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"{\r\n \"text\": \" Victory, oh victory in Jesus, my Savior forever. He sought me and bought me with His redeeming pot. With our mirror I knew Him, and all my love is to Him. He punched me to victory beneath the cleansing cloth. I heard a lot of men. Out the streets of gold, beyond the crystal sea, About the angels singing, and the Lory Dempestian story, And some sweet day, a sing of their, the song of victory. Oh victory in Jesus, my Savior forever. He sought me and bought me with His redeeming pot. With our mirror I knew Him, and all my love is to Him. He punched me to victory beneath the cleansing cloth. Very good. Just remain standing. We're going to sing another song here. I want you to turn to 136. Are you washed in the blood? We want to thank, we want, oh, I was just going to tell them, thank you for, we have a wonderful pianist tonight. Give him a hand. Yay, thank you, thank you. Instead of Chipotle, he is here serving us. So we are so glad that Matthew is here tonight. Thank you so much. Are you washed in the blood? Let's do the first and last dance, please. Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you fully trusting in His grace's sound? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you washed in the blood? In the salt cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless and they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Lay aside your garments that are stained with sin and be washed with the blood of the Lamb? There's a fountain flowing in the wood and clean all be washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you washed in the blood? In the salt cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless and they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Have you seen it? Jerry let us go through all that before and he's doing Sunday night. Jerry Delaney will be doing Sunday night. Okay so we got that straight. Let me go through this prayer list. I would really like to know about these people. I don't know about. There's so many I don't know about. So let's keep in prayer the war in Israel and the one in Ukraine. If you notice on the list, we've got Miriam is now Mark and the shut-ins with an SI on the end of it and an NH for the nursing home. So we'll try to get more information like that too. And it's great having the bigger sheets too. But anyway, Dan Weinal, Donna what's going on? So he's doing better. Okay that is Donna Keaton's brother. You can see Donna's name on the side there. So that is helpful. David Turner, he's waiting to be transferred to Gateway for rehab. I don't know if he's gotten over there yet or not. And he's got a rough battle ahead of him. Keep David in your prayers and keep Becky. And it's hard for her to keep running and now it's going to be over on the expressway towards Gateway. She's spending a lot of time at the hospital. Don Wellman, I don't know if anybody knows anymore about Don Wellman. Well that's Rick's friend. I really don't know if anybody's got any information on any of these. I want to hear. Joe Weiner is having surgery. I don't have any more details than that all I know is he's having surgery. Did somebody say something? Okay, so let's keep in prayer our two search teams. You know, we got our children's ministry. We need to find a minister for our children and also our pastors, senior pastors search committee. I believe they're meeting again tomorrow night. So if you've got any questions, catch somebody on that committee. If you've got any input, they'll say thanks to me. Remember our missionaries. You know, we've got people connected to the church, the Mitchums and different ones. So keep in prayer our missionaries. Jim and Ann Rameach. Jim still gets his chemo three times a week. And that's really hard on him, but I mean, what did I say? Yeah, dialysis. I knew that. Thanks for straightening me out there. So anyway, me with him and Ann and another caregiver with Ann there. Joe and Dottie true. I mean, we people are in the nursing homes. We just cannot forget them. So we need to send out letters. John. Really? Okay. Did you go visit him? Okay. Well, thanks for the visit. So Joe's not feeling too great right now and Dottie was a little more perkier. So yeah, so keep him in your prayers. Joe Fine. He always get this mixed up and you always straight me out. He had the eye, the cancer of the eye and then a broken ankle. I don't know how he's doing. How's he doing? Was he in church Sunday? All his wife's coming. Okay. Right. Okay. Well, that's a praise then he is doing better. Bobby Titus does not really forget Bobby. She's she's in a nursing home. You always forget the name of that one over in Latonia, but she's over there. Margaret Griffin keep Margaret in your prayers. She is at home. She has a lot of eye problem. So keep her in your prayers. Sandy long. She was supposed to have surgery. I believe Monday and they canceled it. So I did. Were they there this morning? Did they? Do you have a new time yet or anything? Okay. So anyway, keep your rest. So her and Phil come to the coffee with the pastor and I believe there was 19. Dave said there was 19 there and I'll tell you, there's a lot of women been coming too. So it's a good time. That's a good Bible study. We went for years with no women and now there's about four come. So anyway, let's say in the tree in a small wood. Do you know who that is? Okay. Yeah. She's she's going to have surgery. I don't know when yet, but she's lined up. July possibly July 3rd. She's going to have surgery. Okay. Is anybody here that can really tell me about Wanda? Wanda has been. Oh, there's Annie. She's going to have a final injection. Fine line. Okay. But she's in pain a lot. Isn't she? Okay. Well, so keep her in your prayers and then remember our military with all the people, but also remember Alan. He's over in Africa. So remember Alan. I am going to write now. I'm going to go down each column. Here's what I want to do. If you see at the bottom of your list, it says, is anyone can take anybody off this list? Please tell John share office. We're trying to make it more manageable. So I want to look at the first column and see if there's anybody we can take off. You don't take anybody off just because you're mad at him. Okay. So is there anybody we can take off on that first column? You can always put people back on Donna. Take Dan off. Okay. You're not mad at him. Every other day. Okay. So that's a praise. We'll take him off. We can always put people back on. Okay. The second column as we go down. I don't know. Has anybody got anybody there? Jake Wittford. Jake Wittford. How far down is he? Right in the middle. Okay. Okay. Thank you. And somebody hit somebody else. Harold. Where's he at? I see him. Okay. I am going to be so in with Miriam. It's unbelievable because I have gotten another a few others. Okay. Hey, Puss. Okay. Okay. Okay. But there again, we'll put him back on if anything happens, guys. The third column over anybody? Somebody tell me about Donnie Eubanks. Anybody got him? Okay. Nobody's got. Okay. Okay. Marguerite, what you got? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. He had a bled. Okay. Thanks. Okay. That helps me. Okay. Marguerite. I didn't. Is she on here though we need to mention her? Oh, how did I miss that? Okay. Now, she is home. I know she went to the hospital the other night. They thought it was her heart. But it's gallbladder. So she's going back. She's going to schedule for gallbladder surgery. So remember Priscilla. Okay. Thanks, Marguerite. Okay. Over in the fourth column, there's not much over there, but anybody got anybody? Well, this is a help. Keeping some churches have got like a prayer list of about six or seven pages. And this really helps for visitation, you know, for Colin and different people. They get it. So with that, anybody got anything else? Okay. I'm going to ask Brian to can. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Carolyn? Is she on here right now? We'll put her back on. And when is that again? Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. That poor child's had a lot wrong with her, hasn't she? So is he on here? Okay. I'm a Annie Mukay. And that's your cousin? Dan Murphy. Okay. Marguerite? What was his name again? I know we keep talking about it. Okay. Anyway, Darrell passed away 45 years old just suddenly found him. And so anyway, Marguerite was real close to the family. They got a nine year old and a girl. I know how old the girl is. She's a lot older. Okay. So that was pretty devastating. So keep them in your prayers. Okay. So keep them in your prayers. So I'm going to ask Brian to come up here and pray for those on the prayer list. And we'll pray for Brian. Brian? Dear many Father, we come to you this night, Lord, with many hearts who are burdened for other people who are sick, Lord. We pray for those who are ill, who have been mentioned as Lord. Lord God, we pray for our senior pastor committee. Lord, they will start searching and Lord, let the people who are worthy of your call come to this church, Lord. We ask for our other ministry, Lord, that there are so many people that are sick. There are so many people that are hurting. But Lord, we need to know that as we pray right now, Lord, only you can heal them. Only you can search off their hearts. Lord God, we pray that our church will give time for us to heal and go farther and grow. But Father, let us not forget that our pastor is long gone, but our new pastor needs to come along, Lord. We ask now to be with our pastor tonight and let him pray for us and Lord and thank us. And Jesus name you, men. Thank you, Brian. Oh my goodness gracious. Alright. I will give you a blessing tonight. I will not shake your hand. That's a good thing. I've been sick all week. Yeah. And I wasn't sure I was even going to be able to be here tonight, but I'm running on 80 percent and that's good. 80 percent for me is pretty good. That's a good thing. I look out at all of you tonight and you're all kind of scattered out. It reminds me of the Bible story of casting the seeds. You know, and just tonight I'm just going to cast all these seeds out here and trusting that you will cause you to grow a little bit. Take your Bibles and turn to the book of James, if you will. You know, for me to do this, the preparation is not the most difficult part. For me, my gratitude excels when it comes to people who are willing to show up on a Wednesday night. There are shows that you probably are missing or you're recording. There are things that you'd rather be doing tonight, but you're here and God bless you and thank you for being here. I'm grateful for you coming and sharing this time together. The other difficult part is not the preparation for me and actually it's really not doing public speaking. I've done a lot of public speaking over the years a lot. The difficult part for me is trying to make some decisions about the congregation, the crowd of people and what your needs are and what God has prepared for us tonight. Sometimes in some ways it kind of reminds me of raising children in that you tell them to do things and you have to be repetitive. You have to tell them over and over and over again. I don't think it's a problem to study God's word and to turn to, like for example, the book of James tonight and some of you here tonight could probably teach it better than I. I chose James and we're going to do this for the next several weeks. Sunday night, we were supposed to have a baptismal service Sunday night, but that's going to be Sunday morning and I will be here Sunday night to speak with you. My wife, God love her, has given me permission to be here Sunday night. It'll be our 40th wedding anniversary. Yeah, that's, that applause is for her, not to put up with me. So anyway I want to share with you James and we're going to kick that off tonight and James chapter one, we'll take a look at that and see what James has to share with us this evening and then I have something different that I want to speak on Sunday night and then next Wednesday night, a week from today, we will have, I think there's five Wednesdays in July and we will continue through the book of James. James is a great, great study. He wants us to be encouraged and James is the half brother of Jesus. He is probably the oldest half brother of Jesus. He's the head of the church at Jerusalem. Paul revered James and thought he was an amazing warrior of the gospel message and encouraged him to head up the church. In fact, he was the head of the church in Jerusalem for about 30 years and these passages here that we find in the book of James was written, you know, it's hard probably written around 50 AD, maybe 45 to 50 in that range and James was executed. He was martyred. They took him up to the top of the temple mount to the very highest pinnacle and told him, you need to stop this business about sharing this stuff about this fellow named Jesus the Christ. You need to stop and he wouldn't and he refused and as a result of that they pushed him off the top of the temple and he died there. Let's take a look. Let's go ahead and jump into this. I could say some other things about James. Let's just go ahead and tonight I want to cover James chapter 1 verses 1 through 5. By the way, I'm using the New Living Bible. I have probably a half a dozen or more different kinds of Bibles and maybe what I'll do next time we get together I'll use the King James, the New King James version because that's what they have and that's probably what you'll be seeing up here, the New King James version. Let me just go ahead and read through the first 5 verses. James a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ and he writes to the 12 tribes scattered among the nations. Excuse me if I'm continuing to do that tonight I apologize. Bear with me. James when he uses the word servant some translations use the word slave and in our culture today when we think of slave we think of the 1860's and slaves and the slave market and all that that's not even close. The slaves that they're talking about here were basically servants and he considered himself to be sold out to God and he is sold out to the gospel message of Christ and for whatever the cost whatever the price, whatever it took the important thing was getting the message out to the people there in Jerusalem. The people that he's writing to were part of the people that were part of what's called or referred to as the diaspora. They were spread all throughout Asia and Asia Minor and there was a time when these Jews who had become Christians were being martyred for the cause of the Christ and if you're living in a community where the predominant religion is Judaism and you're an Orthodox Jew and you've got neighbors and people in your community that are Christians who are Jewish they persecuted them on the marketplace selling goods and so a lot of the Jewish Christians were very poor and struggling and in poverty and as a result some of them as a result of the poverty and of the lifestyle they began to it was easier, it's just easier to give in it's just easier to not be so forward and bold about the gospel message and if you've got children that are starving and family that are homeless at what cost and so for these Jews who have become Christians were paying a heavy price and so Paul, excuse me James is wanting to encourage them, my favorite line and it will always be stay the course stay the course you've written a situation where a trial has come and it's difficult and you're struggling physically or emotionally or struggling financially and you try to stay the course and your friends are praying for you and they say God's got this. That's the message that James is trying to encourage these Christian Jews to stay the course. God's got this. God's got this and so he says consider it pure joy my brothers, whatever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance perseverance must finish its work so that you may be sure and complete not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to him. But when he asks he must believe and not doubt because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind. Alright so he's writing to these scattered Jewish believers of the diaspora scattered to Asia Minor believers who were poor, marginalized ostracized. Some of that goes on today when I was writing some of this you reminded me of a fellow named John I met John at Southern Seminary he was Jewish who had become a Christian. His family owned in Pennsylvania area his family owned a pharmaceutical company and his dad when he found out that his son had become a Christian shut down the company for several days they had a wake and on the entrance doors to all of the companies were these big black wreaths and the whole family the whole Jewish family went into mourning because their son had turned her back on the faith that they had raised him up in and he had become a Christian and he was studying at the seminary. So some of that being ostracized by family and having funerals they actually had a funeral for him because of his faith in Christ. So James is encouraging them to stay the course and not to let their difficulties cause them to stray. So one of the things that he is trying to encourage them to realize and it was something that I think it was Martin Luther who was really against Martin Luther was primarily against the idea of putting James in the cannon. He didn't like it and part of the reason why he didn't like James being put in the cannon was because James emphasizes the importance of faith. So if you have faith, if you are saved by grace it will be identified in your works. And Martin Luther felt like that James was over emphasizing the importance of works. In fact he considered a straw religion. Worthless. And today as a result of that Martin Luther and Church and Martin Luther was a big part of that. One of the things that James is wanting to emphasize during the next five chapters that we get into is the fact that works don't save you. The Apostle Parvot writes that we are saved by what? We are saved by what? By grace. What's the definition of grace? Unmerited, thank you Michael. Unmerited favor. There's nothing that you and I can do. Absolutely nothing that would warrant our being saved except by grace and nothing else. And I just throw that out there, let that kind of wash over you a little bit and think about the fact that we are saved by grace and nothing else. And yet sometimes I find that there are Christians who will acknowledge that we are saved by grace. Oh yes, I know we are saved by grace, but they struggle in the effort and life to be worthy of the grace. It's a gift. It's a gift. One of the things that I've worked with my clients when I see them on a daily basis. And I see them oftentimes as you're growing up we grow up, a family is a system by the way. It's like a mobile, I don't think you can buy them anymore because they're really dangerous. And if you hang a mobile over a baby's bed and you walk in and it's just hanging there, what does it do? It just hangs there. But if you reach up and you hit one little bear, all the other four move. And the reason for that is because they're all part of a system. And so the family that you grew up in is a part of a system that helps us to determine how we're going to make decisions for the course of our lives. Every day we have choices that we have to make. And so oftentimes I'll ask them, so how did you know you were loved in your family system? Let me throw that out to you. How did you know that you were loved in your family system? Sometimes it can be because you smell biscuits being made by mom or grandma, you know? And so we grow up in a system where we are taught that you have to be perfect in order to be worthy of being loved. And the key word is worthy. If you want to be worthy of being loved in a system, you have to prove yourself. You have to be perfect or you have the expectation of others being perfect. Reminds me of the fellow, an older gentleman came to see me and he had a...I said, why are you here? He said, my wife sent me and that's not in common. Why would your wife think you needed to come for counseling? He said, she wanted me to come because she thinks that I think that I'm perfect. And I know I'm not perfect. It's crazy. There's nobody perfect. And I promise you, he had a t-shirt on that said, I know I'm not perfect, but I'm so close it scares me. And so people strive to prove in their life, in their daily living, that they're perfect or they have the expectations that others will be perfect. Sometimes people strive in their efforts to prove that they're worthy of being loved because they try hard. Now even though the Bible says be perfect as your father in heaven is being perfect, the better translation of that word perfect is being whole, complete. People try hard. You've got ten things to do. You've got a list of ten things to do. You complete six. And then you focus on the four you didn't get accomplished. My theory is this, if I have ten things to do and I get six things accomplished, I'm not going to worry about the other four. I'll either do them tomorrow or they won't get done. And I'll go on to heaven and I'll leave them for somebody else to do. The Bible says be a doer of the word and not just a trier. Some people think that in order for them to be loved and be worthy of love, they have to be strong. Being strong means you don't ask for help. There are people who generally believe that if you have to ask for help, it's a weakness. The smart thing to do is knowing that two heads are better than one and so sometimes you have to ask for help. The other thing that people do in order to be worthy of being loved is to take care of everybody. Does that mean the opposite? You either all or nothing at all? You take care of everybody? You don't take care of anybody? We're not saying that at all. We're saying that people oftentimes will believe that their goal in life is to take care of everybody. Take care of everybody's needs. And by the way, women are notorious for that. To take care of everybody else first, before they take care of themselves. You know? The last one is you have to please everybody. How many of you have to raise your hand? How many of you are a pleaser? You don't want to cause any conflict? You don't want to stand up for yourself? You know? You got to be strong, stand in there, stay tough. James is encouraging us to realize that we are saved by grace and grace alone. But your works validate the grace that you've received. My clinical supervisor told me one time, Jerry, sometimes you're too forthright. Well, you know what? Sometimes you got to stop beating around the bush and be forthright. Had a young couple in my office, just been several years ago. He was verbally abusive to his wife in front of the children. And they were sitting in the office in my sessions room. And finally I said to him, do you love your wife? Absolutely. What's that dumb question to ask? And I said so tell me something. If you talk to your boss the way you talk to your wife, and she's sitting there, the way you talk to your wife, what do you think would happen? I probably get fired. And I said, my fear is that if you continue this and don't stop it, she's going to fire you. And he stood up and he got within a touching distance and he said, let me tell you something. I was sitting in my chair. The day they put your name on my check you can tell me how to be a husband and how to be a father. And he stormed out and she wept. See what I'm up against? And I said, well our time's up. She said, how much do I owe you? And I told her. She said, who do I make this check out to? You get it, right? So she made the check out to Jerry Delaney and his name was on it. Four months to the day I'm in my office and I hear someone outside my office crying and he's standing sitting on the front steps, top steps. And he's got papers in his hand, he'd been served. I'm sorry. You can't say, I love my wife, I love my family, I love my neighbor and keep treating people treating people with such disrespect. And so the process by which we make decisions in life is it begins with the way you think. All decisions begin with the way you think. That's why the apostle Paul says not to be conformed to the image of the world, it will be transformed by the renewing of your mind changing the way you think. Leads to changing the way you feel. May I say I'm glad, scared, hurt, jealous, whatever. And then we choose behaviors based upon the way we think and how we feel, ideally. But if you say you love me, Jesus said, and you hate your neighbor, these two thumbs don't come together, it's stressful. And so James is saying if you love Christ, you're going to live your life. Your life is going to reflect loving Christ by loving your neighbor as you love yourself. And when Jesus was confronted, he told the Pharisees and the religious leaders, love God, how? With all your heart, all your mind, all your soul. Love Him, love Him. So the five main themes that we see in this, in the book of James, number one is trials and temptations. We'll cover that tonight. Faith and deeds, speech, wisdom, and prayers. Those are the five themes that we'll be looking at during the course of the next several weeks. Yeah. Trials and temptations, faith and deeds, speech, wisdom, and prayers. Those are the five main themes that we'll be looking at during the month of July. Alright. So Paul writes, and he says, servant of Christ, consider it all joy, my brothers, and by the way that's a relatively, my brothers is a relatively generic term. Dulos is the word and it means well, Dulos means that he's a servant and the brothers, it's actually brothers and sisters in Christ. He mentions brothers 15 times in the book of James and eight times when he uses the word my brothers. When was the last time you thought facing a trial in your life of throwing a party? Is that what he's saying here? He says consider it pure joy whenever you face a trial. There's three words there in the new living that I underline in my passage. It says many kinds no, he says, excuse me, whenever you face trials many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. So the reality is facing trials, he's not talking about it being a joyful experience that you throw a party. Trials are whenever. Trials are unpredictable. You know as you're all sitting here tonight, you don't know your health. I thought I was healthy. I really did. You know I had stents put in my heart. I knew all about that and I knew I wasn't healthy and then went to the doctor and had all these tests run and then he calls me on the phone at my office and I was getting ready to leave and he said, Jerry this is Dr. Dusing. I'm sorry to tell you this but I needed to let you know you have cancer. What? What? Who? You just don't know. Sometimes you don't know. And there's health trials. A fellow came in my office this week and he's not sure what to do. He went into the office and guess what was on his time card? A pink slip. They're cutting back. Two kids in college, one in high school. What am I going to do for a job? What am I going to do? Trials come whenever. They're unpredictable. Sometimes they're spontaneous. Sometimes there are many. There are numerous. And they're not just once. Sometimes it's like just as soon as you get through one we say it's always something. Every time you turn around it's always something. I said that a few weeks ago. We were going out to 275. Heading west. And I hear this boom. Big noise. And I put boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Aw man. Are you kidding me? Aw the flat tire. So I'm getting out and there's like this much space between me and Semai's passing by and cars are shaking. And I'm trying to find the tire underneath my van which means I had to jack the car up, lay on my back, undo the bolts, drop the tire, drop the jack, turn it around. It was on the driver's side. Lift that up. And I look into my wife's on the phone and I said, who are you calling? And she said I'm calling the police. Get in the car. Cop shows up, got his lights. Trials. You never know when they're coming. Turns out this guy, this police officer was 82nd Airborne. We had something in common. We talked. We laughed. We prayed. God had a meaning and a purpose. Now someone said, you're going to tell me that God caused your tire to explode so you can meet a police officer who just happened to be a Christian from the 82nd Airborne? Of course not. But he used that opportunity. So sometimes trials will come and they will come whenever. Sometimes they will come many times and they're like stacking pennies. You think it's first one thing and then another and then another. And sometimes they come in different kinds. They're a variety. It could be health. It could be financial. It could be a number of things. It could be random. There are all kinds of trials. Trials in relationships. That relationship that you thought was going to work out fell apart. And no matter how much marital counseling you went to, you find out that you didn't deserve to be treated that way. But it fell apart anyway. And so what are you saying? And so what are you saying to us here? To count it all joy. The joy is knowing that life happens and a big part of why life happens to us and the way that it does is because of the fall. Not because of God. Trying to punish you. It's because of the fall. And so then we can know that we have a God. That we have a God who is the source of our joy. Happiness and joy are two different things. If I took you outside and I said, see that car? Here's the paperwork. It's yours. Are you kidding me? No, I'm not kidding. I'm serious. It's yours. No, seriously. No, it isn't. And you're like, oh, I can't believe it until you get the Walmart. It's happened to us. Somebody backs into it with a hitch on the back and not going to be a hole in it. Happiness is set on the things that happen outside of us. You get a raise. A baby's born. You know, things happen that are good and that sort of thing. And we feel joyful, joyful, joyful is a spiritual thing. It's coming to the reality that doing the job of doing the trials that we experience, whether they are health trials or financial trials or relationship trials, trials happen to us. People will disappoint you. But we got a God who can bring joy and peace because God's got this. God's got this. And that doesn't mean all of a sudden now you're like, oh, everything's wonderful. And you've got rose-colored glasses on. Everything's great. Everything's wonderful. No, there's still a time to be realistic. And it's okay because one of the things I try to teach my clients is to embrace your humanity. Do you know what it means to embrace your humanity? We are human beings. We are capable of sorrow and disappointment and discouragement. We're also capable of the wonderings. Where is God? And I've said that, I'm sure I've said that, I know I've said it to my Sunday school class, when a mom sits in my office and says to me, I used to go to St. Joe's every week, twice a week, and lit candles that God would protect my children. And then I get that call at two o'clock in the morning that my 16-year-old son was killed in an automobile accident. Tell me, Jerry, where was God then? Some of you may have been there. You know that loss, that brokenness. And even in the midst of the loss of loved ones, God's got this. He can bring a peace and a joy that only God can bring and a contentment not based on circumstances, but based upon His grace, His mercy, and His love. I'm going to go ahead and stop there. I have a few pages left. We'll pick this up in a couple of weeks. You know yourself. There have been times when you have struggled. Relationships have fallen apart. Jobs that you had hoped for fell apart. Your health is not where you'd like it to have been. And yet, you know, it happens. It happens. So what I'd like to do tonight, you just remain seated. And close your eyes. I want you to think about those times. You know what, even I'm 77 years old and doing the course of my life, there are times I've been a Christian since I'm 8. There have been times in my life when I just felt lost. Lost. And not knowing why. Why health issues. Why relationships fall apart. Why my boss came in the office after two weeks of telling me what a wonderful job I was doing that I was being let go. Wife and five kids. Life sometimes, and forgive me, sucks. But we have a God who's so gracious. So merciful. So kind. So generous. So right now what I'd like you to do is to think about those times when you experienced a trial. And thank God because sometimes it's in those trials of life. When I look back at my life, it's doing those difficult times that I felt closer to God than when everything was copacetic and everything was going well. Times when we have to go, there's nowhere to go except to the Lord. There's nowhere to go. And I just want you to thank God. Where you're sitting, just thank God. Thank you Father for being there for me. And in some ways it might have been times when you felt like God was the only one there for you. Sometimes people will say, call me if you need me. Instead of just checking in on you to see how you're doing. We have a long prayer list. I'm sure these people on this prayer list wonder when, when will this all be over? Songwriter writes, soon my Lord all these trials will be over. Thank God for always being present with you even during the difficult times. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to pray. You remain seated. We're going to sing a song. And then you'll be dismissed. Father God, how inadequate we are to express our gratitude to adequately express our gratitude for your love for us. Even your word tells us that great God is the greatest gift for us. Even your word tells us that greater love has no man than to lay down his life for a friend. I am so grateful for your son who willingly gave his life to redeem me. I thank you for his love. I thank you for his grace. I thank you for his mercy. We thank you Father for each and every person gathered here tonight. Some of us struggle with health issues and finances and relationships and family issues, my goodness, the family issues that sometimes raise their ugly head. We just thank you, Lord. I thank you for this opportunity to share your word. Speak to my heart during the next few weeks as we go through the book of James, as he encourages us, as he encouraged his brothers and sisters in Christ thousands of years ago. That the joy in suffering comes in knowing that you've got this, and we are grateful. In Christ we pray. Amen. Linda? Take your hymnal in front of your there. Turn to page 62. It's amazing how God works. I just chose this song, and it goes so well with what Jerry talked about tonight. All the way my Savior leads me, what have I to ask besides, can I doubt as tender mercy, who through life has been my guide. Heavenly peace, divine comfort. Let's sing that song with us tonight. 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1.6051502145922747,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01336876954883337\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 68,\r\n \"seek\": 31000,\r\n \"start\": 325.0,\r\n \"end\": 331.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Don Wellman, I don't know if anybody knows anymore about Don Wellman.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 1468,\r\n 1042,\r\n 1601,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 498,\r\n 4472,\r\n 3255,\r\n 3602,\r\n 466,\r\n 1468,\r\n 1042,\r\n 1601,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13093036580308576,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6051502145922747,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.01336876954883337\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 69,\r\n \"seek\": 31000,\r\n \"start\": 331.0,\r\n \"end\": 333.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Well that's Rick's friend.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 1042,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 11224,\r\n 311,\r\n 1277,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.13093036580308576,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6051502145922747,\r\n 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33900,\r\n \"start\": 339.0,\r\n \"end\": 344.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Joe Weiner is having surgery.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 6807,\r\n 492,\r\n 4564,\r\n 307,\r\n 1419,\r\n 7930,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12872610825758715,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.421383647798742,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0038484265096485615\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 73,\r\n \"seek\": 33900,\r\n \"start\": 344.0,\r\n \"end\": 351.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't have any more details than that all I know is he's having surgery.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 362,\r\n 604,\r\n 544,\r\n 4365,\r\n 813,\r\n 300,\r\n 439,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 307,\r\n 415,\r\n 311,\r\n 1419,\r\n 7930,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12872610825758715,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.421383647798742,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0038484265096485615\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 74,\r\n \"seek\": 33900,\r\n \"start\": 351.0,\r\n \"end\": 354.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Did somebody say something?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 2589,\r\n 2618,\r\n 584,\r\n 746,\r\n 30,\r\n 51114\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12872610825758715,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.421383647798742,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0038484265096485615\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 75,\r\n \"seek\": 33900,\r\n \"start\": 354.0,\r\n \"end\": 359.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay, so let's keep in prayer our two search teams.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51114,\r\n 1033,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 718,\r\n 311,\r\n 1066,\r\n 294,\r\n 8767,\r\n 527,\r\n 732,\r\n 3164,\r\n 5491,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12872610825758715,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.421383647798742,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0038484265096485615\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 76,\r\n \"seek\": 33900,\r\n \"start\": 359.0,\r\n \"end\": 363.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, we got our children's ministry.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 658,\r\n 527,\r\n 2227,\r\n 311,\r\n 15024,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12872610825758715,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.421383647798742,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0038484265096485615\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 77,\r\n \"seek\": 36300,\r\n \"start\": 363.0,\r\n \"end\": 371.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We need to find a minister for our children and also our pastors,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 643,\r\n 281,\r\n 915,\r\n 257,\r\n 10563,\r\n 337,\r\n 527,\r\n 2227,\r\n 293,\r\n 611,\r\n 527,\r\n 42452,\r\n 11,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11739392598470053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5591397849462365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.019240044057369232\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 78,\r\n \"seek\": 36300,\r\n \"start\": 371.0,\r\n \"end\": 374.0,\r\n \"text\": \" senior pastors search committee.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 7965,\r\n 42452,\r\n 3164,\r\n 7482,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11739392598470053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5591397849462365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.019240044057369232\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 79,\r\n \"seek\": 36300,\r\n \"start\": 374.0,\r\n \"end\": 379.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I believe they're meeting again tomorrow night.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 286,\r\n 1697,\r\n 436,\r\n 434,\r\n 3440,\r\n 797,\r\n 4153,\r\n 1818,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11739392598470053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5591397849462365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.019240044057369232\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 80,\r\n \"seek\": 36300,\r\n \"start\": 379.0,\r\n \"end\": 382.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So if you've got any questions, catch somebody on that committee.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 407,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 604,\r\n 1651,\r\n 11,\r\n 3745,\r\n 2618,\r\n 322,\r\n 300,\r\n 7482,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11739392598470053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5591397849462365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.019240044057369232\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 81,\r\n \"seek\": 36300,\r\n \"start\": 382.0,\r\n \"end\": 387.0,\r\n \"text\": \" If you've got any input, they'll say thanks to me.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 604,\r\n 4846,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 603,\r\n 584,\r\n 3231,\r\n 281,\r\n 385,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11739392598470053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5591397849462365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.019240044057369232\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 82,\r\n \"seek\": 36300,\r\n \"start\": 387.0,\r\n \"end\": 390.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Remember our missionaries.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 5459,\r\n 527,\r\n 4447,\r\n 4889,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11739392598470053,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5591397849462365,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.019240044057369232\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 83,\r\n \"seek\": 39000,\r\n \"start\": 390.0,\r\n \"end\": 395.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, we've got people connected to the church, the Mitchums and different ones.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 561,\r\n 4582,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 4128,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 18546,\r\n 8099,\r\n 293,\r\n 819,\r\n 2306,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18915188967526614,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4292237442922375,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019867022056132555\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 84,\r\n \"seek\": 39000,\r\n \"start\": 395.0,\r\n \"end\": 400.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So keep in prayer our missionaries.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 407,\r\n 1066,\r\n 294,\r\n 8767,\r\n 527,\r\n 4447,\r\n 4889,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18915188967526614,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4292237442922375,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019867022056132555\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 85,\r\n \"seek\": 39000,\r\n \"start\": 400.0,\r\n \"end\": 406.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Jim and Ann Rameach. Jim still gets his chemo three times a week.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 6637,\r\n 293,\r\n 8860,\r\n 497,\r\n 529,\r\n 608,\r\n 13,\r\n 6637,\r\n 920,\r\n 2170,\r\n 702,\r\n 4771,\r\n 78,\r\n 1045,\r\n 1413,\r\n 257,\r\n 1243,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18915188967526614,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4292237442922375,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019867022056132555\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 86,\r\n \"seek\": 39000,\r\n \"start\": 406.0,\r\n \"end\": 410.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And that's really hard on him, but I mean, what did I say?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 400,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 534,\r\n 1152,\r\n 322,\r\n 796,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 286,\r\n 914,\r\n 11,\r\n 437,\r\n 630,\r\n 286,\r\n 584,\r\n 30,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18915188967526614,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4292237442922375,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019867022056132555\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 87,\r\n \"seek\": 39000,\r\n \"start\": 410.0,\r\n \"end\": 414.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Yeah, dialysis. I knew that. Thanks for straightening me out there.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 865,\r\n 11,\r\n 5502,\r\n 4642,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 2586,\r\n 300,\r\n 13,\r\n 2561,\r\n 337,\r\n 2997,\r\n 4559,\r\n 385,\r\n 484,\r\n 456,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.18915188967526614,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4292237442922375,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0019867022056132555\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 88,\r\n \"seek\": 41400,\r\n \"start\": 414.0,\r\n \"end\": 420.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So anyway, me with him and Ann and another caregiver with Ann there.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 4033,\r\n 11,\r\n 385,\r\n 365,\r\n 796,\r\n 293,\r\n 8860,\r\n 293,\r\n 1071,\r\n 44305,\r\n 365,\r\n 8860,\r\n 456,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17896654547714605,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.446236559139785,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.024307681247591972\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 89,\r\n \"seek\": 41400,\r\n \"start\": 420.0,\r\n \"end\": 425.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Joe and Dottie true. I mean, we people are in the nursing homes.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 6807,\r\n 293,\r\n 413,\r\n 1521,\r\n 414,\r\n 2074,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 914,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 561,\r\n 366,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 15423,\r\n 7388,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17896654547714605,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.446236559139785,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.024307681247591972\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 90,\r\n \"seek\": 41400,\r\n \"start\": 425.0,\r\n \"end\": 427.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We just cannot forget them.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 492,\r\n 445,\r\n 2644,\r\n 2870,\r\n 552,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17896654547714605,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.446236559139785,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.024307681247591972\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 91,\r\n \"seek\": 41400,\r\n \"start\": 427.0,\r\n \"end\": 435.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So we need to send out letters. John.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 407,\r\n 321,\r\n 643,\r\n 281,\r\n 2845,\r\n 484,\r\n 7825,\r\n 13,\r\n 2619,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17896654547714605,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.446236559139785,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.024307681247591972\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 92,\r\n \"seek\": 41400,\r\n \"start\": 435.0,\r\n \"end\": 438.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Really? Okay. Did you go visit him?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 4083,\r\n 30,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 2589,\r\n 291,\r\n 352,\r\n 3441,\r\n 796,\r\n 30,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17896654547714605,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.446236559139785,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.024307681247591972\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 93,\r\n \"seek\": 41400,\r\n \"start\": 438.0,\r\n \"end\": 441.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. Well, thanks for the visit.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 3231,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 3441,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17896654547714605,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.446236559139785,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.024307681247591972\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 94,\r\n \"seek\": 44100,\r\n \"start\": 441.0,\r\n \"end\": 446.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So Joe's not feeling too great right now and Dottie was a little more perkier.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 6807,\r\n 311,\r\n 406,\r\n 2633,\r\n 886,\r\n 869,\r\n 558,\r\n 586,\r\n 293,\r\n 413,\r\n 1521,\r\n 414,\r\n 390,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 544,\r\n 38839,\r\n 811,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16277926618402655,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4923857868020305,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0037684461567550898\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 95,\r\n \"seek\": 44100,\r\n \"start\": 446.0,\r\n \"end\": 452.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So yeah, so keep him in your prayers.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 407,\r\n 1338,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 1066,\r\n 796,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 16860,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16277926618402655,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4923857868020305,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0037684461567550898\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 96,\r\n \"seek\": 44100,\r\n \"start\": 452.0,\r\n \"end\": 457.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Joe Fine. He always get this mixed up and you always straight me out.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 6807,\r\n 12024,\r\n 13,\r\n 634,\r\n 1009,\r\n 483,\r\n 341,\r\n 7467,\r\n 493,\r\n 293,\r\n 291,\r\n 1009,\r\n 2997,\r\n 385,\r\n 484,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16277926618402655,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4923857868020305,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0037684461567550898\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 97,\r\n \"seek\": 44100,\r\n \"start\": 457.0,\r\n \"end\": 462.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He had the eye, the cancer of the eye and then a broken ankle.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 634,\r\n 632,\r\n 264,\r\n 3313,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 5592,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 3313,\r\n 293,\r\n 550,\r\n 257,\r\n 5463,\r\n 21999,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16277926618402655,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4923857868020305,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0037684461567550898\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 98,\r\n \"seek\": 44100,\r\n \"start\": 462.0,\r\n \"end\": 466.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't know how he's doing. How's he doing?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 577,\r\n 415,\r\n 311,\r\n 884,\r\n 13,\r\n 1012,\r\n 311,\r\n 415,\r\n 884,\r\n 30,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16277926618402655,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4923857868020305,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0037684461567550898\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 99,\r\n \"seek\": 46600,\r\n \"start\": 466.0,\r\n \"end\": 473.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Was he in church Sunday?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 3027,\r\n 415,\r\n 294,\r\n 4128,\r\n 7776,\r\n 30,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.24936508310252223,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3191489361702127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0020316157024353743\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 100,\r\n \"seek\": 46600,\r\n \"start\": 473.0,\r\n \"end\": 480.0,\r\n \"text\": \" All his wife's coming. Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 1057,\r\n 702,\r\n 3836,\r\n 311,\r\n 1348,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.24936508310252223,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3191489361702127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0020316157024353743\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 101,\r\n \"seek\": 46600,\r\n \"start\": 480.0,\r\n \"end\": 486.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Right. Okay. Well, that's a praise then he is doing better.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 1779,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 13286,\r\n 550,\r\n 415,\r\n 307,\r\n 884,\r\n 1101,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.24936508310252223,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3191489361702127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0020316157024353743\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 102,\r\n \"seek\": 46600,\r\n \"start\": 486.0,\r\n \"end\": 494.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Bobby Titus does not really forget Bobby. She's she's in a nursing home.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 19573,\r\n 14489,\r\n 301,\r\n 775,\r\n 406,\r\n 534,\r\n 2870,\r\n 19573,\r\n 13,\r\n 1240,\r\n 311,\r\n 750,\r\n 311,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 15423,\r\n 1280,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.24936508310252223,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3191489361702127,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0020316157024353743\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 103,\r\n \"seek\": 49400,\r\n \"start\": 494.0,\r\n \"end\": 499.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You always forget the name of that one over in Latonia, but she's over there.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 509,\r\n 1009,\r\n 2870,\r\n 264,\r\n 1315,\r\n 295,\r\n 300,\r\n 472,\r\n 670,\r\n 294,\r\n 7354,\r\n 16999,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 750,\r\n 311,\r\n 670,\r\n 456,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14377771639356426,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6163793103448276,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007521042134612799\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 104,\r\n \"seek\": 49400,\r\n \"start\": 499.0,\r\n \"end\": 505.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Margaret Griffin keep Margaret in your prayers. She is at home.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 24177,\r\n 39188,\r\n 1066,\r\n 24177,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 16860,\r\n 13,\r\n 1240,\r\n 307,\r\n 412,\r\n 1280,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14377771639356426,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6163793103448276,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007521042134612799\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 105,\r\n \"seek\": 49400,\r\n \"start\": 505.0,\r\n \"end\": 510.0,\r\n \"text\": \" She has a lot of eye problem. So keep her in your prayers.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 1240,\r\n 575,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 3313,\r\n 1154,\r\n 13,\r\n 407,\r\n 1066,\r\n 720,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 16860,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14377771639356426,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6163793103448276,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007521042134612799\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 106,\r\n \"seek\": 49400,\r\n \"start\": 510.0,\r\n \"end\": 516.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Sandy long. She was supposed to have surgery. I believe Monday and they canceled it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 27390,\r\n 938,\r\n 13,\r\n 1240,\r\n 390,\r\n 3442,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 7930,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 1697,\r\n 8138,\r\n 293,\r\n 436,\r\n 24839,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 51464\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14377771639356426,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6163793103448276,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007521042134612799\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 107,\r\n \"seek\": 49400,\r\n \"start\": 516.0,\r\n \"end\": 520.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So I did. Were they there this morning?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51464,\r\n 407,\r\n 286,\r\n 630,\r\n 13,\r\n 12448,\r\n 436,\r\n 456,\r\n 341,\r\n 2446,\r\n 30,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14377771639356426,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6163793103448276,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007521042134612799\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 108,\r\n \"seek\": 49400,\r\n \"start\": 520.0,\r\n \"end\": 523.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Did they? Do you have a new time yet or anything?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51664,\r\n 2589,\r\n 436,\r\n 30,\r\n 1144,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 257,\r\n 777,\r\n 565,\r\n 1939,\r\n 420,\r\n 1340,\r\n 30,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14377771639356426,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6163793103448276,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007521042134612799\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 109,\r\n \"seek\": 52300,\r\n \"start\": 523.0,\r\n \"end\": 527.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. So anyway, keep your rest.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 407,\r\n 4033,\r\n 11,\r\n 1066,\r\n 428,\r\n 1472,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1408906936645508,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5678391959798994,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001794007490389049\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 110,\r\n \"seek\": 52300,\r\n \"start\": 527.0,\r\n \"end\": 536.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So her and Phil come to the coffee with the pastor and I believe there was 19.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 407,\r\n 720,\r\n 293,\r\n 7777,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 4982,\r\n 365,\r\n 264,\r\n 21193,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 1697,\r\n 456,\r\n 390,\r\n 1294,\r\n 13,\r\n 51014\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1408906936645508,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5678391959798994,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001794007490389049\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 111,\r\n \"seek\": 52300,\r\n \"start\": 536.0,\r\n \"end\": 542.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Dave said there was 19 there and I'll tell you, there's a lot of women been coming too.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51014,\r\n 11017,\r\n 848,\r\n 456,\r\n 390,\r\n 1294,\r\n 456,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 603,\r\n 980,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 456,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 2266,\r\n 668,\r\n 1348,\r\n 886,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1408906936645508,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5678391959798994,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001794007490389049\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 112,\r\n \"seek\": 52300,\r\n \"start\": 542.0,\r\n \"end\": 546.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So it's a good time. That's a good Bible study.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 407,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 665,\r\n 565,\r\n 13,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 665,\r\n 6544,\r\n 2979,\r\n 13,\r\n 51514\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1408906936645508,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5678391959798994,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001794007490389049\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 113,\r\n \"seek\": 52300,\r\n \"start\": 546.0,\r\n \"end\": 550.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We went for years with no women and now there's about four come.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51514,\r\n 492,\r\n 1437,\r\n 337,\r\n 924,\r\n 365,\r\n 572,\r\n 2266,\r\n 293,\r\n 586,\r\n 456,\r\n 311,\r\n 466,\r\n 1451,\r\n 808,\r\n 13,\r\n 51714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1408906936645508,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5678391959798994,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001794007490389049\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 114,\r\n \"seek\": 55000,\r\n \"start\": 550.0,\r\n \"end\": 558.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So anyway, let's say in the tree in a small wood.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 407,\r\n 4033,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 311,\r\n 584,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 4230,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 1359,\r\n 4576,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16736199515206474,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4563758389261745,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0034271820914000273\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 115,\r\n \"seek\": 55000,\r\n \"start\": 558.0,\r\n \"end\": 562.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Do you know who that is? Okay. Yeah.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 1144,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 567,\r\n 300,\r\n 307,\r\n 30,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 865,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16736199515206474,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4563758389261745,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0034271820914000273\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 116,\r\n \"seek\": 55000,\r\n \"start\": 562.0,\r\n \"end\": 569.0,\r\n \"text\": \" She's she's going to have surgery. I don't know when yet, but she's lined up.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1240,\r\n 311,\r\n 750,\r\n 311,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 7930,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 562,\r\n 1939,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 750,\r\n 311,\r\n 17189,\r\n 493,\r\n 13,\r\n 51314\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16736199515206474,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4563758389261745,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0034271820914000273\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 117,\r\n \"seek\": 55000,\r\n \"start\": 569.0,\r\n \"end\": 576.0,\r\n \"text\": \" July possibly July 3rd. She's going to have surgery.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51314,\r\n 7370,\r\n 6264,\r\n 7370,\r\n 805,\r\n 7800,\r\n 13,\r\n 1240,\r\n 311,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 7930,\r\n 13,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16736199515206474,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4563758389261745,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0034271820914000273\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 118,\r\n \"seek\": 57600,\r\n \"start\": 576.0,\r\n \"end\": 581.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. Is anybody here that can really tell me about Wanda?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 1119,\r\n 4472,\r\n 510,\r\n 300,\r\n 393,\r\n 534,\r\n 980,\r\n 385,\r\n 466,\r\n 343,\r\n 5575,\r\n 30,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12921296982538133,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3028169014084507,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003754694480448961\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 119,\r\n \"seek\": 57600,\r\n \"start\": 581.0,\r\n \"end\": 587.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Wanda has been. Oh, there's Annie.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 343,\r\n 5575,\r\n 575,\r\n 668,\r\n 13,\r\n 876,\r\n 11,\r\n 456,\r\n 311,\r\n 26781,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12921296982538133,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3028169014084507,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003754694480448961\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 120,\r\n \"seek\": 57600,\r\n \"start\": 587.0,\r\n \"end\": 594.0,\r\n \"text\": \" She's going to have a final injection.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 1240,\r\n 311,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 257,\r\n 2572,\r\n 22873,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12921296982538133,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3028169014084507,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003754694480448961\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 121,\r\n \"seek\": 57600,\r\n \"start\": 594.0,\r\n \"end\": 597.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Fine line. Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 12024,\r\n 1622,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 51414\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12921296982538133,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3028169014084507,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003754694480448961\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 122,\r\n \"seek\": 57600,\r\n \"start\": 597.0,\r\n \"end\": 602.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But she's in pain a lot. Isn't she?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51414,\r\n 583,\r\n 750,\r\n 311,\r\n 294,\r\n 1822,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 13,\r\n 6998,\r\n 380,\r\n 750,\r\n 30,\r\n 51664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12921296982538133,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3028169014084507,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0003754694480448961\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 123,\r\n \"seek\": 60200,\r\n \"start\": 602.0,\r\n \"end\": 616.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. Well, so keep her in your prayers and then remember our military with all the people, but also remember Alan.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 1042,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 1066,\r\n 720,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 16860,\r\n 293,\r\n 550,\r\n 1604,\r\n 527,\r\n 4632,\r\n 365,\r\n 439,\r\n 264,\r\n 561,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 611,\r\n 1604,\r\n 16442,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14111407210187213,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5265957446808511,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003973533399403095\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 124,\r\n \"seek\": 60200,\r\n \"start\": 616.0,\r\n \"end\": 622.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He's over in Africa. So remember Alan.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 634,\r\n 311,\r\n 670,\r\n 294,\r\n 7349,\r\n 13,\r\n 407,\r\n 1604,\r\n 16442,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14111407210187213,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5265957446808511,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003973533399403095\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 125,\r\n \"seek\": 60200,\r\n \"start\": 622.0,\r\n \"end\": 626.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I am going to write now. I'm going to go down each column.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 286,\r\n 669,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 2464,\r\n 586,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 352,\r\n 760,\r\n 1184,\r\n 7738,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14111407210187213,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5265957446808511,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003973533399403095\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 126,\r\n \"seek\": 60200,\r\n \"start\": 626.0,\r\n \"end\": 630.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Here's what I want to do. If you see at the bottom of your list, it says,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 1692,\r\n 311,\r\n 437,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 13,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 536,\r\n 412,\r\n 264,\r\n 2767,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 1329,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 1619,\r\n 11,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14111407210187213,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5265957446808511,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003973533399403095\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 127,\r\n \"seek\": 63000,\r\n \"start\": 630.0,\r\n \"end\": 635.0,\r\n \"text\": \" is anyone can take anybody off this list? Please tell John share office.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 307,\r\n 2878,\r\n 393,\r\n 747,\r\n 4472,\r\n 766,\r\n 341,\r\n 1329,\r\n 30,\r\n 2555,\r\n 980,\r\n 2619,\r\n 2073,\r\n 3398,\r\n 13,\r\n 50614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09162087038338902,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6649214659685865,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05690748617053032\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 128,\r\n \"seek\": 63000,\r\n \"start\": 635.0,\r\n \"end\": 642.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We're trying to make it more manageable. So I want to look at the first column and see if there's anybody we can take off.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50614,\r\n 492,\r\n 434,\r\n 1382,\r\n 281,\r\n 652,\r\n 309,\r\n 544,\r\n 38798,\r\n 13,\r\n 407,\r\n 286,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 574,\r\n 412,\r\n 264,\r\n 700,\r\n 7738,\r\n 293,\r\n 536,\r\n 498,\r\n 456,\r\n 311,\r\n 4472,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 747,\r\n 766,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09162087038338902,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6649214659685865,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05690748617053032\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 129,\r\n \"seek\": 63000,\r\n \"start\": 642.0,\r\n \"end\": 646.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You don't take anybody off just because you're mad at him. Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 509,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 747,\r\n 4472,\r\n 766,\r\n 445,\r\n 570,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 5244,\r\n 412,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09162087038338902,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6649214659685865,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05690748617053032\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 130,\r\n \"seek\": 63000,\r\n \"start\": 646.0,\r\n \"end\": 654.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So is there anybody we can take off on that first column?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 407,\r\n 307,\r\n 456,\r\n 4472,\r\n 321,\r\n 393,\r\n 747,\r\n 766,\r\n 322,\r\n 300,\r\n 700,\r\n 7738,\r\n 30,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09162087038338902,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6649214659685865,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05690748617053032\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 131,\r\n \"seek\": 65400,\r\n \"start\": 654.0,\r\n \"end\": 663.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You can always put people back on Donna. Take Dan off. Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 509,\r\n 393,\r\n 1009,\r\n 829,\r\n 561,\r\n 646,\r\n 322,\r\n 31938,\r\n 13,\r\n 3664,\r\n 3394,\r\n 766,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 50814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16392752703498392,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5103448275862068,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05734888091683388\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 132,\r\n \"seek\": 65400,\r\n \"start\": 663.0,\r\n \"end\": 668.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You're not mad at him. Every other day. Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50814,\r\n 509,\r\n 434,\r\n 406,\r\n 5244,\r\n 412,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 2048,\r\n 661,\r\n 786,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16392752703498392,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5103448275862068,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05734888091683388\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 133,\r\n \"seek\": 65400,\r\n \"start\": 668.0,\r\n \"end\": 674.0,\r\n \"text\": \" So that's a praise. We'll take him off. We can always put people back on. Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 407,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 13286,\r\n 13,\r\n 492,\r\n 603,\r\n 747,\r\n 796,\r\n 766,\r\n 13,\r\n 492,\r\n 393,\r\n 1009,\r\n 829,\r\n 561,\r\n 646,\r\n 322,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16392752703498392,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5103448275862068,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05734888091683388\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 134,\r\n \"seek\": 65400,\r\n \"start\": 674.0,\r\n \"end\": 678.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The second column as we go down.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 440,\r\n 1150,\r\n 7738,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 352,\r\n 760,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.16392752703498392,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5103448275862068,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.05734888091683388\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 135,\r\n \"seek\": 67800,\r\n \"start\": 678.0,\r\n \"end\": 682.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't know. Has anybody got anybody there?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 458,\r\n 13,\r\n 8646,\r\n 4472,\r\n 658,\r\n 4472,\r\n 456,\r\n 30,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.222297410707216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4482758620689655,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008858525194227695\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 136,\r\n \"seek\": 67800,\r\n \"start\": 682.0,\r\n \"end\": 686.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Jake Wittford.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 15822,\r\n 343,\r\n 593,\r\n 7404,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.222297410707216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4482758620689655,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008858525194227695\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 137,\r\n \"seek\": 67800,\r\n \"start\": 686.0,\r\n \"end\": 690.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Jake Wittford. How far down is he?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 15822,\r\n 343,\r\n 593,\r\n 7404,\r\n 13,\r\n 1012,\r\n 1400,\r\n 760,\r\n 307,\r\n 415,\r\n 30,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.222297410707216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4482758620689655,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008858525194227695\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 138,\r\n \"seek\": 67800,\r\n \"start\": 690.0,\r\n \"end\": 694.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Right in the middle.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1779,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 2808,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.222297410707216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4482758620689655,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008858525194227695\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 139,\r\n \"seek\": 67800,\r\n \"start\": 694.0,\r\n \"end\": 698.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. Okay. Thank you. And somebody hit somebody else. Harold.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 2618,\r\n 2045,\r\n 2618,\r\n 1646,\r\n 13,\r\n 36076,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.222297410707216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4482758620689655,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008858525194227695\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 140,\r\n \"seek\": 67800,\r\n \"start\": 698.0,\r\n \"end\": 702.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Where's he at?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 2305,\r\n 311,\r\n 415,\r\n 412,\r\n 30,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.222297410707216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4482758620689655,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008858525194227695\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 141,\r\n \"seek\": 67800,\r\n \"start\": 702.0,\r\n \"end\": 706.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I see him. Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 286,\r\n 536,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.222297410707216,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4482758620689655,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.008858525194227695\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 142,\r\n \"seek\": 70600,\r\n \"start\": 706.0,\r\n \"end\": 712.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I am going to be so in with Miriam. It's unbelievable because I have gotten another a few others.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 669,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 370,\r\n 294,\r\n 365,\r\n 9421,\r\n 2918,\r\n 13,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 16605,\r\n 570,\r\n 286,\r\n 362,\r\n 5768,\r\n 1071,\r\n 257,\r\n 1326,\r\n 2357,\r\n 13,\r\n 50664\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2021631399790446,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3712574850299402,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0008365234243683517\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 143,\r\n \"seek\": 70600,\r\n \"start\": 712.0,\r\n \"end\": 716.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. Hey, Puss.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50664,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 1911,\r\n 11,\r\n 430,\r\n 2023,\r\n 13,\r\n 50864\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2021631399790446,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3712574850299402,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0008365234243683517\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 144,\r\n \"seek\": 70600,\r\n \"start\": 716.0,\r\n \"end\": 720.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50864,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 51064\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2021631399790446,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3712574850299402,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0008365234243683517\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 145,\r\n \"seek\": 70600,\r\n \"start\": 720.0,\r\n \"end\": 724.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51064,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2021631399790446,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3712574850299402,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0008365234243683517\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 146,\r\n \"seek\": 70600,\r\n \"start\": 724.0,\r\n \"end\": 731.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. But there again, we'll put him back on if anything happens, guys.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51264,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 583,\r\n 456,\r\n 797,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 603,\r\n 829,\r\n 796,\r\n 646,\r\n 322,\r\n 498,\r\n 1340,\r\n 2314,\r\n 11,\r\n 1074,\r\n 13,\r\n 51614\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2021631399790446,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3712574850299402,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0008365234243683517\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 147,\r\n \"seek\": 70600,\r\n \"start\": 731.0,\r\n \"end\": 735.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The third column over anybody?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51614,\r\n 440,\r\n 2636,\r\n 7738,\r\n 670,\r\n 4472,\r\n 30,\r\n 51814\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.2021631399790446,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3712574850299402,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0008365234243683517\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 148,\r\n \"seek\": 73500,\r\n \"start\": 735.0,\r\n \"end\": 742.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Somebody tell me about Donnie Eubanks. Anybody got him?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 13463,\r\n 980,\r\n 385,\r\n 466,\r\n 1468,\r\n 2766,\r\n 462,\r\n 836,\r\n 14592,\r\n 13,\r\n 19082,\r\n 658,\r\n 796,\r\n 30,\r\n 50714\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20342479768346566,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3644067796610169,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011803966481238604\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 149,\r\n \"seek\": 73500,\r\n \"start\": 742.0,\r\n \"end\": 746.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. Nobody's got. Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50714,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 9297,\r\n 311,\r\n 658,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 50914\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20342479768346566,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3644067796610169,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011803966481238604\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 150,\r\n \"seek\": 73500,\r\n \"start\": 746.0,\r\n \"end\": 751.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. Marguerite, what you got? Wait a minute. Wait a minute.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50914,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 2039,\r\n 2794,\r\n 260,\r\n 642,\r\n 11,\r\n 437,\r\n 291,\r\n 658,\r\n 30,\r\n 3802,\r\n 257,\r\n 3456,\r\n 13,\r\n 3802,\r\n 257,\r\n 3456,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20342479768346566,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3644067796610169,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011803966481238604\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 151,\r\n \"seek\": 73500,\r\n \"start\": 751.0,\r\n \"end\": 755.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Yeah.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 865,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20342479768346566,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3644067796610169,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011803966481238604\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 152,\r\n \"seek\": 73500,\r\n \"start\": 755.0,\r\n \"end\": 759.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20342479768346566,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3644067796610169,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011803966481238604\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 153,\r\n \"seek\": 73500,\r\n \"start\": 759.0,\r\n \"end\": 763.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20342479768346566,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.3644067796610169,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011803966481238604\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 154,\r\n \"seek\": 76300,\r\n \"start\": 763.0,\r\n \"end\": 767.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. He had a bled. Okay. Thanks. Okay. That helps me.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 634,\r\n 632,\r\n 257,\r\n 888,\r\n 292,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 2561,\r\n 13,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 663,\r\n 3665,\r\n 385,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17175848507186742,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.52020202020202,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0026479954831302166\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 155,\r\n \"seek\": 76300,\r\n \"start\": 767.0,\r\n \"end\": 771.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. Marguerite.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 2039,\r\n 2794,\r\n 260,\r\n 642,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17175848507186742,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.52020202020202,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0026479954831302166\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 156,\r\n \"seek\": 76300,\r\n \"start\": 771.0,\r\n \"end\": 775.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I didn't. 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Thanks, Marguerite.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 2561,\r\n 11,\r\n 2039,\r\n 2794,\r\n 260,\r\n 642,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1894205372507979,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.425,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00045429967576637864\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 164,\r\n \"seek\": 79100,\r\n \"start\": 803.0,\r\n \"end\": 809.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. Over in the fourth column, there's not much over there, but\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 4886,\r\n 294,\r\n 264,\r\n 6409,\r\n 7738,\r\n 11,\r\n 456,\r\n 311,\r\n 406,\r\n 709,\r\n 670,\r\n 456,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 51264\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1894205372507979,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.425,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00045429967576637864\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 165,\r\n \"seek\": 79100,\r\n \"start\": 809.0,\r\n \"end\": 813.0,\r\n \"text\": \" anybody got anybody? 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I'm a Annie Mukay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 257,\r\n 26781,\r\n 34280,\r\n 320,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.20135201348198783,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.22,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0012299135560169816\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 181,\r\n \"seek\": 87300,\r\n \"start\": 873.0,\r\n \"end\": 877.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And that's your cousin?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 428,\r\n 16207,\r\n 30,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17122227495366876,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.0776699029126213,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006675177719444036\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 182,\r\n \"seek\": 87300,\r\n \"start\": 877.0,\r\n \"end\": 881.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Dan Murphy.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 3394,\r\n 28549,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17122227495366876,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.0776699029126213,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006675177719444036\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 183,\r\n \"seek\": 87300,\r\n \"start\": 881.0,\r\n \"end\": 885.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17122227495366876,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.0776699029126213,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006675177719444036\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 184,\r\n \"seek\": 87300,\r\n \"start\": 885.0,\r\n \"end\": 889.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Marguerite?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 2039,\r\n 2794,\r\n 260,\r\n 642,\r\n 30,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17122227495366876,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.0776699029126213,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006675177719444036\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 185,\r\n \"seek\": 87300,\r\n \"start\": 889.0,\r\n \"end\": 893.0,\r\n \"text\": \" What was his name again?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 708,\r\n 390,\r\n 702,\r\n 1315,\r\n 797,\r\n 30,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17122227495366876,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.0776699029126213,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006675177719444036\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 186,\r\n \"seek\": 87300,\r\n \"start\": 893.0,\r\n \"end\": 897.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I know we keep talking about it.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 321,\r\n 1066,\r\n 1417,\r\n 466,\r\n 309,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.17122227495366876,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.0776699029126213,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006675177719444036\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 187,\r\n \"seek\": 89700,\r\n \"start\": 897.0,\r\n \"end\": 901.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Okay. Anyway, Darrell passed away 45 years old just suddenly found him.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1033,\r\n 13,\r\n 5684,\r\n 11,\r\n 7803,\r\n 19771,\r\n 4678,\r\n 1314,\r\n 6905,\r\n 924,\r\n 1331,\r\n 445,\r\n 5800,\r\n 1352,\r\n 796,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.139155929738825,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4615384615384615,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007220767438411713\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 188,\r\n \"seek\": 89700,\r\n \"start\": 901.0,\r\n \"end\": 905.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And so anyway, Marguerite was real close to the family.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 4033,\r\n 11,\r\n 2039,\r\n 2794,\r\n 260,\r\n 642,\r\n 390,\r\n 957,\r\n 1998,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 1605,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.139155929738825,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4615384615384615,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007220767438411713\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 189,\r\n \"seek\": 89700,\r\n \"start\": 905.0,\r\n \"end\": 909.0,\r\n \"text\": \" They got a nine year old and a girl.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 814,\r\n 658,\r\n 257,\r\n 4949,\r\n 1064,\r\n 1331,\r\n 293,\r\n 257,\r\n 2013,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.139155929738825,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4615384615384615,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007220767438411713\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 190,\r\n \"seek\": 89700,\r\n \"start\": 909.0,\r\n \"end\": 913.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I know how old the girl is.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 577,\r\n 1331,\r\n 264,\r\n 2013,\r\n 307,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.139155929738825,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4615384615384615,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007220767438411713\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 191,\r\n \"seek\": 89700,\r\n \"start\": 913.0,\r\n \"end\": 917.0,\r\n \"text\": \" She's a lot older. 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953.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We pray for those who are ill, who have been mentioned as Lord.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 492,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 729,\r\n 567,\r\n 366,\r\n 3171,\r\n 11,\r\n 567,\r\n 362,\r\n 668,\r\n 2835,\r\n 382,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1296115219593048,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6206896551724137,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.007313888985663652\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 201,\r\n \"seek\": 95300,\r\n \"start\": 953.0,\r\n \"end\": 957.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Lord God, we pray for our senior pastor committee.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 527,\r\n 7965,\r\n 21193,\r\n 7482,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12016364877874201,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8053097345132743,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005184653680771589\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 202,\r\n \"seek\": 95300,\r\n \"start\": 957.0,\r\n \"end\": 961.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Lord, they will start searching and Lord, let the people who are worthy of your call\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 486,\r\n 722,\r\n 10808,\r\n 293,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 264,\r\n 561,\r\n 567,\r\n 366,\r\n 14829,\r\n 295,\r\n 428,\r\n 818,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12016364877874201,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8053097345132743,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005184653680771589\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 203,\r\n \"seek\": 95300,\r\n \"start\": 961.0,\r\n \"end\": 965.0,\r\n \"text\": \" come to this church, Lord.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 808,\r\n 281,\r\n 341,\r\n 4128,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12016364877874201,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8053097345132743,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005184653680771589\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 204,\r\n \"seek\": 95300,\r\n \"start\": 965.0,\r\n \"end\": 969.0,\r\n 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Only you can search off their hearts.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 583,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 643,\r\n 281,\r\n 458,\r\n 300,\r\n 382,\r\n 321,\r\n 3690,\r\n 558,\r\n 586,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 11,\r\n 787,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 10526,\r\n 552,\r\n 13,\r\n 5686,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 3164,\r\n 766,\r\n 641,\r\n 8852,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12016364877874201,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8053097345132743,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.005184653680771589\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 208,\r\n \"seek\": 98100,\r\n \"start\": 981.0,\r\n \"end\": 985.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Lord God, we pray that our church will give time\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 3257,\r\n 1265,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 3690,\r\n 300,\r\n 527,\r\n 4128,\r\n 486,\r\n 976,\r\n 565,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15276069641113282,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5931372549019607,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004318977706134319\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 209,\r\n \"seek\": 98100,\r\n \"start\": 985.0,\r\n \"end\": 989.0,\r\n \"text\": \" for us to heal and go farther and grow.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 337,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 10526,\r\n 293,\r\n 352,\r\n 20344,\r\n 293,\r\n 1852,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15276069641113282,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5931372549019607,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004318977706134319\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 210,\r\n \"seek\": 98100,\r\n \"start\": 989.0,\r\n \"end\": 993.0,\r\n \"text\": \" But Father, let us not forget that our pastor is long gone,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 583,\r\n 7085,\r\n 11,\r\n 718,\r\n 505,\r\n 406,\r\n 2870,\r\n 300,\r\n 527,\r\n 21193,\r\n 307,\r\n 938,\r\n 2780,\r\n 11,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15276069641113282,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5931372549019607,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004318977706134319\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 211,\r\n \"seek\": 98100,\r\n \"start\": 993.0,\r\n \"end\": 997.0,\r\n \"text\": \" but our new pastor needs to come along, Lord.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 457,\r\n 527,\r\n 777,\r\n 21193,\r\n 2203,\r\n 281,\r\n 808,\r\n 2051,\r\n 11,\r\n 3257,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15276069641113282,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5931372549019607,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004318977706134319\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 212,\r\n \"seek\": 98100,\r\n \"start\": 997.0,\r\n \"end\": 1001.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We ask now to be with our pastor tonight\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 492,\r\n 1029,\r\n 586,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 365,\r\n 527,\r\n 21193,\r\n 4440,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15276069641113282,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5931372549019607,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004318977706134319\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 213,\r\n \"seek\": 98100,\r\n \"start\": 1001.0,\r\n \"end\": 1005.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and let him pray for us and Lord and thank us. And Jesus name you, men.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 293,\r\n 718,\r\n 796,\r\n 3690,\r\n 337,\r\n 505,\r\n 293,\r\n 3257,\r\n 293,\r\n 1309,\r\n 505,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 2705,\r\n 1315,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 1706,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15276069641113282,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5931372549019607,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004318977706134319\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 214,\r\n \"seek\": 98100,\r\n \"start\": 1005.0,\r\n \"end\": 1009.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Thank you, Brian.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 1044,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 10765,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.15276069641113282,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5931372549019607,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004318977706134319\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 215,\r\n \"seek\": 100900,\r\n \"start\": 1009.0,\r\n \"end\": 1013.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Oh my goodness gracious.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 876,\r\n 452,\r\n 8387,\r\n 36113,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10417427335466657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4429530201342282,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0035111496690660715\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 216,\r\n \"seek\": 100900,\r\n \"start\": 1013.0,\r\n \"end\": 1017.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Alright.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 2798,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10417427335466657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4429530201342282,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0035111496690660715\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 217,\r\n \"seek\": 100900,\r\n \"start\": 1017.0,\r\n \"end\": 1021.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I will give you a blessing\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 286,\r\n 486,\r\n 976,\r\n 291,\r\n 257,\r\n 13869,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10417427335466657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4429530201342282,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0035111496690660715\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 218,\r\n \"seek\": 100900,\r\n \"start\": 1021.0,\r\n \"end\": 1025.0,\r\n \"text\": \" tonight.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 4440,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10417427335466657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4429530201342282,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0035111496690660715\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 219,\r\n \"seek\": 100900,\r\n \"start\": 1025.0,\r\n \"end\": 1029.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I will not shake your hand.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 286,\r\n 486,\r\n 406,\r\n 10283,\r\n 428,\r\n 1011,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10417427335466657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4429530201342282,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0035111496690660715\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 220,\r\n \"seek\": 100900,\r\n \"start\": 1029.0,\r\n \"end\": 1033.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That's a good thing. I've been sick all week.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 665,\r\n 551,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 668,\r\n 4998,\r\n 439,\r\n 1243,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10417427335466657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4429530201342282,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0035111496690660715\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 221,\r\n \"seek\": 100900,\r\n \"start\": 1033.0,\r\n \"end\": 1037.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Yeah. And I wasn't sure I was even going to be able to be here tonight,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 865,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 2067,\r\n 380,\r\n 988,\r\n 286,\r\n 390,\r\n 754,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 1075,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 510,\r\n 4440,\r\n 11,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10417427335466657,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.4429530201342282,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0035111496690660715\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 222,\r\n \"seek\": 103700,\r\n \"start\": 1037.0,\r\n \"end\": 1041.0,\r\n \"text\": \" but I'm running on 80 percent and that's good.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 457,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 2614,\r\n 322,\r\n 4688,\r\n 3043,\r\n 293,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 665,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12411284673781622,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6875,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013959813863039017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 223,\r\n \"seek\": 103700,\r\n \"start\": 1041.0,\r\n \"end\": 1045.0,\r\n \"text\": \" 80 percent for me is pretty good. That's a good thing.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 4688,\r\n 3043,\r\n 337,\r\n 385,\r\n 307,\r\n 1238,\r\n 665,\r\n 13,\r\n 663,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 665,\r\n 551,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12411284673781622,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6875,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013959813863039017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 224,\r\n \"seek\": 103700,\r\n \"start\": 1045.0,\r\n \"end\": 1049.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I look out at all of you tonight and you're all kind of scattered out.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 286,\r\n 574,\r\n 484,\r\n 412,\r\n 439,\r\n 295,\r\n 291,\r\n 4440,\r\n 293,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 439,\r\n 733,\r\n 295,\r\n 21986,\r\n 484,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12411284673781622,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6875,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013959813863039017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 225,\r\n \"seek\": 103700,\r\n \"start\": 1049.0,\r\n \"end\": 1053.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It reminds me of the Bible story of casting the seeds.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 467,\r\n 12025,\r\n 385,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 6544,\r\n 1657,\r\n 295,\r\n 17301,\r\n 264,\r\n 9203,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12411284673781622,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6875,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013959813863039017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 226,\r\n \"seek\": 103700,\r\n \"start\": 1053.0,\r\n \"end\": 1057.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, and just tonight I'm just going to cast all these seeds out here\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 293,\r\n 445,\r\n 4440,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 445,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 4193,\r\n 439,\r\n 613,\r\n 9203,\r\n 484,\r\n 510,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12411284673781622,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6875,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013959813863039017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 227,\r\n \"seek\": 103700,\r\n \"start\": 1057.0,\r\n \"end\": 1061.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and trusting that you will cause you to grow a little bit.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 293,\r\n 28235,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 486,\r\n 3082,\r\n 291,\r\n 281,\r\n 1852,\r\n 257,\r\n 707,\r\n 857,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12411284673781622,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6875,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013959813863039017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 228,\r\n \"seek\": 103700,\r\n \"start\": 1061.0,\r\n \"end\": 1065.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Take your Bibles\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 3664,\r\n 428,\r\n 363,\r\n 14428,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12411284673781622,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6875,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.013959813863039017\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 229,\r\n \"seek\": 106500,\r\n \"start\": 1065.0,\r\n \"end\": 1069.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and turn to the book of James, if you will.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 293,\r\n 1261,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 5678,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 486,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.053340976302688185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6521739130434783,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011654692934826016\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 230,\r\n \"seek\": 106500,\r\n \"start\": 1069.0,\r\n \"end\": 1073.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, for me to do this,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 337,\r\n 385,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 341,\r\n 11,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.053340976302688185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6521739130434783,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011654692934826016\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 231,\r\n \"seek\": 106500,\r\n \"start\": 1073.0,\r\n \"end\": 1077.0,\r\n \"text\": \" the preparation is not the most difficult part. For me,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 264,\r\n 13081,\r\n 307,\r\n 406,\r\n 264,\r\n 881,\r\n 2252,\r\n 644,\r\n 13,\r\n 1171,\r\n 385,\r\n 11,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.053340976302688185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6521739130434783,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011654692934826016\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 232,\r\n \"seek\": 106500,\r\n \"start\": 1077.0,\r\n \"end\": 1081.0,\r\n \"text\": \" my gratitude excels when it comes to people who are willing\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 452,\r\n 16935,\r\n 1624,\r\n 1625,\r\n 562,\r\n 309,\r\n 1487,\r\n 281,\r\n 561,\r\n 567,\r\n 366,\r\n 4950,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.053340976302688185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6521739130434783,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011654692934826016\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 233,\r\n \"seek\": 106500,\r\n \"start\": 1081.0,\r\n \"end\": 1085.0,\r\n \"text\": \" to show up on a Wednesday night. There are shows that you probably\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 281,\r\n 855,\r\n 493,\r\n 322,\r\n 257,\r\n 10579,\r\n 1818,\r\n 13,\r\n 821,\r\n 366,\r\n 3110,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 1391,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.053340976302688185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6521739130434783,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011654692934826016\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 234,\r\n \"seek\": 106500,\r\n \"start\": 1085.0,\r\n \"end\": 1089.0,\r\n \"text\": \" are missing or you're recording. 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I'm grateful\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 457,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 510,\r\n 293,\r\n 1265,\r\n 5227,\r\n 291,\r\n 293,\r\n 1309,\r\n 291,\r\n 337,\r\n 885,\r\n 510,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 7941,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.053340976302688185,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6521739130434783,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011654692934826016\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 236,\r\n \"seek\": 109300,\r\n \"start\": 1093.0,\r\n \"end\": 1097.0,\r\n \"text\": \" for you coming and sharing this time together.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 337,\r\n 291,\r\n 1348,\r\n 293,\r\n 5414,\r\n 341,\r\n 565,\r\n 1214,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09872570703195971,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7156862745098038,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002200649818405509\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 237,\r\n \"seek\": 109300,\r\n \"start\": 1097.0,\r\n \"end\": 1101.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The other difficult part is not the preparation for me\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 440,\r\n 661,\r\n 2252,\r\n 644,\r\n 307,\r\n 406,\r\n 264,\r\n 13081,\r\n 337,\r\n 385,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09872570703195971,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7156862745098038,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002200649818405509\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 238,\r\n \"seek\": 109300,\r\n \"start\": 1101.0,\r\n \"end\": 1105.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and actually it's really not doing public speaking. I've done a lot of public\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 293,\r\n 767,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 534,\r\n 406,\r\n 884,\r\n 1908,\r\n 4124,\r\n 13,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 1096,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 295,\r\n 1908,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09872570703195971,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7156862745098038,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002200649818405509\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 239,\r\n \"seek\": 109300,\r\n \"start\": 1105.0,\r\n \"end\": 1109.0,\r\n \"text\": \" speaking over the years a lot. The difficult part for me is\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 4124,\r\n 670,\r\n 264,\r\n 924,\r\n 257,\r\n 688,\r\n 13,\r\n 440,\r\n 2252,\r\n 644,\r\n 337,\r\n 385,\r\n 307,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09872570703195971,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7156862745098038,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002200649818405509\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 240,\r\n \"seek\": 109300,\r\n \"start\": 1109.0,\r\n \"end\": 1113.0,\r\n \"text\": \" trying to make some decisions about\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 1382,\r\n 281,\r\n 652,\r\n 512,\r\n 5327,\r\n 466,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09872570703195971,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7156862745098038,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002200649818405509\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 241,\r\n \"seek\": 109300,\r\n \"start\": 1113.0,\r\n \"end\": 1117.0,\r\n \"text\": \" the congregation, the crowd\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 264,\r\n 34782,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 6919,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09872570703195971,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7156862745098038,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002200649818405509\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 242,\r\n \"seek\": 109300,\r\n \"start\": 1117.0,\r\n \"end\": 1121.0,\r\n \"text\": \" of people and what your needs are and what God\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 295,\r\n 561,\r\n 293,\r\n 437,\r\n 428,\r\n 2203,\r\n 366,\r\n 293,\r\n 437,\r\n 1265,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09872570703195971,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7156862745098038,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.002200649818405509\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 243,\r\n \"seek\": 112100,\r\n \"start\": 1121.0,\r\n \"end\": 1125.0,\r\n \"text\": \" has prepared for us tonight. Sometimes\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 575,\r\n 4927,\r\n 337,\r\n 505,\r\n 4440,\r\n 13,\r\n 4803,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07992164761412378,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6796536796536796,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003903971053659916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 244,\r\n \"seek\": 112100,\r\n \"start\": 1125.0,\r\n \"end\": 1129.0,\r\n \"text\": \" in some ways it kind of reminds me of raising children\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 294,\r\n 512,\r\n 2098,\r\n 309,\r\n 733,\r\n 295,\r\n 12025,\r\n 385,\r\n 295,\r\n 11225,\r\n 2227,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07992164761412378,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6796536796536796,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003903971053659916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 245,\r\n \"seek\": 112100,\r\n \"start\": 1129.0,\r\n \"end\": 1133.0,\r\n \"text\": \" in that you tell them to do things and you\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 294,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 980,\r\n 552,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 721,\r\n 293,\r\n 291,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07992164761412378,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6796536796536796,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003903971053659916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 246,\r\n \"seek\": 112100,\r\n \"start\": 1133.0,\r\n \"end\": 1137.0,\r\n \"text\": \" have to be repetitive. You have to tell them over and over and over again.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 29404,\r\n 13,\r\n 509,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 980,\r\n 552,\r\n 670,\r\n 293,\r\n 670,\r\n 293,\r\n 670,\r\n 797,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07992164761412378,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6796536796536796,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003903971053659916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 247,\r\n \"seek\": 112100,\r\n \"start\": 1137.0,\r\n \"end\": 1141.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I don't think it's a problem to study God's word\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 519,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 1154,\r\n 281,\r\n 2979,\r\n 1265,\r\n 311,\r\n 1349,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07992164761412378,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6796536796536796,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003903971053659916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 248,\r\n \"seek\": 112100,\r\n \"start\": 1141.0,\r\n \"end\": 1145.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and to turn to, like for example, the book of James tonight\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 293,\r\n 281,\r\n 1261,\r\n 281,\r\n 11,\r\n 411,\r\n 337,\r\n 1365,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 1446,\r\n 295,\r\n 5678,\r\n 4440,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07992164761412378,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6796536796536796,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003903971053659916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 249,\r\n \"seek\": 112100,\r\n \"start\": 1145.0,\r\n \"end\": 1149.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and some of you here tonight could probably teach it better than I.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 293,\r\n 512,\r\n 295,\r\n 291,\r\n 510,\r\n 4440,\r\n 727,\r\n 1391,\r\n 2924,\r\n 309,\r\n 1101,\r\n 813,\r\n 286,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07992164761412378,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6796536796536796,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.003903971053659916\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 250,\r\n \"seek\": 114900,\r\n \"start\": 1149.0,\r\n \"end\": 1153.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I chose James and we're going to do\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 286,\r\n 5111,\r\n 5678,\r\n 293,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10138281955513903,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6238095238095238,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0016042013885453343\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 251,\r\n \"seek\": 114900,\r\n \"start\": 1153.0,\r\n \"end\": 1157.0,\r\n \"text\": \" this for the next several weeks. Sunday night, we were\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 341,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 958,\r\n 2940,\r\n 3259,\r\n 13,\r\n 7776,\r\n 1818,\r\n 11,\r\n 321,\r\n 645,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10138281955513903,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6238095238095238,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0016042013885453343\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 252,\r\n \"seek\": 114900,\r\n \"start\": 1157.0,\r\n \"end\": 1161.0,\r\n \"text\": \" supposed to have a baptismal service Sunday night, but that's going to be Sunday\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 3442,\r\n 281,\r\n 362,\r\n 257,\r\n 34352,\r\n 304,\r\n 2643,\r\n 7776,\r\n 1818,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 7776,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10138281955513903,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6238095238095238,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0016042013885453343\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 253,\r\n \"seek\": 114900,\r\n \"start\": 1161.0,\r\n \"end\": 1165.0,\r\n \"text\": \" morning and I will be here Sunday night\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 2446,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 486,\r\n 312,\r\n 510,\r\n 7776,\r\n 1818,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10138281955513903,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6238095238095238,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0016042013885453343\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 254,\r\n \"seek\": 114900,\r\n \"start\": 1165.0,\r\n \"end\": 1169.0,\r\n \"text\": \" to speak with you. 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It's a gift.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 5306,\r\n 13,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 5306,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06500831315683764,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6256983240223464,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0012469565263018012\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 409,\r\n \"seek\": 176500,\r\n \"start\": 1785.0,\r\n \"end\": 1789.0,\r\n \"text\": \" One of the things that I've worked with my clients when I see them on a daily\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 1485,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 721,\r\n 300,\r\n 286,\r\n 600,\r\n 2732,\r\n 365,\r\n 452,\r\n 6982,\r\n 562,\r\n 286,\r\n 536,\r\n 552,\r\n 322,\r\n 257,\r\n 5212,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06500831315683764,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6256983240223464,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0012469565263018012\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 410,\r\n \"seek\": 176500,\r\n \"start\": 1789.0,\r\n \"end\": 1793.0,\r\n \"text\": \" basis.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 5143,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06500831315683764,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6256983240223464,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0012469565263018012\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 411,\r\n \"seek\": 179300,\r\n \"start\": 1793.0,\r\n \"end\": 1797.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And I see them oftentimes as you're growing up\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 536,\r\n 552,\r\n 18349,\r\n 382,\r\n 291,\r\n 434,\r\n 4194,\r\n 493,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12419277537952769,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.620253164556962,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030617464799433947\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 412,\r\n \"seek\": 179300,\r\n \"start\": 1797.0,\r\n \"end\": 1801.0,\r\n \"text\": \" we grow up, a family is a system by the way.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 321,\r\n 1852,\r\n 493,\r\n 11,\r\n 257,\r\n 1605,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 1185,\r\n 538,\r\n 264,\r\n 636,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12419277537952769,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.620253164556962,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030617464799433947\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 413,\r\n \"seek\": 179300,\r\n \"start\": 1801.0,\r\n \"end\": 1805.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It's like a mobile, I don't think you can buy them anymore\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 411,\r\n 257,\r\n 6013,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 519,\r\n 291,\r\n 393,\r\n 2256,\r\n 552,\r\n 3602,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12419277537952769,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.620253164556962,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030617464799433947\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 414,\r\n \"seek\": 179300,\r\n \"start\": 1805.0,\r\n \"end\": 1809.0,\r\n \"text\": \" because they're really dangerous. 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But if you reach\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 467,\r\n 445,\r\n 35947,\r\n 456,\r\n 13,\r\n 583,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 2524,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12419277537952769,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.620253164556962,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030617464799433947\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 417,\r\n \"seek\": 179300,\r\n \"start\": 1817.0,\r\n \"end\": 1821.0,\r\n \"text\": \" up and you hit one little bear, all the other four move.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 493,\r\n 293,\r\n 291,\r\n 2045,\r\n 472,\r\n 707,\r\n 6155,\r\n 11,\r\n 439,\r\n 264,\r\n 661,\r\n 1451,\r\n 1286,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.12419277537952769,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.620253164556962,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0030617464799433947\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 418,\r\n \"seek\": 182100,\r\n \"start\": 1821.0,\r\n \"end\": 1825.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And the reason for that is because they're all part of a system.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 1778,\r\n 337,\r\n 300,\r\n 307,\r\n 570,\r\n 436,\r\n 434,\r\n 439,\r\n 644,\r\n 295,\r\n 257,\r\n 1185,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05028397386724299,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6145833333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00023736039292998612\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 419,\r\n \"seek\": 182100,\r\n \"start\": 1825.0,\r\n \"end\": 1829.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And so the family that you grew up in\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 264,\r\n 1605,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 6109,\r\n 493,\r\n 294,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05028397386724299,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6145833333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00023736039292998612\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 420,\r\n \"seek\": 182100,\r\n \"start\": 1829.0,\r\n \"end\": 1833.0,\r\n \"text\": \" is a part of a system that helps us to determine how we're going to make\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 644,\r\n 295,\r\n 257,\r\n 1185,\r\n 300,\r\n 3665,\r\n 505,\r\n 281,\r\n 6997,\r\n 577,\r\n 321,\r\n 434,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 652,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05028397386724299,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6145833333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00023736039292998612\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 421,\r\n \"seek\": 182100,\r\n \"start\": 1833.0,\r\n \"end\": 1837.0,\r\n \"text\": \" decisions for the course of our lives.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 5327,\r\n 337,\r\n 264,\r\n 1164,\r\n 295,\r\n 527,\r\n 2909,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05028397386724299,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6145833333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00023736039292998612\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 422,\r\n \"seek\": 182100,\r\n \"start\": 1837.0,\r\n \"end\": 1841.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Every day we have\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 2048,\r\n 786,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05028397386724299,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6145833333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00023736039292998612\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 423,\r\n \"seek\": 182100,\r\n \"start\": 1841.0,\r\n \"end\": 1845.0,\r\n \"text\": \" choices that we have to make.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 7994,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 652,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05028397386724299,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6145833333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00023736039292998612\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 424,\r\n \"seek\": 182100,\r\n \"start\": 1845.0,\r\n \"end\": 1849.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And so oftentimes I'll ask them, so how did you\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 18349,\r\n 286,\r\n 603,\r\n 1029,\r\n 552,\r\n 11,\r\n 370,\r\n 577,\r\n 630,\r\n 291,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05028397386724299,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6145833333333333,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00023736039292998612\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 425,\r\n \"seek\": 184900,\r\n \"start\": 1849.0,\r\n \"end\": 1853.0,\r\n \"text\": \" know you were loved in your family system?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 458,\r\n 291,\r\n 645,\r\n 4333,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 1605,\r\n 1185,\r\n 30,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.056996559428277416,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8571428571428572,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004005169961601496\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 426,\r\n \"seek\": 184900,\r\n \"start\": 1853.0,\r\n \"end\": 1857.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Let me throw that out to you. How did you know that you were loved in your family\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 961,\r\n 385,\r\n 3507,\r\n 300,\r\n 484,\r\n 281,\r\n 291,\r\n 13,\r\n 1012,\r\n 630,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 645,\r\n 4333,\r\n 294,\r\n 428,\r\n 1605,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.056996559428277416,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8571428571428572,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004005169961601496\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 427,\r\n \"seek\": 184900,\r\n \"start\": 1857.0,\r\n \"end\": 1861.0,\r\n \"text\": \" system? Sometimes it can be because you smell\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 1185,\r\n 30,\r\n 4803,\r\n 309,\r\n 393,\r\n 312,\r\n 570,\r\n 291,\r\n 4316,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.056996559428277416,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8571428571428572,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004005169961601496\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 428,\r\n \"seek\": 184900,\r\n \"start\": 1861.0,\r\n \"end\": 1865.0,\r\n \"text\": \" biscuits being made by mom or grandma, you know?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 36301,\r\n 885,\r\n 1027,\r\n 538,\r\n 1225,\r\n 420,\r\n 15766,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 30,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.056996559428277416,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8571428571428572,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004005169961601496\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 429,\r\n \"seek\": 184900,\r\n \"start\": 1865.0,\r\n \"end\": 1869.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And so we grow up in a\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 321,\r\n 1852,\r\n 493,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.056996559428277416,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8571428571428572,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004005169961601496\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 430,\r\n \"seek\": 184900,\r\n \"start\": 1869.0,\r\n \"end\": 1873.0,\r\n \"text\": \" system where we are taught that you have to be perfect in order to be worthy\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 1185,\r\n 689,\r\n 321,\r\n 366,\r\n 5928,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 2176,\r\n 294,\r\n 1668,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 14829,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.056996559428277416,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8571428571428572,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004005169961601496\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 431,\r\n \"seek\": 184900,\r\n \"start\": 1873.0,\r\n \"end\": 1877.0,\r\n \"text\": \" of being loved. And the key word is worthy. If you want to be worthy of being loved\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 295,\r\n 885,\r\n 4333,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 264,\r\n 2141,\r\n 1349,\r\n 307,\r\n 14829,\r\n 13,\r\n 759,\r\n 291,\r\n 528,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 14829,\r\n 295,\r\n 885,\r\n 4333,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.056996559428277416,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8571428571428572,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.004005169961601496\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 432,\r\n \"seek\": 187700,\r\n \"start\": 1877.0,\r\n \"end\": 1881.0,\r\n \"text\": \" in a system, you have to prove yourself. You have to be\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 294,\r\n 257,\r\n 1185,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 7081,\r\n 1803,\r\n 13,\r\n 509,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10289027955796984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.744186046511628,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018955811392515898\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 433,\r\n \"seek\": 187700,\r\n \"start\": 1881.0,\r\n \"end\": 1885.0,\r\n \"text\": \" perfect or you have the expectation of others being perfect.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 2176,\r\n 420,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 264,\r\n 14334,\r\n 295,\r\n 2357,\r\n 885,\r\n 2176,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10289027955796984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.744186046511628,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018955811392515898\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 434,\r\n \"seek\": 187700,\r\n \"start\": 1885.0,\r\n \"end\": 1889.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Reminds me of the fellow, an older gentleman came to see me\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 4080,\r\n 471,\r\n 82,\r\n 385,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 7177,\r\n 11,\r\n 364,\r\n 4906,\r\n 15761,\r\n 1361,\r\n 281,\r\n 536,\r\n 385,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10289027955796984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.744186046511628,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018955811392515898\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 435,\r\n \"seek\": 187700,\r\n \"start\": 1889.0,\r\n \"end\": 1893.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and he had a...I said, why are you here? He said, my wife sent me and that's not in common.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 293,\r\n 415,\r\n 632,\r\n 257,\r\n 485,\r\n 40,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 983,\r\n 366,\r\n 291,\r\n 510,\r\n 30,\r\n 634,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 452,\r\n 3836,\r\n 2279,\r\n 385,\r\n 293,\r\n 300,\r\n 311,\r\n 406,\r\n 294,\r\n 2689,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10289027955796984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.744186046511628,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018955811392515898\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 436,\r\n \"seek\": 187700,\r\n \"start\": 1893.0,\r\n \"end\": 1897.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Why would your wife think you needed to come for counseling?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 1545,\r\n 576,\r\n 428,\r\n 3836,\r\n 519,\r\n 291,\r\n 2978,\r\n 281,\r\n 808,\r\n 337,\r\n 23889,\r\n 30,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10289027955796984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.744186046511628,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018955811392515898\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 437,\r\n \"seek\": 187700,\r\n \"start\": 1897.0,\r\n \"end\": 1901.0,\r\n \"text\": \" He said, she wanted me to come because she thinks\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 634,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 750,\r\n 1415,\r\n 385,\r\n 281,\r\n 808,\r\n 570,\r\n 750,\r\n 7309,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10289027955796984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.744186046511628,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018955811392515898\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 438,\r\n \"seek\": 187700,\r\n \"start\": 1901.0,\r\n \"end\": 1905.0,\r\n \"text\": \" that I think that I'm perfect. And I know I'm not perfect. It's crazy.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 300,\r\n 286,\r\n 519,\r\n 300,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 2176,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 2176,\r\n 13,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 3219,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.10289027955796984,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.744186046511628,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0018955811392515898\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 439,\r\n \"seek\": 190500,\r\n \"start\": 1905.0,\r\n \"end\": 1909.0,\r\n \"text\": \" There's nobody perfect. And I promise you, he had a t-shirt on\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 821,\r\n 311,\r\n 5079,\r\n 2176,\r\n 13,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 6228,\r\n 291,\r\n 11,\r\n 415,\r\n 632,\r\n 257,\r\n 256,\r\n 12,\r\n 15313,\r\n 322,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08488784952366606,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7128712871287128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004075154138263315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 440,\r\n \"seek\": 190500,\r\n \"start\": 1909.0,\r\n \"end\": 1913.0,\r\n \"text\": \" that said, I know I'm not perfect, but I'm so close\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 300,\r\n 848,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 458,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 2176,\r\n 11,\r\n 457,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 370,\r\n 1998,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08488784952366606,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7128712871287128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004075154138263315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 441,\r\n \"seek\": 190500,\r\n \"start\": 1913.0,\r\n \"end\": 1917.0,\r\n \"text\": \" it scares me.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 309,\r\n 35721,\r\n 385,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08488784952366606,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7128712871287128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004075154138263315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 442,\r\n \"seek\": 190500,\r\n \"start\": 1917.0,\r\n \"end\": 1921.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And so people strive to\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 400,\r\n 370,\r\n 561,\r\n 23829,\r\n 281,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08488784952366606,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7128712871287128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004075154138263315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 443,\r\n \"seek\": 190500,\r\n \"start\": 1921.0,\r\n \"end\": 1925.0,\r\n \"text\": \" prove in their life, in their daily living, that they're perfect or they have the expectations\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 7081,\r\n 294,\r\n 641,\r\n 993,\r\n 11,\r\n 294,\r\n 641,\r\n 5212,\r\n 2647,\r\n 11,\r\n 300,\r\n 436,\r\n 434,\r\n 2176,\r\n 420,\r\n 436,\r\n 362,\r\n 264,\r\n 9843,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08488784952366606,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7128712871287128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004075154138263315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 444,\r\n \"seek\": 190500,\r\n \"start\": 1925.0,\r\n \"end\": 1929.0,\r\n \"text\": \" that others will be perfect. Sometimes\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 300,\r\n 2357,\r\n 486,\r\n 312,\r\n 2176,\r\n 13,\r\n 4803,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08488784952366606,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7128712871287128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004075154138263315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 445,\r\n \"seek\": 190500,\r\n \"start\": 1929.0,\r\n \"end\": 1933.0,\r\n \"text\": \" people strive in their efforts to prove that they're worthy\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 561,\r\n 23829,\r\n 294,\r\n 641,\r\n 6484,\r\n 281,\r\n 7081,\r\n 300,\r\n 436,\r\n 434,\r\n 14829,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08488784952366606,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.7128712871287128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004075154138263315\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 446,\r\n \"seek\": 193300,\r\n \"start\": 1933.0,\r\n \"end\": 1937.0,\r\n \"text\": \" of being loved because they try hard.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 295,\r\n 885,\r\n 4333,\r\n 570,\r\n 436,\r\n 853,\r\n 1152,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07789843640428909,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.748768472906404,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011425614356994629\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 447,\r\n \"seek\": 193300,\r\n \"start\": 1937.0,\r\n \"end\": 1941.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Now even though the Bible says be perfect as your father\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 823,\r\n 754,\r\n 1673,\r\n 264,\r\n 6544,\r\n 1619,\r\n 312,\r\n 2176,\r\n 382,\r\n 428,\r\n 3086,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07789843640428909,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.748768472906404,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011425614356994629\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 448,\r\n \"seek\": 193300,\r\n \"start\": 1941.0,\r\n \"end\": 1945.0,\r\n \"text\": \" in heaven is being perfect, the better translation of that word perfect is being whole,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 294,\r\n 7162,\r\n 307,\r\n 885,\r\n 2176,\r\n 11,\r\n 264,\r\n 1101,\r\n 12853,\r\n 295,\r\n 300,\r\n 1349,\r\n 2176,\r\n 307,\r\n 885,\r\n 1379,\r\n 11,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07789843640428909,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.748768472906404,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011425614356994629\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 449,\r\n \"seek\": 193300,\r\n \"start\": 1945.0,\r\n \"end\": 1949.0,\r\n \"text\": \" complete.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 3566,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07789843640428909,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.748768472906404,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011425614356994629\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 450,\r\n \"seek\": 193300,\r\n \"start\": 1949.0,\r\n \"end\": 1953.0,\r\n \"text\": \" People try hard. You've got\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 3432,\r\n 853,\r\n 1152,\r\n 13,\r\n 509,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07789843640428909,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.748768472906404,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011425614356994629\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 451,\r\n \"seek\": 193300,\r\n \"start\": 1953.0,\r\n \"end\": 1957.0,\r\n \"text\": \" ten things to do. You've got a list of ten things to do. You complete six.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 2064,\r\n 721,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 13,\r\n 509,\r\n 600,\r\n 658,\r\n 257,\r\n 1329,\r\n 295,\r\n 2064,\r\n 721,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 13,\r\n 509,\r\n 3566,\r\n 2309,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07789843640428909,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.748768472906404,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011425614356994629\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 452,\r\n \"seek\": 193300,\r\n \"start\": 1957.0,\r\n \"end\": 1961.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And then you focus on the four you didn't get accomplished.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 400,\r\n 550,\r\n 291,\r\n 1879,\r\n 322,\r\n 264,\r\n 1451,\r\n 291,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 483,\r\n 15419,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07789843640428909,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.748768472906404,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0011425614356994629\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 453,\r\n \"seek\": 196100,\r\n \"start\": 1961.0,\r\n \"end\": 1965.0,\r\n \"text\": \" My theory is this, if I have ten things to do\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1222,\r\n 5261,\r\n 307,\r\n 341,\r\n 11,\r\n 498,\r\n 286,\r\n 362,\r\n 2064,\r\n 721,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06728581821217257,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.68,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 8.402273670071736e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 454,\r\n \"seek\": 196100,\r\n \"start\": 1965.0,\r\n \"end\": 1969.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and I get six things accomplished, I'm not going to worry about the other four.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 483,\r\n 2309,\r\n 721,\r\n 15419,\r\n 11,\r\n 286,\r\n 478,\r\n 406,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 3292,\r\n 466,\r\n 264,\r\n 661,\r\n 1451,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06728581821217257,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.68,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 8.402273670071736e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 455,\r\n \"seek\": 196100,\r\n \"start\": 1969.0,\r\n \"end\": 1973.0,\r\n \"text\": \" I'll either do them tomorrow or they won't get done.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 286,\r\n 603,\r\n 2139,\r\n 360,\r\n 552,\r\n 4153,\r\n 420,\r\n 436,\r\n 1582,\r\n 380,\r\n 483,\r\n 1096,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06728581821217257,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.68,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 8.402273670071736e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 456,\r\n \"seek\": 196100,\r\n \"start\": 1973.0,\r\n \"end\": 1977.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And I'll go on to heaven and I'll leave them for somebody else to do. The Bible says be a doer\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 400,\r\n 286,\r\n 603,\r\n 352,\r\n 322,\r\n 281,\r\n 7162,\r\n 293,\r\n 286,\r\n 603,\r\n 1856,\r\n 552,\r\n 337,\r\n 2618,\r\n 1646,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 13,\r\n 440,\r\n 6544,\r\n 1619,\r\n 312,\r\n 257,\r\n 360,\r\n 260,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06728581821217257,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.68,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 8.402273670071736e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 457,\r\n \"seek\": 196100,\r\n \"start\": 1977.0,\r\n \"end\": 1981.0,\r\n \"text\": \" of the word and not just a trier.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 295,\r\n 264,\r\n 1349,\r\n 293,\r\n 406,\r\n 445,\r\n 257,\r\n 1376,\r\n 260,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06728581821217257,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.68,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 8.402273670071736e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 458,\r\n \"seek\": 196100,\r\n \"start\": 1981.0,\r\n \"end\": 1985.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Some people think that in order for them to be loved and be worthy\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 2188,\r\n 561,\r\n 519,\r\n 300,\r\n 294,\r\n 1668,\r\n 337,\r\n 552,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 4333,\r\n 293,\r\n 312,\r\n 14829,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06728581821217257,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.68,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 8.402273670071736e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 459,\r\n \"seek\": 196100,\r\n \"start\": 1985.0,\r\n \"end\": 1989.0,\r\n \"text\": \" of love, they have to be strong. Being strong\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 295,\r\n 959,\r\n 11,\r\n 436,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 2068,\r\n 13,\r\n 8891,\r\n 2068,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.06728581821217257,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.68,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 8.402273670071736e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 460,\r\n \"seek\": 198900,\r\n \"start\": 1989.0,\r\n \"end\": 1993.0,\r\n \"text\": \" means you don't ask for help. There are people who generally believe\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 1355,\r\n 291,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 1029,\r\n 337,\r\n 854,\r\n 13,\r\n 821,\r\n 366,\r\n 561,\r\n 567,\r\n 5101,\r\n 1697,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05903373212895842,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8791666666666667,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007561743259429932\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 461,\r\n \"seek\": 198900,\r\n \"start\": 1993.0,\r\n \"end\": 1997.0,\r\n \"text\": \" that if you have to ask for help, it's a weakness.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 300,\r\n 498,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 1029,\r\n 337,\r\n 854,\r\n 11,\r\n 309,\r\n 311,\r\n 257,\r\n 12772,\r\n 13,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05903373212895842,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8791666666666667,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007561743259429932\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 462,\r\n \"seek\": 198900,\r\n \"start\": 1997.0,\r\n \"end\": 2001.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The smart thing to do is knowing that two heads are better than one\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 440,\r\n 4069,\r\n 551,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 307,\r\n 5276,\r\n 300,\r\n 732,\r\n 8050,\r\n 366,\r\n 1101,\r\n 813,\r\n 472,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05903373212895842,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8791666666666667,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007561743259429932\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 463,\r\n \"seek\": 198900,\r\n \"start\": 2001.0,\r\n \"end\": 2005.0,\r\n \"text\": \" and so sometimes you have to ask for help.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 293,\r\n 370,\r\n 2171,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 281,\r\n 1029,\r\n 337,\r\n 854,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05903373212895842,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8791666666666667,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007561743259429932\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 464,\r\n \"seek\": 198900,\r\n \"start\": 2005.0,\r\n \"end\": 2009.0,\r\n \"text\": \" The other thing that people do in order to be worthy\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 440,\r\n 661,\r\n 551,\r\n 300,\r\n 561,\r\n 360,\r\n 294,\r\n 1668,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 14829,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05903373212895842,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8791666666666667,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007561743259429932\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 465,\r\n \"seek\": 198900,\r\n \"start\": 2009.0,\r\n \"end\": 2013.0,\r\n \"text\": \" of being loved is to take care of everybody. Does that mean\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 295,\r\n 885,\r\n 4333,\r\n 307,\r\n 281,\r\n 747,\r\n 1127,\r\n 295,\r\n 2201,\r\n 13,\r\n 4402,\r\n 300,\r\n 914,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05903373212895842,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8791666666666667,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007561743259429932\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 466,\r\n \"seek\": 198900,\r\n \"start\": 2013.0,\r\n \"end\": 2017.0,\r\n \"text\": \" the opposite? You either all or nothing at all? You take care of everybody? You don't take care of anybody?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 264,\r\n 6182,\r\n 30,\r\n 509,\r\n 2139,\r\n 439,\r\n 420,\r\n 1825,\r\n 412,\r\n 439,\r\n 30,\r\n 509,\r\n 747,\r\n 1127,\r\n 295,\r\n 2201,\r\n 30,\r\n 509,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 747,\r\n 1127,\r\n 295,\r\n 4472,\r\n 30,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.05903373212895842,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.8791666666666667,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007561743259429932\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 467,\r\n \"seek\": 201700,\r\n \"start\": 2017.0,\r\n \"end\": 2021.0,\r\n \"text\": \" We're not saying that at all. We're saying that people oftentimes\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 492,\r\n 434,\r\n 406,\r\n 1566,\r\n 300,\r\n 412,\r\n 439,\r\n 13,\r\n 492,\r\n 434,\r\n 1566,\r\n 300,\r\n 561,\r\n 18349,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09933385443180165,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.75,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001601445721462369\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 468,\r\n \"seek\": 201700,\r\n \"start\": 2021.0,\r\n \"end\": 2025.0,\r\n \"text\": \" will believe that their goal in life is to take care of everybody. Take care\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 486,\r\n 1697,\r\n 300,\r\n 641,\r\n 3387,\r\n 294,\r\n 993,\r\n 307,\r\n 281,\r\n 747,\r\n 1127,\r\n 295,\r\n 2201,\r\n 13,\r\n 3664,\r\n 1127,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09933385443180165,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.75,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001601445721462369\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 469,\r\n \"seek\": 201700,\r\n \"start\": 2025.0,\r\n \"end\": 2029.0,\r\n \"text\": \" of everybody's needs. 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What?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 291,\r\n 341,\r\n 457,\r\n 286,\r\n 2978,\r\n 281,\r\n 718,\r\n 291,\r\n 458,\r\n 291,\r\n 362,\r\n 5592,\r\n 13,\r\n 708,\r\n 30,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11310464907915165,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6736401673640167,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00047686195466667414\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 577,\r\n \"seek\": 243700,\r\n \"start\": 2457.0,\r\n \"end\": 2461.0,\r\n \"text\": \" What? Who? You just don't\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 708,\r\n 30,\r\n 2102,\r\n 30,\r\n 509,\r\n 445,\r\n 500,\r\n 380,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11310464907915165,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6736401673640167,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00047686195466667414\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 578,\r\n \"seek\": 243700,\r\n \"start\": 2461.0,\r\n \"end\": 2465.0,\r\n \"text\": \" know. 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They're cutting back.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 293,\r\n 2041,\r\n 437,\r\n 390,\r\n 322,\r\n 702,\r\n 565,\r\n 2920,\r\n 30,\r\n 316,\r\n 7022,\r\n 11140,\r\n 13,\r\n 814,\r\n 434,\r\n 6492,\r\n 646,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11622914024021315,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.528205128205128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 8.348280243808404e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 583,\r\n \"seek\": 246500,\r\n \"start\": 2481.0,\r\n \"end\": 2485.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Two kids in college, one in high school.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 4453,\r\n 2301,\r\n 294,\r\n 3859,\r\n 11,\r\n 472,\r\n 294,\r\n 1090,\r\n 1395,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11622914024021315,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.528205128205128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 8.348280243808404e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 584,\r\n \"seek\": 246500,\r\n \"start\": 2485.0,\r\n \"end\": 2489.0,\r\n \"text\": \" What am I going to do for a job?\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 708,\r\n 669,\r\n 286,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 360,\r\n 337,\r\n 257,\r\n 1691,\r\n 30,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11622914024021315,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.528205128205128,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 8.348280243808404e-05\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 585,\r\n \"seek\": 246500,\r\n \"start\": 2489.0,\r\n \"end\": 2493.0,\r\n \"text\": \" What am I going to do? 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You never know when they're coming.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 10931,\r\n 1124,\r\n 13,\r\n 509,\r\n 1128,\r\n 458,\r\n 562,\r\n 436,\r\n 434,\r\n 1348,\r\n 13,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.08816120216438363,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5454545454545454,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0016871554544195533\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 607,\r\n \"seek\": 257700,\r\n \"start\": 2577.0,\r\n \"end\": 2581.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Turns out this guy, this police officer was 82nd\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 29524,\r\n 484,\r\n 341,\r\n 2146,\r\n 11,\r\n 341,\r\n 3804,\r\n 8456,\r\n 390,\r\n 29097,\r\n 273,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09704965648084583,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5811965811965811,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00015099128358997405\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 608,\r\n \"seek\": 257700,\r\n \"start\": 2581.0,\r\n \"end\": 2585.0,\r\n \"text\": \" Airborne. 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Of course\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 8456,\r\n 567,\r\n 445,\r\n 2011,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 257,\r\n 5778,\r\n 490,\r\n 264,\r\n 29097,\r\n 273,\r\n 5774,\r\n 23739,\r\n 30,\r\n 2720,\r\n 1164,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.09704965648084583,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5811965811965811,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.00015099128358997405\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 613,\r\n \"seek\": 257700,\r\n \"start\": 2601.0,\r\n \"end\": 2605.0,\r\n \"text\": \" not. 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It could be health.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 814,\r\n 434,\r\n 257,\r\n 5673,\r\n 13,\r\n 467,\r\n 727,\r\n 312,\r\n 1585,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07577008343814465,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9166666666666667,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007047534454613924\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 619,\r\n \"seek\": 260500,\r\n \"start\": 2625.0,\r\n \"end\": 2629.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It could be financial.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 467,\r\n 727,\r\n 312,\r\n 4669,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.07577008343814465,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.9166666666666667,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0007047534454613924\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 620,\r\n \"seek\": 260500,\r\n \"start\": 2629.0,\r\n \"end\": 2633.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It could be a number of things. 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Trials in relationships.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 4974,\r\n 13,\r\n 821,\r\n 366,\r\n 439,\r\n 3685,\r\n 295,\r\n 12450,\r\n 13,\r\n 10931,\r\n 1124,\r\n 294,\r\n 6159,\r\n 13,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11679898238763577,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.581151832460733,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001071586855687201\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 622,\r\n \"seek\": 263300,\r\n \"start\": 2637.0,\r\n \"end\": 2641.0,\r\n \"text\": \" That relationship that you thought\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 663,\r\n 2480,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 1194,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11679898238763577,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.581151832460733,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001071586855687201\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 623,\r\n \"seek\": 263300,\r\n \"start\": 2641.0,\r\n \"end\": 2645.0,\r\n \"text\": \" was going to work out fell apart.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50764,\r\n 390,\r\n 516,\r\n 281,\r\n 589,\r\n 484,\r\n 5696,\r\n 4936,\r\n 13,\r\n 50964\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11679898238763577,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.581151832460733,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001071586855687201\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 624,\r\n \"seek\": 263300,\r\n \"start\": 2645.0,\r\n \"end\": 2649.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And no matter how much\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 400,\r\n 572,\r\n 1871,\r\n 577,\r\n 709,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11679898238763577,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.581151832460733,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001071586855687201\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 625,\r\n \"seek\": 263300,\r\n \"start\": 2649.0,\r\n \"end\": 2653.0,\r\n \"text\": \" marital counseling you went to, you find out that you didn't deserve to be\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 1849,\r\n 1686,\r\n 23889,\r\n 291,\r\n 1437,\r\n 281,\r\n 11,\r\n 291,\r\n 915,\r\n 484,\r\n 300,\r\n 291,\r\n 994,\r\n 380,\r\n 9948,\r\n 281,\r\n 312,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.11679898238763577,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.581151832460733,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.001071586855687201\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 626,\r\n \"seek\": 263300,\r\n \"start\": 2653.0,\r\n \"end\": 2657.0,\r\n \"text\": \" treated that way. 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A baby's born.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50964,\r\n 509,\r\n 483,\r\n 257,\r\n 5300,\r\n 13,\r\n 316,\r\n 3186,\r\n 311,\r\n 4232,\r\n 13,\r\n 51164\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14894433115042893,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6744186046511629,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006520902388729155\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 646,\r\n \"seek\": 271700,\r\n \"start\": 2733.0,\r\n \"end\": 2737.0,\r\n \"text\": \" You know, things happen that are good and that sort of thing.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51164,\r\n 509,\r\n 458,\r\n 11,\r\n 721,\r\n 1051,\r\n 300,\r\n 366,\r\n 665,\r\n 293,\r\n 300,\r\n 1333,\r\n 295,\r\n 551,\r\n 13,\r\n 51364\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14894433115042893,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6744186046511629,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006520902388729155\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 647,\r\n \"seek\": 271700,\r\n \"start\": 2737.0,\r\n \"end\": 2741.0,\r\n \"text\": \" And we feel joyful, joyful, joyful is a spiritual thing.\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51364,\r\n 400,\r\n 321,\r\n 841,\r\n 33090,\r\n 11,\r\n 33090,\r\n 11,\r\n 33090,\r\n 307,\r\n 257,\r\n 6960,\r\n 551,\r\n 13,\r\n 51564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14894433115042893,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6744186046511629,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006520902388729155\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 648,\r\n \"seek\": 271700,\r\n \"start\": 2741.0,\r\n \"end\": 2745.0,\r\n \"text\": \" It's coming to the reality that doing the job of\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 51564,\r\n 467,\r\n 311,\r\n 1348,\r\n 281,\r\n 264,\r\n 4103,\r\n 300,\r\n 884,\r\n 264,\r\n 1691,\r\n 295,\r\n 51764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.14894433115042893,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.6744186046511629,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0006520902388729155\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 649,\r\n \"seek\": 274500,\r\n \"start\": 2745.0,\r\n \"end\": 2749.0,\r\n \"text\": \" doing the trials that we experience, whether they are health trials\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50364,\r\n 884,\r\n 264,\r\n 12450,\r\n 300,\r\n 321,\r\n 1752,\r\n 11,\r\n 1968,\r\n 436,\r\n 366,\r\n 1585,\r\n 12450,\r\n 50564\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1296994935220747,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5605095541401275,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004990221350453794\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 650,\r\n \"seek\": 274500,\r\n \"start\": 2749.0,\r\n \"end\": 2753.0,\r\n \"text\": \" or financial trials or relationship trials,\",\r\n \"tokens\": [\r\n 50564,\r\n 420,\r\n 4669,\r\n 12450,\r\n 420,\r\n 2480,\r\n 12450,\r\n 11,\r\n 50764\r\n ],\r\n \"temperature\": 0.0,\r\n \"avg_logprob\": -0.1296994935220747,\r\n \"compression_ratio\": 1.5605095541401275,\r\n \"no_speech_prob\": 0.0004990221350453794\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": 651,\r\n \"seek\": 274500,\r\n \"start\": 2753.0,\r\n \"end\": 2757.0,\r\n \"text\": \" trials happen to us. 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