray that we be patient and wait on God's perfect timing.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 36365,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 312,\r\n 4537,\r\n 293,\r\n 1699,\r\n 322,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 2176,\r\n 10822,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.043782340779024015,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7435897435897436,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.017439622431993484\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 242,\r\n \"seek\": 124950,\r\n \"start\": 1268.5,\r\n \"end\": 1275.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Pray that we be productive, recognizing that our church is still a church, even without a pastor.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 36365,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 312,\r\n 13304,\r\n 11,\r\n 18538,\r\n 300,\r\n 527,\r\n 4128,\r\n 307,\r\n 920,\r\n 257,\r\n 4128,\r\n 11,\r\n 754,\r\n 1553,\r\n 257,\r\n 21193,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.043782340779024015,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7435897435897436,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.017439622431993484\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 243,\r\n \"seek\": 127550,\r\n \"start\": 1275.5,\r\n \"end\": 1283.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Pray for faithfulness, recognizing that the Great Commission still applies even without a pastor.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 36365,\r\n 337,\r\n 17808,\r\n 1287,\r\n 11,\r\n 18538,\r\n 300,\r\n 264,\r\n 3769,\r\n 10766,\r\n 920,\r\n 13165,\r\n 754,\r\n 1553,\r\n 257,\r\n 21193,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04707719484965007,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6753246753246753,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002374211559072137\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 244,\r\n \"seek\": 127550,\r\n \"start\": 1283.5,\r\n \"end\": 1285.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Pray for your search committee.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 36365,\r\n 337,\r\n 428,\r\n 3164,\r\n 7482,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04707719484965007,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6753246753246753,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002374211559072137\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 245,\r\n \"seek\": 127550,\r\n \"start\": 1285.5,\r\n \"end\": 1293.5,\r\n \"text\": \" The pastor search committee has been entrusted with the responsibility to identify the man that God is calling to be our next pastor.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 440,\r\n 21193,\r\n 3164,\r\n 7482,\r\n 575,\r\n 668,\r\n 8041,\r\n 6589,\r\n 365,\r\n 264,\r\n 6357,\r\n 281,\r\n 5876,\r\n 264,\r\n 587,\r\n 300,\r\n 1265,\r\n 307,\r\n 5141,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 527,\r\n 958,\r\n 21193,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04707719484965007,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6753246753246753,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002374211559072137\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 246,\r\n \"seek\": 127550,\r\n \"start\": 1293.5,\r\n \"end\": 1296.5,\r\n \"text\": \" This is not an easy job.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 639,\r\n 307,\r\n 406,\r\n 364,\r\n 1858,\r\n 1691,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04707719484965007,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6753246753246753,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002374211559072137\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 247,\r\n \"seek\": 127550,\r\n \"start\": 1296.5,\r\n \"end\": 1301.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Pray that we would be unified and practice godly wisdom and discernment.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 36365,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 576,\r\n 312,\r\n 26787,\r\n 293,\r\n 3124,\r\n 3044,\r\n 356,\r\n 10712,\r\n 293,\r\n 30868,\r\n 518,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04707719484965007,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6753246753246753,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002374211559072137\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 248,\r\n \"seek\": 127550,\r\n \"start\": 1301.5,\r\n \"end\": 1304.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Pray for our next pastor.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51664,\r\n 36365,\r\n 337,\r\n 527,\r\n 958,\r\n 21193,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04707719484965007,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6753246753246753,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002374211559072137\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 249,\r\n \"seek\": 130450,\r\n \"start\": 1304.5,\r\n \"end\": 1309.5,\r\n \"text\": \" While we may not know the identity of our next pastor, God does.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 3987,\r\n 321,\r\n 815,\r\n 406,\r\n 458,\r\n 264,\r\n 6575,\r\n 295,\r\n 527,\r\n 958,\r\n 21193,\r\n 11,\r\n 1265,\r\n 775,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.038328213691711424,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7965367965367964,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004889323026873171\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 250,\r\n \"seek\": 130450,\r\n \"start\": 1309.5,\r\n \"end\": 1316.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And you can rest assured that the Lord can respond to any prayer uttered on behalf of our next pastor.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 400,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 1472,\r\n 23426,\r\n 300,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 393,\r\n 4196,\r\n 281,\r\n 604,\r\n 8767,\r\n 17567,\r\n 292,\r\n 322,\r\n 9490,\r\n 295,\r\n 527,\r\n 958,\r\n 21193,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.038328213691711424,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7965367965367964,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004889323026873171\r\n 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257,\r\n 2068,\r\n 7516,\r\n 281,\r\n 2924,\r\n 293,\r\n 21552,\r\n 264,\r\n 1379,\r\n 10351,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 293,\r\n 281,\r\n 2836,\r\n 264,\r\n 661,\r\n 26083,\r\n 9604,\r\n 295,\r\n 257,\r\n 40317,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.038328213691711424,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7965367965367964,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004889323026873171\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 253,\r\n \"seek\": 133150,\r\n \"start\": 1332.5,\r\n \"end\": 1334.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I will end with my opening statement.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50414,\r\n 286,\r\n 486,\r\n 917,\r\n 365,\r\n 452,\r\n 5193,\r\n 5629,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10154159141309334,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4545454545454546,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.04021938890218735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 254,\r\n \"seek\": 133150,\r\n \"start\": 1334.5,\r\n \"end\": 1336.5,\r\n \"text\": \" God has a plan.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 1265,\r\n 575,\r\n 257,\r\n 1393,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10154159141309334,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4545454545454546,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.04021938890218735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 255,\r\n \"seek\": 133150,\r\n \"start\": 1336.5,\r\n \"end\": 1338.5,\r\n \"text\": \" God has a man.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 1265,\r\n 575,\r\n 257,\r\n 587,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10154159141309334,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4545454545454546,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.04021938890218735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 256,\r\n \"seek\": 133150,\r\n \"start\": 1338.5,\r\n \"end\": 1343.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Thank you for your prayers, understanding and patience as we move forward in our search.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 428,\r\n 16860,\r\n 11,\r\n 3701,\r\n 293,\r\n 14826,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 1286,\r\n 2128,\r\n 294,\r\n 527,\r\n 3164,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10154159141309334,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4545454545454546,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.04021938890218735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 257,\r\n \"seek\": 133150,\r\n \"start\": 1343.5,\r\n \"end\": 1345.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Thank you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10154159141309334,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4545454545454546,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.04021938890218735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 258,\r\n \"seek\": 133150,\r\n \"start\": 1350.5,\r\n \"end\": 1352.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Oh, sorry, it's over here.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 876,\r\n 11,\r\n 2597,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 670,\r\n 510,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10154159141309334,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4545454545454546,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.04021938890218735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 259,\r\n \"seek\": 133150,\r\n \"start\": 1352.5,\r\n \"end\": 1354.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I apologize.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 286,\r\n 12328,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10154159141309334,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4545454545454546,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.04021938890218735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 260,\r\n \"seek\": 135450,\r\n \"start\": 1354.5,\r\n \"end\": 1362.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I have one other announcement that I know that somebody asked us to highlight and I didn't have a chance to get with Colin because he was busy doing baptism.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 362,\r\n 472,\r\n 661,\r\n 12847,\r\n 300,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 300,\r\n 2618,\r\n 2351,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 5078,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 362,\r\n 257,\r\n 2931,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 365,\r\n 29253,\r\n 570,\r\n 415,\r\n 390,\r\n 5856,\r\n 884,\r\n 34352,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10832144595958569,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6503496503496504,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.10771308094263077\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 261,\r\n \"seek\": 135450,\r\n \"start\": 1362.5,\r\n \"end\": 1365.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And so I think he gets a pass and I get a pass.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 415,\r\n 2170,\r\n 257,\r\n 1320,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 483,\r\n 257,\r\n 1320,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10832144595958569,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6503496503496504,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.10771308094263077\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 262,\r\n \"seek\": 135450,\r\n \"start\": 1365.5,\r\n \"end\": 1369.5,\r\n \"text\": \" But the Tony Gross concert is coming up on this Friday.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 583,\r\n 264,\r\n 10902,\r\n 34256,\r\n 8543,\r\n 307,\r\n 1348,\r\n 493,\r\n 322,\r\n 341,\r\n 6984,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10832144595958569,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6503496503496504,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.10771308094263077\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 263,\r\n \"seek\": 135450,\r\n \"start\": 1369.5,\r\n \"end\": 1376.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So the momentum Sunday School class invites everyone to the God bless America concert this Friday here in the sanctuary.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 407,\r\n 264,\r\n 11244,\r\n 7776,\r\n 5070,\r\n 1508,\r\n 35719,\r\n 1518,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 1265,\r\n 5227,\r\n 3374,\r\n 8543,\r\n 341,\r\n 6984,\r\n 510,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 34390,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10832144595958569,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6503496503496504,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.10771308094263077\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 264,\r\n \"seek\": 135450,\r\n \"start\": 1376.5,\r\n \"end\": 1382.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Tony Gross will be playing Christian and patriotic songs as we celebrate God and country.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 10902,\r\n 34256,\r\n 486,\r\n 312,\r\n 2433,\r\n 5778,\r\n 293,\r\n 18311,\r\n 9411,\r\n 5781,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 8098,\r\n 1265,\r\n 293,\r\n 1941,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10832144595958569,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6503496503496504,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.10771308094263077\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 265,\r\n \"seek\": 138250,\r\n \"start\": 1382.5,\r\n \"end\": 1387.5,\r\n \"text\": \" The concert will be at 7pm and invite eight and a love offering will be taken.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 440,\r\n 8543,\r\n 486,\r\n 312,\r\n 412,\r\n 1614,\r\n 14395,\r\n 293,\r\n 7980,\r\n 3180,\r\n 293,\r\n 257,\r\n 959,\r\n 8745,\r\n 486,\r\n 312,\r\n 2726,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09711464968594638,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6470588235294117,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00952473096549511\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 266,\r\n \"seek\": 138250,\r\n \"start\": 1387.5,\r\n \"end\": 1394.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So please be sure to invite others to come to this wonderful event.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 407,\r\n 1767,\r\n 312,\r\n 988,\r\n 281,\r\n 7980,\r\n 2357,\r\n 281,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 341,\r\n 3715,\r\n 2280,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09711464968594638,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6470588235294117,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00952473096549511\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 267,\r\n \"seek\": 138250,\r\n \"start\": 1394.5,\r\n \"end\": 1400.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And now the choir is going to sing a rousing anthem and it is it's a lot of fun to sing.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 400,\r\n 586,\r\n 264,\r\n 31244,\r\n 307,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 1522,\r\n 257,\r\n 367,\r\n 24220,\r\n 42383,\r\n 293,\r\n 309,\r\n 307,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 1019,\r\n 281,\r\n 1522,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09711464968594638,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6470588235294117,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00952473096549511\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 268,\r\n \"seek\": 138250,\r\n \"start\": 1400.5,\r\n \"end\": 1402.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It's a lot of fun to listen to.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 1019,\r\n 281,\r\n 2140,\r\n 281,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09711464968594638,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6470588235294117,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00952473096549511\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 269,\r\n \"seek\": 138250,\r\n \"start\": 1402.5,\r\n \"end\": 1404.5,\r\n \"text\": \" But I don't want you to lose everything.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 583,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 528,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 3624,\r\n 1203,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09711464968594638,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6470588235294117,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00952473096549511\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 270,\r\n \"seek\": 140450,\r\n \"start\": 1404.5,\r\n \"end\": 1413.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Every verse talks to this thing that I was telling you about loving one another and us being the hands and feet of Jesus.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 2048,\r\n 7996,\r\n 6686,\r\n 281,\r\n 341,\r\n 551,\r\n 300,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 3585,\r\n 291,\r\n 466,\r\n 9344,\r\n 472,\r\n 1071,\r\n 293,\r\n 505,\r\n 885,\r\n 264,\r\n 2377,\r\n 293,\r\n 3521,\r\n 295,\r\n 2705,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08444971720377605,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6069651741293531,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.46282556653022766\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 271,\r\n \"seek\": 140450,\r\n \"start\": 1413.5,\r\n \"end\": 1429.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So one of the verses says Lord remove our vision to be Christ where we live to reach out in mercy to the lost for each cup of kindness to the least in our midst is an offering of worship to the throne.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 407,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 17316,\r\n 1619,\r\n 3257,\r\n 4159,\r\n 527,\r\n 5201,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 2040,\r\n 689,\r\n 321,\r\n 1621,\r\n 281,\r\n 2524,\r\n 484,\r\n 294,\r\n 13174,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 2731,\r\n 337,\r\n 1184,\r\n 4414,\r\n 295,\r\n 18171,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 1935,\r\n 294,\r\n 527,\r\n 18629,\r\n 307,\r\n 364,\r\n 8745,\r\n 295,\r\n 9965,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 17678,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08444971720377605,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6069651741293531,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.46282556653022766\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 272,\r\n \"seek\": 142950,\r\n \"start\": 1429.5,\r\n \"end\": 1437.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Every kindness that you perform in the name of Jesus is an act of worship and it is as if you are doing it to him.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 2048,\r\n 18171,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 2042,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1315,\r\n 295,\r\n 2705,\r\n 307,\r\n 364,\r\n 605,\r\n 295,\r\n 9965,\r\n 293,\r\n 309,\r\n 307,\r\n 382,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 366,\r\n 884,\r\n 309,\r\n 281,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13061742349104447,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3559322033898304,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2990149259567261\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 273,\r\n \"seek\": 142950,\r\n \"start\": 1437.5,\r\n \"end\": 1439.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And so the choir is going to sing about that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 264,\r\n 31244,\r\n 307,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 1522,\r\n 466,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13061742349104447,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3559322033898304,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2990149259567261\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 274,\r\n \"seek\": 143950,\r\n \"start\": 1439.5,\r\n \"end\": 1441.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Here is the liaison.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1692,\r\n 307,\r\n 264,\r\n 49431,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.757902979850769,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 0.7142857142857143,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.8923718929290771\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 275,\r\n \"seek\": 146950,\r\n \"start\": 1469.5,\r\n \"end\": 1484.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I say liaison, I verse you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 584,\r\n 49431,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 7996,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.9641958077748617,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 0.7714285714285715,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.9779453873634338\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 276,\r\n \"seek\": 148450,\r\n \"start\": 1484.5,\r\n \"end\": 1503.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I say liaison, I verse you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 584,\r\n 49431,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 7996,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20187634229660034,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 0.7714285714285715,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7921918034553528\r\n 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For our pains are many and our freedom.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 1171,\r\n 527,\r\n 29774,\r\n 366,\r\n 867,\r\n 293,\r\n 527,\r\n 5645,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.4334011872609456,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.32,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.8233197331428528\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 280,\r\n \"seek\": 150350,\r\n \"start\": 1516.5,\r\n \"end\": 1521.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And the fires of compassion comes again.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 15044,\r\n 295,\r\n 12601,\r\n 1487,\r\n 797,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.4334011872609456,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.32,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.8233197331428528\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 281,\r\n \"seek\": 152150,\r\n \"start\": 1521.5,\r\n \"end\": 1540.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Here is liaison, I verse you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1692,\r\n 307,\r\n 49431,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 7996,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.19803051153818765,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 0.7837837837837838,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.765220046043396\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 282,\r\n \"seek\": 154050,\r\n \"start\": 1540.5,\r\n \"end\": 1545.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And we love our God with our heart and time and strength.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 959,\r\n 527,\r\n 1265,\r\n 365,\r\n 527,\r\n 1917,\r\n 293,\r\n 565,\r\n 293,\r\n 3800,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.42523964415205284,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4344262295081966,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.6618198156356812\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 283,\r\n \"seek\": 154050,\r\n \"start\": 1545.5,\r\n \"end\": 1549.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And we love our neighbors as ourselves.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 959,\r\n 527,\r\n 12512,\r\n 382,\r\n 4175,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.42523964415205284,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4344262295081966,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.6618198156356812\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 284,\r\n \"seek\": 154050,\r\n \"start\": 1549.5,\r\n \"end\": 1559.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And as more of a new generation of us and a glory of Christ will be revealed.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 400,\r\n 382,\r\n 544,\r\n 295,\r\n 257,\r\n 777,\r\n 5125,\r\n 295,\r\n 505,\r\n 293,\r\n 257,\r\n 11924,\r\n 295,\r\n 2040,\r\n 486,\r\n 312,\r\n 9599,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.42523964415205284,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4344262295081966,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.6618198156356812\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 285,\r\n \"seek\": 155950,\r\n \"start\": 1559.5,\r\n \"end\": 1578.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Here is liaison, I verse you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1692,\r\n 307,\r\n 49431,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 7996,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1588801940282186,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 0.7837837837837838,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7349005937576294\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 286,\r\n \"seek\": 157850,\r\n \"start\": 1578.5,\r\n \"end\": 1588.5,\r\n \"text\": \" In the name of Lord ever seen, please stay and worship.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 682,\r\n 264,\r\n 1315,\r\n 295,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1562,\r\n 1612,\r\n 11,\r\n 1767,\r\n 1754,\r\n 293,\r\n 9965,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.6859970653758329,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 0.9016393442622951,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.6750007271766663\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 287,\r\n \"seek\": 158850,\r\n \"start\": 1588.5,\r\n \"end\": 1616.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Christ never seen, Christ never seen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 2040,\r\n 1128,\r\n 1612,\r\n 11,\r\n 2040,\r\n 1128,\r\n 1612,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.591865062713623,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.1935483870967742,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.9175706505775452\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 288,\r\n \"seek\": 161650,\r\n \"start\": 1616.5,\r\n \"end\": 1628.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Never was so happy ever seen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 7344,\r\n 390,\r\n 370,\r\n 2055,\r\n 1562,\r\n 1612,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.5238634558284984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2040816326530612,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.27241507172584534\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 289,\r\n \"seek\": 161650,\r\n \"start\": 1628.5,\r\n \"end\": 1642.5,\r\n \"text\": \" For renew our vision to the Christ where we fit, to reach out Him, receive to the cause.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1171,\r\n 10162,\r\n 527,\r\n 5201,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 2040,\r\n 689,\r\n 321,\r\n 3318,\r\n 11,\r\n 281,\r\n 2524,\r\n 484,\r\n 5920,\r\n 11,\r\n 4774,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 3082,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.5238634558284984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.2040816326530612,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.27241507172584534\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 290,\r\n \"seek\": 164250,\r\n \"start\": 1642.5,\r\n \"end\": 1659.5,\r\n \"text\": \" For each of our kindness to the least in our midst is an honorary aversion to the Lord.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1171,\r\n 1184,\r\n 295,\r\n 527,\r\n 18171,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 1935,\r\n 294,\r\n 527,\r\n 18629,\r\n 307,\r\n 364,\r\n 49365,\r\n 257,\r\n 29153,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.3786838452021281,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.1153846153846154,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.46921658515930176\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 291,\r\n \"seek\": 165950,\r\n \"start\": 1659.5,\r\n \"end\": 1678.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Christ never seen, Christ never seen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 2040,\r\n 1128,\r\n 1612,\r\n 11,\r\n 2040,\r\n 1128,\r\n 1612,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.32316360870997113,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.1935483870967742,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.8253862261772156\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 292,\r\n \"seek\": 167850,\r\n \"start\": 1678.5,\r\n \"end\": 1703.5,\r\n \"text\": \" In the name of Lord ever seen, in the name of Lord ever seen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 682,\r\n 264,\r\n 1315,\r\n 295,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1562,\r\n 1612,\r\n 11,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1315,\r\n 295,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1562,\r\n 1612,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20236996600502416,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4186046511627908,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7889915108680725\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 293,\r\n \"seek\": 170850,\r\n \"start\": 1708.5,\r\n \"end\": 1722.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And one more chance for you to worship with us as we sing this song called,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 472,\r\n 544,\r\n 2931,\r\n 337,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 9965,\r\n 365,\r\n 505,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 1522,\r\n 341,\r\n 2153,\r\n 1219,\r\n 11,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1921584736217152,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3592814371257484,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.536809504032135\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 294,\r\n \"seek\": 170850,\r\n \"start\": 1722.5,\r\n \"end\": 1728.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Sorry, By Our Love, which is another beautiful song.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 4919,\r\n 11,\r\n 3146,\r\n 2621,\r\n 5956,\r\n 11,\r\n 597,\r\n 307,\r\n 1071,\r\n 2238,\r\n 2153,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1921584736217152,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3592814371257484,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.536809504032135\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 295,\r\n \"seek\": 170850,\r\n \"start\": 1728.5,\r\n \"end\": 1733.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It played during the countdown clock and I've been teaching the Wednesday and Sunday night crowds.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 467,\r\n 3737,\r\n 1830,\r\n 264,\r\n 35985,\r\n 7830,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 668,\r\n 4571,\r\n 264,\r\n 10579,\r\n 293,\r\n 7776,\r\n 1818,\r\n 26070,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1921584736217152,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3592814371257484,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.536809504032135\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 296,\r\n \"seek\": 173350,\r\n \"start\": 1733.5,\r\n \"end\": 1737.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So again, if you want to know these new songs, I have opportunities for you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 797,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 458,\r\n 613,\r\n 777,\r\n 5781,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 362,\r\n 4786,\r\n 337,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1878423463730585,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3305785123966942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.49596136808395386\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 297,\r\n \"seek\": 173350,\r\n \"start\": 1737.5,\r\n \"end\": 1741.5,\r\n \"text\": \" If you want to come to Wednesday or Sunday night, would you stay and join us please.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 10579,\r\n 420,\r\n 7776,\r\n 1818,\r\n 11,\r\n 576,\r\n 291,\r\n 1754,\r\n 293,\r\n 3917,\r\n 505,\r\n 1767,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1878423463730585,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3305785123966942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.49596136808395386\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 298,\r\n \"seek\": 176350,\r\n \"start\": 1763.5,\r\n \"end\": 1783.5,\r\n \"text\": \" We will come reaching out from our comforts and they will know us by our love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 486,\r\n 808,\r\n 9906,\r\n 484,\r\n 490,\r\n 527,\r\n 3400,\r\n 82,\r\n 293,\r\n 436,\r\n 486,\r\n 458,\r\n 505,\r\n 538,\r\n 527,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.38912335309115326,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.054054054054054,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.9726856350898743\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 299,\r\n \"seek\": 178350,\r\n \"start\": 1783.5,\r\n \"end\": 1795.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Sisters, we were made for kindness. We can hear the darkness as He shines through us.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 43166,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 645,\r\n 1027,\r\n 337,\r\n 18171,\r\n 13,\r\n 492,\r\n 393,\r\n 1568,\r\n 264,\r\n 11262,\r\n 382,\r\n 634,\r\n 28056,\r\n 807,\r\n 505,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17034714720969976,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.346774193548387,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7340819835662842\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 300,\r\n \"seek\": 178350,\r\n \"start\": 1795.5,\r\n \"end\": 1810.5,\r\n \"text\": \" We will come reaching with the song of healing and they will know us by our love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 492,\r\n 486,\r\n 808,\r\n 9906,\r\n 365,\r\n 264,\r\n 2153,\r\n 295,\r\n 9745,\r\n 293,\r\n 436,\r\n 486,\r\n 458,\r\n 505,\r\n 538,\r\n 527,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17034714720969976,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.346774193548387,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7340819835662842\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 301,\r\n \"seek\": 181050,\r\n \"start\": 1810.5,\r\n \"end\": 1820.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And time is now, come to our choice, love with His hands.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 565,\r\n 307,\r\n 586,\r\n 11,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 527,\r\n 3922,\r\n 11,\r\n 959,\r\n 365,\r\n 2812,\r\n 2377,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.25988101959228516,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3189655172413792,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.6687944531440735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 302,\r\n \"seek\": 181050,\r\n \"start\": 1820.5,\r\n \"end\": 1839.5,\r\n \"text\": \" See with His eyes, I will around you, let it never leave you and they will know us by our love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 3008,\r\n 365,\r\n 2812,\r\n 2575,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 486,\r\n 926,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 309,\r\n 1128,\r\n 1856,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 436,\r\n 486,\r\n 458,\r\n 505,\r\n 538,\r\n 527,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.25988101959228516,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3189655172413792,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.6687944531440735\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 303,\r\n \"seek\": 184050,\r\n \"start\": 1840.5,\r\n \"end\": 1854.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Children, you are all for justice.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 13354,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 366,\r\n 439,\r\n 337,\r\n 6118,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.501656969388326,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 0.8095238095238095,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.39773067831993103\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 304,\r\n \"seek\": 185450,\r\n \"start\": 1854.5,\r\n \"end\": 1870.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Center in the truth now, set your hearts on hold. You will be reaching long after we're gone\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 5169,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 3494,\r\n 586,\r\n 11,\r\n 992,\r\n 428,\r\n 8852,\r\n 322,\r\n 1797,\r\n 13,\r\n 509,\r\n 486,\r\n 312,\r\n 9906,\r\n 938,\r\n 934,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 2780,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2922593879699707,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.0952380952380953,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.871670663356781\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 305,\r\n \"seek\": 187050,\r\n \"start\": 1870.5,\r\n \"end\": 1876.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and they will know you by your love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 293,\r\n 436,\r\n 486,\r\n 458,\r\n 291,\r\n 538,\r\n 428,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06478324143782906,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3245614035087718,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7663042545318604\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 306,\r\n \"seek\": 187050,\r\n \"start\": 1876.5,\r\n \"end\": 1886.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Time is now, come to our choice, love with His hands.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 6161,\r\n 307,\r\n 586,\r\n 11,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 527,\r\n 3922,\r\n 11,\r\n 959,\r\n 365,\r\n 2812,\r\n 2377,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06478324143782906,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3245614035087718,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7663042545318604\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 307,\r\n \"seek\": 187050,\r\n \"start\": 1886.5,\r\n \"end\": 1898.5,\r\n \"text\": \" See with His eyes, I will around you, let it never leave you\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 3008,\r\n 365,\r\n 2812,\r\n 2575,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 486,\r\n 926,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 309,\r\n 1128,\r\n 1856,\r\n 291,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06478324143782906,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3245614035087718,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7663042545318604\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 308,\r\n \"seek\": 189850,\r\n \"start\": 1898.5,\r\n \"end\": 1904.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and they will know us by our love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 293,\r\n 436,\r\n 486,\r\n 458,\r\n 505,\r\n 538,\r\n 527,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.03221640941944528,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3189655172413792,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.45447003841400146\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 309,\r\n \"seek\": 189850,\r\n \"start\": 1904.5,\r\n \"end\": 1914.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And time is now, come to our choice, love with His hands.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 400,\r\n 565,\r\n 307,\r\n 586,\r\n 11,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 527,\r\n 3922,\r\n 11,\r\n 959,\r\n 365,\r\n 2812,\r\n 2377,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.03221640941944528,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3189655172413792,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.45447003841400146\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 310,\r\n \"seek\": 189850,\r\n \"start\": 1914.5,\r\n \"end\": 1926.5,\r\n \"text\": \" See with His eyes, I will around you, let it never leave you\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 3008,\r\n 365,\r\n 2812,\r\n 2575,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 486,\r\n 926,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 309,\r\n 1128,\r\n 1856,\r\n 291,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.03221640941944528,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3189655172413792,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.45447003841400146\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 311,\r\n \"seek\": 192650,\r\n \"start\": 1926.5,\r\n \"end\": 1944.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and they will know us by our love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 293,\r\n 436,\r\n 486,\r\n 458,\r\n 505,\r\n 538,\r\n 527,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14226411028606137,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4455445544554455,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.062280796468257904\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 312,\r\n \"seek\": 192650,\r\n \"start\": 1944.5,\r\n \"end\": 1953.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Jesus said, you will know, they will know that you are my disciples by the way that you love one another. Amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 2705,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 486,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 486,\r\n 458,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 366,\r\n 452,\r\n 17209,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 959,\r\n 472,\r\n 1071,\r\n 13,\r\n 14092,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14226411028606137,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4455445544554455,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.062280796468257904\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 313,\r\n \"seek\": 195350,\r\n \"start\": 1953.5,\r\n \"end\": 1963.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Well I have the wonderful privilege of introducing our guest preacher today and I got to listen to him this morning at our 8.15 service and was supremely blessed.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1042,\r\n 286,\r\n 362,\r\n 264,\r\n 3715,\r\n 12122,\r\n 295,\r\n 15424,\r\n 527,\r\n 8341,\r\n 42078,\r\n 965,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 658,\r\n 281,\r\n 2140,\r\n 281,\r\n 796,\r\n 341,\r\n 2446,\r\n 412,\r\n 527,\r\n 1649,\r\n 13,\r\n 5211,\r\n 2643,\r\n 293,\r\n 390,\r\n 23710,\r\n 736,\r\n 12351,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10489707115368965,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4588744588744589,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7126929759979248\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 314,\r\n \"seek\": 195350,\r\n \"start\": 1963.5,\r\n \"end\": 1969.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And so we are so very thankful and blessed to have Dr. Mike James with us here today.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 370,\r\n 588,\r\n 13611,\r\n 293,\r\n 12351,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 2491,\r\n 13,\r\n 6602,\r\n 5678,\r\n 365,\r\n 505,\r\n 510,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10489707115368965,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4588744588744589,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7126929759979248\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 315,\r\n \"seek\": 195350,\r\n \"start\": 1969.5,\r\n \"end\": 1976.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And he is the associate pastor at Porter Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 400,\r\n 415,\r\n 307,\r\n 264,\r\n 14644,\r\n 21193,\r\n 412,\r\n 42609,\r\n 24957,\r\n 32410,\r\n 7882,\r\n 294,\r\n 24086,\r\n 20251,\r\n 11,\r\n 22369,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10489707115368965,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4588744588744589,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.7126929759979248\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 316,\r\n \"seek\": 197650,\r\n \"start\": 1976.5,\r\n \"end\": 1991.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And brother Mike has been a part of Baptist life for many years now and he has led numerous conferences, discipleship, Sunday school conferences, church growth conferences, participated in many revivals.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 3708,\r\n 6602,\r\n 575,\r\n 668,\r\n 257,\r\n 644,\r\n 295,\r\n 32410,\r\n 993,\r\n 337,\r\n 867,\r\n 924,\r\n 586,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 575,\r\n 4684,\r\n 12546,\r\n 22032,\r\n 11,\r\n 17209,\r\n 1210,\r\n 11,\r\n 7776,\r\n 1395,\r\n 22032,\r\n 11,\r\n 4128,\r\n 4599,\r\n 22032,\r\n 11,\r\n 17978,\r\n 294,\r\n 867,\r\n 3698,\r\n 17759,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12047203531805074,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6222222222222222,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.5017503499984741\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 317,\r\n \"seek\": 197650,\r\n \"start\": 1991.5,\r\n \"end\": 1996.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And he's even co-authored a couple of books which you'll see there in your bulletin.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 400,\r\n 415,\r\n 311,\r\n 754,\r\n 598,\r\n 12,\r\n 40198,\r\n 2769,\r\n 257,\r\n 1916,\r\n 295,\r\n 3642,\r\n 597,\r\n 291,\r\n 603,\r\n 536,\r\n 456,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 11632,\r\n 259,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12047203531805074,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6222222222222222,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.5017503499984741\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 318,\r\n \"seek\": 197650,\r\n \"start\": 1996.5,\r\n \"end\": 1999.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And so we're just very blessed to have you brother Mike. Come on up here.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 445,\r\n 588,\r\n 12351,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 291,\r\n 3708,\r\n 6602,\r\n 13,\r\n 2492,\r\n 322,\r\n 493,\r\n 510,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12047203531805074,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6222222222222222,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.5017503499984741\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 319,\r\n \"seek\": 197650,\r\n \"start\": 1999.5,\r\n \"end\": 2004.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And you know something? I knew I liked this guy from the moment I seen him.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 400,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 746,\r\n 30,\r\n 286,\r\n 2586,\r\n 286,\r\n 4501,\r\n 341,\r\n 2146,\r\n 490,\r\n 264,\r\n 1623,\r\n 286,\r\n 1612,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12047203531805074,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6222222222222222,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.5017503499984741\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 320,\r\n \"seek\": 200450,\r\n \"start\": 2004.5,\r\n \"end\": 2009.5,\r\n \"text\": \" We're brother here. He was in jacket too.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 434,\r\n 3708,\r\n 510,\r\n 13,\r\n 634,\r\n 390,\r\n 294,\r\n 11781,\r\n 886,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18683656779202548,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.502262443438914,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.046883732080459595\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 321,\r\n \"seek\": 200450,\r\n \"start\": 2009.5,\r\n \"end\": 2011.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Something else to know about brother Mike.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 6595,\r\n 1646,\r\n 281,\r\n 458,\r\n 466,\r\n 3708,\r\n 6602,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18683656779202548,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.502262443438914,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.046883732080459595\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 322,\r\n \"seek\": 200450,\r\n \"start\": 2011.5,\r\n \"end\": 2019.5,\r\n \"text\": \" As soon as he came in he saw Miss Deb Whitaker's 1940's model guitar and he said, oh I like that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 1018,\r\n 2321,\r\n 382,\r\n 415,\r\n 1361,\r\n 294,\r\n 415,\r\n 1866,\r\n 5275,\r\n 27347,\r\n 21693,\r\n 4003,\r\n 311,\r\n 24158,\r\n 311,\r\n 2316,\r\n 7531,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 1954,\r\n 286,\r\n 411,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18683656779202548,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.502262443438914,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.046883732080459595\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 323,\r\n \"seek\": 200450,\r\n \"start\": 2019.5,\r\n \"end\": 2023.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And he started picking some Merle Travis style thumb picking on that guitar.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 400,\r\n 415,\r\n 1409,\r\n 8867,\r\n 512,\r\n 6124,\r\n 306,\r\n 24430,\r\n 3758,\r\n 9298,\r\n 8867,\r\n 322,\r\n 300,\r\n 7531,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18683656779202548,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.502262443438914,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.046883732080459595\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 324,\r\n \"seek\": 200450,\r\n \"start\": 2023.5,\r\n \"end\": 2028.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And you know that hits close to home because I'm a western Kentucky boy.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 400,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 300,\r\n 8664,\r\n 1998,\r\n 281,\r\n 1280,\r\n 570,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 257,\r\n 13231,\r\n 22369,\r\n 3237,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18683656779202548,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.502262443438914,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.046883732080459595\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 325,\r\n \"seek\": 202850,\r\n \"start\": 2028.5,\r\n \"end\": 2033.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And that thumb style of guitar picking in Muhlenburg County and Butler County.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 300,\r\n 9298,\r\n 3758,\r\n 295,\r\n 7531,\r\n 8867,\r\n 294,\r\n 15651,\r\n 6698,\r\n 8342,\r\n 6658,\r\n 293,\r\n 27571,\r\n 6658,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10919692699725811,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7048611111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13369356095790863\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 326,\r\n \"seek\": 202850,\r\n \"start\": 2033.5,\r\n \"end\": 2035.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Hey, that's right up my alley brother.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 1911,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 558,\r\n 493,\r\n 452,\r\n 26660,\r\n 3708,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10919692699725811,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7048611111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13369356095790863\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 327,\r\n \"seek\": 202850,\r\n \"start\": 2035.5,\r\n \"end\": 2040.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Well, come on up here and may I pray over you and you bring us the word of God.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 808,\r\n 322,\r\n 493,\r\n 510,\r\n 293,\r\n 815,\r\n 286,\r\n 3690,\r\n 670,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 291,\r\n 1565,\r\n 505,\r\n 264,\r\n 1349,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10919692699725811,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7048611111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13369356095790863\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 328,\r\n \"seek\": 202850,\r\n \"start\": 2040.5,\r\n \"end\": 2043.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Lord, thank you for brother Mike. Thank you for giving him traveling mercies.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 1309,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 3708,\r\n 6602,\r\n 13,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 2902,\r\n 796,\r\n 9712,\r\n 10811,\r\n 530,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10919692699725811,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7048611111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13369356095790863\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 329,\r\n \"seek\": 202850,\r\n \"start\": 2043.5,\r\n \"end\": 2049.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And thank you for his willingness to come and bring the word of God to us today here.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 400,\r\n 1309,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 702,\r\n 25069,\r\n 281,\r\n 808,\r\n 293,\r\n 1565,\r\n 264,\r\n 1349,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 281,\r\n 505,\r\n 965,\r\n 510,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10919692699725811,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7048611111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13369356095790863\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 330,\r\n \"seek\": 202850,\r\n \"start\": 2049.5,\r\n \"end\": 2053.5,\r\n \"text\": \" May we have hearts to hear what you have to say to us through him today.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 1891,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 8852,\r\n 281,\r\n 1568,\r\n 437,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 584,\r\n 281,\r\n 505,\r\n 807,\r\n 796,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10919692699725811,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7048611111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13369356095790863\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 331,\r\n \"seek\": 202850,\r\n \"start\": 2053.5,\r\n \"end\": 2057.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Give him unction of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. Amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 5303,\r\n 796,\r\n 517,\r\n 882,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 6295,\r\n 7218,\r\n 294,\r\n 2705,\r\n 1315,\r\n 13,\r\n 14092,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10919692699725811,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7048611111111112,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13369356095790863\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 332,\r\n \"seek\": 205750,\r\n \"start\": 2057.5,\r\n \"end\": 2061.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Well, thank you Colin so much. That was a very gracious introduction.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 1309,\r\n 291,\r\n 29253,\r\n 370,\r\n 709,\r\n 13,\r\n 663,\r\n 390,\r\n 257,\r\n 588,\r\n 36113,\r\n 9339,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1278507279568031,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.556338028169014,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009731817990541458\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 333,\r\n \"seek\": 205750,\r\n \"start\": 2061.5,\r\n \"end\": 2064.5,\r\n \"text\": \" If you have a copy of that I'd like to give that to my wife.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 257,\r\n 5055,\r\n 295,\r\n 300,\r\n 286,\r\n 1116,\r\n 411,\r\n 281,\r\n 976,\r\n 300,\r\n 281,\r\n 452,\r\n 3836,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1278507279568031,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.556338028169014,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009731817990541458\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 334,\r\n \"seek\": 205750,\r\n \"start\": 2064.5,\r\n \"end\": 2066.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So, so good.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 407,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 665,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1278507279568031,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.556338028169014,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009731817990541458\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 335,\r\n \"seek\": 205750,\r\n \"start\": 2066.5,\r\n \"end\": 2069.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Thank you Jackie and worship leaders and musicians.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 23402,\r\n 293,\r\n 9965,\r\n 3523,\r\n 293,\r\n 16916,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1278507279568031,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.556338028169014,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009731817990541458\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 336,\r\n \"seek\": 205750,\r\n \"start\": 2069.5,\r\n \"end\": 2073.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It's a joy to be with you. I really enjoy the 815 worship.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 6258,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 365,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 534,\r\n 2103,\r\n 264,\r\n 1649,\r\n 5211,\r\n 9965,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1278507279568031,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.556338028169014,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009731817990541458\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 337,\r\n \"seek\": 205750,\r\n \"start\": 2073.5,\r\n \"end\": 2081.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I bring you greetings from Porter Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington where I serve part time as well as Versailles, Kentucky.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 286,\r\n 1565,\r\n 291,\r\n 33667,\r\n 490,\r\n 42609,\r\n 24957,\r\n 32410,\r\n 7882,\r\n 294,\r\n 24086,\r\n 20251,\r\n 689,\r\n 286,\r\n 4596,\r\n 644,\r\n 565,\r\n 382,\r\n 731,\r\n 382,\r\n 12226,\r\n 64,\r\n 14835,\r\n 11,\r\n 22369,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1278507279568031,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.556338028169014,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009731817990541458\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 338,\r\n \"seek\": 205750,\r\n \"start\": 2081.5,\r\n \"end\": 2084.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I live in Versailles. Some of you know where Versailles is.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 286,\r\n 1621,\r\n 294,\r\n 12226,\r\n 64,\r\n 14835,\r\n 13,\r\n 2188,\r\n 295,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 689,\r\n 12226,\r\n 64,\r\n 14835,\r\n 307,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1278507279568031,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.556338028169014,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009731817990541458\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 339,\r\n \"seek\": 208450,\r\n \"start\": 2084.5,\r\n \"end\": 2089.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't know if you've heard this before but there were two guys in Versailles at a little fast food place eating\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 600,\r\n 2198,\r\n 341,\r\n 949,\r\n 457,\r\n 456,\r\n 645,\r\n 732,\r\n 1074,\r\n 294,\r\n 12226,\r\n 64,\r\n 14835,\r\n 412,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 2370,\r\n 1755,\r\n 1081,\r\n 3936,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12241266211684869,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9522058823529411,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018130643293261528\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 340,\r\n \"seek\": 208450,\r\n \"start\": 2089.5,\r\n \"end\": 2093.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and one of the guys said, you know, I think they pronounce this Versailles.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 293,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1074,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 436,\r\n 19567,\r\n 341,\r\n 12226,\r\n 64,\r\n 14835,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12241266211684869,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9522058823529411,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018130643293261528\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 341,\r\n \"seek\": 208450,\r\n \"start\": 2093.5,\r\n \"end\": 2097.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And the other guy said, no, no, I think it's Versailles.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 661,\r\n 2146,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 572,\r\n 11,\r\n 572,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 12226,\r\n 64,\r\n 14835,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12241266211684869,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9522058823529411,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018130643293261528\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 342,\r\n \"seek\": 208450,\r\n \"start\": 2097.5,\r\n \"end\": 2101.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And the other guy said, no, I think they pronounce it just like they do in pairs.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 661,\r\n 2146,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 572,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 436,\r\n 19567,\r\n 309,\r\n 445,\r\n 411,\r\n 436,\r\n 360,\r\n 294,\r\n 15494,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12241266211684869,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9522058823529411,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018130643293261528\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 343,\r\n \"seek\": 208450,\r\n \"start\": 2101.5,\r\n \"end\": 2105.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I think they call this place Versailles. Well, they argued for about 20 minutes.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 436,\r\n 818,\r\n 341,\r\n 1081,\r\n 12226,\r\n 64,\r\n 14835,\r\n 13,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 20219,\r\n 337,\r\n 466,\r\n 945,\r\n 2077,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12241266211684869,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9522058823529411,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018130643293261528\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 344,\r\n \"seek\": 208450,\r\n \"start\": 2105.5,\r\n \"end\": 2108.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Finally they called a little waitress over there and said, ma'am, come here.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 6288,\r\n 436,\r\n 1219,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 1699,\r\n 735,\r\n 670,\r\n 456,\r\n 293,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 463,\r\n 6,\r\n 335,\r\n 11,\r\n 808,\r\n 510,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12241266211684869,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9522058823529411,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018130643293261528\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 345,\r\n \"seek\": 208450,\r\n \"start\": 2108.5,\r\n \"end\": 2111.5,\r\n \"text\": \" How do you pronounce the name of this place?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 1012,\r\n 360,\r\n 291,\r\n 19567,\r\n 264,\r\n 1315,\r\n 295,\r\n 341,\r\n 1081,\r\n 30,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12241266211684869,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9522058823529411,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.018130643293261528\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 346,\r\n \"seek\": 211150,\r\n \"start\": 2111.5,\r\n \"end\": 2118.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And she said Burger King.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 750,\r\n 848,\r\n 28936,\r\n 3819,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13393321839889677,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5294117647058822,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009898370131850243\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 347,\r\n \"seek\": 211150,\r\n \"start\": 2118.5,\r\n \"end\": 2124.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It is Versailles, by the way, but it's a joy to be with you this morning\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 467,\r\n 307,\r\n 12226,\r\n 64,\r\n 14835,\r\n 11,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 6258,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 365,\r\n 291,\r\n 341,\r\n 2446,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13393321839889677,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5294117647058822,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009898370131850243\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 348,\r\n \"seek\": 211150,\r\n \"start\": 2124.5,\r\n \"end\": 2130.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and I really enjoyed meeting many of you today and it's great to be in God's house, amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 534,\r\n 4626,\r\n 3440,\r\n 867,\r\n 295,\r\n 291,\r\n 965,\r\n 293,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 869,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 294,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 1782,\r\n 11,\r\n 18497,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13393321839889677,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5294117647058822,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009898370131850243\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 349,\r\n \"seek\": 211150,\r\n \"start\": 2130.5,\r\n \"end\": 2134.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, at my age I'm glad to be anywhere, you know.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 412,\r\n 452,\r\n 3205,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 5404,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 4992,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13393321839889677,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5294117647058822,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009898370131850243\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 350,\r\n \"seek\": 211150,\r\n \"start\": 2134.5,\r\n \"end\": 2140.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I told the 815 worship, I don't even buy green bananas anymore. Why take the chance, you know?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 286,\r\n 1907,\r\n 264,\r\n 1649,\r\n 5211,\r\n 9965,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 754,\r\n 2256,\r\n 3092,\r\n 22742,\r\n 3602,\r\n 13,\r\n 1545,\r\n 747,\r\n 264,\r\n 2931,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 30,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13393321839889677,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5294117647058822,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009898370131850243\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 351,\r\n \"seek\": 214050,\r\n \"start\": 2140.5,\r\n \"end\": 2147.5,\r\n \"text\": \" But I heard about a pastor that was at the door greeting people as they were, people were exiting.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 583,\r\n 286,\r\n 2198,\r\n 466,\r\n 257,\r\n 21193,\r\n 300,\r\n 390,\r\n 412,\r\n 264,\r\n 2853,\r\n 28174,\r\n 561,\r\n 382,\r\n 436,\r\n 645,\r\n 11,\r\n 561,\r\n 645,\r\n 48868,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11772033458447638,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8855932203389831,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0062955026514828205\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 352,\r\n \"seek\": 214050,\r\n \"start\": 2147.5,\r\n \"end\": 2151.5,\r\n \"text\": \" This little 7-year-old boy shook the pastor's hand and said,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 639,\r\n 707,\r\n 1614,\r\n 12,\r\n 5294,\r\n 12,\r\n 2641,\r\n 3237,\r\n 28438,\r\n 264,\r\n 21193,\r\n 311,\r\n 1011,\r\n 293,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11772033458447638,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8855932203389831,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0062955026514828205\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 353,\r\n \"seek\": 214050,\r\n \"start\": 2151.5,\r\n \"end\": 2153.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Pastor, you know what I want to do when I grow up?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 34289,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 437,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 562,\r\n 286,\r\n 1852,\r\n 493,\r\n 30,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11772033458447638,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8855932203389831,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0062955026514828205\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 354,\r\n \"seek\": 214050,\r\n \"start\": 2153.5,\r\n \"end\": 2158.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And the pastor said, what? He said, I'm going to get a really good job.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 21193,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 437,\r\n 30,\r\n 634,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 257,\r\n 534,\r\n 665,\r\n 1691,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11772033458447638,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8855932203389831,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0062955026514828205\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 355,\r\n \"seek\": 214050,\r\n \"start\": 2158.5,\r\n \"end\": 2162.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And the pastor said, well, that's good, you're going to get a really good job.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 21193,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 665,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 257,\r\n 534,\r\n 665,\r\n 1691,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11772033458447638,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8855932203389831,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0062955026514828205\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 356,\r\n \"seek\": 214050,\r\n \"start\": 2162.5,\r\n \"end\": 2167.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Then what? He said, well, pastor, I'm going to make a lot of money, a lot of money.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 1396,\r\n 437,\r\n 30,\r\n 634,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 21193,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 652,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 1460,\r\n 11,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 1460,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11772033458447638,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8855932203389831,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0062955026514828205\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 357,\r\n \"seek\": 216750,\r\n \"start\": 2167.5,\r\n \"end\": 2172.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And the pastor said, well, that's good, you're going to grow up and get a good job and make a lot of money.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 21193,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 665,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 1852,\r\n 493,\r\n 293,\r\n 483,\r\n 257,\r\n 665,\r\n 1691,\r\n 293,\r\n 652,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 1460,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07359626911304615,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 2.0128205128205128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030752047896385193\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 358,\r\n \"seek\": 216750,\r\n \"start\": 2172.5,\r\n \"end\": 2176.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Then what are you going to do? And the little 7-year-old boy looked up at the pastor and said,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 1396,\r\n 437,\r\n 366,\r\n 291,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 30,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 707,\r\n 1614,\r\n 12,\r\n 5294,\r\n 12,\r\n 2641,\r\n 3237,\r\n 2956,\r\n 493,\r\n 412,\r\n 264,\r\n 21193,\r\n 293,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07359626911304615,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 2.0128205128205128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030752047896385193\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 359,\r\n \"seek\": 216750,\r\n \"start\": 2176.5,\r\n \"end\": 2180.5,\r\n \"text\": \" well, then I'm going to give all that money to you, pastor.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 550,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 976,\r\n 439,\r\n 300,\r\n 1460,\r\n 281,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 21193,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07359626911304615,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 2.0128205128205128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030752047896385193\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 360,\r\n \"seek\": 216750,\r\n \"start\": 2180.5,\r\n \"end\": 2185.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And the pastor said, you're going to grow up, get a good job, make a lot of money and give it to me.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 21193,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 1852,\r\n 493,\r\n 11,\r\n 483,\r\n 257,\r\n 665,\r\n 1691,\r\n 11,\r\n 652,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 1460,\r\n 293,\r\n 976,\r\n 309,\r\n 281,\r\n 385,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07359626911304615,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 2.0128205128205128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030752047896385193\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 361,\r\n \"seek\": 216750,\r\n \"start\": 2185.5,\r\n \"end\": 2192.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Why would you do that? And the little boy said, because mama said, you're the poorest preacher we ever had.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 1545,\r\n 576,\r\n 291,\r\n 360,\r\n 300,\r\n 30,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 707,\r\n 3237,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 570,\r\n 18775,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 264,\r\n 44925,\r\n 42078,\r\n 321,\r\n 1562,\r\n 632,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07359626911304615,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 2.0128205128205128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030752047896385193\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 362,\r\n \"seek\": 219250,\r\n \"start\": 2192.5,\r\n \"end\": 2205.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So, oh my, by the way, Colin writes all my jokes, so if you don't like them, you can talk to him.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 11,\r\n 1954,\r\n 452,\r\n 11,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 11,\r\n 29253,\r\n 13657,\r\n 439,\r\n 452,\r\n 14439,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 411,\r\n 552,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 751,\r\n 281,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12622352222819905,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5238095238095237,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03680955991148949\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 363,\r\n \"seek\": 219250,\r\n \"start\": 2205.5,\r\n \"end\": 2210.5,\r\n \"text\": \" But it's great to be with you and to serve and to bless.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 583,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 869,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 365,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 281,\r\n 4596,\r\n 293,\r\n 281,\r\n 5227,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12622352222819905,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5238095238095237,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03680955991148949\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 364,\r\n \"seek\": 219250,\r\n \"start\": 2210.5,\r\n \"end\": 2214.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I know you are in transition. A lot of churches go through this. It's a natural thing.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 291,\r\n 366,\r\n 294,\r\n 6034,\r\n 13,\r\n 316,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 15381,\r\n 352,\r\n 807,\r\n 341,\r\n 13,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 3303,\r\n 551,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12622352222819905,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5238095238095237,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03680955991148949\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 365,\r\n \"seek\": 219250,\r\n \"start\": 2214.5,\r\n \"end\": 2218.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Let me tell you six things I would challenge you to do during this transition.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 961,\r\n 385,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 2309,\r\n 721,\r\n 286,\r\n 576,\r\n 3430,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 1830,\r\n 341,\r\n 6034,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12622352222819905,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5238095238095237,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03680955991148949\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 366,\r\n \"seek\": 221850,\r\n \"start\": 2218.5,\r\n \"end\": 2222.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Number one, stay faithful in your attendance.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 5118,\r\n 472,\r\n 11,\r\n 1754,\r\n 17808,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 24337,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.052165604299969144,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9189189189189189,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.36804062128067017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 367,\r\n \"seek\": 221850,\r\n \"start\": 2222.5,\r\n \"end\": 2227.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Number two, stay faithful in your giving.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 5118,\r\n 732,\r\n 11,\r\n 1754,\r\n 17808,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 2902,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.052165604299969144,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9189189189189189,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.36804062128067017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 368,\r\n \"seek\": 221850,\r\n \"start\": 2227.5,\r\n \"end\": 2234.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Number three, stay faithful in your service, whatever your job is here at First Baptist.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 5118,\r\n 1045,\r\n 11,\r\n 1754,\r\n 17808,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 2643,\r\n 11,\r\n 2035,\r\n 428,\r\n 1691,\r\n 307,\r\n 510,\r\n 412,\r\n 2386,\r\n 32410,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.052165604299969144,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9189189189189189,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.36804062128067017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 369,\r\n \"seek\": 221850,\r\n \"start\": 2234.5,\r\n \"end\": 2238.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Number four, and this is really important, pray.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 5118,\r\n 1451,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 341,\r\n 307,\r\n 534,\r\n 1021,\r\n 11,\r\n 3690,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.052165604299969144,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9189189189189189,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.36804062128067017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 370,\r\n \"seek\": 221850,\r\n \"start\": 2238.5,\r\n \"end\": 2244.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Number five, and this is really important, pray some more.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 5118,\r\n 1732,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 341,\r\n 307,\r\n 534,\r\n 1021,\r\n 11,\r\n 3690,\r\n 512,\r\n 544,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.052165604299969144,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9189189189189189,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.36804062128067017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 371,\r\n \"seek\": 224450,\r\n \"start\": 2244.5,\r\n \"end\": 2250.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And number six, this is the most important thing. Don't forget to pray.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 1230,\r\n 2309,\r\n 11,\r\n 341,\r\n 307,\r\n 264,\r\n 881,\r\n 1021,\r\n 551,\r\n 13,\r\n 1468,\r\n 380,\r\n 2870,\r\n 281,\r\n 3690,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08968533821476316,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6254826254826256,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002040490275248885\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 372,\r\n \"seek\": 224450,\r\n \"start\": 2250.5,\r\n \"end\": 2253.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Pray for your committee. Pray for your leaders.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 36365,\r\n 337,\r\n 428,\r\n 7482,\r\n 13,\r\n 36365,\r\n 337,\r\n 428,\r\n 3523,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08968533821476316,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6254826254826256,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002040490275248885\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 373,\r\n \"seek\": 224450,\r\n \"start\": 2253.5,\r\n \"end\": 2261.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And you know, as a pastor, pastors really get excited when they see churches that are doing good things and growing.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 400,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 382,\r\n 257,\r\n 21193,\r\n 11,\r\n 42452,\r\n 534,\r\n 483,\r\n 2919,\r\n 562,\r\n 436,\r\n 536,\r\n 15381,\r\n 300,\r\n 366,\r\n 884,\r\n 665,\r\n 721,\r\n 293,\r\n 4194,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08968533821476316,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6254826254826256,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002040490275248885\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 374,\r\n \"seek\": 224450,\r\n \"start\": 2261.5,\r\n \"end\": 2269.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And just as one of your committee persons shared, you want to attract a pastor, show some growth during this interim time.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 400,\r\n 445,\r\n 382,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 7482,\r\n 14453,\r\n 5507,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 5049,\r\n 257,\r\n 21193,\r\n 11,\r\n 855,\r\n 512,\r\n 4599,\r\n 1830,\r\n 341,\r\n 33500,\r\n 565,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08968533821476316,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6254826254826256,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002040490275248885\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 375,\r\n \"seek\": 224450,\r\n \"start\": 2269.5,\r\n \"end\": 2273.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Amen? You've baptized some people today. That's a great sign.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 14092,\r\n 30,\r\n 509,\r\n 600,\r\n 34006,\r\n 512,\r\n 561,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 869,\r\n 1465,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08968533821476316,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6254826254826256,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002040490275248885\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 376,\r\n \"seek\": 227350,\r\n \"start\": 2273.5,\r\n \"end\": 2279.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Keep doing it. And I sure will be praying for the Lord to guide and bless you as you do that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 5527,\r\n 884,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 988,\r\n 486,\r\n 312,\r\n 15611,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 281,\r\n 5934,\r\n 293,\r\n 5227,\r\n 291,\r\n 382,\r\n 291,\r\n 360,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06467408648991989,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6877470355731226,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.010738889686763287\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 377,\r\n \"seek\": 227350,\r\n \"start\": 2279.5,\r\n \"end\": 2284.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, I ask a lot of questions. I'm not afraid of questions.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 1029,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 1651,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 4638,\r\n 295,\r\n 1651,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06467408648991989,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6877470355731226,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.010738889686763287\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 378,\r\n \"seek\": 227350,\r\n \"start\": 2284.5,\r\n \"end\": 2288.5,\r\n \"text\": \" As a matter of fact, I kind of like to ask questions.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 1018,\r\n 257,\r\n 1871,\r\n 295,\r\n 1186,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 733,\r\n 295,\r\n 411,\r\n 281,\r\n 1029,\r\n 1651,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06467408648991989,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6877470355731226,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.010738889686763287\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 379,\r\n \"seek\": 227350,\r\n \"start\": 2288.5,\r\n \"end\": 2291.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't like to do something just because it's always been done.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 411,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 746,\r\n 445,\r\n 570,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 1009,\r\n 668,\r\n 1096,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06467408648991989,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6877470355731226,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.010738889686763287\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 380,\r\n \"seek\": 227350,\r\n \"start\": 2291.5,\r\n \"end\": 2294.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I like to think about how can we do this better?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 286,\r\n 411,\r\n 281,\r\n 519,\r\n 466,\r\n 577,\r\n 393,\r\n 321,\r\n 360,\r\n 341,\r\n 1101,\r\n 30,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06467408648991989,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6877470355731226,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.010738889686763287\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 381,\r\n \"seek\": 227350,\r\n \"start\": 2294.5,\r\n \"end\": 2300.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, someone said the seven last words of the church were, we've never done it this way before.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 1580,\r\n 848,\r\n 264,\r\n 3407,\r\n 1036,\r\n 2283,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 4128,\r\n 645,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 600,\r\n 1128,\r\n 1096,\r\n 309,\r\n 341,\r\n 636,\r\n 949,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06467408648991989,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6877470355731226,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.010738889686763287\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 382,\r\n \"seek\": 230050,\r\n \"start\": 2300.5,\r\n \"end\": 2303.5,\r\n \"text\": \" But I'm not sure that's true. It is sometimes.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 583,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 988,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 2074,\r\n 13,\r\n 467,\r\n 307,\r\n 2171,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07964878612094456,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7682926829268293,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008086098358035088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 383,\r\n \"seek\": 230050,\r\n \"start\": 2303.5,\r\n \"end\": 2309.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Scientists are really good. You think about asking questions like, what's the process here?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 32958,\r\n 366,\r\n 534,\r\n 665,\r\n 13,\r\n 509,\r\n 519,\r\n 466,\r\n 3365,\r\n 1651,\r\n 411,\r\n 11,\r\n 437,\r\n 311,\r\n 264,\r\n 1399,\r\n 510,\r\n 30,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07964878612094456,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7682926829268293,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008086098358035088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 384,\r\n \"seek\": 230050,\r\n \"start\": 2309.5,\r\n \"end\": 2314.5,\r\n \"text\": \" How does this work? You know, what's really brilliant is not the answer.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 1012,\r\n 775,\r\n 341,\r\n 589,\r\n 30,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 437,\r\n 311,\r\n 534,\r\n 10248,\r\n 307,\r\n 406,\r\n 264,\r\n 1867,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07964878612094456,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7682926829268293,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008086098358035088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 385,\r\n \"seek\": 230050,\r\n \"start\": 2314.5,\r\n \"end\": 2318.5,\r\n \"text\": \" What's really brilliant is asking the right questions.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 708,\r\n 311,\r\n 534,\r\n 10248,\r\n 307,\r\n 3365,\r\n 264,\r\n 558,\r\n 1651,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07964878612094456,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7682926829268293,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008086098358035088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 386,\r\n \"seek\": 230050,\r\n \"start\": 2318.5,\r\n \"end\": 2323.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Sometimes we can't figure something out because we're asking the wrong questions.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 4803,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 2573,\r\n 746,\r\n 484,\r\n 570,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 3365,\r\n 264,\r\n 2085,\r\n 1651,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07964878612094456,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7682926829268293,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008086098358035088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 387,\r\n \"seek\": 230050,\r\n \"start\": 2323.5,\r\n \"end\": 2329.5,\r\n \"text\": \" In high school, in college, in graduate school, I was a kid who always had a question.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 682,\r\n 1090,\r\n 1395,\r\n 11,\r\n 294,\r\n 3859,\r\n 11,\r\n 294,\r\n 8080,\r\n 1395,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 257,\r\n 1636,\r\n 567,\r\n 1009,\r\n 632,\r\n 257,\r\n 1168,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07964878612094456,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7682926829268293,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008086098358035088\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 388,\r\n \"seek\": 232950,\r\n \"start\": 2329.5,\r\n \"end\": 2333.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Always had a question at the end of class. Always.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 11270,\r\n 632,\r\n 257,\r\n 1168,\r\n 412,\r\n 264,\r\n 917,\r\n 295,\r\n 1508,\r\n 13,\r\n 11270,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0984238680671243,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6132075471698113,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033114796970039606\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 389,\r\n \"seek\": 232950,\r\n \"start\": 2333.5,\r\n \"end\": 2339.5,\r\n \"text\": \" When I was in seminary, my new Testament professor finally just started staying out in the hallway\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 1133,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 294,\r\n 18288,\r\n 822,\r\n 11,\r\n 452,\r\n 777,\r\n 15473,\r\n 8304,\r\n 2721,\r\n 445,\r\n 1409,\r\n 7939,\r\n 484,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 23903,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0984238680671243,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6132075471698113,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033114796970039606\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 390,\r\n \"seek\": 232950,\r\n \"start\": 2339.5,\r\n \"end\": 2344.5,\r\n \"text\": \" waiting for me to come because he knew that James Kidd is going to have a question.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 3806,\r\n 337,\r\n 385,\r\n 281,\r\n 808,\r\n 570,\r\n 415,\r\n 2586,\r\n 300,\r\n 5678,\r\n 591,\r\n 14273,\r\n 307,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 257,\r\n 1168,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0984238680671243,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6132075471698113,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033114796970039606\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 391,\r\n \"seek\": 232950,\r\n \"start\": 2344.5,\r\n \"end\": 2349.5,\r\n \"text\": \" But to be honest, I learned as much in the hallway asking my professor questions\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 583,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 3245,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 3264,\r\n 382,\r\n 709,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 23903,\r\n 3365,\r\n 452,\r\n 8304,\r\n 1651,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0984238680671243,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6132075471698113,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033114796970039606\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 392,\r\n \"seek\": 232950,\r\n \"start\": 2349.5,\r\n \"end\": 2353.5,\r\n \"text\": \" as I probably did in class.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 382,\r\n 286,\r\n 1391,\r\n 630,\r\n 294,\r\n 1508,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0984238680671243,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6132075471698113,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0033114796970039606\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 393,\r\n \"seek\": 235350,\r\n \"start\": 2353.5,\r\n \"end\": 2360.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Well, today in our scripture, we're going to look at a lawyer who asked Jesus a question.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 965,\r\n 294,\r\n 527,\r\n 24783,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 574,\r\n 412,\r\n 257,\r\n 11613,\r\n 567,\r\n 2351,\r\n 2705,\r\n 257,\r\n 1168,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11355190512574749,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.51,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.021461622789502144\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 394,\r\n \"seek\": 235350,\r\n \"start\": 2360.5,\r\n \"end\": 2364.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It was a very important question for churches and for us.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 467,\r\n 390,\r\n 257,\r\n 588,\r\n 1021,\r\n 1168,\r\n 337,\r\n 15381,\r\n 293,\r\n 337,\r\n 505,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11355190512574749,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.51,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.021461622789502144\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 395,\r\n \"seek\": 235350,\r\n \"start\": 2364.5,\r\n \"end\": 2370.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And Jesus answered his question with a question.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 400,\r\n 2705,\r\n 10103,\r\n 702,\r\n 1168,\r\n 365,\r\n 257,\r\n 1168,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11355190512574749,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.51,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.021461622789502144\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 396,\r\n \"seek\": 235350,\r\n \"start\": 2370.5,\r\n \"end\": 2374.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And the question is, who is my neighbor?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 1168,\r\n 307,\r\n 11,\r\n 567,\r\n 307,\r\n 452,\r\n 5987,\r\n 30,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11355190512574749,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.51,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.021461622789502144\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 397,\r\n \"seek\": 235350,\r\n \"start\": 2374.5,\r\n \"end\": 2382.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know this story well. It's in Luke 10, verses 25 through 37.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 341,\r\n 1657,\r\n 731,\r\n 13,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 294,\r\n 13044,\r\n 1266,\r\n 11,\r\n 17316,\r\n 3552,\r\n 807,\r\n 13435,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11355190512574749,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.51,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.021461622789502144\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 398,\r\n \"seek\": 238250,\r\n \"start\": 2382.5,\r\n \"end\": 2387.5,\r\n \"text\": \" If you don't mind standing in honor of God's Word, let me read it to you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 1575,\r\n 4877,\r\n 294,\r\n 5968,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 8725,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 1401,\r\n 309,\r\n 281,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07928873760865467,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5420168067226891,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0031594561878591776\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 399,\r\n \"seek\": 238250,\r\n \"start\": 2387.5,\r\n \"end\": 2392.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And you listen to it, even though you know this text, listen to it with fresh ears\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 400,\r\n 291,\r\n 2140,\r\n 281,\r\n 309,\r\n 11,\r\n 754,\r\n 1673,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 341,\r\n 2487,\r\n 11,\r\n 2140,\r\n 281,\r\n 309,\r\n 365,\r\n 4451,\r\n 8798,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07928873760865467,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5420168067226891,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0031594561878591776\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 400,\r\n \"seek\": 238250,\r\n \"start\": 2392.5,\r\n \"end\": 2396.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and to what God might be saying to you today.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 293,\r\n 281,\r\n 437,\r\n 1265,\r\n 1062,\r\n 312,\r\n 1566,\r\n 281,\r\n 291,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07928873760865467,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5420168067226891,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0031594561878591776\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 401,\r\n \"seek\": 238250,\r\n \"start\": 2396.5,\r\n \"end\": 2399.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Beginning with verse 25 of chapter 10 of the Gospel of Luke.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 45705,\r\n 365,\r\n 7996,\r\n 3552,\r\n 295,\r\n 7187,\r\n 1266,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 23163,\r\n 295,\r\n 13044,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07928873760865467,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5420168067226891,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0031594561878591776\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 402,\r\n \"seek\": 238250,\r\n \"start\": 2399.5,\r\n \"end\": 2403.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And a lawyer stood up and put him to the test saying,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 400,\r\n 257,\r\n 11613,\r\n 9371,\r\n 493,\r\n 293,\r\n 829,\r\n 796,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 1500,\r\n 1566,\r\n 11,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07928873760865467,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5420168067226891,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0031594561878591776\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 403,\r\n \"seek\": 238250,\r\n \"start\": 2403.5,\r\n \"end\": 2408.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 19745,\r\n 11,\r\n 437,\r\n 4393,\r\n 286,\r\n 360,\r\n 281,\r\n 21389,\r\n 14503,\r\n 993,\r\n 30,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07928873760865467,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5420168067226891,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0031594561878591776\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 404,\r\n \"seek\": 240850,\r\n \"start\": 2408.5,\r\n \"end\": 2412.5,\r\n \"text\": \" First off, that's not a good question. It's not what I do. It's what Jesus did.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 2386,\r\n 766,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 406,\r\n 257,\r\n 665,\r\n 1168,\r\n 13,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 406,\r\n 437,\r\n 286,\r\n 360,\r\n 13,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 437,\r\n 2705,\r\n 630,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08362576293945312,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7845528455284554,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012814872898161411\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 405,\r\n \"seek\": 240850,\r\n \"start\": 2412.5,\r\n \"end\": 2415.5,\r\n \"text\": \" But we'll get there in a minute. Verse 26.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 583,\r\n 321,\r\n 603,\r\n 483,\r\n 456,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 3456,\r\n 13,\r\n 31640,\r\n 7551,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08362576293945312,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7845528455284554,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012814872898161411\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 406,\r\n \"seek\": 240850,\r\n \"start\": 2415.5,\r\n \"end\": 2417.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And Jesus said to him, what is written in the law?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 400,\r\n 2705,\r\n 848,\r\n 281,\r\n 796,\r\n 11,\r\n 437,\r\n 307,\r\n 3720,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 2101,\r\n 30,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08362576293945312,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7845528455284554,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012814872898161411\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 407,\r\n \"seek\": 240850,\r\n \"start\": 2417.5,\r\n \"end\": 2420.5,\r\n \"text\": \" How does it read to you?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 1012,\r\n 775,\r\n 309,\r\n 1401,\r\n 281,\r\n 291,\r\n 30,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08362576293945312,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7845528455284554,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012814872898161411\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 408,\r\n \"seek\": 240850,\r\n \"start\": 2420.5,\r\n \"end\": 2425.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And he answered, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 400,\r\n 415,\r\n 10103,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 4393,\r\n 959,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 428,\r\n 1265,\r\n 365,\r\n 439,\r\n 428,\r\n 1917,\r\n 11,\r\n 365,\r\n 439,\r\n 428,\r\n 5133,\r\n 11,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08362576293945312,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7845528455284554,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012814872898161411\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 409,\r\n \"seek\": 240850,\r\n \"start\": 2425.5,\r\n \"end\": 2430.5,\r\n \"text\": \" with all your strength, with all your mind 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\"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0927319937738879,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7764227642276422,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.15612299740314484\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 415,\r\n \"seek\": 243450,\r\n \"start\": 2455.5,\r\n \"end\": 2458.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 293,\r\n 562,\r\n 415,\r\n 1866,\r\n 796,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 4678,\r\n 538,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 661,\r\n 1252,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0927319937738879,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7764227642276422,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.15612299740314484\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 416,\r\n \"seek\": 243450,\r\n \"start\": 2458.5,\r\n \"end\": 2463.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Likewise, a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him passed by on the other side.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 30269,\r\n 11,\r\n 257,\r\n 28471,\r\n 642,\r\n 611,\r\n 11,\r\n 562,\r\n 415,\r\n 1361,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 1081,\r\n 293,\r\n 1866,\r\n 796,\r\n 4678,\r\n 538,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 661,\r\n 1252,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0927319937738879,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7764227642276422,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.15612299740314484\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 417,\r\n \"seek\": 246350,\r\n \"start\": 2463.5,\r\n \"end\": 2471.5,\r\n \"text\": \" But a Samaritan who was on a journey came upon him and when he saw him, he felt compassion\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 583,\r\n 257,\r\n 4832,\r\n 289,\r\n 9670,\r\n 567,\r\n 390,\r\n 322,\r\n 257,\r\n 4671,\r\n 1361,\r\n 3564,\r\n 796,\r\n 293,\r\n 562,\r\n 415,\r\n 1866,\r\n 796,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 2762,\r\n 12601,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09886240107672555,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.748936170212766,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0032171469647437334\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 418,\r\n \"seek\": 246350,\r\n \"start\": 2471.5,\r\n \"end\": 2476.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and came to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 293,\r\n 1361,\r\n 281,\r\n 796,\r\n 293,\r\n 4116,\r\n 2980,\r\n 493,\r\n 702,\r\n 21969,\r\n 11,\r\n 20450,\r\n 3184,\r\n 293,\r\n 7209,\r\n 322,\r\n 552,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09886240107672555,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.748936170212766,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0032171469647437334\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 419,\r\n \"seek\": 246350,\r\n \"start\": 2476.5,\r\n \"end\": 2480.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and put him on his own beast and brought him to the inn and took care of him.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 293,\r\n 829,\r\n 796,\r\n 322,\r\n 702,\r\n 1065,\r\n 13464,\r\n 293,\r\n 3038,\r\n 796,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 7714,\r\n 293,\r\n 1890,\r\n 1127,\r\n 295,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09886240107672555,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.748936170212766,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0032171469647437334\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 420,\r\n \"seek\": 246350,\r\n \"start\": 2480.5,\r\n \"end\": 2485.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And on the next day, he took out two to that ride and gave them to the innkeeper and said,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 400,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 958,\r\n 786,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 1890,\r\n 484,\r\n 732,\r\n 281,\r\n 300,\r\n 5077,\r\n 293,\r\n 2729,\r\n 552,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 7714,\r\n 23083,\r\n 293,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09886240107672555,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.748936170212766,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0032171469647437334\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 421,\r\n \"seek\": 246350,\r\n \"start\": 2485.5,\r\n \"end\": 2490.5,\r\n \"text\": \" take care of him and whatever more you spend, when I return, I will repay you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 747,\r\n 1127,\r\n 295,\r\n 796,\r\n 293,\r\n 2035,\r\n 544,\r\n 291,\r\n 3496,\r\n 11,\r\n 562,\r\n 286,\r\n 2736,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 486,\r\n 27522,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09886240107672555,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.748936170212766,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0032171469647437334\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 422,\r\n \"seek\": 249050,\r\n \"start\": 2490.5,\r\n \"end\": 2493.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Kind of gave him his credit card in essence.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 9242,\r\n 295,\r\n 2729,\r\n 796,\r\n 702,\r\n 5397,\r\n 2920,\r\n 294,\r\n 12801,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09905924115862165,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5590551181102361,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.030162114650011063\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 423,\r\n \"seek\": 249050,\r\n \"start\": 2493.5,\r\n \"end\": 2498.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell in the robbers' hands?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 3013,\r\n 295,\r\n 613,\r\n 1045,\r\n 360,\r\n 291,\r\n 519,\r\n 14617,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 257,\r\n 5987,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 587,\r\n 567,\r\n 5696,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 3870,\r\n 1616,\r\n 6,\r\n 2377,\r\n 30,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09905924115862165,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5590551181102361,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.030162114650011063\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 424,\r\n \"seek\": 249050,\r\n \"start\": 2498.5,\r\n \"end\": 2505.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And he said, the one who showed mercy toward him, then Jesus said to him,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 400,\r\n 415,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 472,\r\n 567,\r\n 4712,\r\n 13174,\r\n 7361,\r\n 796,\r\n 11,\r\n 550,\r\n 2705,\r\n 848,\r\n 281,\r\n 796,\r\n 11,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09905924115862165,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5590551181102361,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.030162114650011063\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 425,\r\n \"seek\": 249050,\r\n \"start\": 2505.5,\r\n \"end\": 2509.5,\r\n \"text\": \" you go and do likewise.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 291,\r\n 352,\r\n 293,\r\n 360,\r\n 32407,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09905924115862165,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5590551181102361,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.030162114650011063\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 426,\r\n \"seek\": 249050,\r\n \"start\": 2509.5,\r\n \"end\": 2514.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Father God, I pray that you would give us some fresh understanding from this passage of Scripture\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 7085,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 3690,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 576,\r\n 976,\r\n 505,\r\n 512,\r\n 4451,\r\n 3701,\r\n 490,\r\n 341,\r\n 11497,\r\n 295,\r\n 22888,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09905924115862165,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5590551181102361,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.030162114650011063\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 427,\r\n \"seek\": 249050,\r\n \"start\": 2514.5,\r\n \"end\": 2518.5,\r\n \"text\": \" in your holy Word and I ask this in Jesus' name, amen.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 10622,\r\n 8725,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 1029,\r\n 341,\r\n 294,\r\n 2705,\r\n 6,\r\n 1315,\r\n 11,\r\n 18497,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09905924115862165,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5590551181102361,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.030162114650011063\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 428,\r\n \"seek\": 251850,\r\n \"start\": 2518.5,\r\n \"end\": 2523.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Thank you, you can be seated.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 312,\r\n 20959,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09360557794570923,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5363636363636364,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00546922255307436\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 429,\r\n \"seek\": 251850,\r\n \"start\": 2523.5,\r\n \"end\": 2529.5,\r\n \"text\": \" In the words of that great American theologian, Jerry Reed,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 682,\r\n 264,\r\n 2283,\r\n 295,\r\n 300,\r\n 869,\r\n 2665,\r\n 264,\r\n 1132,\r\n 952,\r\n 11,\r\n 17454,\r\n 32071,\r\n 11,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09360557794570923,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5363636363636364,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00546922255307436\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 430,\r\n \"seek\": 251850,\r\n \"start\": 2529.5,\r\n \"end\": 2536.5,\r\n \"text\": \" we have a long way to go and a short time to get there, so hang with me as we look at this text.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 257,\r\n 938,\r\n 636,\r\n 281,\r\n 352,\r\n 293,\r\n 257,\r\n 2099,\r\n 565,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 456,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 3967,\r\n 365,\r\n 385,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 574,\r\n 412,\r\n 341,\r\n 2487,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09360557794570923,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5363636363636364,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00546922255307436\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 431,\r\n \"seek\": 251850,\r\n \"start\": 2536.5,\r\n \"end\": 2542.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, every person today that we meet has a burden or has a herd.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 633,\r\n 954,\r\n 965,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 1677,\r\n 575,\r\n 257,\r\n 12578,\r\n 420,\r\n 575,\r\n 257,\r\n 29484,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09360557794570923,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5363636363636364,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00546922255307436\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 432,\r\n \"seek\": 251850,\r\n \"start\": 2542.5,\r\n \"end\": 2546.5,\r\n \"text\": \" That's why I think the greatest need in our world today is for the people of God,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 983,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 264,\r\n 6636,\r\n 643,\r\n 294,\r\n 527,\r\n 1002,\r\n 965,\r\n 307,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 561,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09360557794570923,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5363636363636364,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00546922255307436\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 433,\r\n \"seek\": 254650,\r\n \"start\": 2546.5,\r\n \"end\": 2553.5,\r\n \"text\": \" that you and I who know Jesus, to get on fire for the Lord and the fuel for that fire\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 567,\r\n 458,\r\n 2705,\r\n 11,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 322,\r\n 2610,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 293,\r\n 264,\r\n 6616,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 2610,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0910357648676092,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6785714285714286,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01669379696249962\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 434,\r\n \"seek\": 254650,\r\n \"start\": 2553.5,\r\n \"end\": 2557.5,\r\n \"text\": \" is God's love in us spilling out to other people.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 307,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 959,\r\n 294,\r\n 505,\r\n 637,\r\n 7345,\r\n 484,\r\n 281,\r\n 661,\r\n 561,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0910357648676092,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6785714285714286,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01669379696249962\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 435,\r\n \"seek\": 254650,\r\n \"start\": 2557.5,\r\n \"end\": 2562.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Now before we see the answer that Jesus gave, let me ask you that same question.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 823,\r\n 949,\r\n 321,\r\n 536,\r\n 264,\r\n 1867,\r\n 300,\r\n 2705,\r\n 2729,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 1029,\r\n 291,\r\n 300,\r\n 912,\r\n 1168,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0910357648676092,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6785714285714286,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01669379696249962\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 436,\r\n \"seek\": 254650,\r\n \"start\": 2562.5,\r\n \"end\": 2565.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Who's your neighbor? Do you know them?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 2102,\r\n 311,\r\n 428,\r\n 5987,\r\n 30,\r\n 1144,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 552,\r\n 30,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0910357648676092,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6785714285714286,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01669379696249962\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 437,\r\n \"seek\": 254650,\r\n \"start\": 2565.5,\r\n \"end\": 2569.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Have you invited them to your church? Have you shared Christ with them?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 3560,\r\n 291,\r\n 9185,\r\n 552,\r\n 281,\r\n 428,\r\n 4128,\r\n 30,\r\n 3560,\r\n 291,\r\n 5507,\r\n 2040,\r\n 365,\r\n 552,\r\n 30,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0910357648676092,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6785714285714286,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01669379696249962\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 438,\r\n \"seek\": 254650,\r\n \"start\": 2569.5,\r\n \"end\": 2574.5,\r\n \"text\": \" In your neighbor's lost their jobs or any of your neighbors going through a time of difficulty,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 682,\r\n 428,\r\n 5987,\r\n 311,\r\n 2731,\r\n 641,\r\n 4782,\r\n 420,\r\n 604,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 12512,\r\n 516,\r\n 807,\r\n 257,\r\n 565,\r\n 295,\r\n 10360,\r\n 11,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0910357648676092,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6785714285714286,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01669379696249962\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 439,\r\n \"seek\": 257450,\r\n \"start\": 2574.5,\r\n \"end\": 2578.5,\r\n \"text\": \" maybe sickness or job loss or whatever?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1310,\r\n 25611,\r\n 420,\r\n 1691,\r\n 4470,\r\n 420,\r\n 2035,\r\n 30,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0574863527862119,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5942857142857143,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004202383104711771\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 440,\r\n \"seek\": 257450,\r\n \"start\": 2578.5,\r\n \"end\": 2582.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Was Jesus trying to trick this lawyer with a riddle that he couldn't answer?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 3027,\r\n 2705,\r\n 1382,\r\n 281,\r\n 4282,\r\n 341,\r\n 11613,\r\n 365,\r\n 257,\r\n 3973,\r\n 2285,\r\n 300,\r\n 415,\r\n 2809,\r\n 380,\r\n 1867,\r\n 30,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0574863527862119,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5942857142857143,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004202383104711771\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 441,\r\n \"seek\": 257450,\r\n \"start\": 2582.5,\r\n \"end\": 2590.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Or was Jesus trying to enlarge his vision, his circle of love for people?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 1610,\r\n 390,\r\n 2705,\r\n 1382,\r\n 281,\r\n 31976,\r\n 432,\r\n 702,\r\n 5201,\r\n 11,\r\n 702,\r\n 6329,\r\n 295,\r\n 959,\r\n 337,\r\n 561,\r\n 30,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0574863527862119,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5942857142857143,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004202383104711771\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 442,\r\n \"seek\": 257450,\r\n \"start\": 2590.5,\r\n \"end\": 2597.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I believe that Jesus wanted this man and he wants us too to draw larger circles of love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 286,\r\n 1697,\r\n 300,\r\n 2705,\r\n 1415,\r\n 341,\r\n 587,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 2738,\r\n 505,\r\n 886,\r\n 281,\r\n 2642,\r\n 4833,\r\n 13040,\r\n 295,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0574863527862119,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5942857142857143,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004202383104711771\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 443,\r\n \"seek\": 259750,\r\n \"start\": 2597.5,\r\n \"end\": 2604.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know this statistic, but 80% of churches in America are stagnant or declining.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 341,\r\n 29588,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 4688,\r\n 4,\r\n 295,\r\n 15381,\r\n 294,\r\n 3374,\r\n 366,\r\n 32853,\r\n 394,\r\n 420,\r\n 34298,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10504435736035543,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5146198830409356,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.39005088806152344\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 444,\r\n \"seek\": 259750,\r\n \"start\": 2604.5,\r\n \"end\": 2610.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Only one in five churches in America are showing any statistical growth.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 5686,\r\n 472,\r\n 294,\r\n 1732,\r\n 15381,\r\n 294,\r\n 3374,\r\n 366,\r\n 4099,\r\n 604,\r\n 22820,\r\n 4599,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10504435736035543,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5146198830409356,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.39005088806152344\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 445,\r\n \"seek\": 259750,\r\n \"start\": 2610.5,\r\n \"end\": 2618.5,\r\n \"text\": \" There's a lot of reasons for that. I believe this is one reason that you and I have such small circles.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 821,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 4112,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 1697,\r\n 341,\r\n 307,\r\n 472,\r\n 1778,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 362,\r\n 1270,\r\n 1359,\r\n 13040,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10504435736035543,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5146198830409356,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.39005088806152344\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 446,\r\n \"seek\": 261850,\r\n \"start\": 2618.5,\r\n \"end\": 2627.5,\r\n \"text\": \" We are not enlarging our circle to share and have more gospel conversations with more people.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 366,\r\n 406,\r\n 31976,\r\n 3249,\r\n 527,\r\n 6329,\r\n 281,\r\n 2073,\r\n 293,\r\n 362,\r\n 544,\r\n 14943,\r\n 7315,\r\n 365,\r\n 544,\r\n 561,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13038628441946848,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4813084112149533,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.48872801661491394\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 447,\r\n \"seek\": 261850,\r\n \"start\": 2627.5,\r\n \"end\": 2631.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know in the Bible, one of the major themes is love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 6544,\r\n 11,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 2563,\r\n 13544,\r\n 307,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13038628441946848,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4813084112149533,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.48872801661491394\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 448,\r\n \"seek\": 261850,\r\n \"start\": 2631.5,\r\n \"end\": 2636.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And the scriptures that speak about love can be grouped into three areas.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 29969,\r\n 300,\r\n 1710,\r\n 466,\r\n 959,\r\n 393,\r\n 312,\r\n 41877,\r\n 666,\r\n 1045,\r\n 3179,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13038628441946848,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4813084112149533,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.48872801661491394\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 449,\r\n \"seek\": 261850,\r\n \"start\": 2636.5,\r\n \"end\": 2638.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I call it 3D love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 286,\r\n 818,\r\n 309,\r\n 805,\r\n 35,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13038628441946848,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4813084112149533,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.48872801661491394\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 450,\r\n \"seek\": 261850,\r\n \"start\": 2638.5,\r\n \"end\": 2643.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Number one is God's love for us. Aren't you glad that God loves you today?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 5118,\r\n 472,\r\n 307,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 959,\r\n 337,\r\n 505,\r\n 13,\r\n 15464,\r\n 380,\r\n 291,\r\n 5404,\r\n 300,\r\n 1265,\r\n 6752,\r\n 291,\r\n 965,\r\n 30,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13038628441946848,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4813084112149533,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.48872801661491394\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 451,\r\n \"seek\": 264350,\r\n \"start\": 2643.5,\r\n \"end\": 2648.5,\r\n \"text\": \" John 3.16, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 2619,\r\n 805,\r\n 13,\r\n 6866,\r\n 11,\r\n 337,\r\n 1265,\r\n 370,\r\n 4333,\r\n 264,\r\n 1002,\r\n 300,\r\n 415,\r\n 2729,\r\n 702,\r\n 787,\r\n 4612,\r\n 310,\r\n 1147,\r\n 5185,\r\n 11,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11618994731529086,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.021731121465563774\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 452,\r\n \"seek\": 264350,\r\n \"start\": 2648.5,\r\n \"end\": 2653.5,\r\n \"text\": \" that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 300,\r\n 315,\r\n 9869,\r\n 1054,\r\n 12307,\r\n 294,\r\n 796,\r\n 4393,\r\n 406,\r\n 41586,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 362,\r\n 43710,\r\n 993,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11618994731529086,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.021731121465563774\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 453,\r\n \"seek\": 264350,\r\n \"start\": 2653.5,\r\n \"end\": 2659.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I am so glad today that God loves me and God loves you too today.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 286,\r\n 669,\r\n 370,\r\n 5404,\r\n 965,\r\n 300,\r\n 1265,\r\n 6752,\r\n 385,\r\n 293,\r\n 1265,\r\n 6752,\r\n 291,\r\n 886,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": 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281,\r\n 652,\r\n 1265,\r\n 959,\r\n 291,\r\n 1570,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11618994731529086,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.021731121465563774\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 456,\r\n \"seek\": 267050,\r\n \"start\": 2670.5,\r\n \"end\": 2674.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You see, he does not love us because we're valuable.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 509,\r\n 536,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 775,\r\n 406,\r\n 959,\r\n 505,\r\n 570,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 8263,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07612004713578657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.738532110091743,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0034754821099340916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 457,\r\n \"seek\": 267050,\r\n \"start\": 2674.5,\r\n \"end\": 2678.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You and I are valuable because God loves us.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 509,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 366,\r\n 8263,\r\n 570,\r\n 1265,\r\n 6752,\r\n 505,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07612004713578657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.738532110091743,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0034754821099340916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 458,\r\n \"seek\": 267050,\r\n \"start\": 2678.5,\r\n \"end\": 2680.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So number one is God's love for us.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 407,\r\n 1230,\r\n 472,\r\n 307,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 959,\r\n 337,\r\n 505,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07612004713578657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.738532110091743,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0034754821099340916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 459,\r\n \"seek\": 267050,\r\n \"start\": 2680.5,\r\n \"end\": 2682.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Number two is our love for God.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 5118,\r\n 732,\r\n 307,\r\n 527,\r\n 959,\r\n 337,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07612004713578657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.738532110091743,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0034754821099340916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 460,\r\n \"seek\": 267050,\r\n \"start\": 2682.5,\r\n \"end\": 2684.5,\r\n \"text\": \" We see this in Luke 10.25.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 492,\r\n 536,\r\n 341,\r\n 294,\r\n 13044,\r\n 1266,\r\n 13,\r\n 6074,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07612004713578657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.738532110091743,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0034754821099340916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 461,\r\n \"seek\": 267050,\r\n \"start\": 2684.5,\r\n \"end\": 2688.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You should love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 509,\r\n 820,\r\n 959,\r\n 264,\r\n 3257,\r\n 428,\r\n 1265,\r\n 365,\r\n 439,\r\n 428,\r\n 1917,\r\n 11,\r\n 439,\r\n 428,\r\n 5133,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 439,\r\n 428,\r\n 3800,\r\n 11,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07612004713578657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.738532110091743,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0034754821099340916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 462,\r\n \"seek\": 267050,\r\n \"start\": 2688.5,\r\n \"end\": 2691.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 293,\r\n 365,\r\n 439,\r\n 428,\r\n 1575,\r\n 293,\r\n 428,\r\n 5987,\r\n 382,\r\n 1803,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07612004713578657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.738532110091743,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0034754821099340916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 463,\r\n \"seek\": 267050,\r\n \"start\": 2691.5,\r\n \"end\": 2694.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Our love for God, that is so important.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 2621,\r\n 959,\r\n 337,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 307,\r\n 370,\r\n 1021,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07612004713578657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 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0.015096833929419518\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 466,\r\n \"seek\": 269450,\r\n \"start\": 2702.5,\r\n \"end\": 2705.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Matthew 22.39 as well as here in Luke 10.27.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 12434,\r\n 5853,\r\n 13,\r\n 12493,\r\n 382,\r\n 731,\r\n 382,\r\n 510,\r\n 294,\r\n 13044,\r\n 1266,\r\n 13,\r\n 10076,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06955407619476318,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5353982300884956,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.015096833929419518\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 467,\r\n \"seek\": 269450,\r\n \"start\": 2705.5,\r\n \"end\": 2709.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Love your neighbor as yourself.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 5956,\r\n 428,\r\n 5987,\r\n 382,\r\n 1803,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06955407619476318,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5353982300884956,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.015096833929419518\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 468,\r\n \"seek\": 269450,\r\n \"start\": 2709.5,\r\n \"end\": 2712.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It's this third area of love that we're looking at today.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 341,\r\n 2636,\r\n 1859,\r\n 295,\r\n 959,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 1237,\r\n 412,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06955407619476318,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5353982300884956,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.015096833929419518\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 469,\r\n \"seek\": 269450,\r\n \"start\": 2712.5,\r\n \"end\": 2718.5,\r\n \"text\": \" This lawyer had made his circle of love really, really small.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 639,\r\n 11613,\r\n 632,\r\n 1027,\r\n 702,\r\n 6329,\r\n 295,\r\n 959,\r\n 534,\r\n 11,\r\n 534,\r\n 1359,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06955407619476318,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5353982300884956,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.015096833929419518\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 470,\r\n \"seek\": 269450,\r\n \"start\": 2718.5,\r\n \"end\": 2721.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And he didn't like Jesus pushing the limits of that love.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 400,\r\n 415,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 411,\r\n 2705,\r\n 7380,\r\n 264,\r\n 10406,\r\n 295,\r\n 300,\r\n 959,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06955407619476318,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5353982300884956,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.015096833929419518\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 471,\r\n \"seek\": 272150,\r\n \"start\": 2721.5,\r\n \"end\": 2724.5,\r\n \"text\": \" By the way, let me tell you, the closer you get to Jesus,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 3146,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 4966,\r\n 291,\r\n 483,\r\n 281,\r\n 2705,\r\n 11,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05943141028145763,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.640316205533597,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02190851792693138\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 472,\r\n \"seek\": 272150,\r\n \"start\": 2724.5,\r\n \"end\": 2728.5,\r\n \"text\": \" the more he will push you out of your small circle.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 264,\r\n 544,\r\n 415,\r\n 486,\r\n 2944,\r\n 291,\r\n 484,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 1359,\r\n 6329,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05943141028145763,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.640316205533597,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02190851792693138\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 473,\r\n \"seek\": 272150,\r\n \"start\": 2728.5,\r\n \"end\": 2734.5,\r\n \"text\": \" The more he will stretch you to step out on faith and do things for him that you thought impossible,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 440,\r\n 544,\r\n 415,\r\n 486,\r\n 5985,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 1823,\r\n 484,\r\n 322,\r\n 4522,\r\n 293,\r\n 360,\r\n 721,\r\n 337,\r\n 796,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 1194,\r\n 6243,\r\n 11,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05943141028145763,\r\n 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\"compression_ratio\": 1.635135135135135,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012136118486523628\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 478,\r\n \"seek\": 275050,\r\n \"start\": 2752.5,\r\n \"end\": 2757.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Number one is biological, our relatives and family.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 5118,\r\n 472,\r\n 307,\r\n 13910,\r\n 11,\r\n 527,\r\n 18201,\r\n 293,\r\n 1605,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10602155295751428,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.635135135135135,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012136118486523628\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 479,\r\n \"seek\": 275050,\r\n \"start\": 2757.5,\r\n \"end\": 2761.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Now this is easy in Tennessee because they marry their first cousins,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 823,\r\n 341,\r\n 307,\r\n 1858,\r\n 294,\r\n 21127,\r\n 570,\r\n 436,\r\n 9747,\r\n 641,\r\n 700,\r\n 29246,\r\n 11,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10602155295751428,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.635135135135135,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012136118486523628\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 480,\r\n \"seek\": 275050,\r\n \"start\": 2761.5,\r\n \"end\": 2763.5,\r\n \"text\": \" but we're not going to go there.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 457,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 406,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 352,\r\n 456,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10602155295751428,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.635135135135135,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012136118486523628\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 481,\r\n \"seek\": 275050,\r\n \"start\": 2763.5,\r\n \"end\": 2770.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I'm kidding, I served in Tennessee twice, but biological are all your family's saved?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 9287,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 7584,\r\n 294,\r\n 21127,\r\n 6091,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 13910,\r\n 366,\r\n 439,\r\n 428,\r\n 1605,\r\n 311,\r\n 6624,\r\n 30,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10602155295751428,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.635135135135135,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012136118486523628\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 482,\r\n \"seek\": 275050,\r\n \"start\": 2770.5,\r\n \"end\": 2775.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Your kids, your grandkids, your nieces, your nephews, your cousins, you have that network.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 2260,\r\n 2301,\r\n 11,\r\n 428,\r\n 2697,\r\n 35015,\r\n 11,\r\n 428,\r\n 2838,\r\n 887,\r\n 11,\r\n 428,\r\n 24901,\r\n 46415,\r\n 11,\r\n 428,\r\n 29246,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 300,\r\n 3209,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10602155295751428,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.635135135135135,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.012136118486523628\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 483,\r\n \"seek\": 277550,\r\n \"start\": 2775.5,\r\n \"end\": 2782.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Secondly is geographical, where we live, our neighborhood or apartment or dorm.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 19483,\r\n 307,\r\n 39872,\r\n 11,\r\n 689,\r\n 321,\r\n 1621,\r\n 11,\r\n 527,\r\n 7630,\r\n 420,\r\n 9587,\r\n 420,\r\n 12521,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09186658640017455,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6699029126213591,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2676835358142853\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 484,\r\n \"seek\": 277550,\r\n \"start\": 2782.5,\r\n \"end\": 2787.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And the third area is vocational, where we work, where we go to school.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 2636,\r\n 1859,\r\n 307,\r\n 2329,\r\n 1478,\r\n 11,\r\n 689,\r\n 321,\r\n 589,\r\n 11,\r\n 689,\r\n 321,\r\n 352,\r\n 281,\r\n 1395,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09186658640017455,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6699029126213591,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2676835358142853\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 485,\r\n \"seek\": 277550,\r\n \"start\": 2787.5,\r\n \"end\": 2790.5,\r\n \"text\": \" That network of friends that we have there.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 663,\r\n 3209,\r\n 295,\r\n 1855,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 456,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09186658640017455,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6699029126213591,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2676835358142853\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 486,\r\n \"seek\": 277550,\r\n \"start\": 2790.5,\r\n \"end\": 2795.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And then fourthly is recreational, where we play, where we go shop.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 400,\r\n 550,\r\n 6409,\r\n 356,\r\n 307,\r\n 37554,\r\n 11,\r\n 689,\r\n 321,\r\n 862,\r\n 11,\r\n 689,\r\n 321,\r\n 352,\r\n 3945,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09186658640017455,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6699029126213591,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2676835358142853\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 487,\r\n \"seek\": 277550,\r\n \"start\": 2795.5,\r\n \"end\": 2801.5,\r\n \"text\": \" We're told that the average person knows about 80 people fairly well, 80 people.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 492,\r\n 434,\r\n 1907,\r\n 300,\r\n 264,\r\n 4274,\r\n 954,\r\n 3255,\r\n 466,\r\n 4688,\r\n 561,\r\n 6457,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 4688,\r\n 561,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09186658640017455,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6699029126213591,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.2676835358142853\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 488,\r\n \"seek\": 280150,\r\n \"start\": 2801.5,\r\n \"end\": 2808.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So a church that might be running 100, they have the potential of 8,000, right?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 257,\r\n 4128,\r\n 300,\r\n 1062,\r\n 312,\r\n 2614,\r\n 2319,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 362,\r\n 264,\r\n 3995,\r\n 295,\r\n 1649,\r\n 11,\r\n 1360,\r\n 11,\r\n 558,\r\n 30,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08563065528869629,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5517241379310345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00234609586186707\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 489,\r\n \"seek\": 280150,\r\n \"start\": 2808.5,\r\n \"end\": 2817.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Now I know some of those maybe know the same people, but your networks of people really is the potential for your church.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 823,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 512,\r\n 295,\r\n 729,\r\n 1310,\r\n 458,\r\n 264,\r\n 912,\r\n 561,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 428,\r\n 9590,\r\n 295,\r\n 561,\r\n 534,\r\n 307,\r\n 264,\r\n 3995,\r\n 337,\r\n 428,\r\n 4128,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08563065528869629,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5517241379310345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00234609586186707\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 490,\r\n \"seek\": 280150,\r\n \"start\": 2817.5,\r\n \"end\": 2824.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I hope you're using all four of those circles of influence to introduce people to your best friend, Jesus Christ.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 286,\r\n 1454,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 1228,\r\n 439,\r\n 1451,\r\n 295,\r\n 729,\r\n 13040,\r\n 295,\r\n 6503,\r\n 281,\r\n 5366,\r\n 561,\r\n 281,\r\n 428,\r\n 1151,\r\n 1277,\r\n 11,\r\n 2705,\r\n 2040,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08563065528869629,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5517241379310345,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00234609586186707\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 491,\r\n \"seek\": 282450,\r\n \"start\": 2824.5,\r\n \"end\": 2831.5,\r\n \"text\": \" This parable shows us three types of people with three totally different attitudes toward other people.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 639,\r\n 971,\r\n 712,\r\n 3110,\r\n 505,\r\n 1045,\r\n 3467,\r\n 295,\r\n 561,\r\n 365,\r\n 1045,\r\n 3879,\r\n 819,\r\n 25853,\r\n 7361,\r\n 661,\r\n 561,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04261716541491057,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6371681415929205,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.35947373509407043\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 492,\r\n \"seek\": 282450,\r\n \"start\": 2831.5,\r\n \"end\": 2834.5,\r\n \"text\": \" One of these is you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 1485,\r\n 295,\r\n 613,\r\n 307,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04261716541491057,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6371681415929205,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.35947373509407043\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 493,\r\n \"seek\": 282450,\r\n \"start\": 2834.5,\r\n \"end\": 2842.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So all of us are in this story, so you decide which one of these characters best reflects you today.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 407,\r\n 439,\r\n 295,\r\n 505,\r\n 366,\r\n 294,\r\n 341,\r\n 1657,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 291,\r\n 4536,\r\n 597,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 613,\r\n 4342,\r\n 1151,\r\n 18926,\r\n 291,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04261716541491057,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6371681415929205,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.35947373509407043\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 494,\r\n \"seek\": 282450,\r\n \"start\": 2842.5,\r\n \"end\": 2844.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Put yourself in the story.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 4935,\r\n 1803,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1657,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04261716541491057,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6371681415929205,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.35947373509407043\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 495,\r\n \"seek\": 282450,\r\n \"start\": 2844.5,\r\n \"end\": 2848.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I've noticed that some people beat people up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 5694,\r\n 300,\r\n 512,\r\n 561,\r\n 4224,\r\n 561,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.04261716541491057,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6371681415929205,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.35947373509407043\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 496,\r\n \"seek\": 282450,\r\n \"start\": 2848.5,\r\n \"end\": 2850.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Have you noticed that in our world today?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 3560,\r\n 291,\r\n 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0.00614884914830327\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 501,\r\n \"seek\": 285250,\r\n \"start\": 2860.5,\r\n \"end\": 2862.5,\r\n \"text\": \" If you're down and out, they will not step over you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 760,\r\n 293,\r\n 484,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 486,\r\n 406,\r\n 1823,\r\n 670,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07794933319091797,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8014705882352942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00614884914830327\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 502,\r\n \"seek\": 285250,\r\n \"start\": 2862.5,\r\n \"end\": 2865.5,\r\n \"text\": \" They're probably stepped right on you and do it with a smile.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 814,\r\n 434,\r\n 1391,\r\n 15251,\r\n 558,\r\n 322,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 360,\r\n 309,\r\n 365,\r\n 257,\r\n 7563,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07794933319091797,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8014705882352942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00614884914830327\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 503,\r\n \"seek\": 285250,\r\n \"start\": 2865.5,\r\n \"end\": 2869.5,\r\n \"text\": \" If you're sick, they will not visit you or send a card.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 4998,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 486,\r\n 406,\r\n 3441,\r\n 291,\r\n 420,\r\n 2845,\r\n 257,\r\n 2920,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07794933319091797,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8014705882352942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00614884914830327\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 504,\r\n \"seek\": 285250,\r\n \"start\": 2869.5,\r\n \"end\": 2874.5,\r\n \"text\": \" If you're facing difficulties, they'll rejoice and say, well, I knew that was going to happen to him.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 7170,\r\n 14399,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 603,\r\n 42397,\r\n 293,\r\n 584,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 2586,\r\n 300,\r\n 390,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 1051,\r\n 281,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07794933319091797,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8014705882352942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00614884914830327\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 505,\r\n \"seek\": 285250,\r\n \"start\": 2874.5,\r\n \"end\": 2876.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I knew that was going to happen to her.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 286,\r\n 2586,\r\n 300,\r\n 390,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 1051,\r\n 281,\r\n 720,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07794933319091797,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8014705882352942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00614884914830327\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 506,\r\n \"seek\": 285250,\r\n \"start\": 2876.5,\r\n \"end\": 2881.5,\r\n \"text\": \" They have no love and no empathy for people going through pain and problems.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 814,\r\n 362,\r\n 572,\r\n 959,\r\n 293,\r\n 572,\r\n 18701,\r\n 337,\r\n 561,\r\n 516,\r\n 807,\r\n 1822,\r\n 293,\r\n 2740,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07794933319091797,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8014705882352942,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00614884914830327\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 507,\r\n \"seek\": 288150,\r\n \"start\": 2881.5,\r\n \"end\": 2885.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Sometimes they're actually the cause of our pain and problems.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 4803,\r\n 436,\r\n 434,\r\n 767,\r\n 264,\r\n 3082,\r\n 295,\r\n 527,\r\n 1822,\r\n 293,\r\n 2740,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05430574324524518,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5950413223140496,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011678307317197323\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 508,\r\n \"seek\": 288150,\r\n \"start\": 2885.5,\r\n \"end\": 2891.5,\r\n \"text\": \" They take what they want and if you don't give it to them, they will beat you up just like these robbers did.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 814,\r\n 747,\r\n 437,\r\n 436,\r\n 528,\r\n 293,\r\n 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-0.05430574324524518,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5950413223140496,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011678307317197323\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 513,\r\n \"seek\": 288150,\r\n \"start\": 2902.5,\r\n \"end\": 2909.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 745,\r\n 7663,\r\n 293,\r\n 14083,\r\n 815,\r\n 1821,\r\n 452,\r\n 10491,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 2283,\r\n 486,\r\n 1128,\r\n 6491,\r\n 385,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05430574324524518,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5950413223140496,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.011678307317197323\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 514,\r\n \"seek\": 290950,\r\n \"start\": 2909.5,\r\n \"end\": 2912.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Let me tell you, that is an absolute lie.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 961,\r\n 385,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 307,\r\n 364,\r\n 8236,\r\n 4544,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1075354702067825,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6582278481012658,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009328465908765793\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 515,\r\n \"seek\": 290950,\r\n \"start\": 2912.5,\r\n \"end\": 2919.5,\r\n \"text\": \" If I talked to some of you in your 50s and 60s and 70s, and I said, hey, can you remember back when you were in high school\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 759,\r\n 286,\r\n 2825,\r\n 281,\r\n 512,\r\n 295,\r\n 291,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 2625,\r\n 82,\r\n 293,\r\n 4060,\r\n 82,\r\n 293,\r\n 5285,\r\n 82,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 4177,\r\n 11,\r\n 393,\r\n 291,\r\n 1604,\r\n 646,\r\n 562,\r\n 291,\r\n 645,\r\n 294,\r\n 1090,\r\n 1395,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1075354702067825,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6582278481012658,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009328465908765793\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 516,\r\n \"seek\": 290950,\r\n \"start\": 2919.5,\r\n \"end\": 2925.5,\r\n \"text\": \" or elementary school or middle school when someone said something really ugly to you and you would remember?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 420,\r\n 16429,\r\n 1395,\r\n 420,\r\n 2808,\r\n 1395,\r\n 562,\r\n 1580,\r\n 848,\r\n 746,\r\n 534,\r\n 12246,\r\n 281,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 291,\r\n 576,\r\n 1604,\r\n 30,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1075354702067825,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6582278481012658,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009328465908765793\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 517,\r\n \"seek\": 290950,\r\n \"start\": 2925.5,\r\n \"end\": 2927.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Words do hurt.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 32857,\r\n 360,\r\n 4607,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1075354702067825,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6582278481012658,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009328465908765793\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 518,\r\n \"seek\": 290950,\r\n \"start\": 2927.5,\r\n \"end\": 2929.5,\r\n \"text\": \" They carry 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\"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1075354702067825,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6582278481012658,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.009328465908765793\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 521,\r\n \"seek\": 293550,\r\n \"start\": 2935.5,\r\n \"end\": 2941.5,\r\n \"text\": \" If you're on Facebook or other social media, watch your words.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 322,\r\n 4384,\r\n 420,\r\n 661,\r\n 2093,\r\n 3021,\r\n 11,\r\n 1159,\r\n 428,\r\n 2283,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07373762130737305,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.52,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1417212337255478\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 522,\r\n \"seek\": 293550,\r\n \"start\": 2941.5,\r\n \"end\": 2947.5,\r\n \"text\": \" People say things on social media they would never say in person.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 3432,\r\n 584,\r\n 721,\r\n 322,\r\n 2093,\r\n 3021,\r\n 436,\r\n 576,\r\n 1128,\r\n 584,\r\n 294,\r\n 954,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n 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1612,\r\n 370,\r\n 867,\r\n 12254,\r\n 3624,\r\n 641,\r\n 7286,\r\n 538,\r\n 15978,\r\n 517,\r\n 21787,\r\n 356,\r\n 11,\r\n 6237,\r\n 1507,\r\n 322,\r\n 4384,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07373762130737305,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.52,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.1417212337255478\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 525,\r\n \"seek\": 296050,\r\n \"start\": 2960.5,\r\n \"end\": 2964.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Usually when I'm getting married, the other day I wrote something out, I was mad about something.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 11419,\r\n 562,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 1242,\r\n 5259,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 661,\r\n 786,\r\n 286,\r\n 4114,\r\n 746,\r\n 484,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 5244,\r\n 466,\r\n 746,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1388895785222288,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7078189300411524,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13312683999538422\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 526,\r\n \"seek\": 296050,\r\n \"start\": 2964.5,\r\n \"end\": 2970.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I wrote something out, I was going to post on Facebook and I read it to my wife.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 286,\r\n 4114,\r\n 746,\r\n 484,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 2183,\r\n 322,\r\n 4384,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 1401,\r\n 309,\r\n 281,\r\n 452,\r\n 3836,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1388895785222288,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7078189300411524,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13312683999538422\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 527,\r\n \"seek\": 296050,\r\n \"start\": 2970.5,\r\n \"end\": 2973.5,\r\n \"text\": \" She said, I don't think I would post that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 1240,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 519,\r\n 286,\r\n 576,\r\n 2183,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1388895785222288,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7078189300411524,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 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1.7078189300411524,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13312683999538422\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 530,\r\n \"seek\": 296050,\r\n \"start\": 2980.5,\r\n \"end\": 2983.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I thought, no, I won't, so I didn't.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 286,\r\n 1194,\r\n 11,\r\n 572,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 1582,\r\n 380,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 286,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1388895785222288,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7078189300411524,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13312683999538422\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 531,\r\n \"seek\": 296050,\r\n \"start\": 2983.5,\r\n \"end\": 2987.5,\r\n \"text\": \" But seriously, be careful what you post.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 583,\r\n 6638,\r\n 11,\r\n 312,\r\n 5026,\r\n 437,\r\n 291,\r\n 2183,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1388895785222288,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7078189300411524,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.13312683999538422\r\n },\r\n 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descends 3,000 feet.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 663,\r\n 4560,\r\n 307,\r\n 466,\r\n 3282,\r\n 6193,\r\n 293,\r\n 309,\r\n 7471,\r\n 2581,\r\n 805,\r\n 11,\r\n 1360,\r\n 3521,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08848426216527035,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.502262443438914,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.19357851147651672\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 535,\r\n \"seek\": 298750,\r\n \"start\": 2999.5,\r\n \"end\": 3002.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Thus he was going down.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 13827,\r\n 415,\r\n 390,\r\n 516,\r\n 760,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08848426216527035,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.502262443438914,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.19357851147651672\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 536,\r\n \"seek\": 298750,\r\n \"start\": 3002.5,\r\n \"end\": 3008.5,\r\n \"text\": \" In 2019 I had the joy of traveling with a group of folks from our church and visited the Holy Land.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 682,\r\n 6071,\r\n 286,\r\n 632,\r\n 264,\r\n 6258,\r\n 295,\r\n 9712,\r\n 365,\r\n 257,\r\n 1594,\r\n 295,\r\n 4024,\r\n 490,\r\n 527,\r\n 4128,\r\n 293,\r\n 11220,\r\n 264,\r\n 6295,\r\n 6607,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08848426216527035,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.502262443438914,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.19357851147651672\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 537,\r\n \"seek\": 298750,\r\n \"start\": 3008.5,\r\n \"end\": 3011.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And we actually came down that same path.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 767,\r\n 1361,\r\n 760,\r\n 300,\r\n 912,\r\n 3100,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08848426216527035,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.502262443438914,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.19357851147651672\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 538,\r\n \"seek\": 298750,\r\n \"start\": 3011.5,\r\n \"end\": 3015.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It is still very curvy and treacherous.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 467,\r\n 307,\r\n 920,\r\n 588,\r\n 1262,\r\n 11869,\r\n 293,\r\n 2192,\r\n 4062,\r\n 563,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08848426216527035,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.502262443438914,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.19357851147651672\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 539,\r\n \"seek\": 301550,\r\n \"start\": 3015.5,\r\n \"end\": 3018.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, this guy was innocent. He hadn't done anything to these robbers.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 341,\r\n 2146,\r\n 390,\r\n 13171,\r\n 13,\r\n 634,\r\n 8782,\r\n 380,\r\n 1096,\r\n 1340,\r\n 281,\r\n 613,\r\n 3870,\r\n 1616,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06928104739035329,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7394957983193278,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002721519209444523\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 540,\r\n \"seek\": 301550,\r\n \"start\": 3018.5,\r\n \"end\": 3020.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I'm sure he didn't even know them.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 988,\r\n 415,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 754,\r\n 458,\r\n 552,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06928104739035329,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7394957983193278,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002721519209444523\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 541,\r\n \"seek\": 301550,\r\n \"start\": 3020.5,\r\n \"end\": 3024.5,\r\n \"text\": \" He was just in the 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9928,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 2314,\r\n 633,\r\n 786,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06928104739035329,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7394957983193278,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002721519209444523\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 544,\r\n \"seek\": 301550,\r\n \"start\": 3031.5,\r\n \"end\": 3034.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Someone is robbed at gunpoint and beat up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 8734,\r\n 307,\r\n 35772,\r\n 412,\r\n 3874,\r\n 6053,\r\n 293,\r\n 4224,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06928104739035329,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7394957983193278,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002721519209444523\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 545,\r\n \"seek\": 301550,\r\n \"start\": 3034.5,\r\n \"end\": 3036.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Why did these guys do that?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 1545,\r\n 630,\r\n 613,\r\n 1074,\r\n 360,\r\n 300,\r\n 30,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06928104739035329,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7394957983193278,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002721519209444523\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 546,\r\n \"seek\": 301550,\r\n \"start\": 3036.5,\r\n \"end\": 3039.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, maybe they were on drugs.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 1310,\r\n 436,\r\n 645,\r\n 322,\r\n 7766,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06928104739035329,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7394957983193278,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002721519209444523\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 547,\r\n \"seek\": 301550,\r\n \"start\": 3039.5,\r\n \"end\": 3041.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't know, maybe they were.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 1310,\r\n 436,\r\n 645,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06928104739035329,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7394957983193278,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002721519209444523\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 548,\r\n \"seek\": 301550,\r\n \"start\": 3041.5,\r\n \"end\": 3043.5,\r\n \"text\": \" They needed more money to fill that habit.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51664,\r\n 814,\r\n 2978,\r\n 544,\r\n 1460,\r\n 281,\r\n 2836,\r\n 300,\r\n 7164,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06928104739035329,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7394957983193278,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002721519209444523\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 549,\r\n \"seek\": 304350,\r\n \"start\": 3043.5,\r\n \"end\": 3047.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't know about drugs that cause people to do such unbelievable things.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 466,\r\n 7766,\r\n 300,\r\n 3082,\r\n 561,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 1270,\r\n 16605,\r\n 721,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16319424124325024,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.570048309178744,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.12668786942958832\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 550,\r\n \"seek\": 304350,\r\n \"start\": 3047.5,\r\n \"end\": 3052.5,\r\n \"text\": \" When I was a pastor, I had one of our missionaries who worked in inner city New York,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 1133,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 257,\r\n 21193,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 632,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 527,\r\n 4447,\r\n 4889,\r\n 567,\r\n 2732,\r\n 294,\r\n 7284,\r\n 2307,\r\n 1873,\r\n 3609,\r\n 11,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16319424124325024,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.570048309178744,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.12668786942958832\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 551,\r\n \"seek\": 304350,\r\n \"start\": 3052.5,\r\n \"end\": 3054.5,\r\n \"text\": \" come and share with my church.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 808,\r\n 293,\r\n 2073,\r\n 365,\r\n 452,\r\n 4128,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16319424124325024,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.570048309178744,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.12668786942958832\r\n 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\"no_speech_prob\": 0.06423000246286392\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 567,\r\n \"seek\": 309250,\r\n \"start\": 3114.5,\r\n \"end\": 3115.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Arrest them.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 1587,\r\n 4149,\r\n 552,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0744075190346196,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6600985221674878,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.06423000246286392\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 568,\r\n \"seek\": 309250,\r\n \"start\": 3115.5,\r\n \"end\": 3116.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You do the crime.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 509,\r\n 360,\r\n 264,\r\n 7206,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0744075190346196,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6600985221674878,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.06423000246286392\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 569,\r\n \"seek\": 309250,\r\n \"start\": 3116.5,\r\n \"end\": 3118.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You serve the time.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 509,\r\n 4596,\r\n 264,\r\n 565,\r\n 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13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10608494498512962,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6549019607843136,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.030661853030323982\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 574,\r\n \"seek\": 311950,\r\n \"start\": 3134.5,\r\n \"end\": 3138.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And as the scripture says here, leaving them for half dead.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 400,\r\n 382,\r\n 264,\r\n 24783,\r\n 1619,\r\n 510,\r\n 11,\r\n 5012,\r\n 552,\r\n 337,\r\n 1922,\r\n 3116,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10608494498512962,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6549019607843136,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.030661853030323982\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 575,\r\n \"seek\": 311950,\r\n \"start\": 3138.5,\r\n \"end\": 3141.5,\r\n \"text\": \" That's the only time in scripture that phrase appears.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 264,\r\n 787,\r\n 565,\r\n 294,\r\n 24783,\r\n 300,\r\n 9535,\r\n 7038,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10608494498512962,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6549019607843136,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.030661853030323982\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 576,\r\n \"seek\": 311950,\r\n \"start\": 3141.5,\r\n \"end\": 3142.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I thought about this a lot.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 286,\r\n 1194,\r\n 466,\r\n 341,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10608494498512962,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6549019607843136,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.030661853030323982\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 577,\r\n \"seek\": 311950,\r\n \"start\": 3142.5,\r\n \"end\": 3144.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't think half dead is a good thing.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 519,\r\n 1922,\r\n 3116,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 665,\r\n 551,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10608494498512962,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 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2636,\r\n 3116,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.090405642501707,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6842105263157894,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.014238863252103329\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 583,\r\n \"seek\": 314550,\r\n \"start\": 3154.5,\r\n \"end\": 3156.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Well, you're doing a lot better than me, brother.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 884,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 1101,\r\n 813,\r\n 385,\r\n 11,\r\n 3708,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.090405642501707,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6842105263157894,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.014238863252103329\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 584,\r\n \"seek\": 314550,\r\n \"start\": 3156.5,\r\n \"end\": 3158.5,\r\n \"text\": \" That's not a good thing.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 406,\r\n 257,\r\n 665,\r\n 551,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": 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420,\r\n 9762,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.090405642501707,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6842105263157894,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.014238863252103329\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 587,\r\n \"seek\": 314550,\r\n \"start\": 3168.5,\r\n \"end\": 3171.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Or maybe you've been the one who was beat up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 1610,\r\n 1310,\r\n 291,\r\n 600,\r\n 668,\r\n 264,\r\n 472,\r\n 567,\r\n 390,\r\n 4224,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.090405642501707,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6842105263157894,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.014238863252103329\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 588,\r\n \"seek\": 317150,\r\n \"start\": 3171.5,\r\n \"end\": 3175.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Maybe in your family, for some reason, you're harsh.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 2704,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 1605,\r\n 11,\r\n 337,\r\n 512,\r\n 1778,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 14897,\r\n 13,\r\n 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Maybe to pray with them, to encourage with them, to share the gospel.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 2704,\r\n 281,\r\n 3690,\r\n 365,\r\n 552,\r\n 11,\r\n 281,\r\n 5373,\r\n 365,\r\n 552,\r\n 11,\r\n 281,\r\n 2073,\r\n 264,\r\n 14943,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12005429128998692,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5684647302904564,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02056858316063881\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 600,\r\n \"seek\": 319750,\r\n \"start\": 3214.5,\r\n \"end\": 3219.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I came up from Vercil's this morning and I left really early to get here\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 286,\r\n 1361,\r\n 493,\r\n 490,\r\n 691,\r\n 2869,\r\n 388,\r\n 311,\r\n 341,\r\n 2446,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 1411,\r\n 534,\r\n 2440,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 510,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12005429128998692,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5684647302904564,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02056858316063881\r\n },\r\n 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\"seek\": 322550,\r\n \"start\": 3225.5,\r\n \"end\": 3229.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I said, okay, and I didn't have time to eat or I would have got some sausage and biscuits.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 1392,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 362,\r\n 565,\r\n 281,\r\n 1862,\r\n 420,\r\n 286,\r\n 576,\r\n 362,\r\n 658,\r\n 512,\r\n 20526,\r\n 293,\r\n 36301,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12186255520337248,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7259786476868328,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05375520884990692\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 604,\r\n \"seek\": 322550,\r\n \"start\": 3229.5,\r\n \"end\": 3233.5,\r\n \"text\": \" But anyway, so I went in the restaurant and put on my tie.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 583,\r\n 4033,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 286,\r\n 1437,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 6383,\r\n 293,\r\n 829,\r\n 322,\r\n 452,\r\n 7582,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": 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1.7259786476868328,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05375520884990692\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 607,\r\n \"seek\": 322550,\r\n \"start\": 3240.5,\r\n \"end\": 3243.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And I said, well, I've been doing this for a long, long time\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 668,\r\n 884,\r\n 341,\r\n 337,\r\n 257,\r\n 938,\r\n 11,\r\n 938,\r\n 565,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12186255520337248,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7259786476868328,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05375520884990692\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 608,\r\n \"seek\": 322550,\r\n \"start\": 3243.5,\r\n \"end\": 3245.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and it's really not hard.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 293,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 534,\r\n 406,\r\n 1152,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12186255520337248,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7259786476868328,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05375520884990692\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 609,\r\n \"seek\": 322550,\r\n \"start\": 3245.5,\r\n \"end\": 3249.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I said, you know, you get on Google or Facebook, you can find instructions.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 483,\r\n 322,\r\n 3329,\r\n 420,\r\n 4384,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 915,\r\n 9415,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12186255520337248,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7259786476868328,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05375520884990692\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 610,\r\n \"seek\": 322550,\r\n \"start\": 3249.5,\r\n \"end\": 3254.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And he said, well, I've got a new job and I'm going to have to wear a tie every day.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 400,\r\n 415,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 257,\r\n 777,\r\n 1691,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 3728,\r\n 257,\r\n 7582,\r\n 633,\r\n 786,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12186255520337248,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7259786476868328,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05375520884990692\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 611,\r\n \"seek\": 325450,\r\n \"start\": 3254.5,\r\n \"end\": 3256.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I said, well, good for you. 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32346,\r\n 365,\r\n 1580,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11223141740008098,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.760797342192691,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001985238865017891\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 616,\r\n \"seek\": 325450,\r\n \"start\": 3266.5,\r\n \"end\": 3268.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11223141740008098,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.760797342192691,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001985238865017891\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 617,\r\n \"seek\": 325450,\r\n \"start\": 3268.5,\r\n \"end\": 3271.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And but no one was in there for us and we were at the door going to leave.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 400,\r\n 457,\r\n 572,\r\n 472,\r\n 390,\r\n 294,\r\n 456,\r\n 337,\r\n 505,\r\n 293,\r\n 321,\r\n 645,\r\n 412,\r\n 264,\r\n 2853,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 1856,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n 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3376.5,\r\n \"end\": 3379.5,\r\n \"text\": \" She took that bill and tears welled up in her eyes.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 1240,\r\n 1890,\r\n 300,\r\n 2961,\r\n 293,\r\n 10462,\r\n 731,\r\n 292,\r\n 493,\r\n 294,\r\n 720,\r\n 2575,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07273352066142447,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7037037037037037,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005575344432145357\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 656,\r\n \"seek\": 336750,\r\n \"start\": 3379.5,\r\n \"end\": 3382.5,\r\n \"text\": \" She said, you don't know what this means to me.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1240,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 437,\r\n 341,\r\n 1355,\r\n 281,\r\n 385,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07273352066142447,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7037037037037037,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005575344432145357\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 657,\r\n \"seek\": 336750,\r\n \"start\": 3382.5,\r\n 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13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12561210426124367,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6329113924050633,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02969174087047577\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 666,\r\n \"seek\": 339550,\r\n \"start\": 3411.5,\r\n \"end\": 3415.5,\r\n \"text\": \" The first to pass this man up was a priest in verse 31.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 440,\r\n 700,\r\n 281,\r\n 1320,\r\n 341,\r\n 587,\r\n 493,\r\n 390,\r\n 257,\r\n 15703,\r\n 294,\r\n 7996,\r\n 10353,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12561210426124367,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6329113924050633,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02969174087047577\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 667,\r\n \"seek\": 339550,\r\n \"start\": 3415.5,\r\n \"end\": 3419.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Now the priest was a very important person, top of the social ladder,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 823,\r\n 264,\r\n 15703,\r\n 390,\r\n 257,\r\n 588,\r\n 1021,\r\n 954,\r\n 11,\r\n 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28471,\r\n 642,\r\n 11,\r\n 7996,\r\n 8858,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10171164888324159,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7129186602870814,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0035739620216190815\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 672,\r\n \"seek\": 342250,\r\n \"start\": 3432.5,\r\n \"end\": 3439.5,\r\n \"text\": \" He says, likewise a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him passed by on the other side.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 634,\r\n 1619,\r\n 11,\r\n 32407,\r\n 257,\r\n 28471,\r\n 642,\r\n 611,\r\n 11,\r\n 562,\r\n 415,\r\n 1361,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 1081,\r\n 293,\r\n 1866,\r\n 796,\r\n 4678,\r\n 538,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 661,\r\n 1252,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10171164888324159,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7129186602870814,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0035739620216190815\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 673,\r\n \"seek\": 342250,\r\n \"start\": 3439.5,\r\n \"end\": 3445.5,\r\n \"text\": \" 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51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11756650528105178,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6211453744493391,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.039659157395362854\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 680,\r\n \"seek\": 344750,\r\n \"start\": 3466.5,\r\n \"end\": 3472.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Maybe he paused and looked for a moment at this poor guy who needed help.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 2704,\r\n 415,\r\n 46860,\r\n 293,\r\n 2956,\r\n 337,\r\n 257,\r\n 1623,\r\n 412,\r\n 341,\r\n 4716,\r\n 2146,\r\n 567,\r\n 2978,\r\n 854,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11756650528105178,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6211453744493391,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.039659157395362854\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 681,\r\n \"seek\": 344750,\r\n \"start\": 3472.5,\r\n \"end\": 3474.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Maybe he looked over and thought, man, that guy,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 2704,\r\n 415,\r\n 2956,\r\n 670,\r\n 293,\r\n 1194,\r\n 11,\r\n 587,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 2146,\r\n 11,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11756650528105178,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6211453744493391,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.039659157395362854\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 682,\r\n \"seek\": 347450,\r\n \"start\": 3474.5,\r\n \"end\": 3477.5,\r\n \"text\": \" he really looks like he needs someone to help him.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 415,\r\n 534,\r\n 1542,\r\n 411,\r\n 415,\r\n 2203,\r\n 1580,\r\n 281,\r\n 854,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07594631547513216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5429864253393666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001464024418964982\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 683,\r\n \"seek\": 347450,\r\n \"start\": 3477.5,\r\n \"end\": 3478.5,\r\n \"text\": \" He may die.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 634,\r\n 815,\r\n 978,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07594631547513216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5429864253393666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001464024418964982\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 684,\r\n \"seek\": 347450,\r\n \"start\": 3478.5,\r\n \"end\": 3484.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Maybe he lingered for a moment, but he still passed by on the other side.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 2704,\r\n 415,\r\n 22949,\r\n 4073,\r\n 337,\r\n 257,\r\n 1623,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 415,\r\n 920,\r\n 4678,\r\n 538,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 661,\r\n 1252,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07594631547513216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5429864253393666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001464024418964982\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 685,\r\n \"seek\": 347450,\r\n \"start\": 3484.5,\r\n \"end\": 3487.5,\r\n \"text\": \" They both refused to get involved.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 814,\r\n 1293,\r\n 14654,\r\n 281,\r\n 483,\r\n 3288,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07594631547513216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5429864253393666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001464024418964982\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 686,\r\n \"seek\": 347450,\r\n \"start\": 3487.5,\r\n \"end\": 3493.5,\r\n \"text\": \" They may have had concern, but it didn't do any good because they never stopped to help.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 814,\r\n 815,\r\n 362,\r\n 632,\r\n 3136,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 309,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 360,\r\n 604,\r\n 665,\r\n 570,\r\n 436,\r\n 1128,\r\n 5936,\r\n 281,\r\n 854,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07594631547513216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5429864253393666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001464024418964982\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 687,\r\n \"seek\": 347450,\r\n \"start\": 3493.5,\r\n \"end\": 3495.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Listen, church, let me tell you something.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 7501,\r\n 11,\r\n 4128,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 746,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07594631547513216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5429864253393666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001464024418964982\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 688,\r\n \"seek\": 347450,\r\n \"start\": 3495.5,\r\n \"end\": 3499.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Good intentions never helped anybody.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 2205,\r\n 19354,\r\n 1128,\r\n 4254,\r\n 4472,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07594631547513216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5429864253393666,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001464024418964982\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 689,\r\n \"seek\": 349950,\r\n \"start\": 3499.5,\r\n \"end\": 3502.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Never fed a hungry person.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 7344,\r\n 4636,\r\n 257,\r\n 8067,\r\n 954,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11457136939553654,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5816326530612246,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.016973180696368217\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 690,\r\n \"seek\": 349950,\r\n \"start\": 3502.5,\r\n \"end\": 3504.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Never invited someone to church.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 7344,\r\n 9185,\r\n 1580,\r\n 281,\r\n 4128,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11457136939553654,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5816326530612246,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.016973180696368217\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 691,\r\n \"seek\": 349950,\r\n \"start\": 3504.5,\r\n \"end\": 3507.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Never volunteered for a ministry at your church.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 7344,\r\n 41213,\r\n 337,\r\n 257,\r\n 15024,\r\n 412,\r\n 428,\r\n 4128,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11457136939553654,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5816326530612246,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.016973180696368217\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 692,\r\n \"seek\": 349950,\r\n \"start\": 3507.5,\r\n \"end\": 3509.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Never clothed a family.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 7344,\r\n 13619,\r\n 292,\r\n 257,\r\n 1605,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11457136939553654,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5816326530612246,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.016973180696368217\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 693,\r\n \"seek\": 349950,\r\n \"start\": 3509.5,\r\n \"end\": 3511.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Never shared the gospel.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 7344,\r\n 5507,\r\n 264,\r\n 14943,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11457136939553654,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5816326530612246,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.016973180696368217\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 694,\r\n \"seek\": 349950,\r\n \"start\": 3511.5,\r\n \"end\": 3515.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Years ago, I was serving a church in Lexington,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 24569,\r\n 2057,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 8148,\r\n 257,\r\n 4128,\r\n 294,\r\n 24086,\r\n 20251,\r\n 11,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": 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\"compression_ratio\": 1.5816326530612246,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.016973180696368217\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 697,\r\n \"seek\": 352350,\r\n \"start\": 3523.5,\r\n \"end\": 3528.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I was getting some shoes out and clothes and land them to put in this dumpster.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 1242,\r\n 512,\r\n 6654,\r\n 484,\r\n 293,\r\n 5534,\r\n 293,\r\n 2117,\r\n 552,\r\n 281,\r\n 829,\r\n 294,\r\n 341,\r\n 11430,\r\n 3120,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12316578724345223,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7251908396946565,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.037787143141031265\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 698,\r\n \"seek\": 352350,\r\n \"start\": 3528.5,\r\n \"end\": 3533.5,\r\n \"text\": \" An old station wagon came up with a lady and a bunch of kids in it,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 1107,\r\n 1331,\r\n 5214,\r\n 34453,\r\n 1361,\r\n 493,\r\n 365,\r\n 257,\r\n 7262,\r\n 293,\r\n 257,\r\n 3840,\r\n 295,\r\n 2301,\r\n 294,\r\n 309,\r\n 11,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12316578724345223,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7251908396946565,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.037787143141031265\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 699,\r\n \"seek\": 352350,\r\n \"start\": 3533.5,\r\n \"end\": 3535.5,\r\n \"text\": \" kind of a beat up station wagon.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 733,\r\n 295,\r\n 257,\r\n 4224,\r\n 493,\r\n 5214,\r\n 34453,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12316578724345223,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7251908396946565,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.037787143141031265\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 700,\r\n \"seek\": 352350,\r\n \"start\": 3535.5,\r\n \"end\": 3539.5,\r\n \"text\": \" The lady got out, and I remember she was looking at some of the stuff,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 440,\r\n 7262,\r\n 658,\r\n 484,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 1604,\r\n 750,\r\n 390,\r\n 1237,\r\n 412,\r\n 512,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1507,\r\n 11,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12316578724345223,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7251908396946565,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.037787143141031265\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 701,\r\n \"seek\": 352350,\r\n \"start\": 3539.5,\r\n \"end\": 3542.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and evidently it fit her or some of her family,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 293,\r\n 16371,\r\n 356,\r\n 309,\r\n 3318,\r\n 720,\r\n 420,\r\n 512,\r\n 295,\r\n 720,\r\n 1605,\r\n 11,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12316578724345223,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7251908396946565,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.037787143141031265\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 702,\r\n \"seek\": 352350,\r\n \"start\": 3542.5,\r\n \"end\": 3546.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and she started taking that stuff I was putting in this receptacle.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 293,\r\n 750,\r\n 1409,\r\n 1940,\r\n 300,\r\n 1507,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 3372,\r\n 294,\r\n 341,\r\n 15263,\r\n 7041,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12316578724345223,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7251908396946565,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.037787143141031265\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 703,\r\n \"seek\": 352350,\r\n \"start\": 3546.5,\r\n \"end\": 3551.5,\r\n \"text\": \" All of a sudden, a thought came in my mind that I believe came from the Holy Spirit.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 1057,\r\n 295,\r\n 257,\r\n 3990,\r\n 11,\r\n 257,\r\n 1194,\r\n 1361,\r\n 294,\r\n 452,\r\n 1575,\r\n 300,\r\n 286,\r\n 1697,\r\n 1361,\r\n 490,\r\n 264,\r\n 6295,\r\n 7218,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12316578724345223,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7251908396946565,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.037787143141031265\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 704,\r\n \"seek\": 355150,\r\n \"start\": 3551.5,\r\n \"end\": 3555.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Right across from where this was was a McDonald's,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 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0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10022940878140724,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.646090534979424,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004324961919337511\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 744,\r\n \"seek\": 366550,\r\n \"start\": 3688.5,\r\n \"end\": 3690.5,\r\n \"text\": \" hoping someone would stop and help me.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 7159,\r\n 1580,\r\n 576,\r\n 1590,\r\n 293,\r\n 854,\r\n 385,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10022940878140724,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.646090534979424,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004324961919337511\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 745,\r\n \"seek\": 366550,\r\n \"start\": 3690.5,\r\n \"end\": 3694.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And while I was waiting and sweating, there were some really nice cars.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 400,\r\n 1339,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 3806,\r\n 293,\r\n 25438,\r\n 11,\r\n 456,\r\n 645,\r\n 512,\r\n 534,\r\n 1481,\r\n 5163,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": 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295,\r\n 552,\r\n 261,\r\n 12865,\r\n 538,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16743639537266322,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.611764705882353,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0053874230943620205\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 748,\r\n \"seek\": 369450,\r\n \"start\": 3705.5,\r\n \"end\": 3711.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And finally, I remember a guy and his wife in a pickup truck\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 400,\r\n 2721,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 1604,\r\n 257,\r\n 2146,\r\n 293,\r\n 702,\r\n 3836,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 25328,\r\n 5898,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16743639537266322,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.611764705882353,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0053874230943620205\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 749,\r\n \"seek\": 369450,\r\n \"start\": 3711.5,\r\n \"end\": 3713.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and their daughter pulled up, and he said,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 293,\r\n 641,\r\n 4653,\r\n 7373,\r\n 493,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 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\"avg_logprob\": -0.16743639537266322,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.611764705882353,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0053874230943620205\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 752,\r\n \"seek\": 369450,\r\n \"start\": 3717.5,\r\n \"end\": 3722.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I've got some, and in about three minutes, he had my car going.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 512,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 294,\r\n 466,\r\n 1045,\r\n 2077,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 632,\r\n 452,\r\n 1032,\r\n 516,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16743639537266322,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.611764705882353,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0053874230943620205\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 753,\r\n \"seek\": 372250,\r\n \"start\": 3722.5,\r\n \"end\": 3724.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And I said, sir, thank you so much.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 4735,\r\n 11,\r\n 1309,\r\n 291,\r\n 370,\r\n 709,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06659795298720851,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.649402390438247,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015897079138085246\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 754,\r\n \"seek\": 372250,\r\n \"start\": 3724.5,\r\n \"end\": 3727.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Let me pay you for your generosity and what you've just done.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 961,\r\n 385,\r\n 1689,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 428,\r\n 30178,\r\n 293,\r\n 437,\r\n 291,\r\n 600,\r\n 445,\r\n 1096,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06659795298720851,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.649402390438247,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015897079138085246\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 755,\r\n \"seek\": 372250,\r\n \"start\": 3727.5,\r\n \"end\": 3730.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And he said to me, no, no, no, no, I don't want anything.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 400,\r\n 415,\r\n 848,\r\n 281,\r\n 385,\r\n 11,\r\n 572,\r\n 11,\r\n 572,\r\n 11,\r\n 572,\r\n 11,\r\n 572,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 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665,\r\n 4832,\r\n 289,\r\n 9670,\r\n 281,\r\n 385,\r\n 538,\r\n 884,\r\n 300,\r\n 11,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06659795298720851,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.649402390438247,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015897079138085246\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 760,\r\n \"seek\": 372250,\r\n \"start\": 3746.5,\r\n \"end\": 3749.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and it made a difference in my life.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 293,\r\n 309,\r\n 1027,\r\n 257,\r\n 2649,\r\n 294,\r\n 452,\r\n 993,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06659795298720851,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.649402390438247,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015897079138085246\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 761,\r\n \"seek\": 374950,\r\n \"start\": 3749.5,\r\n \"end\": 3751.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Do you pass people up?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1144,\r\n 291,\r\n 1320,\r\n 561,\r\n 493,\r\n 30,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13216585012582632,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7087719298245614,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02412888966500759\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 762,\r\n \"seek\": 374950,\r\n \"start\": 3751.5,\r\n \"end\": 3756.5,\r\n \"text\": \" People who need your witness, your prayers, your encouragement?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 3432,\r\n 567,\r\n 643,\r\n 428,\r\n 7286,\r\n 11,\r\n 428,\r\n 16860,\r\n 11,\r\n 428,\r\n 25683,\r\n 30,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13216585012582632,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7087719298245614,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02412888966500759\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 763,\r\n \"seek\": 374950,\r\n \"start\": 3756.5,\r\n \"end\": 3759.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, maybe these religious guys thought, well, he's to blame\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 1310,\r\n 613,\r\n 7185,\r\n 1074,\r\n 1194,\r\n 11,\r\n 731,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 311,\r\n 281,\r\n 10127,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13216585012582632,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7087719298245614,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02412888966500759\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 764,\r\n \"seek\": 374950,\r\n \"start\": 3759.5,\r\n \"end\": 3762.5,\r\n \"text\": \" because everyone knows this is a dangerous road to travel\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 570,\r\n 1518,\r\n 3255,\r\n 341,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 5795,\r\n 3060,\r\n 281,\r\n 3147,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13216585012582632,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7087719298245614,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02412888966500759\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 765,\r\n \"seek\": 374950,\r\n \"start\": 3762.5,\r\n \"end\": 3767.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and he should have known better than to travel this road by himself.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 820,\r\n 362,\r\n 2570,\r\n 1101,\r\n 813,\r\n 281,\r\n 3147,\r\n 341,\r\n 3060,\r\n 538,\r\n 3647,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 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\"id\": 780,\r\n \"seek\": 380550,\r\n \"start\": 3811.5,\r\n \"end\": 3818.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Let me say, if you can simplify your life in any way, you should do it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 961,\r\n 385,\r\n 584,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 20460,\r\n 428,\r\n 993,\r\n 294,\r\n 604,\r\n 636,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 820,\r\n 360,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10883879194072649,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6583333333333334,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015832289354875684\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 781,\r\n \"seek\": 380550,\r\n \"start\": 3818.5,\r\n \"end\": 3821.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Because often we don't take that pie across the street\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 1436,\r\n 2049,\r\n 321,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 747,\r\n 300,\r\n 1730,\r\n 2108,\r\n 264,\r\n 4838,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10883879194072649,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6583333333333334,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015832289354875684\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 782,\r\n \"seek\": 380550,\r\n \"start\": 3821.5,\r\n \"end\": 3825.5,\r\n \"text\": \" for that new neighbor that moved in because we don't have time.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 777,\r\n 5987,\r\n 300,\r\n 4259,\r\n 294,\r\n 570,\r\n 321,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 362,\r\n 565,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10883879194072649,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6583333333333334,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015832289354875684\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 783,\r\n \"seek\": 380550,\r\n \"start\": 3825.5,\r\n \"end\": 3828.5,\r\n \"text\": \" We got to do something else.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 492,\r\n 658,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 746,\r\n 1646,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10883879194072649,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6583333333333334,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015832289354875684\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 784,\r\n \"seek\": 380550,\r\n \"start\": 3828.5,\r\n \"end\": 3832.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I tell you to be honest with me, sometimes because we're at church all the time.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 286,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 3245,\r\n 365,\r\n 385,\r\n 11,\r\n 2171,\r\n 570,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 412,\r\n 4128,\r\n 439,\r\n 264,\r\n 565,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10883879194072649,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6583333333333334,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0015832289354875684\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 785,\r\n \"seek\": 383250,\r\n \"start\": 3832.5,\r\n \"end\": 3836.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Praise God for that faithfulness, but let me challenge you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 34576,\r\n 1265,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 17808,\r\n 1287,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 3430,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08184459474351671,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03532879054546356\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 786,\r\n \"seek\": 383250,\r\n \"start\": 3836.5,\r\n \"end\": 3840.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Some of you here today I know are wearing three or four hats in your church.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 2188,\r\n 295,\r\n 291,\r\n 510,\r\n 965,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 366,\r\n 4769,\r\n 1045,\r\n 420,\r\n 1451,\r\n 20549,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 4128,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08184459474351671,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03532879054546356\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 787,\r\n \"seek\": 383250,\r\n \"start\": 3840.5,\r\n \"end\": 3841.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You're doing a lot of stuff.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 509,\r\n 434,\r\n 884,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 1507,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08184459474351671,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03532879054546356\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 788,\r\n \"seek\": 383250,\r\n \"start\": 3841.5,\r\n \"end\": 3846.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Why not find someone who's not wearing a hat, doesn't have a leadership position,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 1545,\r\n 406,\r\n 915,\r\n 1580,\r\n 567,\r\n 311,\r\n 406,\r\n 4769,\r\n 257,\r\n 2385,\r\n 11,\r\n 1177,\r\n 380,\r\n 362,\r\n 257,\r\n 5848,\r\n 2535,\r\n 11,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08184459474351671,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03532879054546356\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 789,\r\n \"seek\": 383250,\r\n \"start\": 3846.5,\r\n \"end\": 3850.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and train them to do one of the jobs that you're doing?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 293,\r\n 3847,\r\n 552,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 4782,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 884,\r\n 30,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08184459474351671,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03532879054546356\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 790,\r\n \"seek\": 383250,\r\n \"start\": 3850.5,\r\n \"end\": 3855.5,\r\n \"text\": \" That way you increase your leadership and you don't burn out.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 663,\r\n 636,\r\n 291,\r\n 3488,\r\n 428,\r\n 5848,\r\n 293,\r\n 291,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 5064,\r\n 484,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08184459474351671,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03532879054546356\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 791,\r\n \"seek\": 383250,\r\n \"start\": 3855.5,\r\n \"end\": 3857.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I know you've heard the poem before.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 291,\r\n 600,\r\n 2198,\r\n 264,\r\n 13065,\r\n 949,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08184459474351671,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.608,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.03532879054546356\r\n 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50864,\r\n 4177,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 311,\r\n 2964,\r\n 760,\r\n 510,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 857,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07715090115865071,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.615686274509804,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001224734471179545\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 801,\r\n \"seek\": 388450,\r\n \"start\": 3896.5,\r\n \"end\": 3902.5,\r\n \"text\": \" He knew what he had to do in going to the cross and he did it, but he didn't rush.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 634,\r\n 2586,\r\n 437,\r\n 415,\r\n 632,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 294,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 3278,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 630,\r\n 309,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 415,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 9300,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07715090115865071,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.615686274509804,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001224734471179545\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 802,\r\n \"seek\": 388450,\r\n \"start\": 3902.5,\r\n \"end\": 3909.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Listen, sometimes you need to say no to some things so you can say yes to some better things.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 7501,\r\n 11,\r\n 2171,\r\n 291,\r\n 643,\r\n 281,\r\n 584,\r\n 572,\r\n 281,\r\n 512,\r\n 721,\r\n 370,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 584,\r\n 2086,\r\n 281,\r\n 512,\r\n 1101,\r\n 721,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07715090115865071,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.615686274509804,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001224734471179545\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 803,\r\n \"seek\": 388450,\r\n \"start\": 3909.5,\r\n \"end\": 3913.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Busyness also crowds out our time with God.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 8006,\r\n 88,\r\n 1287,\r\n 611,\r\n 26070,\r\n 484,\r\n 527,\r\n 565,\r\n 365,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07715090115865071,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.615686274509804,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001224734471179545\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 804,\r\n \"seek\": 391350,\r\n \"start\": 3913.5,\r\n \"end\": 3919.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Someone said, if you're too busy to spend time with God, let me tell you, you are too busy.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 8734,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 886,\r\n 5856,\r\n 281,\r\n 3496,\r\n 565,\r\n 365,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 366,\r\n 886,\r\n 5856,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07802667952420418,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6244897959183673,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009817068930715322\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 805,\r\n \"seek\": 391350,\r\n \"start\": 3919.5,\r\n \"end\": 3922.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Church has your quiet time as been.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 7882,\r\n 575,\r\n 428,\r\n 5677,\r\n 565,\r\n 382,\r\n 668,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07802667952420418,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6244897959183673,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009817068930715322\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 806,\r\n \"seek\": 391350,\r\n \"start\": 3922.5,\r\n \"end\": 3925.5,\r\n \"text\": \" What did you read this last week in Scripture?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 708,\r\n 630,\r\n 291,\r\n 1401,\r\n 341,\r\n 1036,\r\n 1243,\r\n 294,\r\n 22888,\r\n 30,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07802667952420418,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6244897959183673,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009817068930715322\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 807,\r\n \"seek\": 391350,\r\n \"start\": 3925.5,\r\n \"end\": 3930.5,\r\n \"text\": \" What's God been trying to teach you in your quiet time before him?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 708,\r\n 311,\r\n 1265,\r\n 668,\r\n 1382,\r\n 281,\r\n 2924,\r\n 291,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 5677,\r\n 565,\r\n 949,\r\n 796,\r\n 30,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07802667952420418,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6244897959183673,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009817068930715322\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 808,\r\n \"seek\": 391350,\r\n \"start\": 3930.5,\r\n \"end\": 3931.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So busyness.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 407,\r\n 5856,\r\n 1287,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07802667952420418,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6244897959183673,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009817068930715322\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 809,\r\n \"seek\": 391350,\r\n \"start\": 3931.5,\r\n \"end\": 3932.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Secondly, it's apathy.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 19483,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 1882,\r\n 9527,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07802667952420418,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6244897959183673,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009817068930715322\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 810,\r\n \"seek\": 391350,\r\n \"start\": 3932.5,\r\n \"end\": 3936.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You've heard the quote before, people don't care how much we know until they know how much we care.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 509,\r\n 600,\r\n 2198,\r\n 264,\r\n 6513,\r\n 949,\r\n 11,\r\n 561,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 1127,\r\n 577,\r\n 709,\r\n 321,\r\n 458,\r\n 1826,\r\n 436,\r\n 458,\r\n 577,\r\n 709,\r\n 321,\r\n 1127,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07802667952420418,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6244897959183673,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009817068930715322\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 811,\r\n \"seek\": 391350,\r\n \"start\": 3936.5,\r\n \"end\": 3938.5,\r\n \"text\": \" That really is true.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 663,\r\n 534,\r\n 307,\r\n 2074,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07802667952420418,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6244897959183673,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0009817068930715322\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 812,\r\n \"seek\": 393850,\r\n \"start\": 3938.5,\r\n \"end\": 3945.5,\r\n \"text\": \" We're so occupied with our own personal agendas and responsibilities that we don't even have the desire to help someone.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 434,\r\n 370,\r\n 19629,\r\n 365,\r\n 527,\r\n 1065,\r\n 2973,\r\n 623,\r\n 45252,\r\n 293,\r\n 16190,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 754,\r\n 362,\r\n 264,\r\n 7516,\r\n 281,\r\n 854,\r\n 1580,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05761299350044944,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5690376569037656,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02578894793987274\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 813,\r\n \"seek\": 393850,\r\n \"start\": 3945.5,\r\n \"end\": 3953.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, the opposite of apathy is empathy, where I'm concerned about you and I want to help you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 6182,\r\n 295,\r\n 1882,\r\n 9527,\r\n 307,\r\n 18701,\r\n 11,\r\n 689,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 5922,\r\n 466,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 854,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05761299350044944,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5690376569037656,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02578894793987274\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 814,\r\n \"seek\": 393850,\r\n \"start\": 3953.5,\r\n \"end\": 3958.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You see, compassion begins with identification.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 509,\r\n 536,\r\n 11,\r\n 12601,\r\n 7338,\r\n 365,\r\n 22065,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05761299350044944,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5690376569037656,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02578894793987274\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 815,\r\n \"seek\": 393850,\r\n \"start\": 3958.5,\r\n \"end\": 3966.5,\r\n \"text\": \" This priest and this Levite just didn't connect or identify with this guy laying beside the road half dead.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 639,\r\n 15703,\r\n 293,\r\n 341,\r\n 28471,\r\n 642,\r\n 445,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 1745,\r\n 420,\r\n 5876,\r\n 365,\r\n 341,\r\n 2146,\r\n 14903,\r\n 15726,\r\n 264,\r\n 3060,\r\n 1922,\r\n 3116,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05761299350044944,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5690376569037656,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.02578894793987274\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 816,\r\n \"seek\": 396650,\r\n \"start\": 3966.5,\r\n \"end\": 3969.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I have a niece that teaches kindergarten.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 362,\r\n 257,\r\n 39991,\r\n 300,\r\n 16876,\r\n 26671,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07914143164181014,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7542372881355932,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.026737891137599945\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 817,\r\n \"seek\": 396650,\r\n \"start\": 3969.5,\r\n \"end\": 3977.5,\r\n \"text\": \" She has for about 34 years now and she told me once about one of her kindergarten little girls that had an eye problem\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 1240,\r\n 575,\r\n 337,\r\n 466,\r\n 12790,\r\n 924,\r\n 586,\r\n 293,\r\n 750,\r\n 1907,\r\n 385,\r\n 1564,\r\n 466,\r\n 472,\r\n 295,\r\n 720,\r\n 26671,\r\n 707,\r\n 4519,\r\n 300,\r\n 632,\r\n 364,\r\n 3313,\r\n 1154,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07914143164181014,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7542372881355932,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.026737891137599945\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 818,\r\n \"seek\": 396650,\r\n \"start\": 3977.5,\r\n \"end\": 3979.5,\r\n \"text\": \" and was going to have to have surgery.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 293,\r\n 390,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 7930,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07914143164181014,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7542372881355932,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.026737891137599945\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 819,\r\n \"seek\": 396650,\r\n \"start\": 3979.5,\r\n \"end\": 3982.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And so she had to wear an eye patch to class.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 750,\r\n 632,\r\n 281,\r\n 3728,\r\n 364,\r\n 3313,\r\n 9972,\r\n 281,\r\n 1508,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07914143164181014,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7542372881355932,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.026737891137599945\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 820,\r\n \"seek\": 396650,\r\n \"start\": 3982.5,\r\n \"end\": 3986.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Well, you know, being a kindergarten, that was very embarrassing for this little girl.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 885,\r\n 257,\r\n 26671,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 390,\r\n 588,\r\n 17299,\r\n 337,\r\n 341,\r\n 707,\r\n 2013,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07914143164181014,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7542372881355932,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.026737891137599945\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 821,\r\n \"seek\": 396650,\r\n \"start\": 3986.5,\r\n \"end\": 3992.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And she was very conscious of the fact she looked different, had an eye patch on.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 400,\r\n 750,\r\n 390,\r\n 588,\r\n 6648,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1186,\r\n 750,\r\n 2956,\r\n 819,\r\n 11,\r\n 632,\r\n 364,\r\n 3313,\r\n 9972,\r\n 322,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07914143164181014,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7542372881355932,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.026737891137599945\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 822,\r\n \"seek\": 399250,\r\n \"start\": 3992.5,\r\n \"end\": 3999.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So my niece went to the dollar store that night and bought all the eye patches the store had.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 452,\r\n 39991,\r\n 1437,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 7241,\r\n 3531,\r\n 300,\r\n 1818,\r\n 293,\r\n 4243,\r\n 439,\r\n 264,\r\n 3313,\r\n 26531,\r\n 264,\r\n 3531,\r\n 632,\r\n 13,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07365264687486874,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8056872037914693,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004560604691505432\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 823,\r\n \"seek\": 399250,\r\n \"start\": 3999.5,\r\n \"end\": 4011.5,\r\n \"text\": \" She came in the class the next day wearing this eye patch and she passed them out for all of her class to put on these eye patches.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 1240,\r\n 1361,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 1508,\r\n 264,\r\n 958,\r\n 786,\r\n 4769,\r\n 341,\r\n 3313,\r\n 9972,\r\n 293,\r\n 750,\r\n 4678,\r\n 552,\r\n 484,\r\n 337,\r\n 439,\r\n 295,\r\n 720,\r\n 1508,\r\n 281,\r\n 829,\r\n 322,\r\n 613,\r\n 3313,\r\n 26531,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07365264687486874,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8056872037914693,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004560604691505432\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 824,\r\n \"seek\": 399250,\r\n \"start\": 4011.5,\r\n \"end\": 4015.5,\r\n \"text\": \" It looked like a pirate convention is what it looked like, you know.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 467,\r\n 2956,\r\n 411,\r\n 257,\r\n 27424,\r\n 10286,\r\n 307,\r\n 437,\r\n 309,\r\n 2956,\r\n 411,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07365264687486874,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8056872037914693,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004560604691505432\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 825,\r\n \"seek\": 399250,\r\n \"start\": 4015.5,\r\n \"end\": 4021.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So they did that and she told her class she was passing out magic patches for the day.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 407,\r\n 436,\r\n 630,\r\n 300,\r\n 293,\r\n 750,\r\n 1907,\r\n 720,\r\n 1508,\r\n 750,\r\n 390,\r\n 8437,\r\n 484,\r\n 5585,\r\n 26531,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 786,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07365264687486874,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8056872037914693,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004560604691505432\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 826,\r\n \"seek\": 402150,\r\n \"start\": 4021.5,\r\n \"end\": 4024.5,\r\n \"text\": \" So we could all see only good things.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 321,\r\n 727,\r\n 439,\r\n 536,\r\n 787,\r\n 665,\r\n 721,\r\n 13,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09265811964013111,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.547945205479452,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0013972219312563539\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 827,\r\n \"seek\": 402150,\r\n \"start\": 4024.5,\r\n \"end\": 4030.5,\r\n \"text\": \" She said with this magic eye patch on Miss Hannah can only see students being good.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 1240,\r\n 848,\r\n 365,\r\n 341,\r\n 5585,\r\n 3313,\r\n 9972,\r\n 322,\r\n 5275,\r\n 21754,\r\n 393,\r\n 787,\r\n 536,\r\n 1731,\r\n 885,\r\n 665,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09265811964013111,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.547945205479452,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0013972219312563539\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 828,\r\n \"seek\": 402150,\r\n \"start\": 4030.5,\r\n \"end\": 4031.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Isn't that great?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 6998,\r\n 380,\r\n 300,\r\n 869,\r\n 30,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09265811964013111,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.547945205479452,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0013972219312563539\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 829,\r\n \"seek\": 402150,\r\n \"start\": 4031.5,\r\n \"end\": 4037.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You see, compassion begins with identifying with people.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 509,\r\n 536,\r\n 11,\r\n 12601,\r\n 7338,\r\n 365,\r\n 16696,\r\n 365,\r\n 561,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09265811964013111,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.547945205479452,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0013972219312563539\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 830,\r\n \"seek\": 402150,\r\n \"start\": 4037.5,\r\n \"end\": 4040.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Let me tell you the most important thing I'm going to tell you today.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 961,\r\n 385,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 264,\r\n 881,\r\n 1021,\r\n 551,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 965,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09265811964013111,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.547945205479452,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0013972219312563539\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 831,\r\n \"seek\": 402150,\r\n \"start\": 4040.5,\r\n \"end\": 4050.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Jesus, even though he had no sin, sinless Jesus identified with sinners.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 2705,\r\n 11,\r\n 754,\r\n 1673,\r\n 415,\r\n 632,\r\n 572,\r\n 3343,\r\n 11,\r\n 3343,\r\n 1832,\r\n 2705,\r\n 9234,\r\n 365,\r\n 41004,\r\n 13,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09265811964013111,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.547945205479452,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0013972219312563539\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 832,\r\n \"seek\": 405050,\r\n \"start\": 4050.5,\r\n \"end\": 4052.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I'm glad for that.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 5404,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 50464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1391335660761053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5147679324894514,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002319692401215434\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 833,\r\n \"seek\": 405050,\r\n \"start\": 4052.5,\r\n \"end\": 4053.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know why?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50464,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 983,\r\n 30,\r\n 50514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1391335660761053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5147679324894514,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002319692401215434\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 834,\r\n \"seek\": 405050,\r\n \"start\": 4053.5,\r\n \"end\": 4054.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Because I'm a sinner.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50514,\r\n 1436,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 257,\r\n 41293,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1391335660761053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5147679324894514,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002319692401215434\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 835,\r\n \"seek\": 405050,\r\n \"start\": 4054.5,\r\n \"end\": 4055.5,\r\n \"text\": \" And so are you.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 366,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1391335660761053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5147679324894514,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002319692401215434\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 836,\r\n \"seek\": 405050,\r\n \"start\": 4055.5,\r\n \"end\": 4061.5,\r\n \"text\": \" The Bible says in Romans 3, 2, 3, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 440,\r\n 6544,\r\n 1619,\r\n 294,\r\n 20252,\r\n 805,\r\n 11,\r\n 568,\r\n 11,\r\n 805,\r\n 11,\r\n 337,\r\n 439,\r\n 362,\r\n 3343,\r\n 9232,\r\n 293,\r\n 2100,\r\n 2099,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 11924,\r\n 295,\r\n 1265,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1391335660761053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5147679324894514,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002319692401215434\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 837,\r\n \"seek\": 405050,\r\n \"start\": 4061.5,\r\n \"end\": 4067.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Jesus identified with sinners yet he had no sin.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 2705,\r\n 9234,\r\n 365,\r\n 41004,\r\n 1939,\r\n 415,\r\n 632,\r\n 572,\r\n 3343,\r\n 13,\r\n 51214\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1391335660761053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5147679324894514,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002319692401215434\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 838,\r\n \"seek\": 405050,\r\n \"start\": 4067.5,\r\n \"end\": 4071.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You may not have lost your job or maybe you're not going through grief,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51214,\r\n 509,\r\n 815,\r\n 406,\r\n 362,\r\n 2731,\r\n 428,\r\n 1691,\r\n 420,\r\n 1310,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 406,\r\n 516,\r\n 807,\r\n 18998,\r\n 11,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1391335660761053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5147679324894514,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002319692401215434\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 839,\r\n \"seek\": 405050,\r\n \"start\": 4071.5,\r\n \"end\": 4074.5,\r\n \"text\": \" but you ought to identify with those who need your help.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 457,\r\n 291,\r\n 13416,\r\n 281,\r\n 5876,\r\n 365,\r\n 729,\r\n 567,\r\n 643,\r\n 428,\r\n 854,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1391335660761053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5147679324894514,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002319692401215434\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 840,\r\n \"seek\": 405050,\r\n \"start\": 4074.5,\r\n \"end\": 4076.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Thirdly is legalism.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 12548,\r\n 356,\r\n 307,\r\n 5089,\r\n 1434,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1391335660761053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5147679324894514,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002319692401215434\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 841,\r\n \"seek\": 407650,\r\n \"start\": 4076.5,\r\n \"end\": 4081.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, what if we try to help this guy and he gets worse or he dies on the way to the hospital?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 437,\r\n 498,\r\n 321,\r\n 853,\r\n 281,\r\n 854,\r\n 341,\r\n 2146,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 2170,\r\n 5324,\r\n 420,\r\n 415,\r\n 2714,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 4530,\r\n 30,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0532142581610844,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6778242677824269,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.014229589141905308\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 842,\r\n \"seek\": 407650,\r\n \"start\": 4081.5,\r\n \"end\": 4084.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, we might be sued.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 1062,\r\n 312,\r\n 33864,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0532142581610844,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6778242677824269,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.014229589141905308\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 843,\r\n \"seek\": 407650,\r\n \"start\": 4084.5,\r\n \"end\": 4089.5,\r\n \"text\": \" This lawyer was legalistic because he didn't want to help anyone outside his little circle.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 639,\r\n 11613,\r\n 390,\r\n 5089,\r\n 3142,\r\n 570,\r\n 415,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 854,\r\n 2878,\r\n 2380,\r\n 702,\r\n 707,\r\n 6329,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0532142581610844,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6778242677824269,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.014229589141905308\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 844,\r\n \"seek\": 407650,\r\n \"start\": 4089.5,\r\n \"end\": 4092.5,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, if I don't get credit for it, I don't want to help.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 483,\r\n 5397,\r\n 337,\r\n 309,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 854,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0532142581610844,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6778242677824269,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.014229589141905308\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 845,\r\n \"seek\": 407650,\r\n \"start\": 4092.5,\r\n \"end\": 4096.5,\r\n \"text\": \" If no one sees me doing this act of kindness, check me out.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 759,\r\n 572,\r\n 472,\r\n 8194,\r\n 385,\r\n 884,\r\n 341,\r\n 605,\r\n 295,\r\n 18171,\r\n 11,\r\n 1520,\r\n 385,\r\n 484,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0532142581610844,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6778242677824269,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.014229589141905308\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 846,\r\n \"seek\": 407650,\r\n \"start\": 4096.5,\r\n \"end\": 4101.5,\r\n \"text\": \" If I can't pass out my business card, I'm not going to help.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 759,\r\n 286,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 1320,\r\n 484,\r\n 452,\r\n 1606,\r\n 2920,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 854,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.0532142581610844,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6778242677824269,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.014229589141905308\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 847,\r\n \"seek\": 410150,\r\n \"start\": 4101.5,\r\n \"end\": 4106.5,\r\n \"text\": \" Maybe the priest thought this beat up guy was unclean so we can't touch him.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 2704,\r\n 264,\r\n 15703,\r\n 1194,\r\n 341,\r\n 4224,\r\n 493,\r\n 2146,\r\n 390,\r\n 9153,\r\n 282,\r\n 370,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 380,\r\n 2557,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06639781519144523,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.823045267489712,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003590349806472659\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 848,\r\n \"seek\": 410150,\r\n \"start\": 4106.5,\r\n \"end\": 4111.5,\r\n \"text\": \" What if someone comes by and they see us touching 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God sees.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 428,\r\n 13061,\r\n 307,\r\n 437,\r\n 661,\r\n 561,\r\n 536,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 428,\r\n 2517,\r\n 307,\r\n 437,\r\n 1265,\r\n 8194,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06639781519144523,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.823045267489712,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003590349806472659\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 851,\r\n \"seek\": 410150,\r\n \"start\": 4119.5,\r\n \"end\": 4121.5,\r\n \"text\": \" What's on the inside?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 708,\r\n 311,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 1854,\r\n 30,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06639781519144523,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.823045267489712,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003590349806472659\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 852,\r\n \"seek\": 410150,\r\n \"start\": 4121.5,\r\n \"end\": 4122.5,\r\n \"text\": \" What's on your heart?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 708,\r\n 311,\r\n 322,\r\n 428,\r\n 1917,\r\n 30,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06639781519144523,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.823045267489712,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003590349806472659\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 853,\r\n \"seek\": 410150,\r\n \"start\": 4122.5,\r\n \"end\": 4125.5,\r\n \"text\": \" I may know you by your reputation, but let me tell you something.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 286,\r\n 815,\r\n 458,\r\n 291,\r\n 538,\r\n 428,\r\n 13061,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 718,\r\n 385,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 746,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06639781519144523,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.823045267489712,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003590349806472659\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 854,\r\n \"seek\": 410150,\r\n \"start\": 4125.5,\r\n \"end\": 4128.5,\r\n \"text\": \" God knows everyone in this room by our heart.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 1265,\r\n 3255,\r\n 1518,\r\n 294,\r\n 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